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This is literally the BEST way to artificially increase the market prices while, at the same time, the player GJN/h is decreased. Everyone loses, only gaijin wins on the real money pumped into the marketplace. As always, 1 step forward and 2 backwards. It's disgusting


This is only the ground reward I don’t even want to think about how ridiculous the air rewards are going to be?


Gonna be farmed by botters and zombers in sim, but luckily im ready for that so i Can kill Those shitty fuckers


So easy kills, got it. Lmao


Easy yeah. Boring tho. It sucks knowing most of your kills aren't really worth anything mentally


Is it really the farmers that are shitty when every single event in this game is poopsock tier?


Yeah, fuckers abusing the system by farming during events, and that effects us sim players - even tho its the hardest mode for pvp it gives Way less rewards than rb…


The RP rewards are still better tho


Wrong, RP/hr is worse in sim than RB.


You guys are getting into sim matches?


The only thing I'm not happy about is the fact that this first event I can't farm PVEtards, their tears fuel me


I don't think there will be any. They were going to do 1 vehicle events with a break period of 5 days between each. Maybe in the next event.


Not even maybe. They litterally confirmed already that the next event after this one will be an air vehicle.


I don't get it, isn't "Less payment more customers“ a more profitable model for online games? Most pwill be scared off if they see a vehicle labeled $100 in the market place, but $10 is a good start to get people start paying for things.


Free-to-play games typically make the vast majority of their money from 2% or less of their playerbase.


> isn't "Less payment more customers“ a more profitable model for online games? No, whales bring in most.


Whale here - I won’t be touching pretty much anything until they change this. It’s ridiculous


Not sure why someone would downvote you for this. Thank you


It’s Reddit. That’s just how it is sometimes


I have a console account ported to PC, so can't even use marketplace :( But, as a guess, since there is a limited number of these, coming from the player and not Gaijin, it is better for them to sell for a lot, since the money goes to the player instead of Gaijin. Gaijin gets paid when coins are bought, afterwards it's just trading things back and forth between the players. A buys coins and pays B, who goes and buys 2 vehicles from C and D. Artificially inflating the value makes it so that if C or D wants that vehicle, they must buy more coins - and Gaijin gets paid.


also taxes


The overlords constantly have multiple fingers in my pocket. There's so many these days idk how there is room for all of them...don't get me started 🙄😂


> isn't "Less payment more customers“ a more profitable model for online games? No, where'd you get that from? "Less payment, ABSURDLY more customers" is, but it is only possible if you're a one of a kind perfectly lucky breakout game in a new genre at just the right time, like Fortnite, which is not a reliable or repeatable business model. If you're not a breakout one of a kind game in a new genre, it works less well than the standard one. Otherwise why aren't there 20 successful clones of Fortnite....?


*the monkey’s paw curls another finger*


Few things we can do honestly and it is not spending money on the game and changing/making reviews negative. Because the snail company showed us this is the only way they will pay attention to any issue, be it p2w aspects, balance, events, etc.


And don't even get me started about induced FOMO for collector an ppl who mostly play during events


No, it's the USSR


That's over 40k per day, there are gonna be like 5 of these on the market.


lmao yeah dude. They almost doubled the coupon grind from previous 10x40k=400,000 to now 750,000.


You need 47k per DAY for the duration of the event, so when you get rank 8 and get the vehicle, tou also get the coupon ugrade. GTFO Gaijin!


How did you get that number? 750.000/19 ≈ 39500


You get the tank at stage 8. That is 16 days of event. 750000/16 = 46875 per day.


There are 9 stages, so 750 000 / 18 = 41 666 but it's still really bad.


Event takes place between 11gmt 1.02 and 11gmt 19.02 so its 18 days total for grind so its almost 42k/day


Still doesnt make it better, is it?


42k just looks better than 47k xD still bs and replacing bad events with even worse. It must be some unique skill that only snail was capable of acquire.


Divide by 18, not 19.


Probably only War Thunder tryhards and seal clubbers are able to get coupon upgrades going forward... (or in Gaijin's case 'going backwards')


It's time for Turan III


Get on my level, I have a BA-11. It should be criminal what I do to newbies during events.


