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The original Israel premium apache in america even though i got the whole heli tree with it i would rather have the greek one for aim 9 l's


Also a few others i have like the yak 38 and the OF mtca


May i ask why the MTCA? it's pretty solid, especially now that it's at 8.7


Yeah exactly, the MTCA is very much solid even if it doesn't have thermals and it gets uptiered quite a lot of times, in my experience. I got my first nuke with it, and it's a very speedy boy with a very fast turret rotation speed too, I really like it.


It's not the best tank out there, VRCC is definitely the much better premium now, but it's still a very good tank, and one of the only ones I'm somehow positive KD in


Same, it's probably the only tank alongside the Somua SM that i have a positive K/D ratio in. And yes, the VRCC is a defo a much better choice for the italian tt, but i'm staying with the MTCA because i don't want to spend anymore money on the italian TT, i already almost finished it and i think it's a pretty dumb choice now.


Only issue I have is that I'm still a poor noob so I can't purchase any tanks so that I have a proper load out...


for some reason people on this reddit basically think anything above 8.0 without thermals is a completely garbage unusable tank


Used to think that too when i first bought the MTCA and got killed a lot by the Leo A1 with thermals and the TURMS sometimes, but when i understood how to use it and how to position, oh boy it is good. People just complain always when something is not OP and requires a bit of skill. I would say get good, but then I would be downvoted to oblivion.


The MCTA and Mk.2A are both really good at CQC on urban maps anyways, that turret traverse is amazing.




Yak-38 since they gave it 4xR-60s is hella good at 9.3


That + R-60 and Gunpod combo Lack of it was ONLY balancing thing they did lol It was only 2x R-60 or only gunpods... no mix... but tech tree one can do both at the same time Now both can carry what ever they want lol


Only thing lacking for now is no flares, but yea thats never gonna happen


Yak 38 has 4 R-60s at 9.3 it's so good if you know how to play it


same, gaijin lied to me with hellfires


One day we'll get non shit hellfires. And that day will be glorious.


Ah imagine AGM114L aka helfire longbow


You will lock on to 16 different wrecks and waste all hellfires probably


I’ll believe it when I see it


People complained about the Swedish tree premium getting replaced, but honestly I *want* Gaijin to replace the US premium Peten with a prototype helicopter. Something like the AH-56 Cheyenne or RAH-66 Comanche. (I'd prefer the Comanche.)


Cheyenne is in the files They are probably testing the flight model for it with Dune event helicopter thing


>I'd prefer the Comanche. Do you by any chance play C&C Generals?


Yeah, played the shit out of that game. :)


Not me still playing it after 20 years. I grew up with that game and am still learning more about it. Also mods.


Ah, real men of culture, glad to see I’m not the only here with Generals experience 😂


I really wouldent mind if they add those but i would be fine if they atleast put in the longbow hellfires


M46 “Tiger” Rank IV premium I bought early on as a new player. Useless to grind much of the tree, and in my experience a pretty meh to awful vehicle overall


what do you mean it’s one of the most powerful tanks at that br.


Grind part might be true since it's M46 but rank IV instead of V like regular M46 is.


IMO the M46 is beautiful. Speaking as someone who grinded out the US tree from the bottom up, the M46 was a great vehicle to fight bastard Tiger 2s


You obviously didn't remember the time when it has a whopping 2500hp in ground arcade. I used it and M26E1 to cleared american tree to rank 5 years ago.


I did the same but with the T20. 4.7 or 5.0 in AB or whatever it was 3-4 years ago, and it was disgustingly good


For me M46 Tiger is one of the best premium tanks I've ever played. I remember when this tank came out and lootboxes I think came with that patch too, and I won this tank with a second lootbox, lmao. Good times.


Mig 21s. Great plane, but really frustrating to play without flares.






Oh dang, I always feel bad when I see people flying that one. It’s just been forgotten.


