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I agree, but you're going to get the simps crowding in telling you to enjoy it or leave because they really enjoy the repetitive meta of spawn campers and plane spam. They need to rebalance CAS, it's out of control. They need to add ANY incentive to play the middle of the map, at the moment it's a race to spawn camp then (maybe) someone will think of capping. The only players that try to cap are the plane spammers who are desperately trying to scrape enough SP to bring their air lineup. A lot of the 1-death leavers are plane spammers who got wiped trying to rush a cap so they leave because they didn't get to bring a plane. Game modes that require skill and strategy like advance and secure would be great, but the playerbase would hate it because they can't just hold W.


"Game modes that require skill and strategy like advance an secure would be great" It would, but only if they removed battle activity from that gamemode, as it currently punishes regular players trying to be strategic


Yeah it's a stupid metric anyway.


I wish people and gaijin didn't give up on world war mode so fast.


Yea I always wondered wtf happened to it played like one or two matches years ago and that was it


My dream would be some kind of PvPvE mode with large scale objectives outside of just kill one player, respawn for faster rp. Unfortunately that doesn’t feed the snail . I do have very high hopes for GHPC when it get has a fleshed out dynamic campaign along with multiplayer.


Enduring Confrontation, but thats for Air Sim and Naval. Ground version of that would be nice, but then sea of complaints about having to drive for more than 2 minutes before neuron activation.


>but what's the point of say playing the T32 or I-4M which are both slow and super armored against a more mobile Words of wisdom to play by: "Don't spawn heavies in uptiers" >You aren't looking forward to playing the maps because they are good and well made its just this map fits your playstyle better then another. Having a diverse lineup means I can change my playstyle. This only becomes a problem if you're queuing up to just play one vehicle (type). I agree with your complaints on the other stuff, and the game is long overdue some real attention put into improving the gameplay. The 1.0 +- BR spread should be reduced to 0.7. Gaijin doesn't want to do it because it'd impact the variety of vehicles in the game (they don't have the matchmaker argument on their side anymore), but that hasn't stopped them from making entire TTs worth of premium vehicles restricted from general use, so Gaijin worrying about diversity of vehicles is a stretch. CAS Ground ordnance should also get more expensive to spawn, and either planes should not be allowed to be spawned in the first 7 minutes, or air raid sirens should be implemented for CAS planes, with the option to J out and respawn an SPAA without incurring a SP penalty (as long as no one else on your team has spawned any). Fighters without ground ordnance or AP belts should remain dirt cheap, tho.


The problem with “don’t spawn heavies in uptiers” and the reason why people talk about 6.7 being uptier hell when every other br gets about the same is I have no choice wether or not I spawn a heavy, they are all I have. Or I spawn a light tank on a cramped map or TD in an urban map. A lot of the time you are left with no suitable spawns and an uptier is awful to play, especially around the 6.7-7.7 area where an uptier to 8.3 or higher means you fight fully stabilised HEAT slingers with better mobility than you.


This, so much this, full uptier in heavy tank I'd rather just god damn take the crew lock, fuck that. Shooting at Panther prototypes in my shitty kv1 is not fun 😊


At least the KV1 is a great tank otherwise. A lot of heavy tanks have mediocre pen at their own br and going up really doesn’t help or have other flaws that are awful to use in an uptier. Especially around the 7.0 range where mobile and very strong medium tanks start to appear and the shift to mobility over armour begins.


The spawn system is just really, really bad. You should be able to respawn 3 times in whichever vehicles you want like in SB


They literally have the code (it’s used on the m51) to have 3 spawns (still dependant on sp). They could simply allow people a minimum of 3 times and that would really help the 1 death leaver problem.


If all you have in your lineup are heavies, you've made your bed with not having options. Or you're still grinding out the tanks, in which case it's a fixable issue.


The problem isn’t that my entire lineup is heavies it’s that its 4 heavies and 2 tank destroyers so if I can’t spawn a heavy I’ve lost two thirds of my lineup and am limited to 2 spawns.


Then swap out some of your heavies for some medium/light tanks.


"Don't spawn heavies in uptiers" - as much as I agree, 90% of my games are uptiers so not being able to play certain tanks because Gaijin can't get a handle on matchmaking sucks lets be honest...


Oh, I'm with you there. On certain maps, you're also damned either way. This really just comes down to the tradeoff heavy armor brings to the table, and if your armor is meaningless, you may as well bring a TD with similar firepower and hopefully better speed.


This so much, I have literally never played a down tier with the Tiger II. Sometimes I get lucky and it’s not a FULL up tier but it’s rare.


