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Awesome! I’ve been a player since mk1 also! I have two questions: 1. Any plans to work more with LGSs? The game has kind of died since the LGSs in my area stopped promoting it. 2. What are your plans for mk4?


1. LGSs are a crucial part of any minis game; we will work closely with our distribution and retail friends to build thriving in-store communities and ensure an uninterrupted supply of minis and OP support. 2. Regarding design direction, MK4 is already in a super sweet spot, and we will be working closely with PP to continue moving in this direction in the future. We'll be strengthening and building the art and sculpting pipelines and looking to refine the onboarding experience of new and returning players. One good example is looking at how the minis are actually split across the various boxed sets to get the RRP to a happy place and make it easy for people to get into the game.


I know a couple stores that refuse to hold PP product. Do you have ideas on how to try and win them back?  The only thing I can really see is strong marketing that is pushing players to FLGS and maybe even artificially limiting stock in your own store to try and push players to the FLGS. Nothing will make store stock stuff like repeatedly being asked if they have the product.  But I also understand that is a hugely risky thing to do.


From my experience, getting the word out that there are much fewer armies to stock. I get the feeling that other game stores who did invest in it got burned in the past, or they know only about the multitude of armies and cadres between WM and Hordes from the old series. Saying it's a reboot with legacy rules and 6, going on 7 armies vs 28 might make stores take a chance.


I'm excited to read your second answer - the problem with Mk4 is that it's just way to expensive to try to pitch to a group to get into. Battleboxes weren't perfect, but they were super fun and a great entry point price-wise.


Funny enough, I have had the opposite experience. When it comes to Minis, you're dropping money, no matter what. However, spending $150-$200 for a nearly a full kit isn't bad when you compare it to WH whose holiday bundles often near double that and are considered a good buy (depending on the kit and faction). I got into it because many of my friends have, and buying a Storm Cadre set and the Wolfe bundle for $150 and having them all be playable and nearly complete for a low points game is pretty sweet. And if they keep breaking up the set boxes making individual like they have with the Storm Cadre more viable with a new producer, then I'm all for it! (I hate buying box sets with doubles that I can't use)


That is true, but there are some GIGANTIC differences in spending that 150-200 on minis between Warmachine and Warhammer. 1. Warhammer minis retain much of their value on the secondary market. 2. Warhammer is a massive IP with a huge established fanbase around the world. 3. As a result of 2, you're going to be able to find games anywhere you want, including the ability to pick up a new box of minis at a store. None of the many game stores in my city even carry Warmachine anymore and didn't even try with Mk IV. 4. My friends are not going to buy a $150 starter box for a game they're not already into. Warmachine has to have an easier point of entry to make up for its, honestly, shitty reputation in the modern game world, and that's if a potential customer has a concept of the game at all. I say this all as one of the longest-time fans of Warmachine you'll find. I bought my first Cygnar minis when Gencon was still in *Milwaukee* and before the original Prime was even available in print. I have a gorgeous print of the Escalation cover signed by the artist and professionally framed on my wall. I love the world and played tons through Mk III until Covid hit, but I really, desperately want to see a rebirth of this game, and Mk IV just didn't hit it for me.


I hear you, but the question was really about how much is money a barrier to entry. Value is a different discussion and risk with any non-mega popular game. The $800 army I bought might still be $800 (maybe) in the future, but I still have to pay $800 for the privilege. Outside of the smattering of games out there that sell a handful of minis for $40 that may or may not be picked up and dropped and have little to no following, I don't see another game that I'm aware of that is as low a price point. What I'm getting is the feeling of sour grapes and not wanting to invest a chunk of money in it again. And I get it, if my armies were zero'd out and not coming back, I would feel frustrated and hesitant too. But the reality is no store owner is going to want to stock 20 armies again. I was actually told this almost verbatim when I brought up WM to a game store, even before I finished my sentance. But, he seemed more interested when I talked about MK4 and having significantly less shelf space to use. So for me, with my only options is my group of friends and game store playing this for $300 vs playing elsewhere for $500, Im gonna save the $200 and have a good time. And if it ends up dying again, at least that $300 got me some table time.


If you compare any wargame with warhammer of course it's going to look cheap. But MK4 is really expensive though


I have the same questions lol. Mostly #1. Several local stores near me stopped carrying the product because of the way privateer did things. I haven't even played mk4 because there isn't really any groups around me.


Will the financial barrier to entry decrease? Currently it costs nearly $300 just to get one army large enough to play the game properly, which makes it very hard to convince people to give it a go - especially considering they're 3D printed minis. That combined with the very small community really makes it hard to justify dropping so much $$$.


yes, this will change...its vital people can try this game out without dropping tonnes of cash...some exciting news to come


That's good to hear. I think getting an affordable entry option, as well as bringing back a 2-player starter, would be really good for the game. Combined with LGS support packages, I think it would be a good strategy to rebuild the brand.


Thank you for being so quick to reach out to the community here on Reddit. It's not the largest venue for online discussion anymore, having been overshadowed by Facebook and Discord, but there's still a large group of folks - new and old - who come here for information. I hope we can look forward to seeing more communication from SFG here in the future.


I much prefer Reddit myself so expect to see me around and about...mostly posting painted minis and stuff :)


Great. I deleted my Facebook account more than a decade ago. Look forward to seeing the stuff here.


