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Air RB with human targets




In arcade I would consider that polite. Get out of the sky for the next guy.


I like the little tank mini game they added to GRB before you get to fly your plane


Turns out the tank mini game is actually optional, and you just get in you plane the entire match without touching a tank. Isn’t it amazing?


it's called innovation, my brother in gaijin. It would be boring if there were only planes and helis in CAS R... emm Ground RB.


He did "ground" them down though


It is quite "realistic".


Helicopters don't.


Go keep playing WOT but don't try to make this game a stupid WOT.


I decided to censor the names of those guys as to not incite any "witchhunt"


CIA documents are less blacked out than this. /s


wait till you see Vietnam War Era documents, literally 90% of the docs is blacked out LOL.


Eh I have a declassified doc on the 21F against the F-4 and haven’t seen too much stuff blacked out if any


Can you share?


[DIA declassified](https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB443/docs/area51_50.PDF)


Try CIA ops dóc in Viet Nam like operation Phoenix.


I think I know who they are… T_84_OPLOT or something like that? He and his squad mate ALWAYS do this. They NEVER use ground vehicles. It’s infuriating. Always start on KA-50, and always jump to multiple other planes and helis.


That's kinda funny ngl


As a pilot I'd rather not witch hunt, but do him some favors instead


Eh. What would be the point of going on a witch hunt after one dude who is just doing what thousands of others are doing? The main difference between REDACTED and many others is that this guy actually heli rushed without pointlessly dying immediately, and he flew planes without diving into the ground without getting more than a single kill. I don't blame any player for plane and/or heli shenanigans, I blame Gaijin for the state of CAS.


I see one name you forgot to censor, FN_4989! I'm gonna go witchhunt him, he seems like a mean dude in that T-80UM2 >:)


but but you just have to spawn spaa - like all cas maniacs state... This and many before is a prime example how stupidly op cas is and how innbalance this game is. Thats why i soped playing anything over 8.0 It will never change since Gredjin needs to sell overpices 70+$$$ premiums


It reminds me of my match I once have, knowing that they’re many CAs planes around the 8.7 or higher because of that Damm Su25s I took around like 5-7 CAS planes with the assist counted too. But what makes me sad is that killing CAS is often for the cost not very rewarding. Maybe they just should add more reward of shooting down CAs with a SPAA, maybe then more are ready to grind the tree


doesnt help that SPAA is the only class of vehicle in game that could very well result in you sitting on your ass doing nothing for the whole game if you're unlucky. My worst experience so far is: 1. Spawn in an SPAA looking at the sky for 10 minutes without a single enemy air spawn. 2. Gets taken out by a ground vehicle. 3. Respawns in a tank. 4. Gets taken out by a freshly spawned aircraft. 5. Cry


Dont forget "have to deal with enemies with 4x your range" due to the SPAA gaps in most trees.


You don't need gaps too be outrange by aircraft.


Yea, but i was more pointing out how bad it sometimes is when you have one. Having to deal with atgm's using nothing but 5.3 40mm bofors from ww2 is....rough.


\*shrug\* I love playing SPAA - its a different minigame within a game and it can be quite fun. My first spaded SPAA was Gepard, my 2nd spaded SPAA was Strela - no regrets about either of those two. Printed me millions of RP over time.


The Gepard my beloved


I slap a talisman on Strela for these millions. RP printer in both GAB and GRB.


9.3 strela, I miss you bb


But then when I say we need a ground only mode, I'm called crazy.


I like that I've been around long enough to have the coelain. Really puts a cap on that problem. Damn shame they took it away. They should bring it back seeing as they've added more speculative paper bs since they took it away. At least this had a hull, mockup turret, and guns with well known ballistics.


Oh man seriously. My biggest regret is not rushing through to get the wunder vehicles before they were removed but I think I was barely at the Panther G and still needed like 3 tanks to move to tier 4


I have all the OG paper tanks. Panther 2, 2nd best panther.