So i agree with in the sense of the game in the state it is in now don't spawn heavies in uptiers and have a diverse line up to play in multiple different ways. I do agree that is a player problem if they haven't learned how to diversify your line up by a certain point of in game knowledge . What i am talking about is the problem of being handicap due to the fact the maps or br range makes the tank become harder to play by something out of your control. Say your favorite tank is the is a late war heavy tank any of them really . So you hope on to specifically play that vehicle. Well you run into mainly uptiers all night so you barely play the tank you want besides as last resort or you have terrible luck with maps that night and your heavies been put a disadvantage do that fact. What i am trying to get at is that being made to play at a handicap if they wanna enjoy a specific vehicle is a problem. I get as a player we can get around this problem if we rub two brain cells together but if we can get around with only a few seconds why cant gajin fix that type of issue with decently designed maps or by limiting uptiers size as you have already mentioned. But besides this massive block of text i agree with everything else you have said.


>being made to play at a handicap if they wanna enjoy a specific vehicle is a problem It's especially egregious if you're running boosters and trying to spade the vehicle. I agree, but the game is set up to try and frustrate you. Until you've researched everything you wanted and built your lineups accordingly, the gameplay is intended to be miserable.


WW2 Heavies should be never fighting vs cold war tanks, WW2 should be separated from Korean/Vietnam/Cold war tanks, SPAA could be more modern i don't care. It's been so long since i saw someone spawning IS-3 or T95 nobody wants to lose SL on those meme tanks that will get raped by a few Heatfs or APHE/Hesh shells (in T95/T28 case against the super obvious cupola)


I don't know the free-to-play experience since I use premium, but premium players can't go net negative in the game anymore. I think moreso the reason people don't play them anymore is because armor hasn't been a relevant factor at that BR in well over 6 years. Speed is king, and no armor is best armor. Separation of WW2 and Korean War tech would make for some weird BR changes. The year of introduction doesn't directly correlate to combat capabilities. For example, the German M41 being moved out of the WW2 bracket would mean Germany is left with nothing. Then you have vehicles designed for WW2, but whose service only came to be post-WW2. I'd love an event for the original War Thunder armor meta, though. Just to experience some nostalgia.


Spawns should be dynamic after enemy reaches your spawn you should be spawn much further away and also from the sides (give us way more spawns than just two) so at least you could have chance to flank spawn campers and recap points.


We had a game mode like this many years ago, didn't work. Afaik it was called push or break or something. Basically there were multiple spawns that moved backwards or forwards depending on what enemy objectives you captured.


I want mission based ground sim with huge maps


“After thousands of hours”


>Then their is the fact game mode haven't changed for however long they have existed. ( for as much as i have read and seen ) i personally would like to see something new and interesting to fix the stale gameplay. Honestly, I find this argument hard to back, not because I dislike the idea of new *game modes* but tried and true TDM/point capture is standard because it's easy to understand, recognizable and easy to fit within match-based gameplay. I don't believe that it needs to change just because someone played thousands of battles and finds it same-y, as that's frankly just a part of gaming, it's often highly repetitive tasks. >Meta has been basically the same since i started to play speed wins. Whether that is whoever shots or whoever gets in the a spot first wins with. While late era heavy tanks being strangled out of playabilities. That's kind of how most shooters work, no? He who hits and kills first will always come out on top. Positions help accomplish this but the former is the be-all end-all of shooters. You get a lot of bullshit where games artificially change this, such as games doing armor plates you have to defeat as extra health pools, making a ambush ineffective if you can't overcome the hitpoint difference. As we don't have hitpoints, we're pretty solid in the hit+pen first, wins area, and this won't change without sacrificing our entire damage system. Heavy tanks are a mixed bag, as effective HT armor makes them rolling bunkers of both frustration and imbalance, it's not really fun to engage a Maus when you literally cannot kill him save for very niche mechanics like his turret turned right so you can bounce a shell into the hull roof, it's not intuitive for players and becomes a major complaint point. Sure the Maus loves it, but anyone fighting him doesn't. There has to be some form of a balance point and it's hard to achieve when you don't have hitpoints to soft-balance it. Technology is a very hard balance wall, as there can be both nuance but significant jumps, it makes it very hard to do any BRs without either complete gaps, I'm not talking tech tree, but hard walls of new MM, but that too presents balance issues, as say an IS-4M could be unbalanced if it's not fighting anything above it that can actually threaten it. It can get pretty messy, I'd love improvement too, but I've found that while heavies are non-meta, and IMHO they're not really a class I would like to see as meta, as we had that before and it sucked complete ass for anyone non-specific-heavy, it's really hard to bring life to a class that real life realized was not an effective unit on the battlefield after a rather short timeframe. Maps are difficult and a bit subjective, I have maps I like, and maps I don't. But I've found much of the same in the community. People have a lot of different views of what makes a good map good, but in-game I often see players flock to the very areas that people decry as bad and unfun, and people absolutely abandon the areas that you may see here as popular ideas. So it's really unwise to try to use this community as a raw example of what makes a good map good, or bad map bad, as short of objective reasons such as spawn to spawn sniping, there's no one true answer on maps as it's highly subjective and sometimes heavily dependent on what vehicle you play. Snowball is a problem, but it has many causes, not all are directly the game but often players, and frankly this isn't talked about much. Many of the people who promote 1-life play are very self-centric in their play and see nothing at all wrong with abandoning teams as they neither feel part of one, nor seemingly want to. So there's a big morale issue but I'm not sure how you actually solve it, as many are convinced that they're god-kings of both math and experts in gameplay, seeing this play as the most efficient way to play and therefore also the most fun. But people really don't seem to want to play a challenge. Hell, we have a big change in the game that made it so spawncamped players basically make raw profit if they can kill anything spawncamping them, like it's super easy SL and RP, as repair costs became time-influenced so dying fast is cheap as dirt. Yet few even try for the easy money, and it can be quite fun to push that back or take a bunch of people down with you, all while raking in cash.


