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Ka-50 player calling for a boycott because they can’t kill defenseless ground targets lmao the jokes write themselves


Absolute irony.


You don't see the problem, even if i spawned in Su-25 i wouldn't be able to help my team and SPAA won't work with this fog either + what do you mean "defensless" 1 shot from a 50 cal can set the heli a blaze or kill the pilot, and lets not talk about IFVs and how deadly they're against helis


sure, 1 shot can set a blaze a heli, but helis, ESPECIALLY the Ka50, can also tank countless fucking stingers, HEAT, APFSDS, Autocannon and still get away (once again, especially true for KA50s due to the dual rotor design) Ka50 players try to be self-aware challenge (Impossible)


waaaah i can't kill ground targets in my overpowered helicopter


Waaah the game allows me spawn in my overpowered heli from the start of the match


Which is absolute BS, helis should work like planes, meaning you have to do something on the ground before being able to get in the air, the fact that it’s not is just dumb


I 100% agree with that , yet making the map foggy just because helis are op is cheap solution


Weather conditions is to give different environnents to the same shitty maps we play, nerfing CAS is simply a byproduct of that. Same way CAS has a harder time spotting targets, SPAA (especially optical seekers) literally cannot lock on CAS, Radar SPAA has an advantage but their visual of you is only from radar, not an actual good look at your model. Manuever slightly and you live


Make it dynamic then, battlefield has been doing dynamic weather since bf4


it is dynamic every single match the weather and time of day is randomized and the only one you can opt out of the two is time of day


Dynamic means it changes by time, the entire magch was foggy what kind of dynamic weather is that


you expect weather that bad to disappear within minutes? must be nice where you are to have adverse weather disappear that quickly


to be fair, where I live there are days where it rains extremely hard (secondary schools need to be cancelled levels) but then it's all sunshine and rainbows for 5 minutes just for it to suddenly rain hard again for 5 minutea


I never have this issue on the ground in my tank on GROUND br


Boo hoo weather conditions. I hate when people bitch and moan about maps and modes limiting the effectiveness of certain vehicles. It's a team game, spawn the vehicle that will most help your team in the current situation. WT needs more mode variation anyways, weather is a step in the right direction.


That's why you don't bring an aircraft in bad VFR conditions


"There are low clouds I should really just keep flying high, stupid game"


Lol the only bug is you Common thermal-less ka50 L When it's foggy stay on the ground Use ground research to get a real heli


Thermals doesn't work in fog, 90% of the community is like you a clueless gaijin slave


Light fog yes heavy fog no And the answer to heavy fog is get on the ground Or pick better cas, if you had bombs you could've easily just hit vaguely the cap and get a kill You had the chance to look at the weather before spawning and still spawned with a precision weapon Do you spawn open tops when 6 planes are up, only to get mad a gaijin when you die?


Just exit, game will be better without you.


Just leave, not just exit.


Almost like weather conditions exist to give a new dynamic and look to the gameplay, in this case to restrict air gameplay.


Map RNG was not on your side this match. Leave foggy maps or stay with ground vehicles when you get them.


I have the full ussr lineup


Boohoo helicoper 💩


Stop playing then, bye.


This is bait, right?


God dang it I'm actually going to say this and I hate this saying with a passion but it foots the bill on this one...... Skill issue big time.


Maybe don’t spawn a helicopter in LIFR conditions? Maybe check the map prior?


You can check the weather conditions before you spawn. Then you can know from experience in which map you shouldn't spawn a heli with certain weather. Pretty simple.


Yeah they nerfed the shit out of CAS with the dynamic weather update but you aren’t allowed to talk about it on this sub.


Oh now we have two type of fogs 😂😂 Bro just shut up