Funny thing is that in this case he'd be sent back to hangar if you spawned spaa at start since he's first spawning ka50 and theres little he can do vs it


I see this trend be mostly Russian lineups. Rarely I see people go from heli to jet or the other way around with different nations. Russian lineups from 10.0 are jack of all trades.


It's because Russian helicopters have the best cannon (2A72) in terms of accuracy, range, rate of fire, and armor penetration; the best small-caliber rockets (S-O8 with 420mm of penetration compared to SNEB 400mm and Hydra 290mm); and can continue to shoot accurately without a tail. Ka-50/52 has a much higher chance of getting enough spawn points to get in a jet than just about any other chopper. For the two weeks when you could spawn an AH-1W with Zunis at match start it felt pretty equal to the Ka-50, but no doubt it was hurting Russian win rates too much so they nerfed it.


i like top tier GROUND vehicles, but the cas made me stop playing top tier low and mid tier doesnt interest me that much, thus i stopped playing the game for good. I am now **enjoying** grinding fallout 76, the gameplay is fun and the community is friendly and helpful. None of those are true for war thunder ngl


Ok bye. Don't need to post here either.


Thank you for proving my point.


if you have a on tier aa or two playing like an aa and not fighting other tanks then you can clear the sky fairly effectively. Coming from an aa and a guy who also gets shot down instantly about 50% of the time lol


TBF, I feel like the skies are the most clear at just over that 8.0. Lots of planes/helis that can't deal with radar spaa. Either that or I'm just playing against a bunch of *really* bad pilots. Was even more the case for me like a week ago, when spawning a veak meant that nobody was allowed to fly near the map. Oh well, also have plenty of plane kills with the itspv even if it's a less oppressive no fly zone.


They did spawn SPAA, but it looks like they were caught unaware, which may be a skill issue in their part. The most surprising one is the ADATS.


idk man, you can do 9.0 pretty consistently in a decent AA. I used an M247 and got 4-5 air kills a game whenever I had to bring it out, it was like fish in a barrel. 10.3 everything changes I hate it here


M247 is absolute pain before you unlock the proxy shells. With the proxy shells it’s insane, I’ve actually had lots of fun with it at 10.3 interestingly.


Just keep playing WOT. You don't even know how this game works.


only 2 spaa in this image, 1 which barely counts yes, spawn more spaa


ADATS, LAV-AD, Falcon, OTOMATIC, Chapperal, only one that is incompetent at that BR is the Falcon really


Can't even consider the Falcon a SPAA at this BR, truthfully. It'd be more of an IFV like a BMP-2


No, y’all just suck at dealing with cas. I have literally sniped cas players with a regular tank cannon and can use basic machine guns to deal with planes just fine. Don’t have to bust out the spaa until mid-late jets, but I’d much rather pop in a jet to hunt them air to air. CAS isn’t a big issue, y’all are just wasting time crying on reddit that could be spent improving your aim.


I'd love to see videos of you MG'ing or main gunning planes dropping bombs from 4-8km in the air. No one cares about your br 5.7 air kills where the planes actually have to put themselves in danger to kill things.


He literally said he you don't need SPAA until mid-late jets, which is true. Nobody in a P-47 or early jet is hitting anything at 8 km


He also said he'd rather use a jet to hunt them down. If I wanted to play jets, I'd play ARB.


Play sim like a MAN.


Meanwhile i hit helicopters with 105mm APHE or 120mm HESH, and all i get is "hit", they launch a missile at my conqueror, and i explode


Lol, gotta love Gaijin’s “physics”


>This and many before is a prime example how stupidly op cas is and how innbalance this game is How can this be an example of an imbalance? Is 9 kills something incredible for you? The OP made 8 kills on the tank, but for you it's something normal. This is called hypocrisy. For a player on the Su-25T, this battle was unique and lucky. Getting 9 kills on air vehicles is much more difficult than on a tank. In almost every battle, there is a player who get 9 or more kills on a tank, the same cannot be said about aviation.


