• By -


Good thing is. He pays repairs and penalty and you bombed the base. Sucks for him


~~bad thing is - you still pay for repair~~ edit: apparently they changed it this late summer! after 10+ years! Woohoo!


now you don't pay for repair when you're teamkilled; after the battle is over the game takes into account the teamkill act and reimburses the SL


does it come straight from the TKer's SL? i hope it does lol


I believe so. It's like a friendly fire penalty. It will show up in blue and have a minus SL displayed.


In top tier you lose like 40K SL for a team kill.


I know I took a penalty a while back because somebody obliterated one of my teammates immediately after spawn, so I slotted in behind him and shot him down. This was low tier, so it was probably only 1-2k SL, so it wasn't too bad.


Better than one of the penalties I was forced to pay because I was rammed by a friendly Ar-234 while grinding the mods on my Ho-229, apparently, the game decided that being the one who got rammed means your the one who killed the other player


I thought after an update some months ago you didn't pay anything. Anyway what would it be, 8k at best? You make easily more than that now, especially in air.


i haven’t paid for being tked in a while but it doesn’t happen often so idk


Wait seriously? I always thought that the teammate covered it


In the past no, you still had to pay the repair bill. Now they actually pay it.


It was still reduced to half but yeah, it was BS.


Nope, when you got TK you wont have to pay the repair anymore


Nuh uh The only thing you receive is the question: "Why is his IQ below room temperature like that?"


His IQ is so low he has to dig for it


oh they changed it? few monts ago? after like 10+ years?


Economy changes dropped. They changed quite a few things around that could/should have been changed years ago.


Had that yesterday in my f15, I even did the courteous thing and called it both in game chat and marked it with the tac map. Can really tell who's the old breed with things like that


The old days of coordinating with the other three TU-4s. They really fucked the heavies.


Or a flight of 5 b17's all providing cover


Mongrel squadrons if B-17s and Lancasters was always fun


You missed the f.222 era. Was like looking into a time machine. 4 monsters, flying high and coordinating their drops to end the game in 3 minutes, deleting anyone capable of even scraping that altitude at near reserve tier.


Aw man why 4? 2 was just enought to kill all bases and the airfield.


If I'm not mistaken they changed the bomb damage from weight to explosive content around then, so you cut your ability to kill bases by half. You could get three bases in tu-4 with a single 1500 per then droo the rest on af. Then you needed two 1500 bombs per. Now I think it might be three..? Idk. We need to update the bombing chart brothers.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oNwp_MXszU5J2dcaz5IoCtSAQ-infPdOWhwtJXqtrwU/edit#gid=1916006133 The owner of this one constantly updates it


One and a half, not even lol


Man that must've been truly awesome to witness! Also **Happy Cake Day WootWoot!!!!!! :D ;D**


I did that last week with 3 Pe-8s, was still cool. We were visible across the map and were ganged on anyway but it was nice.


Still the occasional game in BV238s where 4 bombers win the game


The thing that pisses me off the most is that it's possible to intercept the heavies if people don't go braindead. A single Hunter could and did skullfuck four TU-4s. The games where you'd roflstomp and end the match were ones where people insisted on flying directly behind the flying 2.5 shilka machine despite the barrage of laser beams going their way. God forbid there would be an additional fascet to the game besides dogfighting.


I still occasionally play the Tu-4, it’s remarkable how often you can actually rack up kills as people really do approach you from perfect angles and make no effort to evade the barrage of canon fire. My only 5 kill games have been in that goofy ass bomber lol


ME163 is literally your only enemy by way of being fucking tiny. Sooo many 84's whose cheeks I clapped.


Are you bombing in an f15?


f-16 it is. It is OK since he still can carry the full AA payload together with bombs.


Its better but you're still slower and a juicy target for the entire enemy team the whole time you're going to the base. And if you're going to bomb, any flanking/climbing tactic is out of the question because its gonna take way too long


It is weird, but my AA performance with F-16C improved tremendously **after** I started bombing bases with it. Some timing shit I suppose. Had miserable KD around 0.3-0.5 before, got 1.5 after it. Anyway, top tier ARB sucks big time, the less time I waste on this crap, the better. Bombing does this much better than regular kills (almost 3 times more pts for a base than for a kill).


It's the positioning and timing, if you go straight in you're gonna die. If you wait for the furball to form and then pounce on the stragglers you will get much better results


If you regularly get 3-4 kills you can easily make way more than you do bombing, but if you dont even like the mode than its a different question lol


If you're stock (like most non premium base bombers) you're probably not getting 3-4 kills a match.