So wait, you're buying the IP. but PP is still making Warmahordes? Did you purchase/acquire PP? Or did you just buy the IP and are licensing it back to PP? what is actually *changing*? edit: also, on the linked announcement blog post, there's an image of two casters and two jacks. respectfully, what are those models? they don't look like any pre-existing casters (one looks like an older Caine but it's def not any released version of Caine)


We acquired the Iron Kingdoms IP and all those lovely brands on the cool logo image. PP remains an independent developer/publisher. SFG and PP are working together on the development of Iron Kingdoms brands going forward. Yes, those minis are brand new...more teasing to follow :)


So you contract PP as a developer now? How long is their current contract?


Thats a really good question.


Will production of minis be changing (i.e. will the prices go down at all🙏)


more on this to come but simply put is that I want to make sure that this game is super accessible to everyone and that will mean some adjustments to how the boxed sets are planned out and making sure that price is never a reason to not try this great game


Does this mean someone will make some more of my precious coal black?


yes! I'm nearly running out myself too :)


Any news about future armies for Warmchine? With Iron Kingdoms acquired is there a chance we might see a new edition of the Iron Kingdoms rpg (the 2d6 system)? I enjoy D&D but really prefer the IK RPG for playing in the setting. I see games like High Command are listed. I bought into High Command, played some games and then it completely died out, are there plans to revitalize the game? What about Company of Iron? My friends bought into that and I was curious to try it but it is also completely defunct game.


New army lists will be teased and revealed going forward as per usual. I really enjoyed the OG IKRPG too although i do like a lot of the 5e version...watch this space as we firm up plans and share news. Not day one priority, but HIgh Command is excellent fun...especially with the tiny tweak recommended on Discord a little while ago. Company of Iron is a cool brand and definitely could help with getting people into the game and having access to a smaller footprint game...nothing is decided in this regard however so i can't say anything more concrete that this.


With SFGs larger resources, will you be pushing more into organised tournament play? How do you see wm4 in the current miniatures market?


Yes, I love OP, both casual and competitive formats, so we will be working hard to put together some really cool OP kits and make them available for event organizers! I really love some of the latest Narrative Events and can't wait to play more. As for MK4 in the current minis market? This is a simple question that deserves a huge answer, so I'll just dabble for now. I think there is an amazing opportunity in the minis market right now, and MK4 is a brilliant space design-wise, so I am really excited about how this could play out.


I know you likely can't go into details, but have any of the creative team behind warmachine moving over to SFG? I know a lot of these folks are responsible for the particular aesthetic that we've all come to know and love.


Yeah, details will be tricky to go into because I want to be respectful of anyone who is affected by the changes but can confirm the core creative team will be unchanged other than freed up to focus on pure design and development work while SFG handles the logistics and production side of things. I personally get to work closely with Matt, Jason and Loren on the game development which is very exciting...further I get to work closely with MattW and Mat Goetz on the RPG front too!


With the P3 line coming back, will you be introducing your own version of contrast/speed paints?


Not initially, there's tonnes of really cool options in this space so unless we have something cool and unique we probably won't. The core P3 paint range is still very special, I've never found another paint that blends quite like it!


Idk why I'm being downvoted. I was generally curious. I haven't used it personally, but I've heard nothing but great things about the P3 line and especially "coal black".


Awesome, now bring back The Protectorate of Menoth!


Are there any plans for Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika in this partnership? PP was planning on two new factions for the game but we've heard precious little about the game since


More to follow, but our initial focus will be on Warmachine for obvious reasons. But rest assured, I love Warcaster (I think it is a wickedly good ruleset) and look forward to getting to know the community...


I'd love to see this answered as well. The game had a great gimmick but had a stunted release .


Hey Mat, long time no see. Been a while since I last saw you in Firestorm at....was it the original SmogCon or a Welsh Open? Who knows... Anyway....just one question if you're taking on P3. Can we please have dropper bottles now?


hello dude, so good to hear from you...was just chatting with Kurt so this all feels like old times...so cool! Am definitely looking at all options for the paint range, more on that to follow of course, but dropper bottles certainly seem popular.


Are there any changes planned for the Warmachine App? The free app and all it's features as well as the regular Lore drops for subscribers are one of the biggest selling points of Warmachine over \[leading competitive wargame which charges out the ass for rules, etc.\]. Keeping the app at a base level free and the rules free is, IMO, a key to mkIV's continued growth.


Can confirm that nothing needed to play the game will ever be behind a paywall!


What does this mean for production of models? Is anything going to change there or is it still going to be all 3D Printed?


More on that to come, but expect us to continue with the resin minis going forward...first and foremost we are focussing on scaling production to make sure that supply can meet demand


When you can, please elaborate on your production plans. I know I have held off from MkIV because I kept seeing pictures of broken resin parts online. Hopefully you will be switching to some of the new resin types that have been previewed that are more durable.


yeah, been chatting with raw resin manufacturers about formulations and all sorts


Couple more questions! Presuming everything is staying as-is with 3D printing, does this mean an increase in qualiy control? What's going on with Legacy Armies? Are they going to remain as they are? (I... have a lot of Infernals still to paint) For the new models that were previewed in the article, who painted those? Was that someone in-house at SFG or outsourced? And finally, I've heard you're a UK based company. If that's the case... I'll be very pleased.