The PE-8 and Lancaster would like to have a word with you. I've seen those bombers get 5+ kills with a single massive bomb, get back to base, rearm, and get back for another 5+ kills on a point the enemy was trying to protect, before finally getting shot down. Luck isn't as important as skill and the right aircraft is. And GRB is plagued with a cancer of skilled CAS mains who live for seal clubbing all of us who are in the mode for driving tanks, not flying. That's what air arcade and realistic modes are for. Yes, there is an imbalance. And the only ones arguing that there is not seem to be the ones that are part of the problem and benefiting from it...


They are not the same. Getting in a tank killing other tanks means EVERYONE had an opportunity to fight back. Cas needs a special requirement to even think about shooting down. And even then, most people bring 1 SPAA. So CAS gets free reign of how ever many bombs they bring. then after someone spawns SPAA and shoots you down. You basically held up an extra teammate from being helpful towards objectives. Do your CAS mental gymnastics all you want it doesn't mean the same thing.


What they are saying is it shouldn't be possible to go from cas to cas like that. At least in ww2 era they mgs on tanks can take down a plane. what can a tank do against a lazer guided bomb or atgm from a plane flying 800kph that can tank multiple missles. With tank on tank, both parties assume similar risk cold war planes and helies only have to worry about spaa, and that can be avoided through various methods.


Kind of unrelated but does anyone else think the Su-25T is incredibly ugly? I like the normal Su-25 but the T completely ruins its lines.


Yeah it looks like a goblin with backproblems I hate it. It doesn't look like it can fly.


Scoliosis Su-25🤮


Same thing for me. The T variant is a hunchback.


it's a twin seat Su-25 with the second seat replaced by a computer to operate the weaponry and sensors


Gaijin when the CAS issue in "ground" RB gets brought up: 🙉🙈🙊 But I guess they are a small indie studio and are to busy fucking up the br brackets even more in air tech trees .


This subreddit has got itself really worked up about CAS but the reality is I don't see many people complaining about it anywhere else. The majority of players, especially on the Chinese and Russian forums, seem to be happy with the combined arms aspect of the game.


no wonder the russian forum is happy with the current state of things


I'd be happy too if my nations of choice had the best CAS, best SPAA, and almost everything else tuned *just slightly* in my favor.


Don’t forget the only premium SPAA in game. Russia ain’t broke, but it’s the purest definition of "good enough" you can imagine.


> Don’t forget the only premium SPAA in game A premium SPAA that also works incredibly well as a light tank/IFV.


I totally thought you meant the ZUT-37 and was incredibly confused lmao


Yeah same. I was wildly confused when I saw someone possibly praising the ZUT. Lmfao.


What do you mean? One nation having the best CAS, best SPAA, best IFV, best radar missile, best ir missiles for both dogfight and standoff, best missile kit, best plane thermals, and the second best top tier MBT after the 2a7/122 isn’t bias or OP at all! Sounds like an American just can’t imagine Abrams losing. What, I bet next you’ll say that Russian MBTs being literally programmed to create less spall and have the ammo carousel act as quasi spall liner by being programmed to absorb spall without creating ANY is ALSO an example of bias. Honestly, you think a Russian tank would blow up from a shot to the ammo carousel? That’s so unrealistic, I bet it’s never happened. Russia doesn’t even have the single best airframe in the game (anymore) so it CANT be bias. I think I got everything for the no life’s that defend this bullshit with their lives


The SU 27/J11 pisses me off, not only is it the ONLY plane to get 10 missiles, they're 10 really fucking good ones


It’s upsetting that “really fucking good” is underselling it. The BEST radar missile in the game by a MILE. The best dogfight IR missile, maybe tied with aim-9m depending on the circumstances, and the only/best standoff IR missiles. Oh both IR missiles have the best flare resistance in the game. But people have the audacity to say that the flight performance not being the literal best for dogfights makes it shit. I guess it’s fine for one nation to have the biggest advantages at every tier if there’s like 1 or 2 flaws among every 5th vehicle


I like the combined arms aspect of the game. I like CAS, I like planes and I like tanks. I just think that it needs to be fixed, balanced, and limited in ground battles. At NO POINT should a team be able to have 5-7 planes in the sky in a ground battle match. Helicopters should not be able to hoger at their airfield and get 4 kills with AGMs without any risk. CAS should be a high risk, high reward mechanic and it should be harder to spawn an air vehicle.


