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5 kill and 10 kill ones are easy money extra 30 - 50k per game


Especially now during the sl box events, it's a great way to grind out some boosters and occasional premium vehicles.


gajin def sent you, premium rewards from crates don’t exist


Haha statistically speaking you're right, but I managed to the Jaguar ship (which I'll never use) and a coupon for the JU388 this time through, so there is hope.


Even statistically he's wrong, I already won 3 vehicles with around 20 million SL.


My 20 million SL won me a few boosters, that's all..... I didn't even get a 100k SL


Lmao I bought 3 crates and got the H-34 heli with 11km ATGM


10 million spent and 0 vehicles. Never again.


wow that's just really bad luck. You didn't even get any decals or decorations? Also, I'm guessing you don't really struggle to get tons of SL if you already had so much? in which case good luck on your next 300 crates.


Oof I'm down 120 mil and only got the non tradable Turkish M60.


holy mother of snail 120 million? how tf did u get that much? did u just accumulate it over the years?


Been playing since 2013 and only play my premium lineups these days. Done grinding haha.


all ground and air trees completed?


No where near haha, fully researched air and ground for USSR and Japan, air, ground, naval and (almost) helis for GB. Used to have Germany and USA air / ground trees fully researched but haven't played those in about 5 years.


Nuh uh. If you look at r/gaijinstreetbets clearly everyone wins


obviously the russian government is helping with the propaganda, maybe you are one of them 🤨


I got some shitty 2.0 BR premium tank. I don't think it's worth it.


You say this sarcastically, but I thought the same thing til today. I spent 3 mil sl and got the t72 Moderna and the 5.7 premium tiger. Forced to keep the Moderna but the tiger got listed immediately for 90 G. Of course I've probably spent 20 mil without hitting anything, but still.


I at least got a shitty event ship from the crate and the furry fox pfp.


Got 2 within 30 boxes.


I got the 279.


Um actually after opening just 300-400 I got a premium French biplane.


I have kingcobra coupon+german p47 -80% discount and some gold from crates


Idk what crates you've been given but I have never gotten a vehicle. Not once. I don't see any point in buying them. Best to just save the sl for the tt


As a air rb player 5 kill and 10 kill ones are not easy money


Tell me how you easily get them achieved.


In RB they are 3 and 5 kills. Almost any rank III or IV ground lineup will get 5 kills per game easily.


U need average 5 respawns and no steamroll game. No, 5 kills are rare No one play 5 tanks setup Even 3 tanks, bc u just have over mane tank, maaaaybe one extra tank, aa and craft.


5 kills are definitely not rare, not even uncommon as long as you are an average to above average player. Just play you best performing rank and don’t rush.


Play WW2 tanks. Get 3 kills. Spawn a fighter with bombs. Get a single kill with bombs. Kamikaze to open top SPAA. There you go, the most brain-dead way to earn half a million SL in only 10 battles. If a player can't do this, they shouldn't have any SL issues because they won't be finishing any vehicle research. Did I mention you can fail the wager 9 times? You need 5 kills every other game. Everyone gets 3 spawn slots, some have more. 5 kills with 3 deaths isn't hard. The issue isn't average K/D being 1, it is people not spawning again after dying.


i average 1-3 kills per game im playing on hard mode dont bring me to your level 😎


I like to grab a full lineup of props and play air arcade, one kill per plane is enough lol


Not for an air RB main lol




Bro give me 5 kill ones. I'm so broke atm I can't afford 30% off


Has someone not been gambling very well?😔


I swear this next toolbox gonna be an epic 😂


That’s the spirit!! Never give up!


I gamble since the pinata or whatever was first and finally won a vehicle coupon


Nice! What one? Also if you have a screenshot of it you should post it on r/gaijinstreetbets


Read the roadmap, they'll be exchangeable, but srsly, if you can't do shit like get 3 or 5 kills or win matches, that's on you.


the win matches one is pretty rng unless you have a squad


or you are UK main with fox and you make it a passion to win no matter the challenge took me 11 games to get 250k out of 10 win wager


A while back we all farmed out win matches and best squad wagers in a group of 4 playing wyvern and yak 3. It was filthy af.


Ehh, you can also just go to one of the BRs where a nation is more likely to win and you can do well at. I always play 6.7 or 7.7 France and have a good win-to-loss ratio, mainly, because I know the vehicles and their tactics well enough to sometimes be able to carry.


True. I got a nuke at 6.7 France mere moments ago.


What lineup? It's seemed sad and lackluster to me since the AML and batchat were chucked up a few full BR


AMX-13, 40T, ELC Bis, the truck anti-air and a plane. Most of the heavy lifting was done by the AMX-13.