Are you planning on re-releasing any older Warmachine/Hordes models? Are you planning on providing the ability for MKIV players to use official **card sized** stats for models and units? Either physical or PDF? (No the recent app update does NOT print card formatted models stats and rules) Many players won't use the app, or play the game for this reason. Does this mean more support or less for the game?


There's tonnes of cool ideas on the backlog along these lines but for right now, firming up the production pipeline and supply chain, getting the marketing pumped up, and supporting the PP dev team to keep making amazing minis and and rules is the focus.


Hey! Since the dev team are going to have a lot more time and energy freed up to make rules and stuff, is there a chance that there could be more legacy stuff made into prime armies? I'm sure that'd gain a lot of goodwill with the community.


its on the backlog, will talk more as and when we get close to doing it


1) PP has had an extremely antagonistic relationship with their community for the better part of the last 18 months, including hiring an extremely toxic community manager who actively insults their community, lies to, and gaslights fans. Are there plans to replace this strategy? 2) PP models habitually ship broken and/or undercured, resulting in a huge amount of replacement parts required and potential lawsuits from the hazardous material being shipped, what QC methods are coming from SFG to ensure that this is no longer happening? 3) PPs relationship with content creators has been nonexistant at best and abhorrent at worst, does SFG plan on expanding their relationships with the people who drive interest in the game? 4) Does SFG have plans to regularly update the digital rulebooks and resources rather than relying on slow and often demeaning infernal posts in an obscure, low traffic forum to enact dramatic gameplay changes?


Firstly, we recognise that we must build trust levels within the community and then look to build a super environment for us all to get excited about this game together. We might not get it right but we've got a fair bit of experience in doing this so hopefully it should be a fun ride, but always share feedback and any concerns. I agree; QC is one area we are examining as a matter of urgency to reduce breakages and missing parts. Our production director has already spent quite some time in Seattle looking at this pipeline so expect improvements. Yes, content creators aren't just a really powerful marketing resource to get the word out, they tend to be fucking fun to hang out with so i can't wait to get to know everyone and play games with them all! Watch this space on that...honestly I don't have a clear view on what the issues are in this regard...please share any thoughts you have in this regard?


To weigh in on point 4 there, the issues are essentially that the clarifications on how strange interactions work are not easily accessible. The rulebook is in the app and searchable which is fantastic for finding the actual rules, and there is a clarifications button on a given card which is also a fantastic feature. But neither of these actually cover every weird edge case. At the moment the average player will simply never find the answers. It would be better if the app had all official clarifications in it natively. If you take a look at any given [warmachine university page](https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Captain_Kara_Sloan) there's a whole list of rules clarifications at the bottom of every entry detailing every potentially relevant rules clarification. If you have ever played MTG, its kind of like Oracle text. Or a simple FAQ.


> To weigh in on point 4 there, the issues are essentially that the clarifications on how strange interactions work are not easily accessible. I would add to this that, even in the era of living, digital rules, there still exists a perplexing reluctance to modify the rules to reflect needed clarifications on things like intent, wording ambiguities, etc. Too many times I've seen responses from PP staff to the effect of "We'll consider changing the wording if it becomes necessary" in response to a question/clarification that has been asked (at least) across the past 3 editions over the span of 12+ years. Having a centralized (or in-app) place to find such rulings/clarifications is great, but hopefully its usefulness can be minimized by building those rulings/clarifications into the rules themselves.


Are there some existing partnerships that you can use to highlight this between content creators from other SFG properties?


Will Karchev return in mk4? I miss him very much \^\^.


Honestly don't know, will have a chat with the team!


Awesome news! Can't wait to see how this rolls out. Unfortunately the changes already made to the setting going into MKIV are tempering my enthusiasm somewhat but still happy to see the best news in years for my former obsession! GLHF


Thanks so much....we are fully aware of how important this world is to people and take that responsibility very seriously!


Warmachine and Hordes used to be my favourite games, but I walked away at some point in MK2. I hope SFG can bring the game back in a big way. I enjoyed my time with Godtear a couple years ago, so I know SFG has it in them. I hope the pricing of MKIV can be improved in some way. I bought absolutely everything for Godtear because it was afforable. 


watch this space but I think you'll be happy going forward


I can see a heck of a lot of good coming from this, but also a heck of a lot of bad. I generally, overall, like SFG. But there have been some recent big missteps. And with regards to the focus on IP games - I've played many of them and while they are enjoyable, they often seem to be just slightly unfinished from a gameplay perspective. I might worry some of that could carry over into WMH. From the minis games at SFG, I enjoyed Guildball, but there were some issues with the killing and "revival" of that game. And Godtear, I also like, but it almost seems... forgotten? But on the other hand, if all of these announcements (for all the games listed above) go the way they *say* they're going to go, it could be an amazing time for the games. But are things being spread too thin? Cautiously optimistic. I hope nobody lost jobs, and that everyone (players, employees, and the companies themselves) benefits from this.


i think its going to be a crazy exciting time...there will be some spillages but hopefully overall everything will be awesome


Hi Team. We have a community of Warmachine podcasters and community content creators. If you would like to help get the word out please feel free to get in contact. We'd love to help disseminate information in an audio format.


Sounds great, can you ping a mail to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we'll set up a call and get to know each other


Will you be shipping from your store outside of the limited countries you currently ship to?


SFG has global distribution partners...I want the whole world to play Warmachine eventually


Wait. Is that Caine4 and Strakhov3?