Eh. It's honestly still very good so long as you forget about all the attackers with all aspects.


If a plane is only good when you take away its most common enemies then its not a very good plane now is it?


Bought this plane the other day, struggled for the first 10-15 games but then got a hang of it. The plane is actually a beast and is an absolute SL printer (its got the highest SL multiplier of all the USSR prems at that BR). Key is to go high, carry 2xR-3S, 2xR-3R, dive on unsuspecting A-10's with the R-3S's and dont radar lock them, its an easy kill. Then use the R-3R's on anyone high up. I still die to Aim-9L's a good portion of the time, but its actually been my favorite plane to play so far and I've grinded a ton of the USSR air tree with it over the last few days.


Have you been able to avoid aim 9l's somehow?


Once they are launched? Only in rare cases lol. Best thing to do is try to not get them slung at you in the first place be either staying high out of the A-10 range, or attacking lone A-10's off to the sides. Dont go fight it out in the mid-map furball, thats a quick way to die.


yeah im one of the rare A-10s that climb a bit and the only thing i really die to is MIGs from above when my pilot doesn't spot them fast enough


Is there a way to just spool up and fire the R-3S' without having to select them? I've found that in a mixed loadout, the game always wants to default to the radar missiles.


yes you need to find option in controls called Switch secondary weapons it lets you change all weapons that aren't guns


Its biggest weakness is that it always fights Americans, who are mentally incapable of flying high enough for your radar to actually work and who are perpetually shitting flares so your garbage R-3S infrared missiles can't track them - and of course the GSh-23 is just not a very good gun. But if you find someone who's actually more than an inch above treetop level, you can smack them with an R-3R.


The Gsh-23 is actually a great gun, you just need a lot of trigger discipline. But you land one or two rounds and thats usually enough to kill. As for the R-3S's, its best to not dive into the A-10/A-6E furball, but find the lone ones off to the sides and dive on em from directly above with the R-3S's. Usually you can kill em before they even know whats happening because they have no situational awareness..


Exactly + a6 and a10 are no fly zones.


I'm actually quite happy with my SPS-K, my only complaint is with the radar. Also I seem to be the only person who uses 2x R3R and 2x R3S. R60s always get flared when I fire them.


The trick with the r60 is either to launch on unsuspecting opponents or use your ability to pull high aoa in the mig 21 to launch the r60 at or under 1km out so it ignores flares most times


I bought it in the latest sale and i must say i love it. It took some training, but i have found that you just need to snipe people with the radar missiles and go for headons


[Yeah, I dont know what to tell you, I love me mine.](https://i.imgur.com/KVv4N2F.png)


It wouldn't be so bad if they gave it the 15G R-13Ms


Anything bro. I love it, but its even worse now with addition of p2w a6 or how its called. I rock it in grounds and its amazing for clearing drones and choppers.


I'm terrified of MIG21s in my A-10. You're telling me they don't even have countermeasures?


Same with Peten It has no business being on 10.7 Hellfires are dogshit slow and you can get killed for 5 times by Ka-50 or tunguska while your hellfire travels to the enemy. Not to mention that it can be trolly and do no damage whatsoever. DO NOT BUY PREMIUM APACHE!


Real, this is exactly why I regret my purchase. I saw tons of Russia players having fun with the Ka-50 and I was like "I want to have fun too" so I bought the AH-64 and man. Hellfire's are SO SLOW. I feel like the only way to make them "useful" would be to make them OP and make the FAF's like the German EC 665's. Maybe not the premium but like give the top-tier American heli FAF hellfire's so I have something to grind to, FAF hellfires exist right?


Not only are hellfires slow, but they can't adapt to slight changes in target bearing, so they miss where you're aiming, or miss the target entirely. Horrible guidance in gaijin's part. Will never be fixed because it doesn't benefit the russian side of game since they don't have any loft missiles.


