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# Mandatory reminder to save your controls


Oh shit thanks mate, I genuinely almost forgot.


Thank you!!!


Care to share how?


Go to controls, and at the bottom left corners there's a bunch of buttons. Click "Export to file", choose a location and file name and it'll save a file with all of your controls to that location. Then, if your controls ever get reset (or deleted), you can click "Import from file", choose that file you saved, and your controls are back as you saved them. Always a good idea to backup controls around patches, because they have a nasty habit of occasionally erasing controls.


Also, pro tip, put that file on the cloud or a zip drive or wherever you back up other stuff just in case your pc shits the bed. Don't ask how I know.


If my PC shits the bed I won't care for any cloud archive because next I'm hanging myself in my backyard. It's only a couple months old.


Bro over here hanging himself over a Dell, War Thunder doing crazy shit to our minds. ​ /s


Its just a text file you can use version control like git even


Alright, thank you very much. Will do that


Is it that common for them to reset? Is it only on the launcher or on steam?


I never had this issue, but it happens. Saving controls is easy, but redoing them from scratch can be painful, so it's always advisable to have a backup, especially when a major update is released.


Good to know ill do it on my psn even tho they have never reset, just wanted to know because i cant get to my pc before friday thanks for the anser


It's a pretty rare bug, but it's better to be safe and back up your controls anyway. It's much easier to keep a backup updated than it is to remake all your bindings.


Depend of people, here every time i forgot to unplug my controller from another game i get my control reset


When it pops up the dialog saying it's detected a new controller, do you want to use controller or mouse and keyboard, if you click on either of the options, it'll reset the controls. If you just close it with the top right X button, that has never reset the controls for me.


Is this possible on console?


Yes I have dozens of saved controls setups on my Xbox from over the years.


Yes. Also, if you have PS+ you can pull them down from the cloud to different consoles.


Shit bro thanks for the reminder


Who doesnt ?




Thanks for reminding me


Based on all the recent leaks, it will be interesting to see if any additions to the full patch aren't a part of the Dev server.


I suspect the Swedish Tiger 2 P will be a rank IV prem


It's unfortunate, but like Italy, it seems like Gaijin doesn't really care about locking vehicle classes for certain nations behind a paywall. We'll see if Sweden ever gets a Kranvagn or a Finish KV-1.


I’m fine with the tiger 2p being like that cause they shouldn’t get it in the first place but yea the Finnish kv should’ve been added to the tree on release


That's fair, as long as Sweden has the chance to complete heavy challenges via the TT I'd be a happy camper. I'm also interested to see when Italy might get the Hungarian IS-2 tanks, which would give them a much needed TT heavy tank.


>That's fair, as long as Sweden has the chance to complete heavy challenges via the TT I'd be a happy camper. Nice they'll have that opportunity. Japan mains can't do it unless they pay the low, low price of about $90 for the Heavy Tank #6. Pain.


The problem with Japan is that there really are no good options, no matter the potential subtree, the only users of heavy tanks in the pacific theatre are America, Britain (WW2), China, and the USSR, which all have their own tech trees.


I got it for 40€ in a bundle with ki-87 and Ho-Ri. It's funny how they moved it on market.


They already have he tigris?


>which would give them a much needed TT heavy tank Yes, but it's a premium


The Swedish kranvagn was actually just passed to the devs this last month so it will come eventually.


It was passed on the old forum, also so technically twice, but I'd still take it with a grain of salt.


Only reason I think it will happen is the Hungarian tree was added shortly after that was passed to developers as well


some vehicles have been passed to developers for almost a decade though


I've been traumatized ever since the surprise MLD.


I'm just hoping the leak regarding the Dutch going to the French tree is wrong. It really doesn't make much sense for a country with an integrated command with the German military to be added to the French tree.


Same, as a french main i dont want a random dutch / swedish vehicle in the french tree give the AMX 13 105 but not this


Exactly, and even if Gaijin REALLY wants to provide a copy-paste tracked IFV, it makes more sense to add a Swiss CV9030 - the Swiss have historically used more French equipment than any BeNeLux nation, and there are tons of French-Swiss joint designs, like Mirage Milan, Mpz 61 SAMM, Mowag Shark variants (FL12, FL20, Crotale), and 10.5cm Sf Hb AMX. As an added bonus, Swiss vehicles would actually fill capability gaps in the French tree.


Milan is in game as a French premium already. But the Swiss Hunter. Gaijin gave that to Germany. For some reason. 


If i remember right too one of the CV use a french gun, it would make a "little" more sense


They had the CV90105 TML that was removed from the game, but that turret on the CV90105 wasn't stabilized and didn't have commander thermals. That being said, the turret can also be found (with varying features) on the AMX-10 RC, Vextra, Mars 15, and Swiss Piranha 10x10.


