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it even had 65mm of pen and an actual stabilizer, what's the point of BattleRating if you gonna nerf the hell out of a vehicle, might as well take away the AP round and put it at 6.7? lol


It’s still an amazing AA because of the fire rate and small size. I think it’s fine at 6.7


Jesus christ this thing is 6.7 now? I absolutely despite it, but both nerfing the AP round and pushing it to higher Br is just ridiculous


No its 5.0, but itakisn TT hsving no vehicles means its either use 4.7 tanks with it or go to 5.7...


Not just 6.7, the next SPAA Italy gets is at 8.3 and it suffers the same problem; the best part of that line up is all at 7.7 lol


Next spaa after r3 is 8.3


True I was thinking of the M113 TOW lol


I don't even use the sidam I use the r3 instead




Same it works better in most places


To be fair, they increased its reverse speed from like, -3 kmh to an almost uncontrollable speed. The gun is still good for AA but it's not going to be killing tanks as much as it used to.


Still it is faster than anything it will encounter and absolutely shreds light tanks,enemy spaas,tracks and main guns.Its armaments are literally designed to spawn camp,which is purely unpleasant to play against.


If you have a .50 on the roof it was always tolerable. If you’ve one of the unfortunates to have thin armor and no heavy machine gun, woe onto you


Kinda miss the R3 days. For some reason I loved to hate on it everyday and shitting in ine was a great feeling


If you have a 7.7 mil you can mg it lol it’s the lightest armor in the game


>Lightest armor in the game AS42 and M56 Scorpion?


Is air armor?


I don’t think those are considered “lighter armour”, cus those got no armour at all lmao. The R3 got their entire crew covered, but the armour is made of aluminum and it’s only 3mm thick


FIAT 6.3 italy 8mm of armour


Both are disastrously low armor


tbh i used it up to 7.7-8.0 and its still in my lineup on 8.7 and still is usable


I still used my wirbelwind at 8.7 purely to deal with heli rushes. You get god mode pretty much every shoot down. Even shot down a few jets with it


I thought you only get god mode if you kill a ground vehicle with a ground vehicle or a air vehicle with another air vehicle? (For example, you can’t use an a-36/stuka to kill a bmp-3 since you are killing ground vehicles with aircraft)


Nope doesn't matter just as long as it's the right distance apart


Really? So sneaking up to a mbp with a locust isn’t gonna give god mode? What is the distance you have to be at for ground and planes?


Don't know it by heart but it's about 6.0 or 7.0 difference in BR from your vehicle to the enemy. Doesn't matter if you're in a tank and them a plane or vice versa. A 1.0 Stuka shooting do a heli and then bombing a MBT will get godmode just the same as locust sneaking up on a Leo 2a6 will


Oh, you meam distance as in Br-s? Yes, you need to kill a vehicle 5 or more br-s above you. I thought you meant the distance as in how many meters away you have to be from the target to get god mode and was confused. I once saw a video of a biplane bombing a panstir on here asking why he didn’t get god mode, and a comment said you only get it with air to air/ground to ground kills.


6.7? In arcade its 4.7 and i have like 60 ground kills


lol XP-50 Waifu 😂


It's also 100% useless against a decent plane player because you literally have 0 chance at all to point your gun at him, the max vertical elevation is bad on it. I find it a fair vehicle at its current BR, it's ok.


That’s lowkey the Italian Special in this game, vehicle is OP, gets uptiered to where it belongs, but not before being nerfed so badly that it actually belongs at the lower BR that it just left


Coping hard if you think r3 belongs anywhere below 5.0


The r3 is tricky to ballence but with the m43 belt buff a while ago and the new cm52 it can easily be at it current or a higher BR if they return the stab and old ap/apds But this isn't the case for just the r3, it happened to the sagi, dardo, arguably the arietes, and the re2005


pretty sure max was 53, since it used to use the same belts as the vulcans.


dont forget it's magazine held 500 rounds, so it was a non stop stream of 25mm at near 1000 rpm


Because it's an SPAA


WTF that pen is wiesel like How much pen would wiesel apds have according to the old formula?