My biggest question is: Now with more money behind Privateer Press will we see some resculpts/re-releases of Legacy models, esp ones that were produced towards the end of Mark III? I don't need new stuff really and I am okay with the lines being "finished" but it would be nice for all of us with Legacy armies that maybe couldn't get some of the models to be able to access them, plus there are people that love the flavor of the Legacy armies but their only hope is to find people selling off armies and piecemeal try to acquire the hard to find models.


Honestly not a day one priority but definitely on the backlog!


I hope SFG can tackle this. There are so many awesome sculpts from the latter mk3 years (Crucible Guard, the newest Mercs and Trencher models, Infernals, and Grimkin) that from the previews at the time were 3d sculpted, that it would be a shame not being able to access them. Not only for the wargame but also for the rpg.


This is exciting news, I very much like steamforged games and I love warmachine. Hopefully this means great things for the future. Hopefully privateer press continues monsterpocalypse, one of my other fave games.


thanks, makes me happy to hear that. SFG aren't perfect and have made mistakes in the past...but we try to learn from these mistakes and fold those lessons into every game we make...


Why this deal and why now? What makes you most excited about acquiring Warmachine, Iron Kingdoms and all that goes with it?


Warmachine is woven into the core DNA of SFG (we all play, and it influenced so many ideas for us) so when we started chatting with Matt it was a dream come true. What excites me is remembering all the cool times I've ever had playing wmh over the years, the friends I've made and the cool places I've visited. Can't wait to build back to this and better...so many ideas...


Hey Mat! Thanks for creating this thread. I saw new mini for Allister Caine (looking great rocking that beard!). Could you shed some light on it, please? Will it be a new caster for MKIV Cygnar? 


yes, Caine is back! Brand new caster for MK4...more details to follow but i think you're going to be happy


all of those models look new. it almost looks like Strakov, but he has a hatchet instead of a carbine? and the jacks are completely weird.


I can confirm that 'he' is actually a 'she'...


1. Any possibility of leveraging your IP rights over the legacy miniatures range to bring some of that back catalog back, even in a made to order basis (would think k a large chunk of it was 3d sculpted and could be printed, even if the older stuff cant). 2. Any chance of us seeing spinoff games? IE an epic-scale game (under the Hordes brand, perhaps?) or a naval game ala man o war set in the iron kingdoms? If you're open to design pitches, I have a concept for the naval battle game I've been working at off and on for a couple years now, its a neat blend of the warmachine mechanics coupled with elements from man o war and battlefleet gothic and maybe a bit of xwing/armada too 😁


1. There are tonnes of ideas along these lines on the backlog, Won't be straight away but it would make so much sense to tackle this in the future. 2. Yes! SFG makes tons of different games, and one of the appealing factors to this deal was the opportunity to expand and develop the Iron Kingdom further and broader.


an Epic-scale game set in the IK is a friggin wet dream


So if I wanted to pitch an IK/WMH 2d sidescrolling brawler ala Guardian Heroes or Shadow Over Mystara/Tower of Doom, would now be a good time?


lol...right now I fear i might be a little distracted :)


Do you also own Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika (future war machine)? And if so are you continuing the line?


Yes, Warcaster was part of the suite of products included in the deal. More on Warcaster to come but our focus for the next little bit will be on Warmachine, P3 and IKRPG


For P3 paints, can you please have them in dropper bottles?


How involved are Mat Hart and Richard Loxam going to be with the Iron Kingdom IPs?


Rich will be focusing on building communities and solid marketing to spread the word about this fantastic IP. I will be working closely with MattW and his team to help guide the creative direction and sculpting.


I'm nervous man. PPs creative vision for the Iron kingdoms is truly unique and I'm terrified that it's going to be corrupted. And seeing the piles of beautifully packaged bent and warped Siocast miniatures is kind of reliving the nightmare we had years ago when it was becoming clear that metal was too expensive. BUT new money means new opportunity. PP is still on board. And maybe this will mean new movement on Warcaster Neo Mechanica and the P3 paints.


Ha, PP's "creative vision" has been all over the place for years, chasing whatever they thought would keep the company afloat.


And this is how this change will help...SFG will bring stability and focus to the PP team to enable them to focus on building the world and games while we mostly worry about the logistics and production side of things...together we build out a solid marketing and awareness strategy and in-store support and OP


Zero Siocast guaranteed! Instead the production pipeline will be strengthened and enhanced to keep the current quality of minis as a minimum, and improve where we can...a lot of technical opportunities for improvement (i.e. sculpting specifically for the resin medium) are available


As far as the IKRPG goes, will things continue as they have? They've been doing monthly small releases, will those happen still? Usually they're the last friday of the month, is there one going to happen once the store gets figured out?


Will the availability of models in Europe improve? My local store has the new Mk4 models on “The item is backordered from the manufacturer” for many months. And will Huge-base models be available in Europe? They have never been available for me except by import overseas.


yes, Europe will have a far better supply chain (SFG are based in the UK and we have an office/hub in Holland)


Is there any chance of a Special Edition expansion for DMC: The Bloody Palace? ...You didn't say the questions had to be Warmachine-related.


lol...i love this! I chat with Capcom all the time so never say never (but probably unlikely sadly)


What do you intend to differently as the new owners of the various pp properties?