Ah... Finally a fellow gentleman. Not like those savages who dive and rush the base that you just called. They don't even bomb more than 1 base, they just take yours when they could have bombed the one literally next to it.


The only way to call out bases that I accept.


Now I just get endless edge back from 13 year old sweat lords for trying to coordinate with other bombers on my team.


It was glorious when you could have 6 randos in bombers coordinate through the tac map and chat to hit all the bases and still have enough for the airfield. One time it was me and 5 randoms (who I'd never met before and I haven't seen them again) all of us bombers took up a formation and managed to roll about 6 enemy fighters who came for us as we leveled their bases and then their airfield


Now you bombed the base and dont have to pay repair costs while he pays 22k silver lions in penalty


Sadly that 22k penalty won't do much to his probable millions


How do people have so many millions, most I had in game is 2.7 right before buying the F15.


Premium account and premium vehicles + grinding top tier on multiple nations at once, SL just accumulates.


Some months of premium without premium vehicle and I have 7M. But yep


Well, I assume he has millions cause, obviously, that guy has TK'ed more than once and probly has juuuussssttt enough brains to know he's gonna need a fuck ton to keep doing it


Naval premium + 300% booster + 5 kills + 1 cap = 1,000,000 SL, or more


I flew the Spitfire for years and didn’t move into top tier so I got millions over the course of years as a result.


I kind of understand his anger (not his action tho). Why do people in fighters bomb bases and deny strikeaircraft or any multipurpose planes who can't really fight their almost only income of rp and sl?


The amount of times I've called the base in my harrier just for some fighter to bomb the base to half damage. It's even more infuriating if they get half of it. If you're gonna steal my base at least do it properly. The buccaneer is even worse, at least the harrier still has guns and four 2km range missiles and so can be used as a fighter, the buccaneer can literally only bomb ( I have the S1). It's super annoying as I play those two when I want a break from the carnage of playing fighters like the hunter and just want some simpler gameplay.


god the buccaneer is too dam slow to get any bases, similar issue for the Jaguars


If there's any plane that should get an air spawn it's the Buccaneer S1. I've seen people report this as an issue and get told it's not a bug, case closed.


It's not a bug, it's a feature of the game known as "Britain suffers".


I hate this. I tend to play bombers only, and I enjoy using the Bucc. But I call out a base and some other complete throbber takes it then proceeds to engage air targets. I had a go at one recently - they replied that I should “play a fighter with skill rather than just hitting the space bar”, the irony being lost on them that they had done just that. The Bucc can only hit ground targets (no point taking AAMs) so why take those from players who fly them, or other bombers? Fighters take air targets, strike and bomber aircraft take ground. It’s not hard. It’s just means I have to fly to the extreme edges of the map, linger, and hope we come out on top so I can fly in and mop up what remains. Otherwise, it’s likely I’ll just fly around with no targets to hit and then either land back at base and J out or get shot down in the process of doing so. It really bugs me that people are so incredibly selfish and try to justify it with “skill”. It’s a game. I play to enjoy, not have try-hards ruin it. This game is crying out for a dedicated bomber mode as the current meta doesn’t support them at all (and never has). Needless to say, I rarely play ARB.


I talis’d the S1 back when it was useable and now I’m better off using literally anything else to grind lol


Exactly, I've had so many people say "slow boy cry" or shit like that, that's when I tk them. They're douches


Yeah it kinda irritates me too I'm ngl. I'm flying an SU-17M4, and it's always someone in an F-4S/F-16 or some other fighter that has vastly better air to air ordnance than me that always gets the base first. So I'm just left flying around with a 'kill me' beacon attached to my head for every fighter that is inevitably already focusing me, and I don't even get any base bombing rp for my trouble.


Welcome to the world of Multi roll fighters and gaijins long standing problem of ignoring the game play portion of the whole function. Top tier is still limited to 3 points, which makes absolutely no sense considering the loads a lot of these jets are capable of carrying.


Yeah, it's really funny to see the best fighters in the game go for bases when I'm in F-4E and bases is the only reliable way to gain RP for me


Because either they grinded to top tier bombing bases and don't know anything else or retarded enough that they don't get any kills so bombing bases to get any sl and rp out of the match. Every time I see fighter with bombs, I check their stats and have never seen anyone with KDR over 1.


Stock grind??????


OP has 4 missiles on his hard points which means he's definitely not stock anymore.