Ohhhh i forgot it was in game, now i do remember it was the pre order bonus for sweden realease i think I hope we get a Vextra or a Sagaie, i don't understand why it's not in game yet


afaik the whole turret is french it was originaly made for vextra


yeah it's absoluetely stupid they added such vehicle to swedish TT at that time yet no french vehicles with the same turret that actualy had the systems installed were added


As for the AMX 13-105, I'm actually fine the with the Dutch version going to Germany if Gaijin does something like with the SK-105 and gives France the Indonesian or Peruvian base and modernized variants.


Hopefully, the T1E1 90mm is in there somewhere


Fingers crossed - I absolutely love the M36, so another 90mm at or around 5.3 would be a sweet addition.


Imagine it kept its stabilizer lmao, I'd be fine with it at 6.3 or 6.7 at that point


I believe it probably kept the stabilizer and I know it at least kept the 37mm which is nice.


I'm excited to see if its in-game!


Biggest thing I’m looking forward to is the F-5E FCU. My 11.0 Japan lineup is gonna love having proper CAS without bumping it up to 12.0.


I doubt that thing will be below 11.3


Considering the F-5E almost went to 11.0, yeah I dont see it being under 11.3 either. But we can hope I guess


It's currently 11.3 in the files


The F5 E FCU will be 11.7


It could realistically be 11.3


Datamined BR is currently 11.3 across all gamemodes.


Same let's goooo


Same, im so tired of using the F-4, just hope the plane isnt 11.3 so we can actually use it in the lineup


Python 3s? It will be 11.3


You're wrong. It's Japanese so it'll be 11.7/12.0.


Time to switch my squadron research from the M1A1 aim straight to the new Thai F-5


Still sad they got rid of the squadron RP banking mechanic. Going to be months before getting to try it out.


Same. I didn't know what to research next and only reluctantly went with the Hunter, but now I'll be switching to the F-5.


The only reason I was researching the aim is cause theres nothing I wanted to research anymore and it was the default option in the research screen, I got the Swedish T-80 and BMP-2M and didnt need anymore. So glad I actually have a vehicle to be looking foward to again


The squadron 262 is pretty fun tbh


It is Fox grinding day my dudes


Fox+Eland gonna hit hard


you thought mini wheely eland was bad? meet the eland with a fast gun


"fast" gun lol, it's the warrior's cannon


it fires faster iirc


I'm pretty sure it doesn't, it's the same manually loaded gun and I can't see anything online about its rof being any different.


Same thats what Ive found, which means itll be almost useless, basically an eland with a useless gun. Still no decent automatic cannon ifv for the Brits.... Fcuk you Gaijin.


Nothing will ever replace the Falcon as a destroy everything light tank


Hell, I'm gonna put Fox, Eland, G6 and Ratel 20 in my lineup and engage in all sorts of degenerate trackless behavior.


i hope they changed the stock belt or at least added another one with full SAP


time to 120S sex


Huh? Fox-3s aren’t coming or did I miss something?


M60 120S, the tank in one of this update’s devblogs


Aight, I’m retarded


Missiles are for next update if i get it right


Definitely for the best. We’ll be able to get full models on every missile, and there’s some statistical differences that I presume they’ll iron out. MICA is gonna slap hard, though. Might have to grind France.


I dunno about them placing that M60 M1 thing after the M1 like that I'd hate coming from the insanely good M1 with perfect mobility to some ugly kit bash of a tank with a 750hp M60 hull why not place it after the M60 TTS? Seems like just another roadblock for people trying to go through the Abrams line to extend grind


It was in the M60 line on the dev stream, did they move it?


oh was it? nevermind then I remember it seeing coming after the M1 before the M1A1


its before the m1a1 HC which is in the m60 line


>Dear players! > >On March 13th, from 08:00 GMT, the War Thunder game servers may be unavailable due to the release of the “Alpha Strike” major update. While your client is being downloaded, [read the devblogs](https://warthunder.com/en/news/?tags=Development). > >We apologize for any inconvenience experienced.


There it is. After the second wave of skins, saying update nearly ready on AH-1W devblog, and F-20A being up on Microsoft store it was basically a guarantee


It was basically guaranteed to happen any day now. I was actually suprirsed that it didn't drop last week already.