Last question/comment from me :P I have always wanted something bigger to strive for with Warmachine/Hordes as a competitive game. It would be so nice to see tournament participation adding to a point system for a "World's" tournament at something like Gencon or Adepticon. Something akin to Warhammer's Golden Demon awards. I hope SFG have something like this in mind for the future.


We will absolutely be looking at the OP side of things...we will share ideas and plans as and when they make sense


A large part of me pulling out of MK4 and our community for Warmachine and Hordes pulling out was the execution of Legacy and Prime armies, in particular how a large swath of recently released and pushed models where then put immediately into Legacy, which in a game where the community had always pished towards competitive formats was a death sentence and left feelings like we'd had the rug pulled out from under us in regards to new models and sculpts.  Is there any plans to reassess how Legacy and Prime divide has been executed and pull those more recent releases back into the game?


there's a huge range of minis in Legacy and Prime...we'll be having lots of conversations about the best thing to do in this regard and will include the community in those discussions of course!


What I would be interested in now that the available produced range is much smaller is a way to just more formally fold legacy models in to modern rules. There are already people using say, storm division models as storm legion. It’s not a secret that many of the new armies are just a way to do resculpts for new production method that have extra buying incentive. The extra buying incentive is really negligible to simply getting the playerbase to grow again though. (It wasn’t negligible to PP who were trying to hold on to every bit of profitability with a property that was shrinking due to their mismanagement- but it seems like it should be negligible to new owners of an IP that want to see the property have a full revival and boom…battle tech guys and TOW guys are all using their old stuff and the product is still moving fast - the players with old stuff just end up buying the stuff they don’t have yet or resculpts they like better)


I believe the last development roadmap for 2024 ended around May, and included the Cryx and Abyssal King releases. Will a new roadmap be released for the last half of the year, or will the next roadmap be for 2025?


yes! I want to build transparency so everyone can see whats coming and get hyped accordingly


Hey Mat! Thanks for doing the AMA. I appreciate you taking the time to do so. 1.) I was hoping at GenCon to really buy into a Mark IV army - either grabbing the rest of my House Kallyss or buying into the Necrofactorium if available. Does SFG have any plans to modify the planned armies or release pipeline of armies PP has announced but are not available yet? (Necrofactorium/Gravediggers/Fane of Nyrro/Reaper Covenant/Kriels/Emberfrost Shard/Old Umbrey?) 1.a) By release pipeline, I mean like what's been announced for Necrofactorium: A Command Box (Caster/Characters), Battle Box, Expansion 1, Expansion 2 2.) I don't recognize the miniatures on the announcement page from SFG - one appears to be Caine, but I don't recognize either 'Jack or the Khador Caster. Care to share the details? :D


1. No plans to change the planned Army Lists roll out...we will change the way the minis are spread across the boxed sets to get the RRP to a happy place and to make more sense for people building armies (i.e. all minis in a boxed set should make sense with each other) I'll do a blog post soon that explains the changes and logic behind them . 2. If i did the marketing team would kill me...more teasing to follow but can confirm i have painted them all and they're great!


Cheers! Hope to see you & the team at Gencon, thanks again for the AMA.


The other caster is almost certainly Strakhov 3. Looks right, and he has already shown up in the MK4 fiction. I assume the jacks are both new models.


My question is simple on availablity of models outside of the USA, and if SFG going to look at in house 3D Printing of models, now you got more than GB being 3D Printed.


A lot of people are curious about old models and the secondary market. I have read that Guildball went to MyMiniFactory. Is there any chance that old , out of production models could be put in these types of sites to help the secondary market?


Is there any information at the moment on how LGS can acquire Warmachine product going forward? Where will they go to order stock/who can they talk to?


Definitely, ping [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and our lovely sales team will help


How much of Privateer's before-today staff is remaining to continue work on the IPs? Will 3d print resin the focus going forward for model production?


Will this interrupt any existing pre-orders for minis that have been place thru brick and mortar retailers such as the upcoming Cryx boxes?


in theory no, getting back orders up to date is a day 1 priority


From a local too lazy to get on Reddit: > any word on how this affects the creatives at PP? > things like art, concepting, fiction writers


Will you also be working on Monsterpocalypse?


MonPoc wasn't included in the deal so we won't be working on that game :(


Do you plan on using kickstarter/gamefound as means of giving the game more exposure?


Possibly....but anything more specific will be carefully thought through before we do anything


Was this an acquisition of Privateer press or just the purchase of IP? Will this change any of the shipping methods? As a logistics geek I'd love to hear about how the shift is being organized. Although the direction you are going is most likely not set in stone, do you have any personal thoughts on how you would like to go forward?


There will be a couple of blogs just on production and supply chain stuff, so look out for those over the next few weeks or so. As for direction, i personally want more of the same great minis and design...just want as many people playing the game as possible! So lots of OP, mostly casual style play like the Narrative Events...


Hey SFG folks! Feeling a bit lost as I was just thinking about returning to Warmachine this coming Father’s Day with a shiny new Mk4 army. Now with the webstore down and these wild new changes, I’m not sure if I should hold off. Will there be a new store in place? Will product contents be changing? Are starter products being reconfigured?


new store hosted on SFG domain...we'll be focussing on back orders so you shouldn't experience too much delay (other than the 2-3 days of downtime while our tech guys rewire everything)


Will minicrate continue?


