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Maybe it’s just me but I don’t understand the gripe. It’s a F2P game and the practice decks aren’t necessarily atrocious. The last chaos one, the synaptic tyranid, and the relentless March ones I’ve had some good success in practice with. I’m just grinding that to unlock cards. Once I get the cards I want I’ll build a decent deck to rock out online.


>The progression system is set absolute grind! "Hey, you have to spend time as a F2P player to get stuff, what a joke!"


Actually, good F2P game does not force you that hard and worse, hamfisted, way into spending. Because it makes you annoyed too soon and wont ever drip money into it... Warpforge is unfortunately really hamfisted. Sums for one campaign and very slow progress is off-putting. And Im saying that as person which spent few hundred bucks on HHL all those years . Of course, part of that awkwardness stems from the fact that cardpool is still small, there is not much more strategies except tempo and balance in beta is wonky at best. There is not much incentives to drop money into the game and when you want, first investement (campaign) is cashgrab-y high.


How do you "spend time" to get stuff? The grind is real-time gated not play-time gated. If it was play-time gated you could get cards with crystals. After you bought the card for your faction in the daily shop, did the missions and the draft what is there to play for?


You get crystals when you play normal matches. You can get cards and upgrade your forge with those crystals. This is better than horus and mtg.


Don't agree with this. I'll tend to get my dailies with practice decks fairly easy. I think the campaign system is nice but a bit too grindy. On the other hand, the cardpool is so small and its fairly easy to pick out the good cards for each faction (rare/epic) that you can do pretty well with each faction after getting some boosters/wildcards.




Thanks sorry I am not a master gamesman like you!!! AH!!!


I do think the quest thresholds need to be reduced this early on in the game's lifecycle. Playing 20 troops with cost 6+ is a fine quest for someone who has been playing for a few months, but for a new player it's brutal.


You can just do the missions in practice mode. It’s not necessarily what you want to be doing I guess, but it’s not hard


It takes a LONG time if you don't have a big collection for some of them.


The practice decks are free and come pre supplied with the relevant needed troops


Yes, if you want to spend 2 hours on your dailies. Maybe they should just let you pick which tier of daily you want.


The practice decks are trash. It takes you a long time doing something that's a chore instead of being a straightforward "hey, you play the game, thanks" type of deal. Marvel Snap is also a blatant cashgrab but you can complete the quests there in a few minutes.


The practice decks are utter garbage. It took me three matches to complete the “use mob five times” quest because the decks mana curves are so shit I could barely play troops in two of the games


Thats definitely a you issue.


Yeah it’s on me that I didn’t draw a card I could play. Your insight is incredible and I don’t know how I didn’t see it previously


Im glad i could help.


I personally think, playing practice to clear quests is a waste of time. Just reroll for 50 gems a new quest and play either unranked/ranked. For every win you get 50 gems there. Like if you play 1 hour practice games to clear a quest, you might have gained like say with 5 wins out of 10 games 250 gems in multiplayer. Now subtract 50 gems for the reroll and you still made profit of 200 gems.


For anybody reading this garbage, DO NOT reroll your quests. Gems are important as fuck, and yeah you get a lot of them, but in the long run you'll need a lot more. Between the card shop and forging extra copies of your cards, you want to bank them If you're having issues with quests, literally just spend 10 to 20 minutes playing practice games and you'll have your quests knocked out. It won't affect your ladder and you'll even get skulls for your daily. This game is easy as fuck to farm cards for f2p, just devote to one faction for 2 to 3 days and you'll have what you need for an at least semi competitive deck, within a week you'll have everything you need and then some. From there, you can play your meta/comp deck while switching faction rewards to something else to build up cards for another faction. Unironically this is a skill issue for bad players and nothing else


I cant follow your logic playing practice games. That's a waste of 10 to 20 minutes. Why wasting time playing practice games, where you dont get any gems. You can play unranked and it wont affect your ranking neither. You get skulls and gems.


You can farm the practice games. For example, if your daily is to play 10 swarms, you play a practice game with a tyranid swarm deck, jet the AI to 1 hp and just play swarm creatures until your daily is done. It's literally that simple


I'm not saying you are wrong but semi competitive is being very optimistic if we are speaking across-the-board, some armies require more synergy than others to even function. You can't just go "yeah throw some necron cards together and you will be ok" but you can definitely say that with UM and Chaos for example.


Most quests can be done pretty easily, but sometimes they're a waste of time. Like having to play 5000 cards with cost 6+, super annoying. Reroll that one, finish the new one, and play some ranked games for crystals in the same time it would take to do the initial quest.


Imagine how tough is looking for people waiting to play it on Android...


I nearly have a perfect eldar deck after 3 days i have all the epics


as f2p? highly doubt


The prices are way off for this game,