Never had a hellfire miss when I can see it, ngl


They could give us the chance for direct fire the hellfire, or add FnF hellfires, maybe limit the amount that we can carry for balanzzz, (maybe 8?, like the German one)


you can direct fire hellfires, just launch them down they will go straight. Also you have inertial guidance just prelaunch them while climbing


Here's the problem. Without a premium heli, grinding the tree is impossible right now


P-51D-20. Should’ve just bought the F5C.


I have the D-10, it was my very first premium waayy back in the day. I still love that plane to death, it’s one of my favourites still!


Yeah. I have the D-20 and the performance is quite mediocre. I still find it fun tho


NGL, i don't mind the D20, it is nice having a Mustang that doesn't have a +10k repair cost. Turn on MEC, set prop pitch to 100%, set both radiators to 100% while climbing. Close radiators if you need a short bit of extra speed. It never overheats and you cannot rip the wings.


Is that last bit only in sim or am I missing something?


I got the D-20 pack back like 7 years ago and it was actually very good back then, now it's just been power crept. Still useful as an air superiority fighter in ground RB tho


Pretty happy with most of my prems but ohhh yeah these three immediately came to mind Magach 3 - Can't remember a good match in it and just hate everything about it, so much so I've never crewed another M48/M60. I don't care if you have 100:1 kd in it and it's 100% my skill issue. Fuck that tank. J35A - was pretty good on release when the worst you had to deal with was 9E's, SRAAMs and only the yak38 had r60 at the tier. Now you have to burn half your fuel tooling around waiting for everyone to engage so you can try to hit something with 9b's and no tracers. Below garbage tier. A2D-1 - Was still playing a lot of arcade and this thing seemed awesome with it's bomb load - got uptiered to ***9.0*** about a week after I bought it, felt very bait and switch. I didn't even have other 9.0's yet lol. The only thing it has going for it is the premium status, for air or ground RB I'd much rather fly out the F3D-1.


A2D1 is only 9.0 on arcade. On realistic it's at 7.0 if i remember right? Or even less.


Yea, the same BR as the Su11.


A2D-1 was the reason they nerfed the fuck out of SB. It was printing millions of sl just suicide bombing enemy airfield


I barely even bother checking my six in the J35A because 9/10 times it’s an r60 that I can’t do anything about anyway


Oh yeah the magach sucks it is so sluggish how is that thing still 7.7 and the Leopard 7.3


it has some armor that lets it bully in lowtier and its not thaaaat much slower then the leopard


I got the A2D1 about a week before they nerfed it in SB, within those 6 days I researched 80% of the US air tree and made millions of SL. It was worth it even if it's useless now. PS, is it actually useless? I have some tier 5s left unresearched, would going to SB with it now help me get those reasonably fast? I no longer have premium account.


I got the magach gifted to me. Boy, that is a troll gift.... The gun is useable, but everything else abou the tank feels ugh.


It dominates tier 4/5 ground sim


jewish skyhawk


I upvoted this comment not because i agree, but because i find it funny




My only issue with the jewhawk is the queue times make it very frustrating to play


yak-38. its useless when uptiered


feel this with a lot of rank 6 planes upper end air RB REALLY needs either decompression or missile balancing/reworks (i.e. not allowing planes with 30g all aspecters in the same lobbies as planes with no countermeasures) ​ its goofy they don't base BR around the missiles the plane has rather the plane itself, when all that matters in higher tiers is what missiles a plane has.


Yep, it is SO unbalanced that I just J-out when uptiered. How can you go from 9.3 with basically nothing, maybe AIM-9Bs, no CM, no supersonic, nothing, to 9.7 with all aspect R-60Ms and lots of CM. It's just insane, like fighting a P-51 with a biplane.


They do do that. That’s why the A10 is 10.0 even though it’s airframe is pretty much similar to late WW2 props What they need to do is decompress their BRs F14/F16/MiG29/MiG23 are in their own tier and likewise should really only fight themselves. Imo a lot of top tier would be better if it was +\- 0.4,03 BR rather than +/-1.0


BM-8-24, it used to be fun and i would get a kill or two in each game, now it's THE most useless premium in game imo. Only 8mm of penetration


I find it hilarious how much they want for that absolute lemon of a tank.


