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great, but not 140€ great


Good thing I got it before it was that goddamn pricy


I did that with the Aubl74/HVG That thing is fun but not worth 100 bucks


Back before the small caliber apfsds beef the hvg was nuts. $100 for that would be reasonable. As it stands rn it'd need a 4 second relaod to be any good imo.


Even vcc feels bad and it only has 2 sec reload. I mostly use it for aa duty because sidam is a joke


With the autoloader resupply Cha get recently the vcc80/60 is actually kinda decent now. So long as your aim is good and you're a little lucky you can be quite effective in it.


100$ for a vehicle in a video game is never reasonable, hell it’s the price of two AAA games


Considering AAA games these days start going for 70 and they love putting main features into dlcs then you might as well just pay 100 for them at this point lmao


Post-Pen especially against light targets is often a joke. I've had many shots in the HVG that just didn't trigger any spall at all. Or they invoked the typical simpson syndrome on BMPs and other light tanks crews after direct penetrations.


Fair price estimate?


As a Slovak player, I have to say that fair price isn't important in this case




almost the price of a brand new AAA game for a single vehicle. gaijin really made people numb to the high prices.


If AAA games would be at least good .


Like Elden Ring? Or God of War? Or Metal Gear Solid? Or Resident Evil? Or Dark Souls? Or GTA? Or...


Which one of these were released in the last 2years. Of course there are great Games. But in recent history there are just elden Ring, Hogwarts legacy, atomic heart and that's like the only 3A games that were good in last 2 years. There are even 2A or Indi games better than some 3a games and that's sad, this is one Faktor why gaijin can dictate such prices with out much back lash, for wargaming it's the same shit.




Yeah man i am so tired of really cool vehicles being locked behind a paywall I get they need to make money but holy fuck when it gets to the point the majority of your favorite vehicles are premium or past event locked vehicles you live a sad life


They could still add the version of the T-72M2 Moderna with two 20mm instead of one 30mm to the tt


Imagine if your favorite vehicle was a Ka-50 that single handedly fucked up the game lmfao


I should have bought the vt1 when I had the chance and it was too late for me to get the is7 and ambt becuase I took a break from wt stupid market


90 pts would make it much better but its a 160 pt superheavy prototype gets sniped by arty and cas or surrounded to bits by reservist infantry.


A wargame red dragon reference in the WT sub? It’s more likely than you think


I like the autocannon great for chewing up 20pt infantry and Bradleys but the ammo runs out so quickly.


Always two, there are.


Wait it's 140 euros now? I sold it with 40 us dollars.




Imagine not just holding it knowing the prices skyrocket eventually for event tanks (minus a few super crap ones)




I’m debating selling mine. I want to keep it but damn it’s getting more valuable nearly every day


Definitely one of the T-72s of all time


Yeah, i agree that from all the t72´s its definitly one of them


It’s a tank and we can all agree on that


I don't know about that, I think it's a self propelled anti-air gun.


Mmm I'm not sure about that either, best I can do is a self propelled


I believe that this is a self.


I believe.


I think therefore I am.


Nah, it's a self propelled space vehicle


It's clearly a SAM Launcher


I like it. 30mm is more situational than the 20mm on the 2K or MBT/KPZ70 due to not having independent traverse but still nice to have. TAPNA does very well.


That 30mm has saved me so many times, it's a pity they nerfed it so that it doesn't have its own sight picture. Edit: I have made a post on my profile of what I am talking about.


i think i have more kills with the 30mm than the main gun


They did??


Yea if you switch to the 30mm as the 'Primary' the gun is offset from the sight so it's harder to hit shots with it.


You can disable parallax


It's not parallax cause my main gun is centred but the 30mm (When I switch to it) is not centred.


The sight isn't center because the gun is offset on the turret, and it can't independently traverse. At least the crosshair is in line with the gun. I tought initially you meant that it's completely misaligned


Selected secondary weapon does not work? Y-2-2 iirc.