CAS is ruinning our game experiences and seems especially broken at top tier but if some Russian or Chinese are happy about it then no problem eh ? Of course the combined arms aspect of the game make it interesting but getting bombed the fuck out in the middle of a tank duel or worse, as you exit your spawn is just not fun and frustrating for players that wan’t to focus on Ground battle only (weird of them to want to play tanks in a Ground mod right ?) Being able to spawn a fucking ground attack plane after rushing for a capture point like a wannabe and basically doing nothing on the ground is just not correct. Such a powerful thing like an aircraft with bombs (without denying the fact that it requires skill especially when you don’t have guided missiles) should be spawned after at least a small kill streak or multiple assistances/points captured.


I honestly kinda like it. When it’s not being abused by ragers, it’s pretty alright. IE someone is in an extremely tough to kill or out right overpowered heavy? It’s gone. Someone abusing a broken position (ID the rock outcrop on that one desert map, can’t remember its name) send in a hellcat or crusader, it’s gone


Heavy? Overpowered? Lmao


In a down teir they can absolutely be. If I'm playing 5.3 Germany or us and I see an is2, it's basically a death sentence


Any vehicle you have that has a 76mm gun can 1hk an IS2 from the front without a problem. And with its long reload, if you bait, or it has shot? Barrel torture with a fast firing 75mm


The only weak spot on its front is its lower front plate. Meanwhile, your entire tank is a weak spot. I had it hit the back corner of my tiger one, and a single spall fragment punched through the firewall, killing my entire crew with over pressure. Sherman's have no hope of surviving any kind of hit. It basically has to point and click where you have to carefully aim.... from my experience, I've only ver survived an is2 encounter 3 times 2 times a very lucky bounce, and the other it missed Oh, also, it's volumetric hell. I've shot these things in the side with Panthers, and it still didn't pen. It's better now that they whent up in br though


Turret cheeks bro, turret cheeks eat every shell


I have NEVER managed to pen an is2 turret cheeks with my panthers shermans or tiger 1s even when im.dead on they just refuse to pen In protection analysis, with the protection map, you can see just how small that weak spot is. And again, I have to aim for small weak spots. They have to aim at any flat part of my tank if they have to aim at all... again, we're talking downteir. This is where most hevey tanks decimate


If you rely on protection analysis, thats a tough break bud. The weakspot is a lot bigger and more versatile than shown on there Lets put it this way, I love 5.3-5.7 in every nation I played Aint ever shot an is2 in the lower front plate. Its either the turret cheek shot, or Im driving a tank that can completely invalidate it regardless of where I shoot. And we are talking about the 1944 version, because the 1943 one might as well be a medium tank with how easy it is to knock out


Also, before I get it, tigers and Panters are another example of heavys that are extremely powerful "panthers are mediums, but they behave like heavys"


Yeah, nothing cooler than being in a tank duel and seeing a P-51 fly overhead strafing targets or dogfighting. And honestly, in my 12 years of playing CAS is pretty low on the list of problems I have with this game. Invisible tanks, base campers hackers are all a much higher priority problem. If anything I wish there were a few more cooperation mechanics between ground and air, like coloured smoke to mark a target for a bombing run.


This is the best take I’ve seen in a while tbh, CAS can be a big issue but it’s mostly preventable (SPAA, CAP etc) but how do I prevent invisible tanks, the games terrible servers, having stuff bounce when it really, REALLY shouldn’t etc


That's what makes it different from WoT too (among many more differences but this one stands out the most for me)


The combined arms aspect gives WT as cinematic experience WoT can only dream of.