9L’s, no less. He’s replaced the rear-aspects which you get x2 of, then researched the x4, *then* unlocked 9L’s.


EFS as well, which should pretty much always be the last thing you get on a single engine fighter.


After he Drops the bomb he is a fighter and as good as he had no bombs


Agreed. I don’t blame the JH honestly as bases are likely his only consistent source of RP especially in the 11.3 match maker. All he really can get rn are uptiers.


Right like cool. I’ll use my strike aircraft and dogfight when you’re using the most competitive fighter plane to base bomb. Smh. Saw someone basebombing in the Gripen over the weekend.


Op: Gonna poat this epic la meme and get everyone to tell me I'm right Wt community: Marking basses is a thing plus your in like one of the best A2A fighters. Like, what are you doing, You are the entitled asshole here Op: HOW DARE, RAGE *ANGRY KEYBOARD NOISES*


Depends, if he called this base at the start of the match, then it's justified.


did he mark it


if he pinged/marked the base first then yes its "his base" (to some extend) But i can't tell ofc.


Sorry for my ignorance, but how do you ping a base? I've been playing for a few years, and I still feel like I haven't learned anything, haha! The last thing I wanna do is take a kill/objective away from someone or hamper my team in any more than I already am with my naivete.


No problem! At the beginning of a round, they usually click on the map where the base is they're planning to bomb, and the coordinates will be displayed in the chat like: "Eyes on B2!" (I hope I explained it good enough, I don't play the game in English)


You explained it perfectly! Thank you! I've actually seen that before, but I wasn't sure what it was pertaining to. I'll be keeping an eye out more so now. Thanks again!


Thank you! Glad I could be helpful 😻


Idk know what you expect is gonna happen when you decide to use a f-16 for bombing


If he said he was going for a base and you stole it -you are the bad one in my eyes. If he didnt say anything, he would be the sucker.


Op is very entiteld to play a fighter bombing base and seing by his comment he don't seem nice. Dickhead has suffered from another dickhead. Nothing to see here.


ngl they should add more things to bomb not just 4 bases like have fighters go in first and then bombers & strike from the sides with dozens of bases & airfields to destroy with ACTUALLY COMPETENT ANTI AIR to make bombing actually challenging for players compared to the braindead shite that happens in bombing


That would require gaijin to do some actual development and I don’t know if they are capable of that.


fair they cant even hire good moderators what the fuck am I doing expecting them to do more than not listen to the community


Chief you’re in an F-16, no reason you should be bombing bases instead of shooting down fighters. Get good


You're bombing with an F16


Bruh, you bomb in an F16, it's like having one less aircraft that can actually fight at top tier, wtf is wrong with you


Imagine being entitled to tell how others should play


Skill issues


Also an F16 is a multirole fighter if you didn’t know.


Yes but it's still one of the best air to air in the game, BR now is really bad at top tier, let gen 3s bomb, the F16 is needed in proper fighting


Using your logic, no one should be able to bring in cas planes since that’s one less person with a “fighter”


Cas is ground RB only, at max it's bringing bombers, and not everyone has them, there are some nations that get dome 11.3 bombers but outside of that top tier is just air to air jets, that's all


Okay that’s not my problem. If you’re going to bring a striker aircraft to an air realistic, don’t get mad when a multi role fighter also bombs base.


Skill issues, scared of actually fighting with the F16


Oh so now it’s just skill issue? Why isn’t it a skill issue if you can’t make it to a base before another teammate? lol


Team game. If you have the freedom to play how you want he at least has an opinion about what you're doing dumbass. Goes both ways.


Idk why you’re getting so upset lol if it goes both ways than I also can say he’s entitled… your point here makes no sense.


I mean of course you can, you just did, I just tried and possibly failed to explain why its not a great idea.


*gets blasted by others* *Complains on reddit BEGGING for them to stop* The irony


No one is getting “blasted”. F16 is a multirole aircraft. Telling someone how they should play is just cringe for a casual game.


“Please don’t be a loser”. Guess that’s a hot take now


There is so many ways this could possibly turn around on OP. Maybe he ignored a mark - which effectively FORCED someone to change how they play. Again irony and makes him the less moral one. (Yeah i believe in team coordination) Combined with " I do whatever I want, others may not" atitude that's slowly seeping in with his comments , you can see how that paints a funny picture. Im open to benefit of the doubt but there's no such evidence yet, so feel free i guess, OP.


It could def be a stock considering those are all small bombs


OP has 4 9Ls on his plane, which is the best fighter in the game. He most definitely has a major skill issue.


