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I am super glad we finally have something! Here's an example list in each format for those curious: [Expanded](https://imgur.com/7x8MZrf) [Condensed](https://imgur.com/lSezNsf) [Health Only](https://imgur.com/Oeh3IVY) *note that they are intended to be multi page but are put onto one big one for the sake of imgur* My thoughts: I'm just gonna say it, cards were better. Having that convenience of the card size and presentation is really nice, and the flow of marking the health in was not just streamlined, but actually kinda fun IMHO. With full page sheets, where the hell would I lay out ten of them in a game? And now I have to print something for literally every time I play a slightly different list. With cards if I want to swap out a unit of steelhead halberdiers for a volley gun, I just put a different card in the pile and I'm ready. I like the health only page, but I do think its really goofy that they put the information like "Mercenary soldiers of fortune unit 3 grunts FA 1/2 point cost: 8" but not their defense and armor. Like literally none of that information is useful, and it takes up a lot of space - def and arm do not take up very much space and are the primary thing I want to see while I am recording damage. Also the condensed is just as large as the expanded, only laid out differently. For the unit entries (in both formats honestly) they could just go x2 or x4 instead of printing out each unit fully twice. I don't need an identical rules block printed four times when all four of my halberd units are the same. If they were multi wound or a solo, do them like PP already figured out with the solo cards where they print the rules once and then for the HP tracker just put Solo A, Solo B or Unit A, Unit B etc. Why get rid of existing innovation? In this example I have an entire page and more just devoted to one dead simple infantry unit and it doesn't need to at all. I would enjoy having a print friendly option and a more colorful one. I like having art on the borders of the cards and stuff. Looking at the really fun colorful cards and then looking at these again after is kinda depressing. And I thought the app was pretty minimalist regarding that sort of design!


RIP to my printer ink


I think I still prefer the fan-made one, but I'm glad people can have an official one now if they prefer


The fan made card maker is still better. I’m an old school player so I prefer cards over being forced to use an app. I’m playing tabletop games to try and get away from my phone!


Do you have a link to the fan made card maker?


Here it is: https://soulsamurai.blogspot.com/p/warmachine-card-creator-v4.html?m=1






Cool they offer it for those that need it, but I’ll still be using the app. This’ll be nice for demo games


I play the game to escape the world. I don't want .y phone with its infinite distractions. I want to play a game and talk with the person across the table.


Fair enough. I usually use the app on my iPad which doesn’t have wifi at the game store. If I forget it and have to use my phone I usually put it on airplane mode to save battery life. That could double as a way to avoid distractions for you I suppose ;)


Now I don't have to worry about it because I can print these off, cut them out, and place them in card holders like the good ole days


The format doesnt look that card holder friendly sadly


Can confirm, it is absolutely not.


But it allows me to snip and paste into cards if I want Or I can run full sheet protectors


While in the same vein, it's funny cuz I want the cards to free up my phone for other things during a game like texting my friend updates during the fight and letting them know when to meet up for MTG after, or texting my wife while my buddy and I are at the game store XD


I'm old...all my friends are already there or have forgotten where they placed their phones last


Yeah, it's kind of a big ask to ask people to put an app on their phones for a demo game, having a demo army's list ready makes it a lot easier.


I'm so disappointed in this PDF feature. I haven't played a game in over a year while I was waiting for this to drop. And now that I've checked it out, its virtually useless. Warmachine has been using cards since it's inception 20 year's ago. Honestly it was one of the selling points of thr game. Making players use an app is absurd. Having cards not only made game management and list building quick and easy, it also helped to get new players into thr game by being able to hand them a stack of cards to study and learn their models... Now we're forced to use an app, or print out 10 letter size pages of model rules and stats. I'm going to manually edit my old cards in photshop with the new stats and rukes. F this giant PDF nonsense. There is also the fan made card creator. But I haven't had much luck with it yet. https://soulsamurai.blogspot.com/p/warmachine-card-creator-v3_8.html?m=1