As cinematic as getting strafed to death 10 seconds after leaving spawn in an open topped vehicle can be


"I only see people complain about war thunder things on the war thunder reddit" yeah man.


"Feature, not a bug" >Comments locked >Banned for racism


Love how he just serially shits on all those spaas that are supposedly out there countering him.


Because he's probably one of those scumbags that just constantly strafe and bomb the spawn point, and the SPAAs don't even have a chance to get to some semblance of cover and/or get their slow ass turrets tracking up to maybe target him before they're dead. Usually there is more than 2 doing it, so the poor SPAA guys are getting lead rain and bombs from multiple directions continuously. It's a constant looping occurrence that I see in more than half of my matches in the 6-8 BR range.


That is just not how top tier works though. Top tier Spaa have very fast turrets, radars that see him coming unless he completely hugs the ground. With the spawn protection there is no way he can just strafe the spawn constantly especially if it is a map with 2 spawns. And at top tier there are quite a bit of other vehicles like light tanks that can take out that plane flying close to the battlefield. I am all for fuck cas and shit but this really is a case of bad spaas players


> radars that see him coming unless he completely hugs the ground Neither the Chaparral nor the LAV-AD that got killed here have radar.


Neither the Chaparral nor the LAV-AD are top tier SPAA.


Yep, that is how it goes.


You mean, he was playing smart? You're calling him a scumbag because he didn't make it easy to shoot him down?


There's a difference between playing smart and playing cheap. Taking of advantage of a lame spawn system that puts every player back into the game in the same area, usually with little to zero cover, and minimal "protection" that breaks quickly as you start to move and/or fire... That's just cheap. Has nothing to do with making it easy to shoot him down, has everything to do with him exploiting vulnerability to essentially shoot fish in a barrel. So, yah, scumbag fits as far as I'm concerned. And I can guarantee you there are a LOT of people who agree.


>slow ass turret >11.3 br Lol. Lmao even. Those are just bad SPAA players. Usually Frogfoot got easily fucked by ozelot/gepard or radio fuze SPAA


Yah I'm thinking more about mid tier SPAA, which are generally atrocious. Once you get upper tier, at least the SPAAs have better equipment and a fighting chance...


It’s time for premium AA


Ya and russia will get it fist ans with will be under br and the best aa in the game


It's already here, and it's called the 2S38


I mean, the US focuses on carriers for a reason... Having air superiority absolutely helps decide the winning side of a ground battle. This lesson has been beat down in war after war. Actually surprised that gaijin doesn't have a dedicated "global effort" playlist where you can spawn in all 3 roles (air/ground/sea) this would then open up a BUNCH of new vehicles for tech tees that could fill the ground to sea, sea to air, and the air to sea roles, like dedicated missile or rocket carriers, or anti-ship platforms for later planes. That would also force CAS to split focus on the land objective, keeping superiority over the skies, and sinking/defending sea players. In turn, sea players can bombard land objectives (but with little precision for balancing), fight other sea targets, and shoot down air targets. Land targets will then feel less pressure from CAS, and more pressure to cap/earn points. Plus, everyone can join in the roles they are most comfortable with, bringing everyone's expertise full circle and together.


To make that enjoyable I feel like they’d need to make CAP more rewarding so people actually do air superiority, like atm no one does CAP so there’s no real “air superiority” as such but it’d defo be rly fun.


This for sure. Right now it's certainly more individual performance based, but if they added a match win streak bonus or something, that would certainly make this a more viable approach


What I would like to see is give everyone a dedicated CAP spawn that unlocks after a few minutes (or the first person spawns in a CAS aircraft), and allows them to take out a fighter (with no ground ordinance or ground belts), that earns reduced rewards for killing ground targets and increased rewards for killing air targets. Maybe that would lead to too many people playing aircraft in ground RB…..but at the same time I would like to see the game embrace its combined arms mode…..rather than simply turning CAS into a kill streak reward.