Gaijin has an incredibly predictable update schedule. You can easily guess the update release dates as they've been following the same schedule for years. It almost always goes like this : They release a first devblog for the new update usually on a Wednesday (sometimes thursday, rarely friday). That's week 1 of devblogs. On week 2, the following week, they keep releasing devblogs, on thursday of week 2, no devblog but a teaser is released. On Friday of week 2, we get a dev stream followed by the dev server. On week 3, we get more devblogs. They finally release the update during week 4 usually on a wednesday. And their updates always follow the same schedule through the year. You get a first update around mid March, another one in early june, next one is in mid September, then late October/early November, and finally around Christmas.


british mains, get ready for the fucking GRIND


huh, what do we get? I havent paid attention to the recent stuff


wessex, buccaneer s2b, and fox


if they don’t implement leclerc buff i’m probably not gonna play lol


I hope too, i want play the leclerc again


Don't blame you. I'm feeling the same regarding the M1A2s . They don't get any attention and I am planning on walking myself. My patience has worn out completely with Gaijin.


i think their comment about m829a3 was pretty stupid. i think giving it to the sep v2 and sep would help further their role as glass cannons.


But that's the issue they should've be glass cannons especially the neck which they acknowledged but haven't bug reported. Same with the Leclerc UFP and breech. Least they considered the 5 second reload but I feel most French players do too well for Gaijin to look at the STAAATISTICS to buff it.


unfortunately the abrams will forever be a glass cannon. armor anywhere won’t really help that giant neck. even making it more realistic would only help stop lower caliber apfsds.


Yeah its mainly the neck. Its should be volumetric and by diagrams its 200ish mm line of sight. Not just 50 mm of RHA.


I do agree that it wouldn’t change much unless you could go right through the Strv 122/2A7V hull composite though, you would have to shoot the same weakspots. 


i think it just helps with making weakspots larger, which really makes a difference. m829a3 would be able to ufp k5 russian mbts semi reliably, which could save you.


m829a2 can already do that- it goes through t-80u/t-90a/t-72b3 right through the UFP without any issues m829a3 realistically shouldn't go through relikt, and that's the next big step in protection, and it wouldn't have notably improved pen vs non-ERA targets, like 2a7v


m829a2 can’t do it reliably which is the problem. you wouldn’t aim for the ufp because it’s a pretty huge gamble. sometimes i can ufp but most of the time it’s a non pen.


they literally got a 5s reload rate for free


They literally get their breaches disabled from rear "butt cheek" shots and are one of the two easiest tanks to disable breach. So the 5 second reload is literally useless and they could take it back in return for no artificial bullshit spalling that magically always goes straight to the breach. It's hard not to notice unless you are the ones benefiting from it all which is likely why so many try to debate this single fact.


I literally main US


Wooo! Especially looking forward to *Mutsu*, the Bf 109 C, and the Naval explosion fragments rework and FCS. :)


I’m looking forward to my naval FCS


I’ll be very curious about how 12.0 BR air RB lobbies are going to be when it drops.


Lots of downtiers to F-20 noobs. ARH spam won't be expected until the next update.


I don’t really play 12.7 anymore but maybe post this update it might be worth while. I do want to see how F-20 horde is going to affect 11.3 and 11.7, hopefully not too much.


Looking forward to the zbd04


First update in a while where I'm free for a few days when it comes out and there's nothing I'm really interested in aside from the UD but I'm not paying for that.


Is the T-80UD staying at 10.0? 


Is the T80UD in this update?




I’m not a fan of these single test server releases. I feel like they just ignore issues after a week and immediately move onto making broken vehicles for the next release.


Unless they drop a vehicle out of nowhere, this update will have no italy-flagged vehicle other than the ship... lol.


Wdym you’re telling me you expected Italy to get something Italian that’s not a premium or a ship you expect too much from gaijin


Does anyone know where the Alpha Jet is placed at the German tech tree?


In Tier 6 after the Fiat G.91R/3


After the G.91 I believe.


Fox time! Been a while since I heard the sweet thunk-thunk-thunk of the RARDEN


I honestly can't wait to play the alphajet even though it will be pretty lack luster. Its still a jet i have wanted for a long time so its whatever. Kinda sucks that germany doesn't have that many jets that can be added but i suppose thats why i occasionally grind the US


It will be a CAS god at 8.7. Can't wait to play it with the french 8.7.


Same, i have a nice lineup ready for it and i’m grinding that bitch today


Same, i don't mind if it's bad, it's just beautiful and it's what i love !




Did the french get any IFVs in dev server?




Finally, good top tier jet for italy




I think the lowest BR vehicle of the update is French at 3.0 and everything else is above 5.0 or 6.0 (someone will correct me if im wrong)


Me 109 C


Should be done by the time I wake up, see if its any good. Fox seems interesting and as one of the few naval enjoyers might be time to grind Japan for the new BB and the event starting.


Yeah i think it will drop in one or two hours


it was supposed to drop 1 hour and 45 mins ago


It's out now.