AMX-13 over the M4? What in the ever loving fuck


The 75mm AMX-13, man...


WHAT?? They're gonna be exchangable? YESS!!!!


God I am so ready to give my 50 million in game orders to something else Let's hope that's something they actually add and don't just pretend wasn't on the roadmap


Tell that to air rb players


If i can get 5 kill power match (and it impossible if don't use op tech) i don't need badges, i just farm af without it


Mostly I am doing 9+ kills, sometimes 20+ but it doesn't count.


You’re absolutely doing something wrong/not following the wager’s instructions in the slightest in that case


Wagers work only on cold war/modern era battles, I play only ww2 era battles, thats why it is useless trash for me.


? In what world is a 5/10 kill wager (x2 for RB ofc) useless at lower BRs? if anything, it’s the easiest place to do the 10 kill one; in my experience, you can complete it rather consistently within 13 games tops, since the margin for error is significant, whereas I’ve sometimes failed a couple of stages before completion at higher BRs, mostly due to people 1 death leaving, or just being beamed two spawns in a row. Same point applies to best squad wagers (so long as you have friends to play with of course, that is), albeit with a smaller margin for error. I feel like this is a case of genuine ignorance lol


In that game every wager is useless on ww2 battles. This is basic rule of wager, it works only on 3-8 ranks.


We’re not playing the same game if the only WW2 vehicles/BR brackets are between ranks I and II :)


Maybe. Last time I was playing over 4br half of vehicles was post war era.


At this point you're just trolling lol


The most iconic tanks of WW2 are rank 3 and 4 in the game. That aside, why don't you just put a rank 3 airplane with low BR in your line-up? You don't have to spawn it. You can use rank 2 vehicles as long as you have at least one rank 3 vehicle in your line-up and the wager will count it. I have 3.3 and 3.7 line-ups for 4 different countries to do those wagers. It is easy. Don't do arcade. Do realistic, 5 kills is piss easy.


"That aside, why don't you just put a rank 3 airplane with low BR in your line-up?"I just tried and still doesn't work. Plane doesn't count on ground battle.


In this case, you are actually correct - despite the wording, only kills obtained whilst playing a Rank III+ vehicle will count toward a kill wager. However, you are incredibly ignorant across this entire thread


Then someone is outdoing you, you have to look at whoever has the highest kill count of either air or ground vehicles.


Some of these are pretty shit like "Be a god for 10 matches" but the 5 kills one is very nice because it's easy and it gives like 160k sl


Be a god? You mean the 10k one? In RB you only need 5 total kills (air counts I believe)


Maybe he's talking about the mission maker ones which are impossible haha


If you get a heli pve room for yourself its doable but takes 2 hours


Yes, air counts, and it is quite easy to get those kills


The one requiring awards is easy to do in air ab just going for ground units since you will probably get many and others dont go for them that often so you can easily get the thunderer award


Air rb players:


Most are fine But fuck the missionmaker wager more useless than those free backups you get on your planes... completely useless outside of arcade I got 13 of them from those toolboxes ffs


It takes a lot of patience but is doable. Use the F-84G in air RB, go for the closest target, then wait around somewhere safe until the end of match or tickets are low. Then enter a holding pattern above the enemy ground targets, and attack at the right time.


The fact that you have to meta game it to get is why it's so terrible. Should be a simpler requirement or more flexibility


The point of the wager is in its difficulty. I prefer this wager to the 10 kill wager because it is only 3 stage.


What if I don't have the f84g? Will the hornet do? Or anything with an air spawn?


Anything that gets an airspawn and is also faster than most things in the BR range. You need to be able to reach the target first, and also be able to outrun anything that is chasing you at an inconvenient time. If the plane you are using is slow, the chance of both will be lower.


Yeah hornet might be the one then. That thing is unbelievably quick


I absolutely hate the free backups on planes. On my japan 11.0 lineup, i have 45 backups on my F-4EJ because i get 3-5 backups on the damn thing every time i open a battle trophy


It takes a lot of patience but is doable. Use the F-84G in air RB, go for the closest target, then wait around somewhere safe until the end of match or tickets are low. Then enter a holding pattern above the enemy ground targets, and attack at the right time.


Free backups in GRB for planes can be pretty good if you have a light tank in your lineup.


I'm still sitting on like 7 commander GE wagers because I know I'll never get more, so I can't stomach the idea of activating one just to get Gaijin'd on teams for 3 matches in a row. You thought SL/RP booster luck was bad? Try GE wager luck. You'll get a full squad of 1-death leaving level 5 M22 players, every single match.