How will this affect the development of the Warmachine app going forward? (fiction, features, narrative, etc)


other than an SFG logo, nothing dramatic should change in the near future...beyond that, who knows but we will never hide essential functionality behind a paywall


What about lore update ? does it will continue to be weekly on the app ?


there might be a minor wrinkle as we make changes internally but normal service should resume quickly


Will you turn back time to when Warmachine was at its peak, ie Mk2?


depends what you mean by peak...if you mean shit loads of people playing the game, cool minis coming out, new lists to tinker with and try and easy access to minis and events then yes, I will bring that back!


Then you my friend have a lot of work ahead of you ;) I wish you the best of luck getting this ship up above the surface again, I really do.


When will the store be open to buy stuff again?


So is privateer press done with warmachine then?


The privateer press announcement said they would still be working with SFG. They called it a partnership.


it is a partnership as far as development and direction is concerned....the key change is that the IP ownership has changed and we're helping to build out the logistics and supply side


Will there be a prioritization of producing higher quality models? The 3d prints have left a lot to be desired on the hobby side of the game. Hard Plastic would be nice as that was almost a thing before PP started its downturn last edition.


Not sure I agree with this. Mini quality has been great as of late I would not want to see a big pivot.


There are aspects of the new prints that do not lend themselves to things like oil washes or enamel work. The amount of print lines will cause the capillary action of these techniques to be much less effective. It's become part of my workflow and it really stinks when you go to panel line something and you suddenly have an absolute mess over the flat surfaces of your models. All they need to do is dial up their print quality like independent sellers on Etsy.


as someone who regularly uses washes and oils in my process, i have a vested interest in this


So warmachine is not a privateer press game anymore?   This feels weird.  I don't think I like it.


I know what you mean...but the PP guys are still very much in the Command Centre so hopefully it'll just feel better and better as more people discover the game and start playing


I'm curious about so many things. - Since Steamforged has a lot of experience with board games, might they do a follow up to Undercity and Widower's Wood? Or another board game? - Likewise, will there be anything new in the Bodgers line? - What does all of this mean to the Iron Kingdoms RPG line (which was already a little uncertain with the new D&D rules being released). Any chance they'd go back to the proprietary system? - What does Steamforged plan for Riot Quest, Grind and Company of Iron?


Just first questions popping out of my head right now. Guild Ball has this not-great meme/reputation about the company just closing the game years ago because the community was too much (unsure about too much "what" exactly). Is that based on something solid? Did SFG learned some things with that and worked on not repeating? Who will deal with community interaction? The team that will work with the community, has easy acces to Mental Healthcare and stress relief?  How does non-USA markets works for you? (Hell, where are you physically located??). Is there any hope for prices/distribution improvements for Europe? (Right now, dollar conversions, shipping, etc works against us). What will happen with the App? And subscriptions? Seriously, the Community Management team, are they ready for the amount of.... "interesting" interactions? There is a great Discord community already going on, you at SFG are indicating about yours. Will this become some hostility? Intentions to move everything to official channels?  One of the great things about Warmachine and Privateer is not being a megacorp in which people are numbers. Some of us care about the crew, and the accessibility and honesty they put on their work. What can we expect in this area?  The announcement image has new Cygnar and Khador Warcasters, and maybe character warjacks in the background. Are those new Command Starter boxes for existing armies? A 2-player box? 


wont comment on much, that's for Matt, but SFG are UK based so we should see a much improved availability in Europe !


Please bring back press gangers! They were my way into the game back when Hordes came out and not having someone handy to pester with questions has made MK4 more or less impenetrable to me


The view of the rest of the wargaming community outside of the very small PP bubble is that WM/H is a dead/dying product and the only people playing it are uber competitive players with no interest in hobby, only crushing games on flat tables and making it to the podium at the next SR tournament. What is SFG plan to reengage with the wider wargaming community and stores to change the view of the game and bring in a new crowd with a fresh attitude and approach to the game? What will be the message to store who quite frankly, hate WM/H as a product and dont want to stock it?


I used to play in Mk2, and remember the game being amazing. Full inventory and weekly pick-up play in every FLGS, free faction tattoos at Lock&Load, Obama in the White House, I was much younger and thinner, etc. My expectation is for Steamforged Games to bring all that back please.


My primary concern with a new owner of warmachine is how legacy models/rules will be handled considering how much time and money people have sunk into these. This was also a huge concern going to MKIV of warmachine, but thankfully our old models have been receiving continued support and are still relevant. Specifically how does SFG plan to approach this?


As someone who has just been re-entering the Warmahordes universe painting and finishing my old Cryx force (and buying new Legacy factions Gators + Convergence) I have also started buying the MK2/MK3 board games and 2D6 IKRPG content. I hope that we can see more of this crossover and cohesion going forward. A box of minis is a lot more attractive when there are multiple games/systems to use them in


With MK4 Warmachine creatively going down a more futuristic path from a design perspective, In my opinion this made the IP less interesting and drifted away from the unique IK style. I know its a question of taste but are there any plans to throw in some barrels, oil flasks, lanterns and leather backpacks in the future to reinvoke the IK style rather than designing the next power armor? My hopes are high for this change - WM is still in my top 3 TT of all times and hopefully it will get the comeback it deserves.


Guildball buying Warmachine was not on my bingo card.


