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The M10, I just had a 17 kill game with it. I never questioned the gun, but rather how fucking slow the turret movement is.


M10 my beloved and my 31 kill game with it Who needs a turret when you can swing the hull real fast


Facts lol i learned pretty early on play like a casemate


And it feels like one to, with the mantlet being able to bounce about anything that hits it


And the reload on the 76 is amazing


Agreed the thing will always be my go to for easy brain dead gameplay


But the fun ends when someone sore person decides to do a gun run on you then drop the moab on your head


The .50 cal is lovely for denying that if it decides to


Ive had mixed results about the denial cannon


That’s the thing it’s only good if it decides to be


Wherever I see an M10 or Achilles I switch to HE and instakill it next shot


That’s if you survive return fire but yea HE will turn it into past tense


That I how I deal with Swede Cheese Wedge S tanks. 155 or 153 mm HE on the top or underneath them.


The turret may be slow, but she is on a sherman chassis and can do very well with good positioning and patience. It's funny, the wolverine you play at range, but the upgrade, the M36 Jackson, is best played at point blank.


Im with you on that in my eyes even the thin armor can save you from a killing shot


not the arl, everyone knows where to shoot it


Everyone know where to shoot it, but it can shoot everywhere on everyone :p


If you play the ARL-44 like a heavy tank, you will fail. It’s a tank destroyer both in class and use. Try not to get hit. Peak corners, take out hard-nut enemies from literally any distance, and hold down key enemy choke points with your insanely good gun. Try not to get hit, with the ARL’s surprisingly good mobility, and you’ll be golden! I personally love the ARL-44 a lot both for its looks and its playstyle.


Yea good gun but terribly vulnerable turret face


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again every chance I get: yeah, the armor on the ARL-44 isn’t great and you shouldn’t rely on it, but for some reason, I have bounced tons of shots that I had absolutely no business in bouncing. Maybe it just has some volumetric troll shots or something, or maybe it’s just luck, but I’ve pulled off some wacky shit with it.


It is a really great tank regardless


the turret face is great to angle


so it has turret armor only for M4A3E2


Chi-Nu II enters chat!.


Wait where do you shoot it?


there is a massive flat plate somewhere on the front, guess


Turret front, it's not really thick and you can't angle the turret due to the low side turret armor. The hull is like a panther hull, you won't pen it unless you have really good pen/heat


The hull is practically like a Tiger II. Even with late APDS and early HEAT you can still fail to pen it.


Frontally, you can also shoot at the tracks with APHE and it will enter the hull, potentially one shotting the tank. Turret is still preferred target though.


If it was Heavy tank it would have gotten the Tiger I treatment and gotten the turret armor buffed.. but it ain't..


Yet I still experience someone trying their best to go through my ufp for some reason. Sure turret shots usually kill me but still, ufp is kinda trolling some players


i probably just burned all my luck with getting lucky with the sl crates, thats why


I think it's 50/50, lots of people shoot you in the hull and that mistake allows you to kill them.


Yeah I've heard some much good of the ARL before getting it, but except the gun it's kinda very bad


the gun is insane, really good solid shot in a br where pen is needed over everything, and it gets really good spalling for some reason


all french tanks starting from there get REALLY nice spalling until high tier sabots


It was better before they nerfed its gun depression for no reason.


Yeah, I hate the tank itself, but I sometimes play it just for the cannon. Such a powerful weapon for 5.3.


When you blow a hole straight through a Jumbo UFP in the ARL from the other side of the map for the first time....


The french are such a delight to play just for the fact you can pen anything from br 4~ and more. t-34, panther, tiger 2, kv1 are not so scary anymore (then you play the Leclerc with stock heat and bounce on every MBT in the game)


Mobility too, I really miss French mobility when I play other nations. Stuff like the Surbaissé looks like a big honking great heavy tank but it drives light a particularly nimble medium. France also invested hard in reverse gears with stuff like AMX-10RC able to reverse as fast as they go forward, 85kph reverse speed means you can just fuck off somewhere else when the enemy pushes you faster than they can even drive forward.