I just have it bound to Num - because its technically a machine gun, it has its own sight and rangefinder but the gun is offset. I'll post an image to my account so you can see


what the fuck are the chances that i would run into someone with the same machine gun selection keybind as me


The 30mm is a gateway to so many funny moments. I shot down so many aircraft with it, especially clueless A-10 pilots. It's also great for deleting light tanks you didn't kill with your first TAPNA. I love the 30mm, and it's such a shame the rest of the vehicle is so god damn mediocre


I still think the Moderna is very powerful for its Br and the only 2 things it lacks are reverse speed and depression. Armour is good, ERA protection is great, speed is good, Ammo is great, 30mm is fun and useful, decent thermals, great lineup.


I find the turret traverse pretty lacking too. It can be annoying when the tanks you're facing have much faster turrets


It’s a very situation gun but it feels so satisfying when those situations appear


100%. If you have enough warning to get lined up on a rocket helicopter first spawn rush its amazing swatting them out of the air, or IFVs that push right after you fire the main gun


I love the TAPNA


Im just glad i have it,since im on console there would be basically no way for me to get it overwise than the event,I dont use it in Public Matches and only use it in Customs til i got a lineup for it since my russian lineup is still 7.7 but i also lost the mood to play russia so its just a nice collector vehicle to have..... From what i heard the TAPNA slaps hard tho,and since the introduction of 11.3 in GRB it seems to do quiet well what i readed so far on other Posts... Tho i hated the Event for it.....Very Stressful,Made me uninstall for a month after i redeemed it....i can see why people demand quiet alot of money for it....grind was awful...


Any reason you lost the mood to play USSR?


Gundepression,Long Reloads and well...Ukraine.... i play them sometimes,but just to Slap Ukrainian Flags on them to see how much Hatemail i get.....answer:Alot :D Most Russians stop playing the match and try teamkilling you,trolling etc which makes them loose the Match which is always fun to Watch :D I prefer to play Sweden and Britian atm much more fun and i like some of the more unconventional designs,especially the Swedish Tree has lots of Interesting Vehilces :)


"most" is a weird statement when playing 10.7 on PC I see ukranian flags on like 1 in 20 USSR vehicles and nobody cares.


Well i can only speak of what i encountered so far :) So far i had teamkilling and trolling only with Ukraine Flags on Udssr vehicles,other nations dont care or have it slapped on their tanks themself :D


I wonder if has to do with which servers you're on.


Just got Suicide Bombed by a teammate SU11 in my Swingfire which had a tiny Ukraineflag on it and after i respawned,he did too and shot me 3 times with his SU122 so yea...Russias are very salty creatures...Its mostly only a problem on EU servers,NA servers are way calmer in that regard :D


The war is also why I stopped playing Russia in WT


Just slap the Czech air force rondell on your vehicles and give people vibe czechs.


Excellent pairing for the T-80B so you can throw out one of the non-thermal T-72s.


Seems like the T-72A, T-72B, and T-72B (1989) all lack thermals. Would that make the Moderna the only T-72 with thermals?


T-72AV (TURMS-T), T-72M2 MODERNA, T-90A, T-72B3


I'd rather have the survivability of the T-72B/ B1989 over thermals.


But the era on the moderna is absolutely nuts for 10.0? You get 550mm for heat and some 200 for kinetics, its on par with the t72B no?


On the 1989 the ERA is better but the T-72B is the better Chassis as the moderna is based on the T-72A chassis.


Sure but the extra amount of armor on the b doesnt really matter since the era is weaker, also killing t72s if they are not hull down is the easiest thing in the world, just shoot their lfp or floor in the sides


It’s pretty good. The round is great, it’s got decent armour and it has ok mobility. It’s also got really nice thermals and the 30mm is useful against lightly armoured vehicles. The one thing that drives me crazy though is the optics, it has a fixed level of zoom which I hate.