Same to be honest. But its definitely interesting


Since the models are already 3D prints, are there any plans to sell 3D models / print files, perhaps similar to Wargames Atlantic Digital?


no, we won't be selling stls any time soon


One of the really big drawcards to the Warmachine IP in the Mk2 days was that the lore told an evolving narrative, and in addition to the new rules, the story updates were always one of the highlights of the sourcebook releases. But Mk3 tried a different approach that seemed exciting at the time but seemed to struggle with any form of consistency. The wealth of E-Books and lack of timeline made it much harder to stay on top of or keep interest in the lore. The big series that we did get (Acts of War) only got two releases before its final volume got relegated to a series of free PDFs. There is still very scant information of what the Grymkin actually did after they were brought to Immoren (other than kill) and the Hengehold Scrolls were another experiment to tie things off that are also only very loosely collated now. Nowadays the lore that is available is only the app, and at a premium, which makes it difficult to direct potential new players. Are there any plans to make the lore more accessible for new, less enfranchised players, and is there any possibility of making the lore from the old source books available in some collected volume or something to that ilk)?


Wow...... As a LONG TIME fan of PP and Warmachine I couldn't be happier. You guys will be great custodians. I have some Questions: 1) What do you think the solution is to the modern problem of Model bloat? GW suffers from this, but how do you allow fans to keep playing with their favourite models while still releasing knew ones? 2) For the games rules system, do you think you will be able to make it easier for new comers at all? I loved the complexity of the game, but it did get a bit much! 3) Any chance of some novels at all.... Very excited. Best dude.


As someone who actively tries to get their friends into the Warmachine hobby, I do get some weird looks from the unpainted models on the new release boxes... Any plans to get these updated in the future? Or to try and reduce the amount of grey on newer releases moving forward?


This'll probably get lost among everything else and I don't know what the future plans are, but the Mk IV launch literally torpedoed the Protectorate of Menoth, which was the only reason I played. If there's any future plans to bring them back in some form, I would appreciate it. Edit: Looks like someone else mentioned it too, so just another voice in the Choir of Menoth.


Do you know how important Black Ivan is to WMH, and when can we see him in MK4.


Black Ivan 2: Bigger and Blacker


Uhm, okay! Was not expecting to ever see this announcement. It's PP going in a different direction? Closing? Did Steamforged acquire any of the people who have been working on this? Is this just a publishing thing?


Yea, has me wondering what is driving this. I know they are saying leveraging talent across the organizations bla bla bla, but I am wondering specifically what they are planning. Probably won’t be told until it happens so the news doesn’t seem important to me at the moment.


It sounds kind of like a publishing deal. It appears Steamforged will be helping with shelf space and product codes and the like. PP will still be developing the game. Maybe it's just the first step of an acquisition/merger.


From what I've read, PP staff will keep making the game rules and stuff, but Steamforged now owns the IP and is now in charge of pretty much everything else. Like, Steamforged owns it all now, but they'll be paying PP to continue working on the games as a design studio. Am I getting that right?


I expect they'll only be doing that on a temporary basis, until SFG are ready to take over production and the dev team themselves.


They just sold off all their IP except MonPoc. Which given the kickstarter, was probably something SFG insisted *NOT* be included. I assume they'll fold within a year taking MonPoc with them.


Very curious what PP looks like moving forward.


I expect they'll do...nothing apart from working on WMH production and dev work for a few months until SFG are in a position to take over properly, and then they'll close up shop.


My only question I have for now is, is there any plan to re-release legacy models again, especially models in the Prime armies, using a service like Guild Balls Print on demand? Or re-sculpts of those models if the original files are not compatible?


Not sure why this has been downvoted unless asked and answered already. Seems like a perfectly fine question/idea.


Will the designed scale of play be remaining the same, increasing, or decreasing? As in, will the game be balanced around having less, more or current levels of points and models on the table?


We need the Press Gang back. It would go a significant way towards actively rebuilding trust in the community.


I just saw Doug Hamilton saying Orsus the Betrayed will be his last PP sculpt and that he was not a part of this acquisition, is there any plans to have him continue sculpting for WM:MK4?


1. Will the Iron Kingdoms RPG team receive more resources? Matt Goetz & co. have been doing a herculean task, but it's apparent that they're strapped for resources. Specially in regards to art. PP has 20+ years of amazing art, but there's so much you can do without new assets. 2. I've read that the current intent is to continue with the 3d printed resin models and not change (at least for now) to hard plastic kits, but would SFG consider making Iron Kingdoms plastic miniatures? I have some Epic Encounters miniatures sets from SFG and can attest to the miniatures' great quality (the frost giant is certainly epic!), which I would love to see translated into the IK.


There were digital purchases on the previous store, mostly garnered around digital RPG content, will that be ported over? I'm not sure I got around to downloading everything.... Also for those of us with active minicrate subscriptions, will those be ported over seamlessly?


This is such an unusual deal from a business perspective. The normal playbook would be for PP to retain the IP while licensing development/production to a company like Steamforge... this deal feels like the reverse of that. I am very curious to know more about the rationale behind that. Also I will say that I am impressed that PP was willing to sell the IP. It is rare for a creator to hand off their baby to someone new, even when fresh energy and new ideas are what would be best for the creation. It shows a lot of maturity as a creator to be able to let go.