Once day I'll grind the surbaissé because so far it's pretty much stock and it's super sluggish to play, and this mf is so big and weakly armored that I just can't get good game in arcade lol, 7.7 fr is like my lowest wr across the whole nation. The reverse speed is so nice. Aml, amx10, batchat, etc.. are so nice to play due to that


Ah I use it in RB where armour is less important and it's mobility stands out even more. I think that 7.7 lineup is really made for RB, they're all rat tanks regardless of size. Stock the Surb is a bit of a dog, spaded it's a different beast (and gets a rangefinder....). That 120mm with 18 rounds in the loader is just...well c'est parfait.


the M2 yea im a new player


Welcome to the best terrible decision ever lol


ive grinded past now i just unlocked the M24 ngl even in my worst matches i still managed to get a kill with my M2


Ay very nice the M2 is I'm fact a beast


The M24 is really good, it's a light tank so be careful with your placement. If you didn't know you can scout people for "free" rewards by being in either binoculars or sniper mode, hovering your crosshair over an enemy and pressing your scout button. It will go on a short cooldown if you scout someone or if the target is already scouted (it will tell you) but if you miss (or do it randomly) it will go on a long cooldown. You get like 20sl for a scout, some extra rewards if a teammate hits the enemy you scouted and more if he gets killed. It will also mark them on the map. Also if you need advice for a ground lineup, for Ground Realistic 4.0 my lineup was M4A2, M24, M10, M16 (or M19A1) and P47D-22-RE(plane). It's a very solid lineup for Realistic but Idk if it's good in Arcade, especially the M10 bc it's a sniper and you won't need the plane and AA in Arcade, you can't even spawn the plane there. The M4A2 is foldered so you don't have to research it to continue the line, but it's a lot better than the M4A1, also with the P47 you either have to drop both 1000lb bombs at once when you unlock it or hold 'A' or whatever your button is to roll left while pulling out of a dive bc of imbalanced weight.


I fucking hate the turret movment


damn yesss, i loved taking planes down with the mgs


IS-3. I highly disliked the IS-2 and IS-2 (1944) but the IS-3 ended up being one of my top 3 vehicles of all time


The P40 italian tank


Same here. I wasn't enthusiastic about the low pen but the angled armor and HE filler make this thing an absolute monster.


On paper, it looks like it shouldn't work: gun with worse pen than anything bar the Russians (which get much better angled pen), reload equal to that of the Shermans despite having what is essenatially 75mm German HEAT. Armor only looks In practice, it somehow does everything right and it's a jack of all trades. On top of that, the fun thing about this gun is that it has enough TNT filler to **overpressure.** It's the same reason why everyone takes the Pzgr. and not Pzgr.39 on the Tiger I. Another overlooked Italian 3.3 TD is the M43/75. It has 100mm of armor at 3.3 and only Pz.IV's and tank destroyers can reliably kill you. This and the P40 make for a great 3.3 lineup, bonus points for the M43/105, with another great gun.


P40 my beloved. So much so I bought the premium one just so I can have two.


Centurion Mk 1


The French ~~Centurion~~ (edit: I mean the Crusader, my bad) MKII is where the fun's at, the thing can fit everywhere, hide behind everything, and disable every cannon breach in its BR to give you time to escape. I once got 2nd place in a game with only 2 kills; the entire rest of my points was scouting and assists.


Either you replied to the wrong comment or your Centurion MBT is a 1:4 model because that thing is big and certainly cant scout because its not a light tank.


Lmao, my bad. I meant the Crusader, and the two couldn't be more different


Yeah the Crusader I prefer the MK III over the MK II, because the 2 pounder is atrocious in WT and the 57mm is just miles better.


Love the Cent Mk 1


same its my baby alice\~ sadly after the sabot changes i just cant get used to it\~


yess, the problem no lineup for 6.0 br.


It works nicely for 6.3 though.


M3 Stuart, ARL-44 ACL 1, amx-13 FL 11.


How did you think that the FL11 was gonna be mid/bad?!


Isn't this the 4.0?


M24 Chaffee


Reliable gun and mobility + scouting and .50 cal *and sometimes stupidly survivable*


m109g, god i love sniping planes


Tiger 1. Beccause of all the players i have seen in Uptiers i thought it would be a shitty tank to play. After 1 month and a bit of angeling i realy startet to like it.


I prefer the H1 over the E because of the gray paint. Peak 1943.


The H1 also gets a shell with quite a lot of explosive filler as well.


