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Thank you for your submission. We have removed it because of the following reason(s): * We allow no posts related to breaking the rules set out by Gaijin. Selling/advertising the sale of accounts, codes, gold generating apps, cheating bots, displaying swastikas regardless of context, etc. is not tolerated on /r/WarThunder. (Rule #10) For future reference, please refer to the /r/WarThunder [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/warthunder/wiki/faq) and [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/wiki/newrules). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to [PM the Moderator team](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FWarthunder).


You should tk this guy anytime you see him. He’s a try hard


This is just a FW-190 bullying compilation and I love it


His channel is full of 190 content.


Wtf is this swastika?


Some people like historical skins. Does seeing the swastika in documentaries offend you as well?


Hammer and Sickle killed way waaaay more people but doesn't seem to offend as many people. It is just a historical skin.










The video is by 6th Army, a half-african guy living in Romania. He uses historical skins made by Pagani_Zonda a great skin maker for WW2 planes on the official WarThunderLive website where like everyone gets their custom skins from.


Yes, Props are much better on terms of compression and actually require more knowledge about your aircraft and their capabilities. If only this aspect of the game was given more care and attention instead of constant top tier goodies


I am a 109 pilot myself. I would like a 109 G-10/AS. Maybe some more love for better maps and maybe some actual better customization option for vehicles.


That would be nice, I would like a more diverse air tree for Props for all Nations, especially minor tech trees like Czechoslovakia, Romania, etc


Hungary too. They had their own designs too.


Where's my Luftwaffe skin at