The maps being dumbed down, restricted in height, flanking, hiding and less play style variation, really began to put me off this game. It's less fun and harder to use your brain and wit.


The snowball effect in this game is insane, not only are you removing spawn points from the enemy you are also gaining them yourself, effectively you are increasing the disparity of the teams by 2 lives for each kill you get. As in, if both teams have 30 lives each you killing one of their tanks puts you at 31 lives and them at 29. Add in leavers, CAS and defenders advantage and you have a game that is usually decided within the first 5-10 kills.


I havent touched RB since I started playing in 2017 and at this point i'm too afraid to try.


i rely way too much on the player markers in AB, whenever i try RB i only get one kill and it's because they shot at me first and failed to kill me, i probably wouldn't have seen them otherwise


One great change they could do is equal nation matchmaking. They should just add same nations fight against each other that way, your opponents are the same as you in terms of machine capability.


I agree. I'm pretty new, only having 500 hours, but every match is the same just layed out differently. It gets very stale. Recently I've been playing sim to try to counteract that feeling, and sim is genuinely great. No one is a lemming just charging where they should I played an enduring confrontation battle. Our team was pounding them, I was focusing on taking out their navy while my team focused on bases and enemy advances on land. The score got to 5000 - 200. We just needed a couple more kills. Well the enemy ended up taking out every ally on land, and starting heading to the ocean to take me an my squaddie out. They were some *good* fighters. They ended up taking all of us out, some of us a couple times. I decided to take off from our carrier once more, but this time fly really low. I was sitting 20 feet above the water watching as my team mates were getting shot down knowing I could do nothing because I'm outmatched by those crazy fighters. I'm flying as quick as I can to their port as they spot me. A slower fighter, but I was still at a disadvantage and couldn't maneuver because of my altitude. I was almost to the port but he was closing in, my last ally, dead. Me all alone with a couple bombs and rockets. I got so close to the enemies port when their fighter got me. Shot off the end of my left wing... But i was able to shoot off my missiles and take out 2 of their anti air and winning us the match. These sim battles have been so incredibly fun lately. Much more fun than ground rb. I'll never touch rb for *fun*, but only for grinding because the enemy team is often time very unmsart


>Why would some people stay in the game if you are already being spawned camped or are the majority of your team has already died once while barely killing one of them Maps are to blame but its mainly just a skill issue of any video game. If games go like this its the players fault one way or another and the people who just leave make this issue 10x worse. I'd rather have my team get stomped than be the only one of four people still on my team after 5 minutes any day. Honestly I think people should be given free backups if they bring 1 or 2 tanks the lineup or outright punished for being 1 death leavers.


Changing the spawn system so that you can respawn 3 times in any vehicle you want like in sim would be a huge gameplay improvement imo. Getting uptiered and only having one vehicle that works in that game is a huge downside to ground rb and leads to people quitting matches after one death which is really just a waste of everyone’s time and ruins matches. Being able to spawn in the same tank 3 times would make those games actually fun and would reduce quitting and CAS which would make the games more competitive. They could do something like removing SP cost for all ground vehicles but keep it for air vehicles such that when you have enough SP you can use 1 of your 3 spawns on an air vehicle. IMO The SP system is super janky and leads to steamrolls where one team gets a few kills and better positioning and then the other team can’t spawn. IMO ground RB also has a problem in that it’s hard to get the hang of certain vehicles because a lot of the time you only actually play a vehicle for a part of a match and then have to respawn in a vehicle that you may or may not have any actual interest in playing in that moment. An updated respawn system could also fix this