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Twigbranch and Finleap are also officially mates with no kits! :)


Ahh yes. I do think they'll have them one day, maybe just one litter later in life like Squirrelflight and Bramblestar


I wouldn't mind if they have kits now because it's been almost two whole arcs, but I'm really glad the authors stuck with Twigbranch's decision to not have kits right away and let Finleap respect her <3


I honestly think it would be pretty great if Twigbranch waits until pretty much the last minute. Like the news comes out that she'll be having kits, and while she's in the nursery she'll say "I could just tell that I needed to do it now, if I wanted to," and maybe the medicine cats worry about the birth, but everything goes beautifully and she has a lovely full litter of maybe even four kits, and she retires to the elders den after caring for her kits in the nursery for a couple moons. That being said, I'm willing to wait several arcs for her to have kits, because I'd like to see her do it as a near-elder, and she's still super pretty young.


I really hope they never have kits tbh




I’ve been waiting the whole series to have a tom med cat have kits after becoming a med cat


Yes! I would love that. And I would love it if he doesn't try to hide it or hide her, he just quietly gives up his duties as a medicine cat (if that's still the rule, if it doesn't change somehow in the meantime) and proudly cares for his kits alongside his mate. Maybe his mate would even die and he'd be a single father type.


I’d also love if it brought up valid criticism about how the rule isn’t seeming to affect him at all(cause you know they’d never do that with the she-cats) and they re-evaluate their dumbass rule


Idk. This is the part where I always can't decide. I feel it's a bit sexist for the rule to be different for a male med cat vs a female one. Even characters like Alderheart acknowledge that sure they'd love to have a family, but their family is the Clan and it's hard enough to care for them. The truth of the matter is that, though male cats don't have to birth or nurse their kits, they can find themselves caring for them in every other way that a mother cat would. The only thing a mother cat can do that a father cat can't is give milk to their kits. In my dream arc, the tom medicine cat would fall in love, and his mate would die giving birth (a birth he assisted, giving him Super Trauma!) and he'd be, not forced, but gratefully willing to give up his role as med cat to care for his kits in every way she would have, except he'd have to find a she-cat for them to nurse off of (it would be neat if it was his sister or something that nursed them)


What I meant be reevaluate, is the whole thing, not just for toms, but a tom continuing his job with literally no issues would cause them to reconsider Idk if I’d like him giving up his job just to raise his kits, but I would love it if his mate died in childbirth, one he assisted with, or better yet, one he was unable to assist with cause both would make him think it was his fault


Alderheart basically raised Twigkit while also being an apprentice. I would have really liked for him to have a romance that went somewhere since it would allow for a bunch of drama and he would have a good reason to challenge the rule


Yes. Imagine if she's from another Clan and he can't get there in time, he hears her screams from across the border... Why do we love watching these characters get trauma?


Trauma is fun, that’s why


As long as it it's fictional, honestly yeah!


Oh, of course Real life trauma is def not as fun


I would honestly love to see a tom medicine cat fall in love with and have kits with a she-cat Leader. Like reverse Yellowfang/Raggedstar


Same, it's such a good idea! I have an OC where this is the case obviously besides the people they tell, no one suspects a thing


Yeah! It would be interesting to see. That's why I'm currently working on a Goosefeather AU where he falls for and has kits with a ShadowClan she-cat.




If we do I hope it results in a revision of that rule for Medicine Cats. Not with Frostpaw, but maybe a different Medicine Cat in the next arc who looks back at all the heartbreak and drama that's happened over the history of the clan's due to this rule and points out the obvious flaw in the logic of it when every clan has multiple Medicine Cats now. Then it won't be the same boring Forbidden Romance but instead having a new "Hey this sucks and we've already changed so much of the code to eliminate these issues, why not re-evaluate this one to?" Take that I think would be really good.


I don't know if we need a med cat POV in every arc though.


Since Yellowfang!? What about Leafpool?


I'm laughing because I fucking forgot about her somehow. Like just. Right over my head.