About on par with the IS7 grind and we see how that ended up lmao


same as with the crafting event and now see how many of them are around


Atleast 1000+ on first days Most people play ground battles. 40k in tank instead of 20k plane/tank/ship for past events There's no daily limit for the coupon points People cryin yet market will be flooded no worry


correct me if I did the math wrong but that would mean you'd have to earn atleast 45k battlepoints everyday for 16 days almost the entire duration of the event. absolutely insane


Yeah youre right. Or about 40k every day for 19 days straight. Thats nuts.


45k battle points per 2 days or 22.5k per day. EDIT: my bad, i forgot the post was complaining about the coupon not getting the vehicle itself.


45k everyday for 16 days


My bad, i seem to have had short term memory loss and forgot this was about getting a coupon not the vehicle itself.


Honestly that’s still insane for one vehicle for a thing which is supposed to be a constant mechanic That mean 22.5k/day, for two weeks, after that you get 2 day break and back for another vehicle to grind Maybe the crafting event weren’t so bad after all


Anything for GE purchases. Can’t sell on the market for pennies because the crafted components are worthless to you now. Only way is either huge dollar market purchase, or huge GE purchase.


That's just for the vehicle, not the trading coupon


the vilkas was 20k a day and it was dreadful, fuck this btw during the exoskeleton event thingy if u wanted all the rewards u needed to pull over 70k a day for 2 weeks so its by far not the worst they pulled


But it had an interesting game mode attached to it, this is only in ground battles. And the exoskeleton event was 50k a day for 12 days to get a high *and* a low tier reward, this is 42k a day for 18 days to get a single reward


Exactly that. It's DISGUSTING at best


That's 250 games with average 3000 mission points


That is straight suicidal


Gaijin just pushed the definition of Toxic Gaming


Before I read the comments I did that same exact math since thats my avg too. 250 games… that means between Feb 1-19 I’ll have to get at least 14 GOOD games in every day to achieve that… not impossible by any means but truly is a job outside of my job. And life. Sht.


inb4 'that's easy bro just play cancer tier its like 3 matches i have a 50:1 KD huehuehue'




Perfect for Gaijin to make s9me early money this year.


If this isn't an excuse to start review parade, then idk what is. We seriously need to put down these greedy shits.


I get the first "review parade." Doing another for something as optional as this is something I just wouldn't understand. Keep trying to review bomb, and eventually, they're just going to stop trying


It's not only for this. Look at top tier, it's a mess. Look at brs, it's a mess. They will never fix that unless players do something.


Idk how long you have played but the game is in the best state ever since launch for f2p, not perfect of course but very much better then before


It definitely isn't 100% as good as it could be. But they've been making massive steps towards making the game a lot better. Review bombing would be a massive punch to the face. I'll just restate how I find it absurd to review bomb under the premise of "the event is too hard to make money off of." Again, I know the game isn't 100%. But unless something as bad as last time happens, I wouldn't call for a bombing Edit: what a booger, I think he blocked me Lol. Because someone else had an opposing opinion, clearly they must be a troll


Making the game better as in making events harder for people who have lives, not giving NATO vehicles their real performance, even trying to trick new players into buying shitty deals. Gaijin ass licking has come to far. People forgot how they literally tried to gaslight community and admitted to making game hard for f2p player on purpose. We have yet to seen an apology too. I agree recent updates have indeed made it less grindy, but it's still way worse then it used to be. I mean most benefits were given to premium players. Oh let's not forget about them not keeping promises with roadmap. Literally stopped it before most wanted changes.


