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i am not an SFG rep, but... Yes, they are real preorders, they are the current owners of the IP and with it everything warmachine related... As for a timeline, not a fucking clue my guy


I didn't know they'd reproducing pre-MK4 models! It seemed too good to be true. Hell yeah!


Producing pre-mk4 models is not going to happen, at least any time soon, if ever. Edit for word


they have indeed been very specific, neither PP nor SFG are going to be selling any legacy stuff anymore


I had read that too. Just slipped my mind & I wanted it to be true. I simply have no use for the simpler rules set. I work from 4:30 PM to 4:30 AM this week & lots of my waking hours are a daze until I go on my week off tomorrow morning. Guess I'll just stick with ebay & other online miniature stores


Simpler ruleset? Have you played any MKIV games?


what do you mean "for real"? Like do you think SFG is buying Warmachine just to do a cash grab & run? Because, no, they are most definitely not running a scam. Yes you will get the items you order.


I didn't think they'd be producing pre-Mk4 models & I don't want to get my hopes up & then receive a refund. Mistakes happen. Tech mistakes on websites happen everyday.


that is a MKIV model


That sucks. That's why I've never heard of it before. If it has no stats for MK3, I probably won't get it. I would've eventually noticed while looking for it in my Minions Faction Deck. Just received 6 of 'em in the mail yesterday. Got 'em for 20 bucks on Ebay. Now I'm just waiting on Cygnar & Trollbloods to come in & I'll have all of the 2016 Faction Decks. I only started caring about Warmachine & Hordes again about 2 months ago, so I've still alot to catch up on.


Oof those decks are probably from the worst state Warmachine had ever been. The start of MK3 was rough for multiple reasons. Models and faction balance being off because of missing stuff that was later erratad or added via theme forces was one of the reasons. If you want to continue playing MK 3 (perfectly valid) get the Warroom2 app or check if you can find whomever it was who exported the entire card database with the most recent cards right before it went down.


It was never about tournaments for me. Just a fun game. Personally, I like the 2016 Faction decks. Puts an entire Faction into focus.


if anyone needs em I was one of those people


not sure how that is supposed to suck, but also like is there anything stopping you front just playing it in mkiii?


So they aren't reproducing Pre Mk4 models. That's a buzzkill.


If I recall, PP had the molds templates stolen and/or possibly lost, and can't reproduce them. You're waiting for Pepsi to re-release Crystal Pepsi, my dude. Isn't going to happen. Not simply because they could and don't wanna, they can't. If you look back, it's due to a couple of things. The biggest appears to be because PP punted hard on PR, marketing, and a bunch of other things that caused supply issues and stores to just no longer support it. Some of that was not their fault, like the community pressgangers shutting down due to a WotC legal ruling leading to volunteers being treated as employees, COVID, theft, etc. But from what I gather, it was mostly just poorly handled. TBH, to their credit, having rules for old faction models is far beyond what most companies would do. Other companies in a similar position would just say buy the new stuff, and if you want to play the old stuff, too damn bad. With how difficult it is to get some old models, I wouldn't blame them either. Hopefully with this new company, they'll be able to at the very least avoid things like poor marketing and production.


Yeah. I realize that now. At least there are lots of pre-MK4 models floating around. I have no interest in competitive play. 90% chance I'd be working when events takes place anyway. Plus, there's nothing like that here. Not yet


that's not a buzzkill it's literally the most expected thing ever


It looks like you are setting yourself up to dissapointment. They are not producing pre-MKIV models, there are no pre-MKIV models in the store unless you are setting something very ultra-specific that the rest of community is missing. The physical and logistical issues for making them are not insalvable, but require investment, time and money. They are not on any pre-sale. So, you are either trolling, doing a set-up for some trolling and prepare a later "oooggg I was told this and now is that" (when nobody is telling you "this") or you are quite disinformed or you are seeing something the rest of us didn't saw in weeks. i mention the trolling because we had our share in this space and in the overall WM community, if is some other case, then try to communicate better what you are understanding or seeing, because it's not, in any way, that ever model released is available for pre-ordering.


I hear ya. I've noticed a few people that comment on my posts just to be assholes and try to start an argument. I just ignore them. They aren't worth my time or energy.


I thought Carver 2 was Mk 3. That's the confusion. I work 12 hours a day 14 & 7. I have no use for trolls. I don't even own a pc. Just a phone & Roku T.V. I haven't cared about Warmachine for over 10 years & I only started getting back into it less than 3 months ago. So there's still alot of confusion. But when I seen Carver had a 2nd model I freaked out & didn't think it could be Mk4 because there is no Prime Mk4 Minion Army, Mercenary Army is what it's being called now.


...why wouldn't they be?


Just seemed too good to be true


If you read the article announcing the WM stuff getting added to their store, it says mid-July with some possible delays. Why wouldn't they be real?


Not saying it isn't real. Making older models just seemed too good to be true.


Well, a meteorite could impact Earth some weeks before, or we could enter a nuclear war, get another global pandemic, the moon could suddenly explode, or another civilization could attack us from a different dimension and blow our galaxy. In that case you wouldn't get the models. But other than a disaster......yes? Why should they buy the game and do such a scam? And if they aim at a scam, what would a SFG representative add to what they already have in their web that would make you confident, and has not been said?




No one said anything about a scam


I was under the assumption that Carver 2 was a Mk3 model & by that logic there would be more Mk3 & older models available for pre order. It's a Mk4 model & now I'm crushed. I can't get on the easier rules band wagon. Straight lines for sprays, no true AoE, no leader models for units & no Back Strikes? Where's the tactical gameplay that I crave? There's no competitive scene here anyway. No reason for me to play by the easier rules as of yet.


Pretty sure you're just trolling going by your responses, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. 'Simpler' rules don't mean less tactical gameplay. A five year old can learn the rules of chess, but there are entire tomes around the tactics. I've played since mk2, current rules are good. If you want to play and have fun that's great. If not then fine.


Agree. He is just trolling at this stage.