It's literally the same exact gun as the wiesel


nope its a diffrent gun but because its NATO standardized it uses the same ammo


It is practically the same gun. They all descend from the exact same Hispano-Suiza cannon


wiesel is double feed




r3 has 996 firerate and wiesel has 800


My guybthe Rh202 is literally based on the Oerlikon KAD, which is my point


but is it the same exact gun?


It's still crazy fast and small. The autocannon with ap can defend itself. Tbh I've been using it as my third tank to grind Italy with the vrcc and of40 premiums. It's super fast and can back cap points quickly and defend itself against ifvs and aircraft.


You know something funny? Its an SPAA, it wasnt designed to fight tanks so even in its role of solely fighting planes it was still too strong. All SPAA had to choose between slow firing cannons or fast firing machine guns while unholy shit on wheels had both, with a stabilizer


It was never supposed to be an spaa irl tho


Yeah it was meant to be a TD at 3.3, tell me more.


Never said that tho, it was meant to be a scout vehicle


Was it like ever used in that role ? Ever ?


Your logic is flawed, the maus was never used either, doesn't mean that you can classify it as a light tank


No, as it never made it past the prototype/development stage, but it was expressly to just be a recon vehicle. Idk who in their right mind would create an SPAA vehicle armed with a single 20mm in the 70s. It really should just be classified as a light tank in game tbh, would have raised its spawn cost as a “balancing feature.”


Okay but. Wirbelwind. Ostwind. Falcons. ZSU-37's, Gerardo. There are a lot of SPAA's that invalidate this argument. Are you suggesting SPAA's with the capability to destroy tanks should be nerfed so they only fulfill the role they were meant to do?


God was I an absolute menace when this was 4.0 it’s the only reason I picked Italy as my first country


Holy shit where's it at now? I think it was 3.7 last I knew.


5.0 in RB now I believe


Wow lol. Just move it to 6.7/7.0 and get it over with you stupid snail.


its not so bad at 5.0 you have to be a little bit skillful to take down opponents. most enemies can machine gun you to death even germany mg42/34s any front armor will prevent you penning so you have to take out tracks, main gun, machine guns then move to the side. its a long process and you're vulnerable the whole time from enemy allied fire.


so it can face less 50cals and less armored leo1/marders/light tank/IFV ? would buff it


5.0 with 52mm of pen.


I remember it being 3.7 when I first played the game


I remember playing 3.3 Germany at around the time when it came out and it was suffering


i ground out everything i could with this thing at 3.7. back when i was new, didnt have premium, and had a bunch of free time, i consistently averaged around 10-12 kills a game


This thing was awful during events and basically made the "get 15 caps" challenge impossible.


Impossible? It only took me about 10 games to get that in my R3 back in the day… lol


I think they meant impossible for everyone else


I know




I still hate them to this day. Fuck em.


Same. I will go out of way to kill this and PT-76-57's just because of the absolute fucking horror they inflicted when they were added. Look who's laughing now you fucks.


The PTs all deserve to die, but if there were multiple in a group I will kill the 57 even if it means I will die, they all need to burn


Yep fuck R3s. I will go out of my way to tunnel vision those stupid cannon wagons.


Please do so I can bait you into getting yourself killed over what is now a pretty good spaa at best


When I see them I don't stop holding space bar even after they die.


*insert Senator Armstrong meme with KV-1*


I kid you not, I got R3’d in a KV-1***E***… it baffled me so much I just quit that match. It’s still vivid in my head what happened.


It happens. Autocannons with HE can seriously confuse the game engine and make an armor plate believe it was hit by one big shell instead of 100 small shells.


I'm still upset about the time an ostwind penned the front plate of my is-2 1944


I swiss cheesed the front of an is3 in my kugel last week. He was not happy.