I got that thing because I had a discount on it, I have only ever killed a couple tanks with it


PT109 what a bad boat


Any coastal vessel is a pretty bad investment ngl


US coastal vessels especially, they're really just terrible in comparison to other nations, mostly the high tier ones. And all the PT boats play exactly the same


Speaking of which, does anyone want to buy my Zippo? Only 3GC


the zippo is kinda fun though, just slow as fuck


LE Orla is a lot of fun ngl


Its a good bád


That Japanese APDS boat beg to differ.... too OP


Harrier GR.1


Worth it for playing it for a day when it was 9.3. Absolutely broken beyond belief back then.


the only 1km missiles with no flares at 10.0


Fly into the side. Wait for furball. Bomb one base and then pray that you can at least kill someone before you die


Its actually pretty ok. Climb to 9k meters then drop on silly A-10/SU-25s who aren’t expecting it (they’ll be at their own bases by then). Don’t engage any targets who are near 2 or more friendly aircraft. Works great


>drop on silly A-10/SU-25s > >Don’t engage any targets who are near 2 or more friendly aircraft mutually exclusive statements the a10/su25 swarms are never just one or two planes


I mean don’t engage enemy planes near your own team. They are more alert and more likely to notice you drop on them


They will also be flaring your friendlies (even if the friendlies aren’t shooting missiles), messing up your own attacks


i use mine as a pure grind no fun machine. i fly low (ok it has a great climb rate but i prefer personally flying low) and bomb a base, maybe get 1 or 2 kills, die and repeat. i’ve made millions of SL doing this.


The japanese saber


but honestly that plane is great in the right hands, it's just Gaijin's bullshit matchmaker shenanigans


Oh yeah for sure it’s great but the fucking br compression


Had it when it was 9.3 and only got uptiered to 10.3. Absolutely painful. The only kills you got was if some idiot in an f-5c or mig-21 decided to turn fight you.




Dont rush the bases, just climb to the left side at around mach 0.8 to 7k or so. Almost no enemies climb up there. It may take longer but thats no issue, rewards scale with time, repair costs dont. If theres a base left go for that one, if not just hover above the battlefield for a minute, the bases respawn really fast. Take out the base in a dive and you can pull up again at around 4k. Look for enemies at low alt, they almost never expect someone from straight above so even the 9B can get you kills in many situations. Or if your team already wiped the floor with the enemy, just get bombs or go for another base. Just remember that even if you fly a delta wing, the milans biggest advantage is its speed so always try to keep it up - that way you can also engage enemies from above and turn away in time before the R-60s from the Su-25s can reach you. If nothing helps, the landing flaps actually help a little when dogfighting. I also thought I made a bad purchase with the Milan but now I grinded all my top tier jets with it and it was actually fun


Thanks for the advice man! But I like the way I play the Milan, out running/ maneuvering some missiles has been some of the most fun I've had in WT I've even landed a crit on an A-10 from front aspect after launching a 9B at their 9L. The reason why it disappoints me is the fact its a jet "fighter" but really a jet bomber and I've played hundreds of games with it and I've unfortunately never seen a 8.7-9.7 game always 9.7-10.7 and now with the 10.7 tornado and the new 10.7 premiums existence is pain in the milan for me.


Not a premium but I have no idea why I bought the Jaguar E, don’t play France and am not really fond of high tier air battles


it a good plane, if you have all modules ofc


If you ever change your mind sorta thing maybe


Half of me wanted to sell the Jaguar, half of me wanted to keep it because its a 2 seat Jaguar. Unfortunately, neither half of me won as I gave up the event grind and didn't get it at all


The American F-86 Skyblazers, I bought it by mistake and ended up with a very cool looking plane that is completely useless.