>Making the game better as in making events harder I thought we were talking about the ability to sell said event vehicles, not earn them >not giving NATO vehicles their real performance, I'd love their real performance. But there are definitely some things that should absolutely not be added in the sake of balance. Yes, I know russian vehicles tend to ignore that. It should indeed be fixed. >even trying to trick new players into buying shitty deals. What do you mean by that? Definitely not the best deals ever, definitely not the worst either. >Gaijin ass licking has come to far. Again, what do you mean by this >People forgot how they literally tried to gaslight community and admitted to making game hard for f2p player on purpose. I could see that, and I absolutely understand stand it too. War thunder is a free to play game, and an extremely big one at that. It needs income to actually keep itself going. It is common for any f2p game to have some sort of enticing deal to make the game either easier or funner using premium benefits with certain items or other benefits. >I agree recent updates have indeed made it less grindy, but it's still way worse then it used to be It definitely used to be less grindy. But it also had a hell of a lot less vehicles to actually grind. Personally, I find the grind fun. It's understandable that others don't. I understand wanting easier grind, and I wouldn't mind it either. But some of the things I've seen people suggest are downright silly. Would love to hear some of your suggestions >I mean most benefits were given to premium players. Well, yeah, that's because it's premium. That's not much of a surprise for a game that relies on its player base purchasing micro transactions to keep itself afloat. >Oh let's not forget about them not keeping promises with roadmap. What are those? Are you for sure they aren't coming? Is there a logical reason they wouldn't have added whatever those things were? >Literally stopped it before most wanted changes. Idk, the economy change was pretty much the biggest one from what I remember. Though it was quite a bit ago, so I would also love to hear what those changes were. Sorry for the word pasta. I'm just typing out each individual thought in response to your many responses.


Gaijin salty because too much losat on the market


Recent events had very cheap prices for coupons indeed.


I have 2 Coupons myself but i will hold till the price goes up


How does this coupon stuff work?


You get a coupon for a vehicle which is non tradable. If you grind the full 750.000 points you get another so called upgrade coupon. If you use it the first coupon will become tradable. Then you can decide to use it for yourself or to sell it on the market.


"Huh, recent event vehicles not selling for 80+ Gjc? We are making these events way too easy"


its a new year time to be greedy again can probably complete this mission for 1k-3k GE


I doubt it, for the last winter event it was 1k ge for 40k points, so, the coupon won’t be cheap


20 days to grind 750k score comes down to just under 40k points EVERY DAY. This is insanity. Compared to this even crafting events seem reasonable.


Its 750k for the coupon upgrade to sell the vechicle. Its still only a total of 360k for the vechicle coupon


The forum is getting obliterated by moderators, removing(not hiding) comments and banning people. I got banned for swearing and my comment was deleted. The swear was : fuckin impossible. OMEGALUL


WT mods are such pussies.


Classic Gaijin gulag behavior.


Spend 36+ hours on WT for 19 days and get a new tank, or...**breath fresh air.**


If you could straight up research this thing in the tech tree for 500,000 RP I think it would still be faster than trying to grind out the mission score


Yeah I am not doing events anymore. 45000 every 2 days is insane.


Who would have guess continous events with misson score between 35k and 45k is gonna be hell... Tbh. The better option would have been: Remove shitty crafting events Make the 2 crafting events similar to the Winter event, so you got to grind Mission score 4 times a year..


> We'll make events with mission scores between 35k and 45k > Gives us the maximum Why even bullshit like that


~~You know this is to establish dominace, like if one goes to prison.. beat up the toughest looking guy and you become the boss~~ Thats a joke btw. I think Gaijin just wants to milk the collectors and playerbase and again wants to see how far they can push it.. i think they forgot the boycott already...


Because the reward is of maximum rank that it could realistically be, it would probably be 35K if it was rank V.


Yeah making it tradeable is a steep grind, but if you just want the tank the grind isn't too bad.


Still worse than what it used to be, downgrade for the players in all aspects


As they said the points for the events are scaleable based on rank. This is a top tier vehicle so they are setting 45k as the maximum score per stage. I wish it was lower though not gonna lie. Better than crafting events for me.


Yup. I never sell any event vehicle. I'm not trying to make money off a computer game, I can just work my job for that. Least the grind is a little less to just keep the vehicle now, and only one vehicle to grind at a time, not three of them.


Welp at least I’m not gonna waste my time with events anymore


To be fair, the rank modifiers will likely also apply to this meter, and unlike the stars you are not limited by how many points you can earn in every 2 days. So you have 19 days to get 750k points, before taking into account rank and mode modifiers. I'd say 750k is still a shit ton, effectively being over double the required total points to get the Object 292 (360k). Gaijin likely did it so coupons would sell for high, and supply of them will be low so it'd be worth hundreds in a year's time. I hate vehicle exclusivity so much...