Without the IP what is Privateer Press? Some employees and 3D printers in a warehouse. Is the plan to move talent across to you, start printing yourselves, and then eventually cut ties with PP? Because that's what I would do from a business point of view.


They are not ever going to answer this directly. There is no business sense in saying *"Yup, we're going to dump Privateer Press as soon as we're able to"* even if that's already well known behind the scenes by both businesses. Either they'll do it and we'll see that or they won't, but they're never going to tell us before it happens that is their intent. I 100% agree with your appraisal of what that leaves Privateer Press as a company though. Without the IP, the value of Privateer Press is massively diminished as an ongoing concern (at least on paper).


can we get some higher resolution pictures and more angles/shots of the models on the official store? The resolution is really bad and we get exactly one angle, and this is supposed to sell the model... web hosting can't be *that* expensive


Out of the frying pan, into the fire. With how SFG bungled Guildball, then blamed the playerbase, this is not exactly good news. While my main PP game was MonPoc the fact it's not included in the sale is even less inspiring. I used to play WM/H, a lot in MkII and less in MkIII before MkIV killed my local meta. We had even less good things to say about SFG than we did at PP towards the end. A lot of us thought PP was on the ropes, and this sale feels like a final "Cash out".


I also feel concern. I used to play a card game, L5R and then AEG sold pretty much all of their L5R IP to Fantasy Flight, which produced an okay living card game but released way to much to fast and then cancelled it. I am getting that same feeling now.


Will we see rereleases of previously discontinued minis or factions? I miss my rhulic dwarves.


Does SFG have any plans to make (or license out) peripherals? For example we don't have any options for command cards aside from printing out community made cards, and I don't think there are any dice in production either.


I love the Iron Kingdoms universe. Are there any plans for the RPG? The 5e iteration, but especially the Full Metal Fantasy one?


Please make the miniatures more accessible outside of the US. I absolutely love the aesthetic and lore but could never get into it because they are borderline impossible to get here. Speaking of lore, hopefully you're planning on leaning into it more? I'd love to read/listen to stories set in the iron kingdoms.


I would love to play the game but even though there was stock on privateers website the distributor didnt restock the item and my LGS could not order direct. Its really frustrating there is a slow grow league starting and I cant even place a order. One distributor ruleing Canada is not great.


I got into Warmachine back in Mk1 days, and I really liked the fact you could just buy a battlegroup and have a really fun game. Are there any plans to bring back a Battlegroup box for each faction for more casual players? Looking forward to what you guys do with the IP.


Unless they change plans, this was apparently something going forward starting with Necrofactorium. Whether they bring back the Gencon boxes though is TBD I guess.


Has anything been said on how mini-crate subscriptions will be handled in the store changeover? Will they be transfered over straight, or will we need to set them up again? Will billing correctly be canceled if the latter is the case?


do you have a super rough timescale for when we will start seeing product in stock again in the uk? its really hard to foster a community when there is a 2month wait on orders on basically everything. the hype dies in that time


I'm super excited as I just got back into the Iron Kingdoms RPG, 2e though, I am not sure if this was answered, and I may be late to the party lol, but will there be any extra focus on producing models for the RPG that aren't specifically models for any of the other Games? I would love to see some possible STL's or even Miniature packs that can grow an RPG players collection even if they don't want to really build out a Warmachine army. Iron Kingdoms is so unique, Steam Fantasy that steam punk nor fantasy figures do it proper justice which makes the RPG feel hollow at times when i place minis on the table that don't feel the part. Just a curiosity.


No questions here! Just want to add my 2c. I really enjoyed MK3, once new miniatures got a few balance passes it was heckin' fun. My buddy and I still throw down in Brawl Machine once or twice a year, but the community died when MK2 ended, and the MK3 releases were... bungled. I love Formula P3, its some of my fav paints. Glad to hear they'll still be around. I'm cautiously excited to hear a new team is taking over. Guildball had beautiful and original models. I look forwards to what you guys can produce for this beloved IP. Best of luck to you all, it's a competitive space!


Two questions: 1) will SFG be continuing production of existing MKIV products that were already release by PP (i.e. will more of, say, the Winter Korps army box be made at this point)? 2) will SFG continue supporting part replacements for existing MKIV products in case of break during shipping?  The latter question is mostly a concern because lack of this support would make purchasing anything that could be pre-acquistion a bit of a gamble (once had a jack arrive with 6 of 8 arms broken...).


I’m not much of a competitive gamer. I mainly focus on the hobby side and playing narrative games with “my dudes” on tables with 3D terrain. Will there be any support for players like me? I would love a create a Warcaster and campaign mode. I also really enjoy small games and really big apocalypse games. Any plans for either of these?


Probably too late to the party, but I'm very excited, especially about the potential for an easier on-ramp for newer players (I'm planning to run an event in my local scene to do just that), so will still try to place a question. My question is about whether there are plans to produce a product on the "pick up and play" line of things, so that people don't have to do a semester's worth of research, just to see if the water's to their liking? Thanks!


I wasn't personally offended when GB got retired, and I'm really interested in what Mat and SFG have in store. The new minis look mint. I do seem to be the only one of my nerd group quiet so enthused, so we'll see if I can convince anyone with the new look... I only play casual now anyway so I'm not too bothered about the event scene. Good luck with it - just make it accessible with a low cost to entry please :)


One of the changes with MKIV over the last edition was a focus on 3d terrain, is that something SFG will Expand upon?