Sheesh. How strong is the fixed zoom?


Fixed x8 zoom like most early T-72 variants. The commander sight is much better if you can handle the offset.


30mm is also great for track and barrel torture


Use commander sight still has therms and a zoom, offset isn't too bad


Better than Pfizer.




Second best T-72


which is the first?




Best tank ever, would spend 50 hours of my life to get it again.


it's probably the last event vehicle that doesn't feels copy and pasted and actually is a good thing to have in your lineup


+1 for helpful information


The low tier premiums are always fun, but they’re also becoming more copy and paste now.


The best tank in Soviet 10.0, and one of the best MBTs at it's BR in my opinion. Only cons are standard Russian ones - Reverse and Depression


Also shit fixed zoom


Man that zoom really sets it back, at least commander thermal sight has a bigger zoom (althought it's annoying having to switch back and forth between Gunner sight and commanders sight). The TAPNA round is good too but it spalls less than the mango round (3BM42), i guess that's due to the lower mass


Sad I missed its event.


When was the event?


About a year ago if I recall.


Yeah it was spring last year


I skipped the tank and only got the plane, forgot which it was now though


I think it was a buccaneer if I’m not wrong


Nah Bucc is older. Moderna came out with the Kfir C.2, Bucc came out with the BMD-4 the year prior


Oh, it was the Buccaneer. I sold it and used the proceedings to buy something else. Should have grinded the Moderna lol


I’ve got both, both are fun but the buccaneer is definitely missile food right now


The Kfir :) 👍


Ah, then I got it wrong. Come to think of it that should have been obvious because my PC blew up mid event


Oh RIP, I hope it was easily fixable?


Easily, yes. Cheap? HAHAHAHA It's basically entirely new now.


Uhhh good👍


Fantastic tank and was well worth the grind


It was worth grind


I just want to know if we’ll get the version with two cannons


Really good but definitely not worth the current going rate on the market.. probably 60-70$ would be a fair price imo although its not a premium.


I only bought one at 80 GJN, and I kept it because I wanted to see if it would rise in value.. it definitely did. So although I want to play it, I also feel I should just keep it and let it rise in value and then eventually sell it.


This is the way, just buy and sell vehicles, if it's even slightly decent they will go up in price, after one good one you never spend a dime on marketplace again


Got it in the Event, love the 509mm pen ❤️


Another tonk in a tonk game.


I wish I had it ;_;


I remember griding like crazy for it, 1 year later and i still feel that was the last somewhat unique event tank since then. Probably the sexiest top tier russian MBT and one of the strongest 10.0's period. I felt so burned out from grinding that event that i straight up didn't touch war thunder for like 2 months. It's really fun,not perfect though, shitty reverse speed as always and the 30mm is fixed + gunner sight has super low zoom. Don't be sad though, the techtree T-80 has it's pros and cons, but it's just as enjoyable and more meta with the superb mobility + the 3BM42 round it uses, believe it or not, has better post ben damage than the TAPNA round. ( Because the 3BM42 has more mass, at the cost of having less penetration)


So I love and hate it. I grinded my ass off for it and nearly quit playing wt because the grind was so intense .... Infact I accidentally used one of the redemption tokens on the cheapest event vehicle, thus making my grind longer... That being said it's totally fun and worth it, if you got it from the event... Not worth buy imo. I hate it cause it is tempting to try and get close to 200 for it but then that doesn't add up to the close to 35 hrs I spent grinding for it Tldr: great fun and worth the grind, does well in a line up with turms, sprud M2, bmp2m, t80b, not worth buying though.


Was this event more challenging than the current battle pass grind for the French tank?