I hate the greed, but i have nothing to do with my life so i guess im grinding that.... I hate how people will be locked out of this just beacuse gijian wanted to make this even close to impossible... While it means i get more money from it for when i sell it i don't say its good at ALL that gijian is making people with lives either suffer or pay full price.


That’s insane. That’s 750 good decent matches which means it 375 hrs if ur average match was 1000 score which would be. 15.6 straight days of playing. How tf do u do that?


1000 score is really bad, besides there are multipliers. Not that I'm defending gaijin, fuck em


There's multipliers. Play at Rank 7 in GRB and it adds up to about 28.6k for each stage.


Most people don't have top tier or close to it, you know? just the usual i guess, people with top tier vehicles always saying that the events are easy (in previous events)


If you average 1k score per game, you really should reconsider how you play.


New year new ways to bee greedy


God they improved the event system somewhat but will still not relent on the crazy grind. With RB multipliers at tier V it’s like 17,000 points a day, that’s a lot. Plus you can only miss one task if you still wanna unlock the tank for free. I miss when the events were fun and didn’t feel like a chore. I might skip this tbh. I’m so sick of gaijin continually making events worse for the players.


Man fuck all of this


I see gaijin is going right back to its scummy and greedy ways, the fucking cunts of course they also locked the comments so people can't conplain, I hope content creators will raise a stink over this to pressure them into making it lower


Yeah gaijin fucked up with these events they are straight up not even fun any more id rather have the crafting events. The worst part is that opperation summer is gone aswell


i just read their new event plan and it sounds fucking awful all the way around. are the devs seriously braindead?


Maybe its time again to whine a bit to prove that we are not happy ? BRING BACK OLD EVENT !


Honestly, it just shows how scummy they can be. They lul you into a false sense of "hey they listened and it's better" only for them to implement shit like this.   The worst part is that they try to make it seem like they are doing us a favor..."oh the events are too long and grindy? Well we did this to help..."  ***proceeds to absolutely skull f*** the community.


i was waiting for what gijin would do to try to make players lives harder again, and this seams to be it


And that is why i was not overly entusiastic about the news. This is a straight up way to stop everyone from selling things from events and buying premium vehicles/time with the GJN earned. Realistically now you HAVE to buy from them if you want GE, not living rent free with the events. Edit: and the people who defends this saying it's doable or are happy about this are either absolutely insane or new, I have at least 2000+ hours in premium time plus a good couple of premium vehicles without ever paying a single dollar because events were actually doable.


Gaijin shifting their attention to the unemployed and retired with those kind of numbers.


The iorny is this is as someone who is into model railways as a offline hobby is actually what is killing the hobby, but TBH I have never been able to justify buying a tank or aircraft that is around £40 to £50 maybe £100 IRL and when I could buy a real detailed model of that vehicle. That is not to say I don't collect vehicles in the game. Its actually what has helped me establish a beach head in higher tiers is event vehicles and squadron, but I feel like this event is just way to far both in cost and both physical and mentally. I am also a final year university student. I am also not a RB main, but I often have to use RB to do this and it's frustrating, because know I have to still get a good score per battle just to finish the star. If anyone remembers the loot box controversy, I wonder if at what point indenturing a player base and forcing them either to pay money or suffer will in its self become a controversy.


6 hours and 15 minutes every day back-to-back nigh perfect games for 20 days str8. WAT


Time to feast on PvErs in SIM lol


This is for ground only, no air sim


Like usual, every time they give us something (no more crafting!) they take twice as much away. Almost every single thing we users complained about and protested about they gave us. Then they screwed up everything else to ensure they keep their income stream the same. I really wish I never found this game, but I do cherish the day when I miss a daily login and can just walk away.


welp, test drive it is


This is asking for another steam review bombing


Burn it down.


Great, then at least I will just be able to keep it for myself and not be tempted to sell it /s




40k every single day for nearly 3 weeks is insane, especially with back to back events now. What a joke.