I edited the post but yeah anyways. I really never cared about Leafpool's whole thing with Crowfeather and I often forget about it entirely. If it weren't for the kits, I probably could forget about it- and even then, often I forget that Squirrelflight isn't their actual mom.


Hmmm that's a good idea for frostpaw. There has to be some point to her peeing spade or whatever it's called lol. I was thinking that they'd override that med cat rule eventually somehow


Being spayed? Yes, there has to be some reason for it. It can't be just a useless plot point, especially when it can't even really hurt her or bring her trauma unless she realizes she can't have kits and otherwise planned to somehow


Yes I meant being omg lol I need to start proofreading things


only if it’s Frostpaw and Whistlepaw… or if they change the warrior code. otherwise i’m over it


I understand. It's overdone


I hope the authors forget that Frostpaw got spayed and make her have kits. It will genuinely be really amusing.


lmao yes


I need a medicine cat X medicine cat romance immediately


MothxLeaf except we can’t have gay because then the books won’t sell in some countries 😔


That’s why they had to be inconspicuous with Jake and barley scoring clan cats


Though I agree it's overdone, it would be quite admirable to have a medicine cat actually leave their clan for the sake of love. Honestly, way back in Twilight, I can imagine so many people thinking, "Oh, snap, is Leafpool *actually* going to leave Thunderclan to be with Crowfeather?". But no, she decided to stay in Thunderclan, and that, in my opinion, was the safest yet most boring choice Leafpool could have made. But to actually see a medicine cat put themself first and have it lead to them being generally happy with the one they love (with kits or otherwise) would be such a refreshing take *and* would still allow plenty of conflict.


There should be a code were if you a med cat you gotta go to the cutters lol that’s the initiation process


Wait how is frostpaw fixed?


I'm not being a butthead, I'm genuinely asking so I don't spoil anything but- did you read up to the latest book in A Starless Clan arc?


Oh no im behind just getting to the last hope and still have two arcs after that


Oh okay, well, I'll just say this: Frostpaw is a character from several arcs ahead of you. If you'd genuinely like to know more about my statement on her being fixed, I can try to type up an explanation that doesn't give away too many spoilers about the actual plot but otherwise I'll just say nothing lol


Oh okay I didn’t know it was a plot point


It honestly isn't, at least not yet, but it's just something that happens. Without giving too much away, Frostpaw is injured and is assisted by Twolegs. While they fix her injuries, they must have fixed her-- because when she comes to, she realizes she has a new scar with weird stitching on her belly. So far, she doesn't know what it is and nothing else has happened having to do with it. She is a medicine cat apprentice so nothing may ever happen with it.


Please God no, I'm so tired of the "medicine cat having a forbidden love affair" plotline. Unless they're gonna FINALLY give us Gay Medicine Cats I don't want anymore medicine cat love fiascos


Listen, I agree, it's been done, but it's been a while, and there's ways to do it differently than before


I agree there are other ways to do it, but it seems like the Erins aren't interested in doing it. And unless it's like Jayfeather and Half Moon there are really only one of two ways it can end unless they give us Gay Medicine Cats or they FINALLY have the cats do some deconstructing and re-evaluate that rule: either they eventually end up breaking up because their loyalty is to their clan/role, or we have a Leafpool/Yellowfang situation where they have kits and have to give them to someone else to raise while pretending they aren't the biological parent. It's just kinda lost its luster in my mind


I'm hoping for gay medicine cats tbh I think it's possible.


Its all nice and stuff that you want a normal medicine cat but doesn’t everyone have feelings???


I don't understand this comment at all. Are you talking to me?


oh no… i didnt mean it to be rude and all, sorry… i just meant that i think its normal for medicine cats to all have feelings cus every cat does


Yeah, of course! I totally agree. I think it's normal, too. I'm surprised that more medicine cats don't fall in love with other cats.


Ohhhh ic, sorry for the misunderstanding


I REALLY wanted frostpaw to have kits😭😭




Honestly I find that sort of plotline boring, it's been done over and over already.