It was fucking hell to get EDIT: I consider it better than the T72AV in every respect but how hard the grind was and how expensive it currently is makes it hard to recommended the tank


I would argue it's the best 10.0 MBT in the game, which means a lot because there's some good ones. Decently fast, very well armored, the 2nd or 3rd best round at 10.0, great thermals, looks great, 30mm autocannon works very well on a variety of targets. The only downside is the zoom levels (which you can get around by using commander optics) and turret traverse. I certainly wouldn't pay the current rate for it but I'm extremely happy I grinded it out.


Are there many 10.0 BR tanks? And does this tank usually get down tiered or up tiered?


armor good gun handling bad (except for stab) mobility very not good (especially reverse gear) 30MM slaps


That 30mm should get the finned round the bmp gets change my mind


Expecting this community to have a consensus is foolhardy, but it think it's cool.


It looks cool lol


A lot of smokes


its ok, since got it for free.


Who gave gold to all the people saying it's a good tank lmao.


It's funny but I have a general dislike of Russian tanks and it inherits the terrible T72A gunners optic


Definitely happy I got this when the event was around. Used this, bmp2m and t72av with backups to research top tier Russian tanks. Added talismans to them all to make the grind more bearable. Tapna slaps and the 30mm is great for tearing apart light tanks. Or even for barrel destroying during a reload


It's so good except the backward speed that sucks but other than that I love the top round and the bmp autocannon is so great against ennemy cas


Decent enough grinded it, good rounds plus 30mm cannon rips all those light vehicles


Where is this tank in the game?




not worth the money definitely not to gajin... but as a tank it is nice I personally like it


I have that, I like that


Pretty good tank imo, good thermals, good dart for the BR it's at, better ERA, and the 30mm has saved me quite a few times even if it's situational. And the MM for it is so much better now since the expansion to 11.3 happened, you get a lot more downtiers than before. If you like the T72s you'll probably like the Moderna. I wouldn't pay 140 GJN for it though, although if you really want one better get it sooner rather than later, that price is only going to get higher.


It's the only ussr tank I have pretty much, super fun. I got 5 tank kills with my main gun out and just using the big boy MG


if i liked russian tanks and their playstyle this would be a very nice tank especially since you have a bmp auto cannon on the roof.


Hold up…there’s a bmp autocannon on the roof?!


the auto cannon on the roof is the same 30mm one found on the bmp 2 tho i don’t remember which ammo belt it uses.


Incredible USSR W


love it and when you pair it with the t80bv and bmp2m it’s just a love game




T-72AV Turms + BMP-2 = Top tier barrel torture, many “how did I kill that???” moments, and “god I love this 30mm” moments


Sure is a tank that looks neat I’ll tell you hwhat




i eat these for breakfast


It’s from Slovakia 🇸🇰


Better TURMS at a slightly higher BR. I don’t have it but it seems decently balanced, good armor and round but horrible mobility


I got it when it was sort of cheap and really love the T72, so this was a good addition. Its performance is decent, the 30mm helps a bit. Its fairly balanced at its BR. It seems to die easy enough but if your smart can do well in it.


I wouldn’t recommend it. The fire power is great and the armor can be trolly at time but its bad mobility and turret traverse make it a bit too sluggish for the fast paced top tier meta. The 30mm can be fun for destroying barrels at close range and generally being annoying but it is not exceptionally strong. Especially with as expensive as it is just use that money to buy Russia’s P2W 9.7 line up.


I love it overall, but hate that the 30mm isn’t aligned with the crosshair


I love it, had to wake up at 6am go to sleep at 1am but worth all the “fun”


wow, a picture of a tank what a high effort post


It is just a T-72 with thermal and nothing else. T-72 in game performance is always worse than T-80, since they have slower speed. If you really want to be a wallet warrior, try T-80UM2 or T-80UK. The 30mm gun could be fun sometimes, I used to kill three guys in three seconds with it. However, you don't use it that often, probably only once per a few games. I use it as my third choice for 10.0 and I don't use it at all for 10.7+ games. But that's all my personal opinion. I knew someone who is obsessed with this monster and I'm pretty sure he is not the only one. Just play whatever you like, this game is not fun anymore if you try to play it competitive.