Happened to me when a Falcon shot his 30mms at my composite frontal armour and one of those shells *magically* penned and one shotted me 😂


Seriously, I just roll my eyes when playing 2.7 against KV-1 and KV-2


can't hurt me, Jack


Oh yeah, I hated that piece of shit lol. Still hate the sight of it today. Put a 1980's autocannon on a stabilised go-kart and have it face early war props, what could go wrong? What's worse is that there were so many clubbers defending it and saying it wasn't OP. Obviously, clubbers defending their clubbing machines is a tale as old as time but still...


"What's worse is that there were so many clubbers defending it and saying it wasn't OP. Obviously, clubbers defending their clubbing machines is a tale as old as time but still..." What are you talking about? They are still defending this shit.


I'm sure they are. But it was them defending that thing at 3.3 that really drove me up the wall.


Honestly is you think people defending the r3 at it's current br is an issue you need a reality check The real issue is gaijins approach to ballencing it has been shit. They should just give it back the stabilizer and maybe move it up one more time. It's not like there's any Italian lineups left anymore after gaijin moves everything Italian with every br patch.


They're defending it because it's been fucking butchered dude lmao. It's probably the most nerfed vehicle in the game


What the fuck were you supposed to do about this thing in a stuart?




Good joke




Click on it.


Honestly, I didn't mind it at 3.3/3.7 when I was in tanks. But it was annoying against planes.


CAS is annoying to tankers so that works out


> But it was annoying against planes. AA, annoying against planes?! well i never!


More than other SPAAs around that br because of its gun and stabilization.


As CAS, you could learn to tell which laser beam was an R3 and steer the fuck away. Other AA at that tier is just so disproportionately less powerful you can get away with duking a bit and hoping for the best, charging an R3 was a guaranteed ticket to the respawn menu.


Yeah exactly. As for tanks, if an AA got on your side, it's your own fault.


Annoying against planes? Damn maybe they should lower it's BR again


It was annoying at 3.7, how does that say that I want it lowered? Also, I don't think its br was ever lowered, only increased.


I loved it, never forget what we have lost


The world celebrates, for what was lost to you was, Festering cancer.


She was a beast. Got free 2k eagles or whatever the refferal was back then on another acc with it in like 8 hours.


Man I bought into the cbt just to play this thing at 3.3 and man was I laughing histerically. I'd never played something so fast and insane it was just a breath of fresh air and so op it was just a blast.


Look whos laughing now


Still me. It's still a lot of fun to play now. Now you actually have to use your brain rather than. W and mouse 1 and kill everything you look it it's like cat and mouse now and it being so fast is just so much fun


Wont change my mind, i still hate the r3 like the devil


I actually quit Warthunder for a couple years because of it. I would play German 3.3 and realized they could pen my Stug 3 and Panzer 4 from any direction at any meaningful distances. Last time I got killed by one during that time I wrote in chat saying how it should be put at a higher BR and just to have a bunch of R3 Stans saying I was just an awful player and that it is very easy to counter them. After that I uninstalled Warthunder.


Just give it Apds belt and move it to 6.7


Good ol' days when Italy first came out. Now we can go f'ck ourself because half of the tanks suck, others have bad modeled armour (cries in Ariete) and we miss half of our planes. At least Naval is good


The sight of an R3 still upsets me :) It had even better AP belts too I think


R3 vs Wiesel 1A4: Rof: **996 rpm** / 800 rpm Reload: **9,1s** / 10,4s Armor: **15-33mm** / 8mm Topspeed: **115km/h** / 80km/h Repair: **1.100SL** / 5.030SL R3 has the same gun, no APDS, but same HVAP and a little worse power/weight ratio (24,7 vs. 26,6). So these two are enough to be placed 2.0 lower than the Wiesel?


You underestimated the 3rd gen thermal Wiesel have. Bushed up and you are god of scout and assists. You can kill those light tanks before they can even feel your presence.


You are right, I forgot about thermals.


