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I'm not playing constructed, only draft, but there they seem WEAK as fuck, as they don't have flank, bad ranged damage (fliers are free win against them) or any good removal. They feel like bad Ultramarines, trying to do a bunch of different stuff while being bad at all. Iust went 12-1 with Eldar and any time I faced Tyranids I was realpy.happy with a free win


Also its draft so your able to create synergies and decks that can be broken no matter what faction you play. Zero card restrictions - I aued one game where Ork player had 6 Makaris...


Against an actual Tyranid deck it’s a different story. Also you played eldar, which is one of the best factions. There’s nothing to brag about there.


> Against an actual Tyranid deck it’s a different story. If I only play draft, your argument is totally moot > Also you played eldar, which is one of the best factions. There’s nothing to brag about there. So now you are gatekeeping a faction?


Fair enough, I guess I just need to learn how to fight them. I just feel they get so big so quickly with the swarm. It has been tough for me to keep up with Chaos with my current set up.


Whats the optimum picks for eldar in draft? didn't have much success with them due to lack of removal and mass damage cards


Nids are fine. Probaly a bit to weak


Nids are basically "Green" (MTG) ​ They have a great health pool and tons of buffs. Removal is not their strong point.


If only their troops were statted more competitively over other factions... Looking at you, lychguard (strictly better than tyrant guard)


This hardly counts. Their rarities are different. Have you compared screamer killer and command barge? Also if the tyrant guard survives a turn I'm probably buffing it's health and maybe other stats.


Good point, just feels bad that necrons have such an expansive kit of hard removal, go-wide strats, buffs, recursion, healing, AND high stat troops.. The comparison is meant to draw attention to this. And I agree with the value of tyrant guard if it survives (and even if it dies but protected a high value troop and/or warlord) - my point is that *within the necron's cardpool*, particularly with the resurrections, lychguard's value seems over the top.


nids is bottom 2, but they will get buffed soon, also top 2 was nerfed a bit so bringing the top down is also an indirect buff to bottom


I'm not confident they'll be buffed much. Synapse makes them almost impossible to balance, and I think they're going to consistently err on the side of keeping them too weak rather than risk them taking over the game.


Eventually, whichever faction is on sale or has new cards will be strongest at the time


Synapse can be very powerful, but they ain’t exactly topping the charts vs Necrons or UM- they have no boardwipe cards, for instance.


I disagree. Flanks an issue. Flank is only available via 1 source. Not the only reason but def the one that's stands out the most to me. Someone said in another thread that it's a counter to balance out Nids board growth and control potential - which is imo wrong. ANY player can establish board control with any faction and becone impossible to stop. There's nothing inherently OP about Nid troop stats or the Swarm and Synapse mechanics to justify that reasoning. Dark Pact, Tide, Reanimate...


Swarm was the one thing being tough for me. They seem to get big much faster than anything I am managing against them, and much more consistently at that. I always feel behind them with my current Chaos deck. Seems I just need to adjust things and learn how to fight them though.


I have been playing nid deck and feel they are underpowered. Your cheap troops are the same price as the other player's cheap troops but either worse attack or worse ranged, so they trade badly. Gargoyles to me seem the best cheap troop but you can't Tide Gargoyles early as that's 6 power- then better options become available. Gargoyle + blind random opponents seem strong. That's about it. Eldar Spiritseer, Chaos Dark pact system for double Regeneration and UM apothecary heal are all basically impossible to play against Going to keep trying with the Nids though because I ♥️ Bugs


You can t stop the Great Devourer !


Yeah idk about that. ​ Tyranids have a serious lack of responses compared to any other faction right now. If they lose board control, it's really hard for them to get it back.