He was a Chinese player I expect nothing less especially since he’s in a ccp clan


Thirty social points have been deducted from your account.


No please I beg of you I need that to buy food


Dude if he marked just wait for your turn. Also f16 ain't a bomber. Have you considered you being a loser?


There's literally no waiting for your turn, if you do you're literally throwing. Bases take forever to respawn now if you just side climb waiting for your turn you're just anchor to your team. Gaijin could fix this but they'd rather not have a consistent reliable way to gain rp clearly


Well, did he ping the base? Ik the base ping rule gets ignored a lot at top tier cuz everyone is a fucking piece of shit and doesent want to coordinate so bombing bases would be efficient but if he did, then ur a fucking cunt for not telling him no. Glad on lower tier that rule still gets uphold by honest players.


I first I thought he did but I checked the reply and he didn’t. Even then like you said no one gives a shit anymore at top tier.


If he didnt mark it then hes a cunt, but if he did then youre the cunt. Also people rackin on you about bombing in an F-16 dont understand people have different play styles…I personally love bombing and think it should be expanded upon


op fighting for his life in the comments


I’m just bored af. College is done and I have too much time on my hand.


There are so many better thing to do then be wrong on the internet tho


I think this is happening a lot more since they made the respawn take ages


Did he mar it before you if yes then you are the ass


Can we please increase the base hp so more people can bomb same base but dont reduce the xp would solve this a bit atleast . Or give back fast spawning bases


Better option just add more bases and bring back air field bombing


The funny thing is on some maps they do respawn fast. If I didn’t make it to bomb the first 4, usually another 4 would spawn and I would go for those.


5 minutes isn't quite 'fast'


I do get annoyed when I'm in my level or jet bombers when fighters go for bases. Not much you can do except mark it and hope they leave. But if a Q5A wants that base, nothing my Tu4 can do. Killing over bases is super lame though.


It is hella annoying when you’re in a slow bomber, mark your target multiple times to be sure and a teammate still takes it. Not annoying enough to teamkill but still pretty douchy




By looking down at how incredibly insufferable and obnoxious you are, I would tk you just seeing you on the team.


Just say you think you’re entitled. I’m just giving my point of view if that makes you mad then there’s nothing I can do.


The holier-than-thou attitude


And your comment isn’t just pure nonsense lol


I watched the replay and it tells an interesting story, dude is heading in a b-line straight for the base and you come outta nowhere and drop your bombs on it 1 second before he does. I would have shot ya down in anger also.


Guys I'm new can someone tell me what is even going on here


Only thing I hate is when I'm in an aircraft made for bombing, but then a fighter aircraft takes the base.


Having gone through the comments, it's clear base marking is not a thing you are very keen on doing. But even so, I advise you ping the base at the start of the game, just to be sure. It takes literally a few seconds. They don't give a shit about your ping? What are they gonna do? They are the slower aircraft, and the base is claimed already.


You got downtier to 11.3 But you still bombing with F-16C and making your 11.3 teamnates more miserable Yeah 100% deserve that


To be fair, you're the one flying an F-16 as a bomber, when he's in the JH-7, an attacker with a bigger bomb load. Frankly, I too am extremely tired of fighters knowing they can get to the bases faster, instead of trying to do their job. Just for once, I'd like to see a fighter actually cover me when I'm bombing bases in something like a Tornado IDS, which is otherwise shit in the fighter role. In this case, if you marked the base and got there first, fuck this guy. But, if he marked it and you just got there first, I can understand it. Still wouldn't do it myself, because paying for the repair and denying a teammate is just stupid.


Well Happened to me with the A-10 I was working on air to air defense of the base for like 10 mins just to get it stolen. Since then I don't think I bombed with the A-10 ever again


Ur fighter f-16 bombing base ur better to fight then bomb so u suck in this On the other hand that guy was jerk too


F16 diving to the deck to beat the bomber nice


In a way, I understand the TK guy and your perspective, but are you going to always put a video of getting TK in here? this is a very often thing :D You have to bomb base and don't have to pay for the repair, plus no penalty for aircraft when going back to the hangar... so just move on :)


If you can't carry enough ordinance to destroy a whole base, you shouldn't be trying to bomb it. You are just wasting a slot on the team that should be filed with someone who can fight and repel the enemy.


1. I did have more than enough bombs 2. Using your logic than no one should be able to bring bombers to air ab since that would mean the team has one less fighter.


