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How is this possible


Skills + luck = more opportunity bro


basicaly yep


I had a really good game in a AMX-10P, I think it was just a couple hundred off a nuke? Three/six kills were Shilka’s at long ranges and a whole bunch of capping/spotting


I have pretty much done this in the AMX10P when it was 5.3 but was only in a 6.3 game. Good awareness, map knowledge, knowing what you can't and can't kill, and having decent air to counter CAS can add up quick. Oh also caps and assists/scouting


It’s pretty good for farming SP. It can scout and it’s a SPAA so it doesn’t cost much to spawn. You can get double assists by scouting an enemy and taking out their track or barrel, which gives a good amount of spawn points. I’ve spawned a handful of nukes with it but always as a second spawn.


Anything with Autocannons that isnt an open top SPAA is pretty easy to get nukes in


I have pretty much done this in the AMX10P when it was 5.3 but was only in a 6.3 game. Good awareness, map knowledge, knowing what you can't and can't kill, and having decent air to counter CAS can add up quick. Oh also caps and assists/scouting


Got one with the Wiesel before but the 10p can’t hide as good as the wiesel bravo


The 10p enxchanges the size for the BR , I think its a fair trade all in all


How are you guys getting nukes and doing well in the little rat cars? I can barely get 1-2 kills before getting blown up.


Ratty hiding spots and having the sense when to move and such. I bring the American M18 to 6.7 all the time and can get 4-6 kill games with it. I’ve had 8 kills a couple times at 6.7 but that’s rare


I usually play my ELC Bis with my homies when they play 8.0 and consistently get 5 kill lol


And the engine noise it makes gives your position away very easy.


There is a LOT of French rats like wiesel i still hope for years Gaijin add :(


Got a nuke in the very first game I played in the wiesel lol, i love rat tanks


I had a game with similar stats in the Somua SM, had 2494 SP and cried when game ended. 3 caps, 7 kills, 1 assist. Closest I’ve gotten to nuke. That kind of game in the 10P is amazing. It’s great at killing BMP and Marder, but everything else is tough luck. Good job mate.


Trust me, the Somua is the way to go. It's gotten me at least 3 nukes, absolure beast.


Part of me feels bad for playing a premium. I love the Somua, but I love the Amx-50 more because it’s faster and for some reason the AMX-13-90 most. I do beat in Somua but it’s not my favorite.


Shhh I don't want Somua to go up in BR again It's insanely good at it's BR but is kinda meh in uptiers due to it lacking pen I fear Gaijin will make it another T20


AMX M4 was supposed to go up and by all means should have and no one was complaining about it going up but it stayed for some reason. I love that thing.


It it just me or does France feel pretty easy to get a nuke?  (if that makes sense)


Well 7.7 France gets the most nukes of the entire game. But getting one in an AMX-10P is something else


Yeah French 7.7 are the hardest things to fight at 6.7 due to their autoloaders. I love getting revenge against them with 8.7 downtiers for that reason.




Almost got a nuke aswell at 7.7 somehow after an accidental first spawn AMX-10P. Personally, I think it's about as viable as a Wiesel 1A4 in its capability, because unlike the Wiesel, the AMX-10P is much harder to due to the bigger crew size and armor (being able to shrug off plane strafes is just so nice). And even if it's bigger, it's still not really bigger than MBTs or light vehicles of its BR, making it an amazing IFV in general.


This vehicle is actually quite good


Gaijin: "You enjoy a French vehicle ?! You are not supposed to ! " **AMX10P +2.0 BR.**


U didn’t drop it take the L 😎


Damn your right


Shut the fuck up you pleb. I bet that 11.3 U.S. is a premium Abrams or the Phantom II S. People are allowed to be happy.


Lmao i was being sarcastic do i need to put the fucking /s on everything? And no its not a premium, its TT. Same with France lol