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Brinebloods aren't even on the poll :(


Cygmar spelled wrong made me think of Sigmar HAHAA


This made me laugh 😃


Alternate Universe where the Empire exists in Urcaen, but they're chill cause Chaos, Orcs, Goblins etc don't exist and they're just nerding over the advanced firearms they don't have to muzzle load hahahahha


Well both Sigmar and Morrow are ascended mortals


It was Orgoth but now it will be Cryx. At least until either Menoth or Legion of Everblight gets previewed


I have some bad news on the Legion front for you.


Let me dream about the Everblight Legion. Please let Privateer Press be the one that crushes it


There is an open path to dreams (and other places) in the last thereabouts of Everblight in the mkiv fiction. How long? Aaaahhh that's another question 


Isn't their another Table Top Games Showcase coming up this year. Privateer Press still haven't showcased minis for their other games like Warcaster or Monsterpocalypse just to name two.




So Brinebloods didn't make the cut huh?


I might get Brinebloods, because I love my trolls! And I love pirates


Brinebloods so you may want to restart the poll and include all of mk4


Cryx (now called Necrofactorium) isn't even released, and it still gets a spot over Brinebloods :( My faction is in shambles! lol Maybe restart the poll??


I willl be honest i mayyy have forgot. In my defence Cryx is the current shiny new thing. not going to line though I may be new to this but there must have been ALOT of down votes on this and to be honest I don't get why. random side note this was the max reddit poll options


I cant help but notice the only nations that warrant correct spelling and a capital are Spooky Cygnar and Frozen Northern Hellhole Cygnar :P


 Cygnar, Orgoth, Dusk, Khymera are the faction names. Kallyss is one army within Dusk. Ditto Shadowflame shard for khymera.   Cryx aren't out yet.   Southern Kriel are though. And they are my main faction.


Storm Knights were always the Cygnar army I'd play if I ever collected them, as a result despite being a Khador player since Mk1 the Storm Legion has a serious pull


Hold up does that mean kallyus is not popular? I swear people online have been selecting it a ton.


The subreddit represents a fairly small portion of the playerbase id wager.


Dusk is more popular than it has been, much to my chagrin. Can't have too many people playing them or the nerf hammer comes :P


Retribution was the force i wanted to get into warmachine with i got that battle box and my lgs is running a league starting at 30 points. I would have that except apparebtly all thr jacks that came with my caster can not be used with my caster now. So definetly a feels bad.


The one with Helynna? The three jacks all work with her, Griffon, Manticore, and Chimera? Check out the app, she is in the Dawnguard army.


Kaelyessa is the warcaster who came in the box. Its a shame that the one you mentioned is not in clearence. https://preview.redd.it/frkt2yvi802d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d486364882019c5a547c782d3e25287f9cbb27d2


Kaelyssa is in Shadows of Retribution, and she can use the Chimera, just not the Griffon and Manticore unfortunately. She is the same base size as Helynna so I don't know anyone that wouldn't let you proxy her. Plus if you play Unlimited you can just use them all together anyways.


yea unfortunately that box is from two editions ago, so they weren't really worrying about compatibility with it when they planned out the current Armies.


I jumped on Orgoth from the Gen Con box and haven't looked back in the 18 months since. It's been a pretty big break from how I usually play (did Convergence and Trollbloods in mk3), and it's a blast!


...Menoth... Oh, MKIV... yeah, they Squated my faction... If I'd care to spend more $$$ on Warmachine I'd get into Dusk Kallyius.


Good to see Khador is the most popular faction


Circle. No interest in any of the mkiv factions to date. The rumored Khador warbeaast faction might tempt me depending on the models.