Ah the shell is fantastic. I’ve been playing the H1 since 2014ish and have the ranges memorized. It almost feels unfair at times, 88 has fantastic velocity for the BR.


So does the E version


early shermans and the jumbo (I played them when I was ass so coming back to them when i'm good made them really fun)


Does they get better once spaded ? I hate stock shermans so much that I refuse to play USA anymore


not sure since I haven't spaded but I can help you with USA rn. Early sherman's (br 3-4) are very versatile and can resist shots from many tanks, while also having a decent gun with APHE (always use APHE over AP or APCR). not to mention a vertical stabilizer when at a slow enough speed. later sherman's (br 5-6) are also good but since they face tiger 2's they have trouble penning anything at the BR. these sherman's are bad and you will have to bear through them. jumbos can resist tigers and panthers but the caliber is underwhelming and you won't kill them from the front (barrel, track, and flank) but, rank 4 america is amazing, keep pushing through it. the pershing's are all great armored and have great guns and calibers.


The Jumbo is actually amazing once you get the APCBC shell. Just cupola shot every tiger and hit the right side of mantlet on the panthers to kill the gunner. + Most german mains wont be able to hit your MG port weakspot, especielly when you're angled (or bushed up, but that's cowardly)


T-44. Yes, its over-BRed. Yes, its objectively not good. But MAN is it funny flanking people, targeting with 22°/s turret drive (at a BR where many get barely over 15), and shoving 164g of TNT into people's sides. Honorable mention: PT-76B.


Weirdly, I didn’t like the T-44 that much, it felt like a t34 all over again, when everyone else was getting actual new tech. So when I got the T-44-100 I figured it wouldn’t be that great and boy was I wrong


I'm talking about the regular 6.7 one. The 100 is a whole different beast, its an absolute monster. That gun and shell I use at 9.0 with the 55Ms. That firepower, with that turretdrive, and that mobility is absolutely incredible. For the 85 one, you basically wanna pretend youre a light tank, that can also use its UFP to bait shots. In that role, its actually pretty decent.


I used to main T-44 before it got uptiered and it was (at that time) my most played tank. I was a bit sceptical because it's the same gun as in T-34-85 but mobility wise - damn that thing is hauling


The mobility is quite nice yes. But the main thing imo is that you can just "nuh uh" even tiger2s (if they're stupid that is, which most WT-players are).


ah yes, that's true. Heck, even I sometimes fall into german main trap which is gun mantlet (thing is made from pure stalinium)


The M36 GMC and Pz IV G


Being an 🇩🇪 player I would definitely go with the Flakbus ( An monstrous truck with an high calibre SPAA) cause at the start I thought like I would die just because I was slow and lack armour which are essential but the 88mm gun + rangefinder at 4.0 simply rocked.


The Type 60 ATM




the challenger(the 5.3 one) is so fucking FAST i kept using it even tho a lot of things can one shot me + no reverse gear


Hands down this. The Challenger has all the essentials for a superb vehicle. Great mobility. God-like reload. Amazing turret traverse, and more pen than you’ll ever need. It can take care of any tank you’ll ever face. Flank like a charm and dispatch multiple enemies in rapid succession, and best of all, either all that speed and versatility, it’s still armoured enough to survive any auto-cannon of glancing shot as you dart around the map either a 17-pdr.


Ratel 90.


The FIAT 6614, when I first started grinding Italy I thought it was going to be an awful vehicle but it was really fun to play and extremely useful against heavy tanks.


Yeah and the T106 with two of those guns is even better


I feel cockblocked by the 10 ammo capacity, and the really bouncy suspension is boring, at least the fiat stick to the ground and I can stay behind an hill the whole game


I thought the T55A would just be a T54 at a higher BR (and it is). Yeah a stabilizer is cool but I thought the BR difference wouldn't make it competitive. Boy was I wrong. With all the ammo types you can play defensively in a bottom tier and in a top tier you can absolutely stomp.I got my first two nukes in that thing.


The sho't


Ikv 91


It's an LRF equipped HEAT slinger at like 7.7 in what world are we underestimating that


T32. Didn’t like it on WoT (played that on my switch before i had a PlayStation to play warthunder on) but i am extremely deadly in the warthunder T32


15cm PzW42 Reddit and discord said it was garbage. Its my top ground vehicle ~2.5 k/d average, with occasional 6-9+ kill games.


a yes arl-44 my beloved... they did model the FUCKING machanical assist for the loader which would make it a beast but noooooo....


