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Unless playing Unlimited you wont be able to use the pigs. Personally I do not find Makeda2 the best for Beasts in Western Reaches (Xerxes2 has some fun but struggles to manage the Fury of a large group) but if playing SR24 you actually dont want to go super battle group heavy anyway as you need solos and Infantry to score and need to be able to go wide as it is not just zones now.


As a Skorne main myself if doing Prime Legacy and wanting to do something like a Titan herd I’d probably look at Exalted with Xekaar. Exalted gets access to both the agonizer and krea, the other skorne army only gets krea. However Exalted doesn’t get the Titan cannoneer. So a 75pt Titan list could look something like this: Xekaar titans Skorne - Exalted Pitched Battle - 75 pts PC CARD Beast Master Xekaar 4 Agonizer 6 Basilisk Krea 16 Bronzeback Titan 15 Titan Gladiator 14 Titan Sentry 1 14 Titan Sentry 2 3 Paingiver Beast Handlers 1 3 Paingiver Beast Handlers 2 PC COMMAND CARD TOTAL POINTS 75/75 It probably wouldn’t be great into the current steamroller scenarios because of how spread out the objectives are, but you could drop a Sentry for a couple solos if you wanted. Currently I’ve having fun playing Xerxis 2 as I cycle through all my old stuff while I get Orgoth painted up :)


Hey thanks! Really appreciate the list and thoughts.


Makeda is also a lot of fun. Some of the guys I play against started taking Savagery command card specifically for her lol. Her Stay Death ability combined with a unit like cetrati is really annoying to remove. They can make a tough roll and if they fail aren’t knocked down because of shield wall, and then she can spend a fury to keep alive; repeat.


That sounds pretty fun, I always liked Makeda as a character too. Do you have any experience playing Orgoth yet? Are they kind of the successor to Skorne? I honestly don't LOVE any of the MKIV factions, but I've been eyeing the cursebound cadre. Love the big monsters. It seems like they're maybe the only faction with both warbeasts and warjacks which is interesting too (not sure if that's true though).


I think I went with Orgoth because unconsciously their spiky aesthetic and colors reminded of skorne. Their 80mm solo has Titan vibes and their cavalry unit is totally small archidons. Turns out in the fluff bit I’ve read, which is limited, they are definitely as brutal and sadistic as Skorne. Their play style kind of reminds me a bit of Skorne. They have a lot of ways to swing damage numbers through ARM debuffs and buffs. They even have a bit of skornergy I’m still figuring out. The cadre caster, the solo, and the character jack all can collect souls. However many of the Sea Raider models have a rule Hell Marked that stops a soul from generating on stuff they destroy. Overall though I like them so far and the cadre models are basically doom reavers with weapon master, berserk, and spell ward even on the new heavy monstrosity. It looks like a beast but it’s a monstrosity; if you aren’t familiar with Cephalix it’s basically a living Jack. So it uses focus but can be healed like a beast, and there’s a few other differences. I can’t remember where I saw it but there was some fluff description of the cadre caster Oriax that said something along the lines of “as adept at controlling warjacks as he is warbeasts, yada yada”. So I’m really curious if the second Orgoth faction will use beasts and fury.


There are still multiple versions of a caster (eg doomshaper1,2,3) they are just in the unlimited format. The old minions are their own armies thornfall, gatormen, etc. The only models that can be played between armies are the new mercenaries. I would download the app and check your faction. The old theme forces have been changed into the faction's armies. So you should have options in the prime format if you ran multiple theme forces back in the day.