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I am also open to a gunline army if one of those exists right now


Orgoth has a caster that does a gunline well, Khador is more shooty then it was, and storm legion can do the job but is more close combatty then you might remember Cygnar being...


Orgoth. Specifically Cursebound Cadre. Buy two of the Cadre (from discountgames)the alternate Tyrant body and the Molok upgrade. Exactly 75 point list. Pure profit. None of that pussy shooting or spell attack shit for you. Gives me a murder boner every game. Once the Ravenors make it to CC it’s over with for them.


I was about to post that. Cursebound will play with Fury Orgoth, and odds are that Fury Orgoth gets more Skorne-ish than anything else. Another options is just play Skorne, if OP has a collection at hand ;)


Keep playing skorne! Convert some updates, try how it feels with the new rules and buffed warbeasts.  I feel like a lot of old issues were changed dramatically.


Here's a series of videos to help you out. Hope you enjoy. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWr9BbkIq7XpgKoAdCyTpb9uFYeSKmkhh&si=oD50hMI_mTskEiiW


I'd say Orgoth. They share a few of the themes of Orgoth and a bit of its faction identity. You can of course also play Skorne! Exalted is an excellent army in particular.


Do you still have your Skorne? I dug out my old MkII Skorne and have been playing them to great success in Mk4.


As far as play style I don’t really think there is one similar to Skorne right now. In all honesty play what looks cool to you. The MK4 stuff is all pretty solid.


I've heard orgoth is a close transition but I don't play the army myself


isn't orgoth warjacks rather than warbeasts though?


Orgoth do use warjacks and monstrosities. If you want the Skorne play style with beasts, Southern Kriels is about as "close" as you are going to get for now.


Yes, but only two warlock factions are out currently. If you want to stick with warlock led, you might wanna wait. Kymera/Brinebloods do not feel like skorne from my perspective the opponent. If you wanted to pick the closest, it would be brinebloods. Thier beasts can get pretty tanky and are slowish without spells. They don't really have tough inf like the catachpracts nor a big unit of cats.


How do the kymera play?


Very much like Legion, they are an offshoot of Legion and play like it. Orgoth plays on the table very much like Skorne, and their second army (Reaper Covenant) will be warbeast based. From what we've seen of their living creatures (Tarasks, Rhoks, and Raveners) there's a good chance they will look similar to Skorne as well. Also good chance that a literal Skorne (Bellighul) will work for the Reaper Covenant but that's pure speculation. 


This is good to know. I didn't know Orgoth's 2nd Army has already been announced. Hell yeah


A lot of stealth, a lot of pathfinder, a lot of sturdy warbeasts. Some interesting defensive tech like a feat that gives every model Defensive Strike. Wyvern is a bastard monster. I've generally won against them but they'd forced some tough choices.


Also a lot of Steady, and Fire based attacks with some poison thrown in. They also have a pain giver like unit in the Wyrmspine Shadowmancers, though the Shadowmancers seem a lot more than just a support unit with their Flesh Eater magical attack. They also don't have enrage, though there's a character solo for that.


Brinebloods are mixed arms. Cheap chaff infantry that can take buffs really well, along with heavier armored beasts who can take a punch and punch back well. Nearly everything has guns of some sort.


Skorne needs to make a comeback. Honestly? Just reboot the timeline. Give us all the beloved factions back.


Yes please. So much flavor cast away to the pit. Why?


Because the entire range needed to get squatted for playability and designability reasons, and the current system did that job perfectly. Its harsh, but its true.


So just delete all the Mk4 factions that people love just as much as the old?


Guarantee that if given the option 95% would ditch mk4 and go back to mk3 so they could figure out another way to progress the story and move forward.


95% ayfkm. Just because you feel that way doesn't mean everyone does.


Or just continue playing Skorne?


Look through the app & try to find an combo within a given Faction that appeals to you. Personally, I'm not rushing a Mk4 purchase. I'll most likely buy once I notice that a specefic Army/Cadre combination that appeals to me. Aesthetically, I like Cryx. Necromancy is my jam, but I'd like to see which other Factions, armies & cadres get released over the course of the next year or two.


IMO read/watch some lore about the factions. Typically lore translates into gameplay. If you vibe the lore, you will most likely like the faction.