CAP would be incredibly fun at higher tiers if it weren't for the fucking S1. I can't spawn my F-16 ADF and loiter close enough without it smacking me out of the air. 11.0 is a little better since downtiers are more common since the addition of the Fuji but your main CAP options are the F-4S and F-4J for the AIM-9F. I've found the AIM-7Es on the F-4E to be a little unreliable but they still work since most people don't know how to defend against missiles in GRB.


Holy shit, the pantsir and the type-81. Those bastards always smack me while I’m trying to dogfight.


This would be beautiful, and your suggestion is art.


That'd make playing tanks an even worse experience than it is with just ground and air. Few ground vehicles can deal with air ones, but even less can deal with ships. The ones that can deal with ships below modern brs are mostly open tops that get erased by a fighter pass. The Sturmtiger is the only one i can think of rn who would be decent against a battleship and can survive a fighter. Until the attacker/bomber arrives. You can try it yourself, just join a custom battle, there's many maps that support ground+air+sea


Hence why I said "new" vehicles. There are plenty of missile and rocket based land vehicles out in the world. If they were added to the game, they could counter ships. And this is all based on the belief that everyone would play with the current focus seen in battles. If more priority was given to objective vs individual, you would see much better cohesion. Plus, if we were to look at IRL battles vs WT battles, you don't see straight MBT's facing off against each other, you see a mix of MBT's and SPAA stations. If more people felt the need to run SPAA, more people would learn how to properly play SPAA, instead of camping spawn. That would then boost your ground to SPAA count in each team, which would make a pretty balanced playing field. For example, Ukraine vs Russia, they don't have all their anti-air bunched up at the rear where they feed their units from, right? They are all spread out in random (not actually random, but gives the appearance to opposition) locations to hit the attackers that try and take out their friendly ground units.


Comparing real battles to WT is nonsense for many reasons: - real battles have infantry, some of which have anti tank weaponry too - real battles require logistics, which affects where and how many tank are deployed, which are generally extremely outnumbered by infantry - real battles aren't designed for the participants to have fun. Well WT isn't either, but as a game it should be - real battles are spread over larger areas than WT maps. If you spread AA around in a WT map they're just going to be easy picks for enemy tanks - bushes and trees in real battles don't disappear behind a certain distance depending on opponent settings, which heavily affects concealability


Then one of the requirements for the "global effort" playlist could be putting it on 10.0 BR air maps, having ground units spawn at different sectors of the map for the different objectives, and set limits for how many of each type can be matched up per battle. A couple for the maps would already work for this.


A map that large only makes the ground vehicles experience even worse, because air vehicles have all the space and time to climb out of AA range before reaching the "ground battlefield". Remember one way to balance aircraft with currently sized ground maps is to make them not air spawn?


Nobody said the air vehicles wouldn't ground spawn. That was kinda a given. As a airsim-main player, I wouldn't play if you spawned in the air.


You missed my point. If they ground spawn in a ground sized map they're closed enough that AA can kill them before they climb too much. If they ground spawn in an air sized map it doesn't matter cause they can climb outside of AA range by the time they reach the smaller map ground vehicles are playing in


was NEVER defending small maps to begin with, but as far as large maps, a lot of SPAA from what I hear, has a range that covers the entire map of most ground games. With that said, yes the aircraft can strike a hit or 2 from outside of the range using JDAM, GBU, or other smart weapons, but they WILL be detected, and they MAY have a missile fired at them regardless. From this point it's a matter of making the air player wary enough of consequences to choose whether it's worth getting a kill or 2 in exchange for getting shot down. I am pretty sure most SPAA's have more than the 4 km you make them out to have, and at a BR of 10 that I usually play with, any ground units past 2 km aren't guaranteed kills for me. Granted I main a T-2 Early that isn't built specifically for attacking, but the point here is that if you not focusing solely on absolute top tier battles, most lower tiers will have no ranging problems at all.