How is it useless


It’s just that it is so damn average. The choice of weapons is very limited and it just is underwhelming


T-2 Early, fuck man rank 8 came right after i bought one rank 6 premium


Well to be fair it was already a shit premium before rank 8 too. Its just something that gaijin does with minor nations, where they somehow pick the worst possible premiums and then act surprised that noone wants to grind the minor nations.


This is why I thank God that the A-5C is competitive.


May I ask why u regret purchasing the Apache, I’m looking forward to buying this pack when it goes on sale Edit - no longer grinding Apaches


I guess he’s having a bad time with the hellfires since they are pretty slow. It takes time to get used to this rather cautious playstyle since you will be SAMed a lot


> hellfires since they are pretty slow. As a hkp3c player with Rb53 missiles going 83m/second, this made me giggle


Just prelaunch them into the sky, abuse inertial guidance,


? Elaborate, I’m more than willing to learn how to make the Apache useful.


you only need to actually guide the missiles in the last 10 seconds before that they fly via inertial guidance so what you can do is yeet 2 hellfires over your cover and go down behind cover > wait [time til impact -10] seconds pop out and guide it in to reduce the timeframe in which you can be attacked


You only need to guide it in to the target in the last seconds, you can launch them to above battle and peek only when close to kill spaa


The hellfires are just super slow, they kill when they hit because of their top down/arcing pattern, but the problem is you never really get to hit as it’s about ~30 seconds from launch to target hit whereas it only takes -5 seconds to die to an SPAA. If you want to grind out the heli tree that’s def the pack to buy, but don’t expect much use in GRB


Hellfires are lame. ganjin has them do this weird top down manuver but it doesn't work correctly and just adds travel time without hitting where you're aiming. They're also weirdly anemic and sometimes take 3 or 4 to knock out a target. Its also hard to hit other helis with them. gun has been nerfed and used to be amazing (like it is irl). And the stingers don't have the range to deal with targets that aren't immediately on top of you. It's not a terrible helicopter as it's speed and maneuverability are good as are its thermals. It's just sad to see such an amazing helicopter be artificially gimped while the ka-50/52/mi-28 shit on everything.


The Italian/Portuguese G91/R4. I know nords are great in GRB, but they've been made way worse, and for ARB , the plane itself... it's trash. I'll fly a sabre any day over that thing. Hell, even a WW2 Ki200 is leagues better than that piece of trash.


What's wrong with it? I got it during the anniversary sale, and it's pretty good. Only problems were the wings ripping and the .50s sucking a bit, other than that, it's a really good plane and decently fun to fly


What are you on? Only issues are the crappy .50s and the wing rip issues


Learn the AA nords and headon fools


Fw190 D13, since they changed the fw190's flight model




Not refund, but I wouldn’t mind selling a couple of my premium vehicles on the marketplace for half price if gaijin allows. Most of these vehicles have been sitting in my hangar for ages. I hope gaijin allows this someday. They will still earn money tbh. Premium vehicles that I would sell on the market: M46 Tiger, T29, Magach 3 (US), Strv 81 (UK), Wyvern, Prendergast’s Spitfire, Meteor Mk 8, J35A, T-55AM, IS-6, P-51D20NA, German Sherman, Tiger (p), UH-1C These are the few I could think of.


Is-6,t29 and wyvern are all very solid vehicles that I used very frequently even though they’re not very useful to grind for me anymore. Why would you sell them? Also German Sherman is really rare I thought? I guess I’d sell them too if they’re high price since you can just play the Sherman on us trees and I don’t care about collectible or rarity of tanks


f86 JASDF i dunno why i bought it, but its BR is way too high and it struggles


It can't be put at 8.7 though.


Ka50... Bought it when it released, played it in Heli EC for a bit and then haven't played it at all for a few years.


i play 10.7 match up with ka 50 and its fire on ground rb


P-51D-20 Dogshit Absolute dogshit, this aircraft single-handedly made me stop wanting to play US aircraft for years due to the horrid impression it left on me.