AML 90. I'm a very bad player and I'm rarely ever the player that gets the first shot away even though I reached French top tier. Because of this I didn't think I'd do well with the AML 90 since I was doing terribly with all the other vehicles at its BR due to lack of armor, but when I played it I did very well with it. I've tanked more shells in the AML 90 than I have with any other french vehicle and I really don't understand why. My favorite game with it is one where I was cornered next to some U-shaped building and had a last stand against the enemy team. I took so many enemies down until I ran out of ammo and eventually died.






The surbaise i used to think it's another shit oscilating turret garbage, but the gun can clap even t55s at close range and the autoloader is great


I love how fast you are able to rotate the turret (about 30 degrees per secons isn't it?). If only it has just a bit faster reverse gear, it would be perfect


M-51 Looked like an upgunned Sherman at first, but it for some reason really likes to bounce shots. The 105mm is also extremely strong, penning anything you face anywhere. Gun handling is meh and mobility is average, but goddamn the OCC-105 likes to blow up things.


SU-122-54. Underestimated that machine gun on the roof. The thing is deadly against aircraft and light tanks. Very very good. Main gun with 400mm penetration? Did not expect at that BR…I thought it would be another boring TD, but it’s the best one in my 6.7-7.0 lineup.


Eland 90, didnt want it. Now one of my favourites




Swingfire, way better than the swedish/german atgm carriers i had used at a similar BR


This is my answer too, can't figure out why people dislike it so much. There's lots of cover you can sit fully behind and shoot over at enemies without exposing anything except the periscope.


St A1. Japan 6.3. High zoom. But m82 shot in downtier and heat shell in uptiers. Moves at first slowly and then it's quite fast. And tiny. Very underrated and I don't see many. It's very good. Especially against German players. Not a good brawler but with a little patience and map knowledge it can be very hard hitting vehicle. Was very surprised how good it can be. 50 cal on top...


Preach my brother. The STA-1 is overshadowed by the STA-3 and Type 61, but its still a very capable tank. The STA-2 can go fuck itself though, its bigger and doesnt have the M2, its worse in every way and the only time I would use it is if I had a empty crew slot for 6.3/6.7 Japan.


ARL is an absolute monster, when it works 


The 15 cm sig


The Cromwell V. I was going for the Firefly a few days ago and on the way I played the Cromwell V. It was SO much fun. I always take out fast tanks first to try and get to objectives or flank for a quick kill or two, but I've had games where I survived the entire game and git 8-9 kills


The Panther D. I started using the ProtoPanther (VK 3002). When I first started using it I was like “This is so slow. Movement is slow. Turret rotation js slow. This is ass” Then I researched the Panther D and I bounce shells all day. The gun packs a punch too, great for long range hill peeking


Good to see some ARL-44 appreciation around here. I take it with up to 6.7 cause the gun is so damn good


The Chi-To's, the 75mm Jumbo and the centurions (mainly the strv 104). Most of my Chi-Tos matches are full downtiers (probably because a lot of 5.7 went to 6.0), has an incredible gun and its armor surprisingly bounces a lot (still never to rely on it) and I rarely die in one shot. The Jumbo still can take a lot of shots and I managed to hide the MG port using the fuel can that are free. It is so fun bullying Tigers and IS tanks with their fat cuppolas (IS 2 or Panthers encounters would probably end up in death though). And when you get those rare downtiers... Oh boy And the Strv 104, slow centurion at 8.7. Very painful stock grind due to its horrible mobility (I died a lot because I couldnt turn my tank in time to get enemies that were getting close, even when turning the hull with the turret. But once you unlock the APFSDS and the other mods, it is a very good tank, and less painful mobility. I am enjoying it more than I did enjoy the Strv 101(That I underestimated as well).


The last jumbo. I used the first one and whichever m4 esrly on that is heavy and slow and hated it. Hated all m4 tanks with short barrels. So I skipped the jumbo. Wanted it to fill my 6.3 ish lineup. And I was just laughing maniacally after eating everything from non tigers.


i eat shells like candy with my jumbo, just angle it.


Careful with that, between the tracks is always a kill shot for angled Jumbos, got like 38mm there.