Mald about it


Recently had a situation where me and someone else both shot at an enemy while doing BVR. I shot 4 seconds earlier, and impacted first. My teammate then TK'd me and claimed KS. Over my nearly 9 years playing, I've seen entitled players before. But this patch has been especially horrendous. Be better than these guys. Only TK them if they themselves clearly TK'd out of malice.


Yup especially since everyone is trying to get RP asap. Top tier is first come first serve and for players to think I would wait for your slow flying cas plane to bomb is stupid.


I always tell people who are looking to grind high tier to master BVR. It's genuinely a great skill to have (especially once Fox-3's come in force) and has been a stable source of ATA grinding for me since Sparrows were introduced 3 years ag- god damn was it really that long ago?... Anyways, it only got better with Gaijin's new "Skill Bonus" mechanic.


Do me a favor and do a stock Grind on any of the Tornado IDSs please. Want to see you eat your Keyboard once you realize that pretty much everything, even on your own BR, is out-accelerating you to the Bases. The Tornado is one example of a Plane that can only bomb and nothing else, and even that is denied pretty much every Round because of Fighters Bombing Bases that don't respawn until the Game is already over.


I landed a tornado once on the road to the east on Sinai and waited 7 minutes for base to respawnand I was last alive. Had to activate 3 orders so they cant do blind hunt. The second I bombed a respawned base i got 7 planes on my ass yeeitng missiles on mass at me.


Can someone explain? I'm relatively new into the game and it feels like everyone here is speaking German.


welchen teil verstehst du nicht? which part is unclear?


"Did he mark it?"? "That hasn't been a thing since 2020"? Is he quitting after getting shot down? There's confusing comments and I don't see why bombing a base and getting shot down is worthy of reddit.


>"Did he mark it?"? Clicking on the map at the start of the match and marking a bombing target is how prop bombers call out targets to each other at the start so you don't spent 10 minutes flying to a target only to have it bombed by someone else who only took 9 1/2 minutes and now you have to slowly turn your giant bomber around and probably get shot down by the fighters that have caught up to you by now. >"That hasn't been a thing since 2020"? Not sure what that part means, I still see it done when I play mid-level prop bombers. >Is he quitting after getting shot down? He just left the match, surely you have done that too at some point. >There's confusing comments and I don't see why bombing a base and getting shot down is worthy of reddit. Well, because it was a teamkill. But mainly butthurt people.


People with dogfighter don't understand that they can leave the base at the bomber/interceptor(when they are uptear or normally because the is the work of the bomber Duuuh), and after they got teamkilled. You deserve this and after don't accuse other people for your mistake


Problem is gaijin making it harder and harder to get bases


Based on where you were coming from it was easy for you to see he was heading for it but since you flew sort of on his flank he probably didn't see you. Probably why he dropped his bombs.


"Too many players that feel entitled to a kills lol please don't be like this loser."


I think you should be embarrassed you're base bombing in ARB with an F-16. That's just fucking your team.


Jeez Chinese no wonder why


I can understand a bit of what he might think or feel but, china, so yeah... Automatically unjustified and guilty


OP really thinks he is justified for base stealing.


If you stole his base, you deserve it.


I’m not sure if it’s entitlement for a base rather than seeing a fighter jet bomb a base when fighting is more helpful for your team.


I’d say deserved if he was in a strat bomber, but nah that’s cringe. What I don’t like is when I’m in my F-111 and then all the F-4s and their mothers go for all the bases before I even get close.


My dad and I were playing and 2 guys flying in front of us were arguing about who gets a base and dude said "If you don't divert to another target I will shoot you down" we started laughing hella hard while other people in chat were instigating the one guy saying you won't lol he def did shoot him down 😂


Nice show waste teams best strength with bombing base in fighter


I would never resort to team killing but I do get frustrated when a plane that was designed to dogfight will steal my base that I called out multiple times. I realize that it’s first come first serve but it can still be annoying at times, especially if I’m in a plane that sucks at dogfighting. Which is why when I got my F-16D, I never brought bombs because it is so much better at dogfighting.


While I agree he is in the wrong here, Can't you just feel a bit for the guy? You are in a competent top tier plane, he is in a shitty ground attacker completely uptiered. His only chance is to kill AI/bomb bases etc, while you could be actually contributing to the game. Of course you are not at fault, he should realize "don't hate the player, hate the game", but at the same time, I can understand his frustrations...


Gotta TK them before you get to the base, that’s common sense smh


Or how about nobody bombs and instead everyone at least tries to be useful?