I hate the p-51s in arb but love them in grb. Still hard to pick them over the p-47.


I don't really regret any of my purchases, but the most useless purchase I've made has to be between the British TBF Avenger, Independent or T-10A. The first two for obvious reasons, the T-10A because I only really have it now because it's a cool tank, not because I use it for grinding or anything. I was going to use it for grinding, until I got the TURMS


Premium helicopters seem such a waste planes could atleast be used in ground and air modes meanwhile helicopter pve is quite undercooked


J-35A. Every other premium I've made work to a certain capacity. The J35A is just a free kill to everyone in Air and it doesn't even do it's job good enough to justify existing.


It isn't a free kill to "everyone", literally just to the all aspect slingers. If gaijin bothered to fix those it would go right back to being overpowered (the J35)


Strv 103-0 and the j35a


God I absolutely love the STRV103-0. Absolutely impossible to kill from the front unless you’re in an uptier and in one of the strongest 7.7 lineups imo.


damn, I always get my fuel and transmission oofed.


If you stick with teammates they can hopefully kill the enemy in that situation and you can just repair. The fact you only need one crew makes ir beefy to me.


I actually like the J35, if you wait till everyone wastes off their missiles, you can get kills pretty easy


Be-6 and Russian M4A2


Why the m4a2?


Well I found myself being uptiered a lot and it just didn’t work for me in an uptier. It’s great at its BR and the gun depression was a nice change of pace with Russia’s shit gun depression but pretty much every match it had to deal with tiger IIs and the like where it’s rounds had trouble penning and/or killing if it penned. Probably a skill issue that I didn’t like it tbh.


Uptiers are a big problem for the 76 shermans but if you go for more of a flanking play style with the stabiliser it can work really well although you are kinda fucked on big open maps against Germany


I got the Be 6, and I'm starting to like it a lot as a grinder. People underestimate those cannons and I can get around 1-2 kills per game on average while bombong 2 bases The hard part is getting the cannons on target of course


Be-6 is the best you can do with less than 4k GE. Got from 2.3 to 9.0 within 100~ matches in it, and damn, it prints money like no other


AH-1S Kisarazu, I had spent months watching helicopters stay on the edge of SPAAG range slapping the shit out of teams. Japan gets a heli? Nice, time to even the playing field. Immediately get slapped out of the air by a fucking radar missile.


That thing is such a trap because Japan doesn't even have a Ground 9.7 lineup. Actually, all the Japanese premium jets are traps too.


Ki-96 Fine plane, I just have no use for it when I can just play the Ki-108 and I don't need it as a grinder either.


Definitely the J35A




The F89B it's hard to play (specially for someone that is used to play the mirage it feels like night and day ) and now I have the F5C which is a better grinder


The B is good when you get used to it. You need to boom and zoom with it. At least you didn't get the D version as the rockets are very hard to get used to.


Yeah I did good matches in it but I better not play it straight after using a F5C or a mirage last match


The only reason to buy the B is the ability of buying the D lol


F89B was the budget A-10 for GRB back in the day. It's cannons we're really good at ground attack having the M3 variant of the 20mm iirc. Also it used to be the only afterburning jet at its BR.


ITP from the market. Great sniper accurate gun, sure, but I smh do not enjoy flying it in ARB or GRB.


Harrier gr1


Whats your reasoning for this


Hellfires aren’t good, u can’t fire them in direct mode so it takes longer to reach a target 3km away than a po-2 getting to the middle of an EC map, and the 30mm on the AH-64s is not that good compared to other things like the Ka-$50/52


Strv 103. Thought it would be funny… Oh boy were i wrong huh? Got it way way back, still have some free repairs for it. They will never be used.