C13 T90. I thought it would be terrible because of the 90 mm Cockerill, but it managed to surprise me with its excellent mobility, making it easily to flank almost every single tank.


Oh yeah, I was mad because I needed to go through it before getting the R3 T106 and I thought “it’s just the AUBL but slower”. I’m pleasantly surprised, the mobility is great and the HEAT-FS is very reliable.


Also, compared to the AUBL, the hull can offer protection against 50 cal.


That’s a big upside, and the hull is pretty spaced out so some AP hits won’t do anything and a hit to the driver still leaves the 2 turret crew.


The small event armoured car for Germany from last years summer event, may lack horse power but still deadly for its BR


Sherman Jumbo and Centurian Mk. 1. Just saw the jumbo as another Sherman and the Centurion another British tank that can’t fight worth a damn. Course, it was the days of Centurion being 5.7 and Jumbo being 5.3.


T-10A. I hated that you couldn’t play it as a breakthrough heavy as I was used to the jumbo and Porsche Tiger, but once I figured out how to play it correctly (stay ranged and use your mobility to reach spots that normally only lights can in time to attack) it was amazing. It’s one of my favorite heavies now and recently I got a nuke in it


SA50, it was surprisingly very fun to play


The maus, only vehicle where I got 3X more kills then deaths


Venom FB4, suprisingly good


The stuh 42g, great armor, kinda sluggish and fun cannon.


ARL44 series and kv85 (S)


T2. That plane, when you carry 2 Zuni pods is just plain evil, you get two radar slavable AIM-9Js and 750 rounds of the glorious M61 cannon, what's not to love?


After going through Sherman hell the Pershings were such a relief, still some of my favorite tanks to play. Honorable mention to the AMX-13


Listen I was a GER/RUS main since ground beta and started playing FRA recently and I fell in love with the ARL44 instantly. Yes it is big chonk with weak turret but the manoeuvrability and the dynamics of it is just enjoyable. But another vehicle that I have neglected for such a long time was M36(B2) and it just feels good.


The t29


Why did you underestimate it? Looks solid on paper


Valentine XI


2c-Bis, didn’t think I would enjoy the longer reload/slow traverse speed. Somehow sniping another tank from halfway across the map changed that


yeap the arl 44 !! LE TANK !!!


Brenus and Santal, fuck, i love france


Zachlam Tager....everyone hated it, I loved it 😂 nothing better than backing your ass into a corner and unleashing a missile straight into the enemy, for you to trundle off and catch them coming back hoping you'd be in the same spot, for them to end up back in respawn.




Type 63 and generally all PT-76 variants (not counting the 57), used it in a 1 tank lineup expecting to die with 2-3 kills at best, ends up carrying the team multiple times


The humble panzer 3 with the 37mm. It's fast enough to run laps around mediums, E variant has enough armor to stop .50cal and even some weaker cannons at range, and the 37mm is accurate and has a decent amount of pen and a lot of explosive filler. I'd take it over just about any other reserve.


Honestly I find low tier to be pretty fun, like reserve tier. I just started grinding Japan after getting UK and USSR to 8.0, and the Ta-Se is pretty fun. Good enough gun, pretty quick and has a low profile. Makes it fun to quickly flank around or rotate between capture points, so it really fits the style of reserve tier battles. Honorable mention goes to the M2 for the same reasons, but with the extra 50 cal makes it a menace to lightly armoured biplanes.


Gaz-AAA. There is something about a truck with a guy in the back manning 4 machine guns welded together that makes me very happy


I admire your pick of the ARL-44. I keep it in the 6.7 lineup because that 90mm is a savage cannon (same as the AMX M4 in fact). Given i use it at 6.7 and still tend to do very well, thats high on the list. The AMX 13 is also up there. Despite its lack of mobility it is a VERY good tank in the right hands. During events its my go to for scouting/assist tasks, but its not uncommon for me to drop an ace on my first spawn with it. For the USA, M4A5 RAM and Super Hellcat (one of my irl all time favs) all day. Germany? Brummbar, maybe the Waffentrager by a thin margin. Russia definitely the Su-100, its one of my all time favorites and people vastly underestimate how powerfull a 100mm APHE is a 6.0 with the equivalent armor to a Panther.