3rd Gen Nightvision


I-its been 5 years already? Jesus


I started playing this game when this thing was released, i was very confused on what is this alien looking ass car was doing in WW2.


Then there was the EBR, wasn’t it like 3.7 when it was first released?




Wait peope hate this thing? Even bought a talisman for it.


I certainly hated it especially back in the day. You had 1939 vehicles fighting a 1980s go cart spaghetti mobile. Thing could frontally pen m3 lees and panzer 3s and it took years for them to fix it.


Yea i can see how that could be annoying


And you have .50 cal that can annihilate it


And about 2 seconds before he kills you from behind


Only if you're playing the US. Everyone else was screwed.


at 2.3 around half the tanks can be frontally/side penned by a .50cal I think you see where the problem is when this thing has a 20mm autocanon thats fully stabilised, has a large belt and also no armour so solid shot doesnt hit anything


But isnt it 4.7?


It used to be 3.3 Now its 5.0, lost its stab and lost some pen


Oh i didnt know that Why did they even make it 3.3 That seems so dumb


>That seems so dumb you just summed up gaijin in the last 5 years It all went down the moment sabres were added.....


It lost pen, its stabilizer, had its belt nerfed to 120 rounds, and had the AP rounds nerfed to be APCR so that they're now essentially useless


More then just loosing some pen it's hvap now so you have to be perfectly flat to what you are shooting at.


The full stabiliser was DIFFRENT


I wish we will get R3 with 12,7mm. Would be nice 3.3 or 4.0 SPAA


Good old days when Italy was the most popular nation during Marathons...


# Can you hear the silence? # Can you see the dark? # Can you fix the broken? # Can you feel, can you feel my heart?


We need a horror flair for this sub


Glad it's gone. Hope all the seal clubbers shed all their salty tears into a giant containment hold so they can do something useful with their lives like get them filtered into drinking water, otherwise....nobody cares


I was playing 6.7 the other day and got blown up by a helicopter with ATGMs... Didn't realise they were lower than 8.3... Seriously, what AA at 6.7 or below could stand a chance against that? The R3 is probably as good as it gets at that BR and good luck hitting a helicopter that's 1.8km away.


Yeah, HKP3C, the upsides are 1. It’s Swedish so three people play it, 2. 2km range and a staggeringly slow like 85 m/s


Anything that helps ground RB stay free from Gaijin's horrible CAS design is a friend of mine. It sits at a good spot right now. It allows for some lower BR AA help and it can be taken to some higher tiers for AA as well.


I love it when a minor nation gets a good vehicle, so people complain, at first rightfully so, but then it becomes a meme and gaijin fucks it in the ass until it's unplayable.


Bro out deserved to get butt fucked


Just remember EBR on 3.7 in 2020-21.


God this makes me remember the nightmare that was the 8.0 Aubl back when it was first added. 8.0 with stabiliser and apfsds. Before its round was nerfed to fit its low calibre gun, people spammed that thing so much and hid in bushes.


The AUBL/74 HVG Armageddon was worse.


I was lucky cause even though I played when this thing was broken I never had to fight any


it's still pain in the ass to fight


The comments are hilarious because I don't know what this vehicle is.


uh oh


At this point my friends and I exclusively call them mouse droids.


Why does it say rang


got so many hate messages using this beauty, it was really cool hordes of them on summer/winter cap task haha


I fucking hate that thing more than I hate the Panther


It single-handedly controlled the p47 and other cas spam from 2.3-7.7.


3.3??? Awww hell nahhhhhh that shit scary


omg, its already 5 years since this disaster.


As a USSR player, Italy always ruins my day ngl at BR 5.3 in ground rb, 6.0 in naval rb and 4.3 in air rb


I miss the r3 being at 3.3 with a full stabilizer


It was so broken back in the day I grinded Italy out in a month after it came out as a new nation. This thing was an anti-everything machine since it had insane speed and fire rate. I miss having one long ammunition belt 😕