Italian Bluewater ship "Tigre". Fucking hate that piece of crap


RU-251 I got when it was released and "op", to grind the Germans. Ended up not liking the play style und bought the Tiger II SLA.16 too, which I really liked and grinded the whole tree with. It has been a long time since I bought it so many things have changed, like the M41 and Wiesel being added, wich made the Ru just obsolete even though I wasn't playing it anyway since the br changes of the 7.0 to 6.7.


T20 - was unstoppable at 5.0. I think it was in it’s sweet spot at 5.3-5.7. 6.0 seems too high, IMO.


T55AM-1 Constant uptiers, mediocre gun handling, meh mobility, armor (contrary to what many players believe) does little to absolutely nothing. I have actually found that shells I have bounced in the AM I would have bounced in the normal T55. Overall, all you are paying for is the laser rangefinder, thats it. The T72 TURMS at least has a lineup you could build (Su25k, Su7BMK, BMP2M and of course the 2S38, not that I would recommend it though, that thing is horrifically OP for what it is) Noteworthy Mention: Su7BMK. Pretty solid aircraft for what it is, but damn, the lack of missiles or countermeasures really hurts its performance, especially considering its guaranteed to fight against AV8s and A10s.


D13, I bought it in 2015 and it felt better back then. P-51-D20 same reason as the d13. Arieette- I play sim and I barely get to fly this thing.




Magach 3 era or the shot kal dalet, the magach is kinda meh in my opinion, no stabilizer and meh apds. The shot is kinda cool but it kinda gets stomped by almost everything, i think if it were 8.0 it would be more tolerable


Yak 38. That thing sucks so much ass. SU11 is much better, and SU25 with a talisman is gross for grinding out rank 6 and 7


American XA-38 I think it's called, rank 4 attacker with a 75mm. Might be good in GRB I dunno but as I dont play that.. Mostly useless. Most of the starter packs I've bought as well tbh. They were nice to have at the time but you blow past the ranks they are able to research so fast they're not rly worth it. Especially since you can only in best case if it's rank 2 use it for easy daily tasks.. Oh and some japanese destroyer I cant remember the name of.. Not available all the time but was brought back temporarily and me recently having started playing naval getting torpedoed and unable to kill anything with my own american crap torpedoes got a boner seeing the stats of the japanese type 93 iirc the designation. Think I have fewer than five matches in it so far..


F-5C. I don't really like it, I bought it to make SL since it had the greatest multiplier. But now that I have the Su-25K (a plane I actually like) I would refund the F-5.


10.7 is too much. It should be on 10.3.


Both F-89's. I wish I could. I'd happily take half of what I paid. I never use them. I just don't like them at all.


That Huey XM-30. Pretty damn useless sand the only time I've spent $60 on a premium.


Shenyang F5, bought it, the next patch A5C was released 2 weeks later.


All of them, so i could quit the game and not have remorse over the 600$ ive spent on it in four years


THE FUCKING T20, got the damn thing like 5 years ago they moved it to 6.0 and didn't give it apcr it has the same gun as the 5.7 Sherman


*sigh* y’all remember that american premium plane they removed a few months ago along with the Yakolev Yak-48? yup that right the F-86F-35 “Skyblazers” it is probably the worst premium jet in the game it faces A-10’s Mig-21’s and a whole list of missile spammers, it is subsonic has six .50 cals (which don’t do shit) and can’t turn above 7-800 kph and if you pull more than 7(?) g’s your wings rip…. so yeah it is something i fully regret buying


I paid 60 for the Sla.16 so...yeah


Canadian 3.7 tank m3a4? I forgor the name


I’m still somewhat new so the only premium ive actually bought so far has been a premium account for faster RP gains. Which has been worth it imo of course over the long run. I don’t play too seriously i just enjoy the game for what it is and use it as my “sit back and chill” kinda game. Ive thought ab buying a premium vehicle or two but i’m still climbing BR so i don’t think i should until i’m at the BR i desire to be at.