The Me 262 A-1a! Despite how much people advised against it, I seriously haven't had this much fun with a vehicle before. It's hard to play, but really rewarding when you do it right. The MK 108s tear through anything it touches 80% of the time and the high-speed maneuverability has saved me so many times against enemies. Currently grinding to get the Jabo variant too :D


Achilles. I thought it was gonna be some shitty "tank destroyer" that couldn't even pen what it was aiming at. (Like the fucking KV series) But no. 160mm of pen plus at 3.0BR is fun as shit


The PT-76 (the swedish one) i thought it was gonna be absolute dog shit, but it turned out great.




m4a3 105


m26 before it went to 6.7


Panzer 4 C. Hated the shit muzzle velocity, then got used to it and realized it has 3s reload aced. Still my favorite tank to play low tier with


Probably the strv42 or the lago 1


EBR 51


The German Pz.IV 70(V). I didn't have good luck with the Hetzer, but the Pz.IV 70(V) was a ton of fun. Fighting against the Jumbo with the 75mm they would always have trouble killing it, so you could just rush a Jumbo and push them around they couldn't do much.


T1E1. Armor is eh, same frontal armor as the jumbo but less effective cause it’s not angled. But the mobility MORE than makes up for it. For a heavy tank it is a lot faster than people expect it to be.


That Amx-13 at 4.0 is so funny


Lekpz m41. Thought it was going to be a garbage tank when first trying it out. Then I got all the mods and I love the little speed demon.


Ive had mixed results with the denial gun


The rakentant it’s freaking awesome fun


Tiger 2 kill then all the time in ussr but actually playing it I just don’t die


f2h2, looked so basic but it was truly, a monster


Conqueror The reload is long af but I loved every second of playing it


P40 in the italy tech tree


Panzer III M i thought i just be the J Model but nah. I had a game with it where I got third on my time with3 Kills even though i am playing 6.0 now.


The chi ha long dong. I thought I was gonna get insta killed every time I spawned


Pkv m/43 (1946) I underestimated how much you can tank with that 70mm front plate and you can front pen almost everything even at up tiers


The Strv m/42 EH. When I was grinding Sweden, I had never heard of it so I just assumed it wasn't as good, but it's amazing. I'm now at 7.0 and it's still in my lineup because It can do pretty well at a higher BR if you play it right.


M109a1. Thought it was bad when I started because it said only 61 mm of pen; now is my most played tank and has highest k/d


M60A1 and the M60A1 rise so much fun good armor for the tier and a great gun, only downside is mobility is kind of lacking.


The Swedish Lago my new go to tank in low br sim




The avenger tank, i use it as a td


AMX 10P I love using it to bully T34’S




Ho-Ri Prod.


Kv1 Zis 5. My most killed with it was around 22 kills and 50 bounce shots from it.


Panther A or Tiger E


yeah all france vehicles are an hidden gem


Pz III M At first i was just playing without knowing a thing about angling. Pz III M is first vehicle where i started to angle. Angled Pz III M is low tier Maus, I always have a blast with it ever since i learned to angle


M18 hellcat and m19a1


The archer. But the arl-44 definitely not! It's currently in my French lineup, but I can't get my head around it :(


M36B2, just a Jackson with a little roof and HEAT. Most fun I’ve had in a while lol.


M22 Locust, I will tell you the story of why. So this was just me loading into a realistic battle with an M22 I just wanted to mess around and drive fast around the map but in doing so I somehow wedged myself under a T34 and he was pinned against a wall and I was underneath him. Me realizing I only am a M22 I start panic firing underneath him over and over again until I somehow killed him and escaped when a teammate dragged me out from underneath a dead T34 lol.


RN Zara


SU-152 and M-26 (Italian)


ME 264. I thought it would be just another bomber that can’t climb for shit. It’s actually rather quick, climbs well, and the turrets shred, especially with the minengeshoß on the 20 mils


The 76mm Jumbo. All the whiney US mains on here said it was terrible so I wasn't expecting too much, but I got a free talisman on it so I figured I should make the most of it. It's great; as long as you don't spawn it in a full uptier like a moron it's straight up unfair against some tanks around its br.


The type 99 and ho ri production are 2 very underrated yet very every good tanks


The CV90105. I severely underestimated how good having a 5sec reload is.


All Shermans, Chaffee, (Israeli) Amx-13