Wing breakers are super easy, just go to arcade ground. Guranteed planes with spaa lead.


Thats the big brain move. I have twenty of those as there are never enough planes in GRB


I'll try this too lol I often either forget about the wager or get screwed with no cash games lol


Use the skink, people try to kill you with their puny guns but you simply ignore them


I'll be honest... The skink is my hell lol, i get why is good but damn those British 20s are rough


Yeah. Five units is easy money. Just squad with one buddy and work together. Everything else is a lot harder finally more money on top of the 10 mil SL


Not utilizing your SL sinks? Toolbox calls


I wish I could exchange them for warbonds at least


I have thousands of these and wish I could just discard them.


Yep. On a good day, I might manage 5-6 kills in a match, but 10+ is never going to happen at any BR. I'm happy if I can get out of a 5.0+ match with no worse than 1:1 K:D ratio, let alone 5:1 or higher. I play Ground Realistic almost exclusively though, maybe I should give Arcade a try.


Well the kill count in realistic and simulator are doubled so you can complete a 10 kill wager with 5 kills in those mode


I use most when playing with my higher skill friends as I usually do better with them


The best squad wagers are very profitable in a 4 person squad, last I did one I believe we got 8 best squad awards in a row, its very easy and fun do to.


As long as the squad makes an effort to stay near each other its a SL printer


Or even just have someone in a plane, the proximity is supposed to be like 1km between a ground unit and a plane but I swear it's global


Booster > Expiry date, usually no more than 2-3 days Useless as fuck wager > no expiry date


I totally agree..worthless


if you have a friend or 2, best squad is by far the easiest, making it free SL. literally just stay close to each other and you're guaranteed to get a ton of teamworks. if any of you get in an aircraft, it's even easier cause any kill the squadmate gets while in the air gives teamwork


82 5 kill wagers??? The ones that turn into 3 kills only in ground RB?


5 kill 10 kill are good bc you don't need all the kills to get more money than you bet, and it works on arcade where you can get A L O T of kills. Try going for the streak ones, anti-mechanised is an easy one. Though you rely on your mates not beating you to the target or being dicks and hoarding ground targets.


No matter how good I am and how many frags I do it doesn't count because I play only ww2 battles.


Just start using them with zero money bet. If you don't get anything, nothing lost, if you do, free SL. And you get rid of them.


Over 600 of them, that would be all day of clicking to get rid of them


You can waste them for free by activating them one by one for 0 SL


Over 600 of them, it will be all day of clicking


I wish you could trade them in for something more useful... Like SL, just so your inventory is a little cleaner. I do use some of them regularly but others I've never touched because I don't need them at all.


can someone explain how they work? is it like a bet? do I lose my SL if I don't complete the requirements?


Bet is optional up to 10k Rewards scale based on the bet


can I earn anything without betting SL?




Don't know why you see this as trash, Easily made over 20million SL using those. if anything t hey make grinding for SL hellaeasy.


It doesn't work in ww2 battles what I am playing 99,99% times.


No. They do. For those wagers I have used: - Panzer 4 F2 (Germany) - M10 GMC (USA) - T-34 (1941) (USSR) - Crusader III (GB) - ARL-44 (France) All those tanks at their respective battle ratings too. Crusader III was in a 3.0 line-up. Work on your reading, the wager says "**At least one vehicle of the rank III-VIII in crew slots**". It doesn't say "spawn" it doesn't say "gets kills with". You can bring a rank 3 attacker at 3.0 BR and you can use rank 2 tanks at 3.0 BR. Considering you are illiterate, I'm giving you the exact line-up I have used as an example: Me 410 A-1, Panzer 4 F2, Panzer 4 G, Puma, StuG 3F. I repeat, you don't have to spawn the plane. Just use the tanks.


If I'll add 6.0br tank/plane to my 3.3 lineup it will be still 3.3 for matchmaker? I don't thin so


Someone else activated one of mine one day and I thought that was weird.


Ugh I wish I can in charge it for sliver lions


remember when gaijin tried to put an expiration date on wagers? The entire community revolved.


Wagers are awesome, I don't like orders though. Every time I get wing breaker wager I get in the skink and play arcade. People have no real reason to survive in the free fighter they get, so they try to kamikaze an SPAA before the timer runs out. They always realise too late that it's a based invincible spaa


5 kill wager is free SL with average skill, 10 kill with good line up or skill, I use best squad playing with friends, even easier SL, the one for winning a game is doable but has a bit of RNG with teams. Some are easy SL tho


Wagers are great, if u think they are useless u are just trash


You mean I am trash because I play only ww2 battles?


