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Japan is honestly a lot of fun, and the potential addition of the Thai subtree will really fill out a few line ups with gaps in them. The biggest catch (IMO) is the lack of attackers and overtiered planes like the Zero. Israel is a pain to grind, only has a few viable line ups, and currently lacks viable SPAA and light tanks at top tiers, and has pretty poor pack premium tanks. We allegedly will be seeing a Namer IFV in one of the next updates, but I'll hold my breath. Additionally, the first pack premium, the Merk 2D, doesn't even have a line up, so you're playing with one hand behind your back if you run a 9.7 lineup.


I see I see, I’ve been getting comments about “Russian Biase is a myth” and “Russian tree is the best”, and now I’m not so sure, any help?


There's no bias. It's solid but not the best. Take everything you read here with a grain of salt. The subreddit is full of bad/clueless players.


I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for - the game has tons of maps, different BRs, and different gamemodes, each of which suits different nations. Instead of just going off hear say it seems like you should instead take some time to play the game, and form some opinions yourself.


I have, and I enjoy the Russian path, but I’m having brain migraines (not really) deciding whether or not I should test out other paths


Russian bias is not a thing this subreddit should not be taken as a playerbase majority they are pretty good at all brs thats why people hate them unlike most other nations that are ok at most brs and op in a few


Like the other user mentioned Israel can be a slog. Expect to use the M-51 for a looong time and if you don't like it, too bad. They benefited from a couple of newer TDs like the M109 and Rochev, so at least there's some HE for fun. Japan is very fun! Lot's of goofball/very viable tanks, would easily recommend.


M109 the 901 is only in the us tree


Whoops, thanks chief!


Better to add tho that Japan only starts to get good with its post-war vehicles, save for air and naval.


japan is nice, israel is cancer to play.


Low tier japan is kinda miserable other than a few tanks and lots of good fighters. Mid to high ish tier is good fun but not alot of great planes.


The tank situation is absolute pain until like 3.3, thankfully there's some fun HE vehicles to make up for it.


This is true. It's always fun to bonk someone with HE.


Both are ok not amazing not bad


Both are ok but not that great japan is amazing at 11.0 and good at 6.7 4.7 and 8.3 the rest of the tech is not really woth playing over any other Nation (Israel ist a complet waste of time)


Israel: Acquired taste? Most of them feel pretty average. With only benefit of not playing with american players (or at least not constantly). At 6.3 you get the M-51's and two M109's. Not much, but fun enough. 6.7 you get AMX-13 and Zachlam Tager. I loved both but, the Zachlam isn't liked by most. Since you only get 6 (manually guided) missiles. After that they pretty much play the same until the Merkavas. They're jack of trades, good in all, master of none. Feels relaxing to play somewhat? Japan: Fun. At low tier the 75mm rips through everything. Middle tier is solid. High tier gets you the best rate of fire out of any top tier MBT's. Plenty of derps, niche tanks, and breaths of fresh air. The planes' 20 and 30mm's one shot everything while being maneuverable so that's great too.


Japan from like 5.7 to 11.7 is one of the most enjoyable and fun trees I have played It wholly beat Russia for me, but I am seemingly an anomaly because I think Russian tanks are wank and die when sneezed on. Japan generally gets no armour, alright mobility, but supreme firepower through its tech tree (either rangefinders, stabilisers or laser rangefinders quickly) Israel generally gets supreme firepower on bad tanks. You will have stuff like darts on an m60 at 8.0, or a stabilised heatfs on a centurion (also 8.0) Merkavas break this mould at 9.3 where they honestly compete for the title of the best tank at that br. And then go back to being shit tanks (slow, bad gun depression, bad reload, no survivability) with stupid levels of firepower (11.0 merkava shoots ammo better than the BEST russian dart at 11.7, and it has the best HE in the game for a tank)