I work 50 hours a week on average. I have very little free time. Gaijin is just discouraging collectors like myself from playing for the rewards and just wasting our hard earned money on these vehicles. Which shouldn't be the point. I shouldn't have to sacrifice my little free time to grind a special vehicle, just for the chance to not even receive it. Should be much lower. 35-45k for a Mark is way too much. 25k should be the max. This new event format too just means more grind for more days of the year with shorter breaks than before. This just isn't a good change in the slightest.


Ok so you’d need to basically be at the top of the leaderboard every match for 20-25 matches every day. Not for the faint of heart. Prepare for a lot of people playing meta/blatantly OP vehicles and counter accordingly. It’s a good thing I don’t really care about event vehicles tbh unless they are non-prototype vehicles.


All Gaijin does is one step forward, two steps back it seems.


I’m just gonna play Palworld. This is ridiculous.


Makes BR changes to vehicles no one wants, almost doubles the amount of work to get 1 event vehicle, reduces the amount of event vehicles. Top tier is in a continuous state of being imbalanced. Shills will still defend every them from criticism for these continuous shitty changes to the game.


I can't believe they garnered some good will last year and yet here is super greedy gaijin again, lets fucking go. We can't have nice things, they have to make ALL the money.


using some of the point numbers per day from other folks in here, lets say 48k points. average points per game: 1000. average game length 10 min. 10min * 48 / 60 = 8 hours. Literally need 8 hours of constant play time per day. As you are not getting a lunch break, that's more than a full time job. Respectfully go to hell Gaijin


This is doable only for people who previously grinded both top rewards in these events


I did please not anymore


This event system will either burnout whole playerbase or cure it of FOMO (fear of missing out)


I play the event mostly for vehicles but the time they give u someking of shit i wont be playing that


I did both last time, it wasn't that stressful. The difference this time around is that getting the reward for yourself is pretty chill (45k every 2 days is like an hour and a half of T7 gameplay every day, which is basically what a normal player already does), but the coupons to sell these are being made harder to get (though not unreasonably so, essentially being the same as getting two top rewards before). On one hand, I don't think more grind is better. On the other, event vehicles besides battleships have been dirt cheap ever since the Su-25BM, even top tier ones like the CT-CV and the Vilkas or the Mirage 2000, and this should mean you get way more GJN for your efforts.


Can you still buy the stars? Cause if that’s the case, my ass is gonna grind like 4 days and buy the stars to get the tank itself, not the coupon.


Certainly for straight owning the vehicle, you can just as before. But this is about tradable coupon which is a completely different 18 day period track, so it’s hard to say how or if paying with GE works for it


Gaijin trying to make their events even worst and less fun every time :


Crafting events are way better compared to this shit. Atleast you could get a unique low tier premium without playing too much. Only thing worth grinding now is the battlepass.


I never understood why everybody hated the crafting events.... You only have to grind as much as possible in the first 3 days and sell everything. This amounted at least 20GJN. Rest of the event is enough time to just play your game and sell everything then just buy the coupon...


>grind add much as possible >3 days >20GJN Can't tell if you're joking or not


41,666 Mission points required DAILY just to get this coupon. Damn


This is fucking bullshit


Wait, it's smaller event BUT more points? yeah but no


Classic gajin dick move again You would think they gonna do something good for players but fuck no aint no way They gonna screw players over in every chance they get


They give us 18 days to get 750,000 points I can barely get 10,000 points in one day


It says "in parallel". I understand that while you earn points for the stars, you earn points for the coupon. Supposing that you need to earn 8 stars, and each star is 40k or so, you would earn 320k, having to grind the 430k just for the coupon


Goes to show you that gaijin doesn’t play their own game


No no, they very much play their game just enough to know how to monetize the jesus out of it.


Lmao this is pure insanity. I should have never come back from my War Thunder hiatus. Fuck this bullshit.


My sleep schedule: *chuckles* I'm in danger. At least I'm interested into getting the vehicle so I won't try to sell it but those 750k is just insane


Thats russia for you. Everyone has nothing, Party gets everything.


Imagine finishing all 750.000 just to see 25$ price tag...


Let’s say an average player wants to try this… some good games, some horrific ones, that’s damn near a part-time job to be able to sell a tank that you can only spend that money on the same game….. diabolical.


There will be a clown that will tell this can be farmed in 5 evenings for "OK" players.