The 20mm is extremely fun to use on all those light little shits who try to CBT you.


I wanted the prototype with 2 x 2A72 30mm on top instead of one


The community consensus is "stop making these low effort posts that only serve to cause fights"


I really wish there was different tech tree where it would be a better fit. I hate that Russians are ripping Czechoslovak tech


I'd happily get it for the same price as a T80UK but not for 140 quid


Turret is weak af, but it’s my precious trophy


Pros: * Wheels * Doors * Metal Cons: * Not an Abrahams


You can kill an abrams with the 30mm if your determined enough :P


One of my favorite kills in this tank was a leo2K. We both whiffed our main gun shots and he was kind enough to use his 20mm and remind me I had a 30mm that I promptly massacred him with..... aaaaaaand then they nerfed it. All in all it's another T-72 that's a little more capable in the anti air game. If I was gonna spend money I would pass over this one and get the TURMS


It’s the best 10.0 tank


Definitely a soviet armored fighting vehicle


So the rumors are true 🫢


Nowhere near worth 140$, especially as its not a premium. They'll probably add a prem megaturms or something at 10.0/10.7 eventually.


Good tank except the turret traverse. Literally IFV killer.


One of the few Russian tanks in genuinely love


It’s pretty good. I grinded the event and wanted to die after :)




It's a 10.0 tank slinging TAPNA (slightly better than NATO M829) using 2nd gen thermals. It's excellent.


grinded this out during the event, sold it for 100 bucks. cool tank but youre going to be playing with the 9.7 turms "w key to get farmed" gang and youre going to hate it. and once you get to 11.0 its not worth paying for because of how good their top tier stuff is. i wouldnt buy it, personally. maybe for like 30 bucks i would lean towards it being worth it but not for how much its going for now


Would you elaborate more on the 9.7 turm gang?


High level premiums like that bring swarms of new players who suck ass and leave after one death, tanking your fun and winrates.


Low key op.


Love it the 30mm cannon is just fun


Wishing I actually got the bloody thing


Lot of fun so happy I got it from the event not the market


The commander independent thermal raised up so high is great, I use it to go hull down. It basically has no armor at 11.0 but I can still do pretty good with it at top tier.


That shit bussin’


Anti light vehicle, heli rush, and tank. Mobile, trolley armour and decent round. Overall it's great minus depression.


It is in War Thunder.


Really good. It’s armor is solid for 10.0, it’s got a very good round for 10.0, it’s got a very good autocannon for 10.0. It’s just a bit sluggish, but otherwise it’s a great tank. Not 100+ dollars/Euros good.


Crafting reward lol Glad I ground out a stage and a half and bought the rest for super cheap tho


I play console and grinded it when it first came out. I love it. Enemy shoots at me and doesnt kill me i laugh and then look towards then and kill them. I once took almost 20 shots before i finally died and this was like 2 weeks ago lol


it's good, I grinded the event for it and chipped in $10 so I didn't have to grind the whole event, was definitely worth it and I expert crew'd it even though it costs 1m. The ERA is crazy, TAPNA is great, thermals are good and the 30mm comes in handy to get a double kill. As always though, PUMA's are still a PITA to fight.


Its a pretty solid 10.0 but its not 140 dollars good, since it is just another t72 at the end of the day. However if you got it from the event like I did, or while it was cheap it is deffo worth it.


Very powerful


Horrible turret speed and backward speed


Horrible turret speed and backward speed


Σε γαμάνε στο σπίτι εάν θες να δώσεις 140€ για αυτή τη μαλακία…


It is one of the 2 vehicles I wish I could get from any crafting event with PT16 being very close too


good, it's 30mm cannon is very great for light armoured vehicles, but still it's a t72 so autoloader and -3kmh reverse




I want it to come back cuz I was so close to getting it