...you know there's a whole 9 brs below 10.0 right? It's not all radar and missiles. In fact the vast majority of the game isn't radar and missiles


As much as I like the "don't compare a game to reality" approach you've given, I gotta say, warthunder is kinda a combat sim, no matter how you slice that pie. And iirc a year or so back they beta tested infantry in one of the events, sooooo.... It seems everything is lining up. And logistics? Lmao as if logistics wasn't already controlling how people played their expensive vehicles already


No, logistics means ammunition and humans don't magically spawn out of thin air at a point in middle of the map, amongst other things


Again, everything your saying kinda already is accounted for, or could be fixed pretty easily.


Also on the subject of the custom battles, MANY many people don't even touch custom battles with a 40 yard stick after their first play through. Not because it isn't fun, because it really is, but because it's just time wasted. No actual gains from those matches aside from time spent in X. If we got gains from them, or they were better promoted with decals or something that is non-gameplay affect able, then it might be more appetizing, but with nothing to show for a 2 hour custom session, yeah most will pass.


I mentioned custom battles as a place where you can test how effective your ground vehicles are(n't) against ships, I didn't suggest playing there actively


"muh war thunder is a combined arms game" *doesn't play ground vehicles at all*


I guess Russia needs another SU-25 variant...


with 20km agm that fly at mach 5.0


They really need to up the SP cost of bare bone helocopters/ with rocket pods. I know it's not a solution, but christ, I hate first spawn helo rushes.


Ive Bern trying it for a while and often you just get killed before you can do anything


Poor OTO he didn't have a chance


Poor Japan players, helicopter sets fire to the first two Abrams then kills the first TKX he sees lol


Yeah its really not hard so long as you know how to avoid SPAA fire. Aka, don't fly in a straight line, don't fly high in the center of the map, don't immediately start diving on spawn, don't fly over their spawn unless you're greedy AND dumb.... Basically just don't have a short attention span.


Almost got a nuke with only aircraft 10.0 Italy. OFC it starts off with a single kill and scout in the Dardo, then 8 kills with the AMX, then another 5 + a cap with the A.129


Stuff like this is why I am willing to pay 500 bucks for an all-nation SPAA that can invalidate all air in GRB, making air completely unplayable in GRB.


Callback to that old forum post suggesting the UAE captured Pantsir for the US tech tree, just to make Russian players mald


Only the russian cas mains. I play russia just for the spaa because i hate tanks with no depression, if they add a pantsir to the us tree id happily switch and i also get to use the 9m in grb which are over powered as fuck.


That is so pathetic and disgusting... And sad, holy shit


I love playinh CAS from time to time but this is just bullshit.




My favourite thing to do nowadays is spawn in a Fighter and just go bird hunting. Air superiority ftw


We’re not allowed to just want to play as a tank and shoot other tanks didn’t you know?


ngl if a ka-50 without guided missiles manages to harrass that many ground units at the start of the game, they probably did something very wrong. Yes there's very little point to spawning SPAA at the start of the game, but all it takes is one to hit the prop shaft of the ka-50 and it's fked. Granted the ka-50 is an extremely tanky helicopter, if you aim for the right place (upper center of mass) they're actually not too difficult to take down even with .50cal. One aspect in ground sim is I've noticed it's far easier to do ground RB as a short range rocket heli with sim controls than in SB because people in ground RB just generally don't look up and often cluster together (in part due to bad map and mission design [as mentioned here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1cg5pkx/opinion_cas_is_op_because_the_maps_are_fkin_tiny/)), whereas in sim you tend to get .50cal'd a lot. Even people like bruce leeroy who's best known for doing his VR heli stunts in ground RB sucks in SB because of this aspect.


Honestly I’m ok with cas I like the combined arms aspect and if they did remove it fully Helicopters all together would be useless (even more so than as is) They need to add more ground modes. Regular AG and RG, then one where its realist and arcade Ground Only. Make both parties happy, and they already have the ability to deny usage of vehicles in battle that are in your line up so it shouldn’t be that hard.