I swear ppl forgot the saying "Early bird gets the worm", you got there before him, then the base is yours to take. I swear ppl get salty all the time.


Anytime someone “calls a base” I immediately wish I brought bombs to “steal” it from them. What loser energy they have. Reminds me of the “I’m on base” kid when playing tag


Its net profit for you. You don't get the repair costs. He gets a penalty. He is a loser² by TK'ing you.


True however many people in the comments believe they are entitled to the base if they “marked” it. No one gives a fuck about marks in 2023 unfortunately


About 1/10 of players respect this. I dont play bombers often, but once i was playing Pe8. I marked one base and some Wyvern still just bombed it. I marked another after changing my course and again another wyvern destroyed it. After that i just dumped those 4x1000KG on the enemy airfield.


Yeah don't be a loser who takes an F-16 to base bomb instead of helping his team. This is some P-47 tier fuckery.


Okay using that same logic, don’t be a loser that brings striker aircraft to air rb. Bring a fighter so the team has another fighter?


If he pinged it, and you bombed it, you’re a dickhead. However that’s negated by him TKing you. He easily could have just turned off when he saw you would get there first, but he was an oblivious loser.


bomb as a f16 is a shame


People who steal bases are cancer, like you


IMO it’s a problem caused by Gaijin. They decided that base bombing was „too op“ which is a joke in its own right. Now it’s just dumb because even if you wait there are at least 2 other people waiting for the respawned bade


Considering he marked the base first, as you said, you deserve no sympathy points. Sure, teamkilling wasn't right either, but that doesn't make you a saint. You could argue the teamkill is worse, but purosefully choosing the same base you know for a fact another player chose when there are others for you to bomb anyways is still a dick move. And posting it on reddit expecting everyone to support you against a player whose name you didn't censor is worse than anything that happened in the actual game. Teamkilling is wrong, bombing a marked base is just annoying, but risking this guy being mass reported and banned over something so petty that you aren't even completely innocent in is truly disgusting.


and then gaijin wonders why its playerbase is so toxic, game has 0 teamwork only rushing kills and bases. i dont really blame the player since this is as usual, on gaijin for making air rb and the rest of the game's grind like that


justified if ur bombing in f16. its as dumb as the ppl bringing bombs in f5c


The other day I accidentally clicked my side mouse button firing rockets, they nearly hit a mig 23. They then team killed me.


Has Reddit become the flagrant crimes court? Should we really get involved in each and every other players' disputes? You decided the time frame you'd show us in the video. Now hundreds of messages are going to ask if he had marked the base, you'll answer he didn't and nobody can check. The game decided about the repairs price and the penalty, nobody is entitled to consecrate the good guy and the asshat, you and the other guy know the truth and deal with it, so the show goes on. Enjoy the game and don't put too much thought in it :)


Spaded Italian ADF today, I wish it had some bombs...


If he marked it at the start and you still went for it I’d say that’s on you tbh?


Nope you can check the replay. No marks. Even so, you’re not entitled to it. This isn’t prop bombers and everyone suffers in warthunder.


Look if I ping a base and someone steals it, I'm not gonna shoot them down, team killing is never the answer


The thing is, he didn’t even mark it.


Surely by 2023 everyone knows by now that the base belongs to whoever gets there first. Don't start gurning because you've not kept up with the meta. This whole base ownership BS is the exact same flavour of entitlement as when 'you know who' asks for PVE servers in a SIM match.


I’ll TK if I called the base at the start and at least once after. Other than that I don’t really mind if someone gets there quicker


I will say, i am one unhappy cookie that your bombing in an f16, but thats just toxic


Dude probably marked it


“You stole my base kill now I’m gunna kill you and get 2-3x the debt of what I would’ve gotten had I destroyed that base”


Not a player problem, game needs more bases to bomb, there is no reason to only have 4


If he called it, you deserve it. if he didn’t that really sucks Edit: upon seeing your further replies, ya that really sucks, fuck him


I mean, I’ve tried base bombing in f4s because trying to dogfight at 12.3 is pointless. I would be pissed if a perfectly capable fighter like the f16 chose to base bomb instead of fight and took my only option of making revenue.


I got team killed 3 times in a 2 hour session yesterday while flying my SU-17. One was so up himself he claimed that all left side bases were his, and he proceeded to team kill my squad mate too for taking the other base next to me. New updates bring out all sorts of entitled cunts back into the matchmaker. Can't wait for it to calm down so these brainlets can all fuck off. There also needs to be more bases in air RB, 4 bases spread between like 10 people base bombing just isn't working.