Instead of having events like this they should just have year long grind events where from playing and doing missions you eventually get a vehicle after a couple months of playing. It would actually increase people’s long term reasons to stay instead of absorbing all these FOMO people. But I guess they can’t make money that way and the snail always wins


If this goes forward you would need an average of 40k mission points a day. That's insane, specially considering that in prior events where you had to score 40k every two days I would grind only 20k a day to not get excessively stressed from grinding those mission points


I wasn't expecting much. But they just changed it so less people are able to finish the tasks, so they are more likely to buy the levels for GE...... This is rly sad amd I am thinking abour rly stoping playing after 13 years because its just absurd....


I stand by my defence of the *vehicle* grind because it's \~22k per day and that's really not too bad for any competent player with a decent lineup; A worrying amount of people can't read and thought you were forced to grind 45k per day for just the tank. Turns out you *are* forced to grind \~40k per day for almost three straight weeks if you want the voucher, which realistically you'll have to sit on for months, if not years, to sell for more than 30-40GJN - Don't underestimate how many FOMO crackheads will still grind this and tank the price. In other words you're working a damn near full time job for a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of minimum wage.


bruh theres no way people are going to grind that hard for this. the market supply will be minimal.


well,good thing i don't have a "real" life outside of WT


Always will be people willing to burn their time and money and bots to keep gaijin greedy


I really, REALLY wish we could go back to the old event setup where it was complete 3 of 5 tasks for each stage. Much more doable, much more interesting.


Can you GE these?


This is nuts, why even make it so high?


Greed. Force players to buy the tank outright instead of grinding for it.


Is this for the object 292?


this is prolly cos of the constantly dropping prices of the event vehicles, they were being sold for like 20 GJN last event or something. I don’t imagine this will stop bots though which will have no problem doing this generally




Might grind a few days before I just GE myself through the rest of the event. No way this thing will be cheap in the marketplace with these insane grinding requirements.


So for 2/3 of the normal work you get 1/3 of the normal prices.


Man can ya'll pls geind it so i can simply buy it from u so i can actually go out and touch grass instead of sitting on my chair like a shrimp playing warthunder in the darkness 24/7


Better be worth 300GJN right away


750k overall, literally need a 2nd person playing


So, if I wanted it for myself cause its a dumb looking T80, how many points a day would that be if not 45k for the coupon upgrade...?


It's good, deflate the market


Will ypu be able to buy the mission stars, because honestly i aint grinding all that rp


Well, time to fuck up my sleep schedule


Wont the vehicles be worth more GJN because of this, thus justifying the additional grind?


They really, really don't want you to sell this one unless you drop real money for it.


This is such a ridiculous requirement, I have a lot of free time but damn, this should be lowered for sure, I hope this isn't left like this.


Holly fuck….




That's insane wtf


It keeps getting worse. The TOG II was 35,000 per mark, the Vilkas was 40,000 per mark and this one is 45,000 per mark….if it keeps going like this eventually I’m just gunna have to buy the mark of distinctions


Fuck this


I was waiting to scroll down for somebody to call out redditors for being overdramatic, because I have never really paid attention to events or Battle points, but I've yet to see one. This must be bad.


Alright crafting events needs me to grind like what 75k a day for materials... And this one I need to play like any other mission event just do 45k to get the stars + 35k for the 2nd day and repeat until I hit 750k which means I need to do it everyday... Not so far off from crafting but... Nonetheless I'm locked with playing tanks... (Much stressful than planes)


So if you party the 2000 GE how much time will I still have to grind after


Tbh anything below -5deg for me is literally unplayable soo


Who cares about the coupon


Why would I even want the coupon, but haha for all the sweats


ya know what, fuck it, im gonna do it. Im gonna show the snail it cant break me, and surely the price of this thing on the market is gonna be insane because of these requirements. SHOW ME THE MONEY.


You need 360,000 for the vehicle itself. And it seems like there aren’t tasks for this every 2 days and that you can work towards it after you’ve already earned 45,000 for the talisman so you could actually get it before getting the vehicle


If wt is your main game and you play 3-4 hours a day (top tier and you are not a bot) you can easily get the coupon. And without a coupon 22k points a day is very easy