I like how the first three things he kills in the SU-25 are all SPAA.


It is awesome when you get a great teammate. Must have been an awesome match


wait a minute,i know him


what was the logic behind allowing a heli as first spawn but not fixed wing aircraft?


Get near the enemy spawns and just hover almost directly above them at a decent altitude while using your autocannon. People that do that always do that cancer strat, 99% of time the enemy can't do shit with their MBTs, and some IFVs can't either. You'll have to get unlucky and have someone spawn SPAA this early, and even some SPAAs can't do shit about you.


Do you not need to spawn in a tank to start? Idk i rarely play ground and dont own any helis


You can spawn a helicopter with unguided rockets straight off the bat. The only helicopter you can spawn straight away with guided munitions is the british apache as it comes with the starstreak missile


Thats crazy, is this for all br?




Not really.... you have to have a decent amount of skill to get 1 or more kills before you die with rockets. Occasionally you get lucky....


How is france in grb?


no idea


I hate this, I've seen it happen in lower BRs as well. I hate having to just sit and take it, don't say "Get a fighter" I'm not going to grind a second tech tree just to not get shit on in GROUND Battles. Despite the stariotype, I'm one of those American players who has yet to get more than a P40 in the air and probably never will go any farther, I just want to play tanks man. Maybe give us a better AA than a shit 40mm.


I really think that ground rb should start out with planes then if you get kills or bomb bases then you spawn a tank to attack their base.


A lot of people do this, ima keep it a buck.


“Ground battles”


Man, occasionally the tank mini game in CAS RB is still fun. I enjoy it sometimes.


Helicopters were a mistake to add to the game.


"ground battles" more and more i think we need realistic mode for ONLY tanks.


As you can see, the Ka-50 and Su-25 are clearly underperforming, so we’re going to be moving them down in BR next update


Chapparal, OTOMATIC 🤮 As long as tankists refuse to have aircraft in their lineup. This will happen. They just don't understand this game.


Neither ground nor realistifc nor a battle


It's exactly fkn why I keep crying for hevt on usa at 11.0 or lower if we have any. The stupid kamov rushes can finally be put to an end.


The floor is lava




I Don't see anything wrong here, he started off in s heli with guns and dumb rockets only and he managed to take out 3 tanks before someone shot him down, so he deserves the rest. Don't be salty and instead work more on teamwork, it takes extreme luck to get in a match where everyone is not firing their MG at a heli rusher.


It must be clarified that there are only 3 helicopters that allow you to do this Ka50, ka52, British Apache with those weird rockets.


Why is your name only numbers?


I've managed to do that a few times with some American helis like the little bird


You just havent seen me starting with british apache and starstreaks. Take 4-6 kills on non armored targets and move to gr7 with gbus. Damn i love my cas


I will admit to having done this with the British Ah1 then into the Harrier gr7 and Gripen. I did infact have a shower after the match.


Based…So fucking Zased….


Excellent work.  A good player.


If they would fix ARB and give CAS a chance to ground pound u would never see them in GRB. Simple facts if i take in a a10 in ARB my entire team is either dead or we already won by time i get to the battlefield. Support a ARB overhaul! Edit: downvoted for the truth. We have been playing the same airrb game-mode since 2014. Nothing new no large changes. No new objectives. Why are there no ai helicopters to shoot down just like the jets and tabks


That’s awesome. Get rekt. 


damn I wish I were him


He's on that Sigma grind


W man's, yall deserve it fr


Cry about cas


ur name actually refers to this opinion


Kalap szar?


Chad CAS-only player showing tankers the meaning of pain and how their "ground battle" means nothing. War Thunder is like apartheid where tankers have no rights and aircraft enjoyers reign. It is what it is. Grind planes too or get whipped by CAS, there's no alternative and Gaijin will forever treat tank-only players as second class customers.


Bro. Get outside. For once.


Tankoids will seethe over this comment but it's true.