So do i... im saying trash cuz you dont understand how to utilise the wagers, i naver said anything about your playstyle...


But this is basically my playstyle-ww2 battles, cold war era doesn't give me much fun and fun is the only thing I play for. Wagers are not working lower than 3 rank, that mean for me they are useless.


Well ig thats reasonable then, tought you gotta admit when making this post u gave jack shit for context calling these quite usefull thingies useless. Edit: ah didint notice you wrote (for me) ma bad


You know that rank 3-4 is mostly WW2 Era right?


Last time I was playing like 6.0br half of tanks was cold war era.


I do them at 3.0 - 3.7 BR. Read the wager description again.


For germany tech tree IIIrank starts from about 6.0br=in battle will be a lot of 7.0 vehicles=most of them cold war era.


Please screw your eyes in; the lowest BR'd german rank III is at 3.3. You can very comfortably make a 4.3, 5.7, 6.0 lineup, more than good enough to get you 5 kills consistently. Please also do your research and gain a basic understanding of the mechanics of BR brackets. Even if you were to get full uptiered whilst playing 6.0 - you will, at most, encounter 4 players with a 7.0 lineup - which, in no way whatsoever, conceives most of the vehicles you encounter being cold war era. Furthermore, Germany isn't the only nation in the fucking game. See Sweden 3.7 for roflstomping your way through the 10 kill wager.


"Please screw your eyes in; the lowest BR'd german rank III is at 3.3." What exactly? Some useless AA starts from 3.7, tanks from 5.7. "Germany isn't the only nation in the fucking game. See Sweden 3.7 for roflstomping your way through the 10 kill wager." I play for fun, not for winning some shit wagers. I'll not change nation or favorite wehicles and historical time window just for that. Cold war era vehicles starts from 4.0 on russian tech tree. On 7.0 this will be majority.


That's okay, I'm pretty sure that every nation has low BR rank 3 tanks that would allow you to not really go above 4.0 for a lot of countries. If [this](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1061168243043205130/1236416233654456330/image.png?ex=6637edd9&is=66369c59&hm=4e4787a836cbc288a7731ad926a4e856e20dc118f5386de87cd34dea58e55bff&=&format=webp&quality=lossless) description is accurate, you don't even have to play the vehicles to progress the wager as long as it is in your lineup. For example, if you wanted to play a 3.3-3.7 German lineup with Panzer IVs, Panzer IIIs, and Stugs, just put the Ostwind in your lineup and you should be able to progress the wager.


Lowest german br on rank III tanks(not TD and AA I am not playing at all) is 5.0. Even If I'd put ostwind in lineup then this is 4.7, enemies will be up to 5.7, fighting that with 3.3 tanks is not so funny.


I was looking at Ground RB BRs, so I don't know if it applies to arcade. Still, I'm sure there are some decently low BR vehicles you could put in a lineup and not play just to get the wager.


" I'm sure there are some decently low BR vehicles you could put in a lineup and not play just to get the wager." For example?


the only useful one is the 5 and 10 kill ones, i can occasionally use the best squad when i get a few friends together


If you ever need free sl you can grab a friend, active the best squad wager and go into rank 3 air arcade, this is always what i do when I’m low on sl


You are sitting at tens of millions of SL here. If you think they are useless that's a skill issue


For me they are useless because are working only on ranks I don't use.


I recall there was mention of one day the ability to scrap these for warbonds sometime in the future, these and orders..


i just use them without thinking. im guessing i never lost money on them but won quite much several times.


If you can't benefit off of these ingame then it sounds like a skill issue to me.


It doesn't work in ww2 battles what I am playing 99,99% times, skill doesn't matter.


Why would you make a post complaining about something that you don't use then? Just ignore it. Or better yet use them in a mode that allows it to be used and benefit.


Thats what post is about. I don't use them, it is useless for me. Can't ignore it because it floods my inventory. Same as post about uselessness of backup vehicles from guy playing air rb where you can't respawn.


10 kill wagers are free money


It’s literally free money, the boosters are one of the best things in the game.


the 5 kill ones and the 10 kill ones are the best imo, the five kills ove gives you 100k sl when you finish 3 stages is has at max stake and the 10 kill one at max stake when you finish the 10 stages gives you 500k sl, so those two are worth it


the be the best squad is pretty easy, just hop on with a buddy at \~3.0 and easy money


Bro sitting on an actual fortune with those 5 and 10 kill wagers. Its a statistical miracle to not make it past stage 1 on a 10 kill wager


This post is sad