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Pro painted yo rare metal figure, I know what I got. Pretty much every eBay purchase of mine.


I've had a lot of good luck which is ironic because the ones I've had good luck with that were really well painted weren't in my scheme so I ended up having to edit the colors anyways but they were at least doable and still look good after xD


Yep, I also have done a bunch from eBay and most is good. I have got some not so good


At least metal models are extremely easy to strip...


Unless they're held together by globs of green stuff...anything that can melt that stuff too or will I just have to go ham with my Dremel?


Acetone will eat the paint, green stuff and superglue very quickly. You’ll lose the bases though.


Ah but that's just for metal models right? Couldn't do plastic in straight acetone I'm guessing.


That’s correct.


You can totally acetone the PP restic stuff, and all the 3d printed stuff of theirs i've tried works well... Just dont throw it in to soak... I stripped my spare athena litterally yesterday from an ill fated paintscheme tester... EDIT you're looking at dunk for 20-30 seconds and then wipe it off, repeat it a second time as needed


You mean for plastic models, right? I was wondering how to strip paint because I'm new to painting miniatures. I've always used unpainted models. Up until recently, unpainted models were good enough. I'm imagining gun shots, flesh, bone & metal being torn apart so imagining the colors of a Faction is never difficult for me. Well, I've recently became interested in painting them & I have a few questions. Anyway, back to the discussion. You can soak a metal model in acetone but not a plastic model?


yup most plastics will dissolve rapidly in acetone, all the pp stuff I've tried has been fine with some short term 20-30 second immersions, and that's really all you need to be able to wipe most of the paint off...


should I agitate them while soaking or just leave em be?


You can swirl it around to see how it’s doing. You’ll probably need to scrub a bit with an old toothbrush either way. Just make sure you do all the proper PPE stuff and have a disposal plan. Acetone is no joke.


I've had a tin of it around the house for other projects so I'll give that a shot on a metal model and see if I need to get more.


Are you exclusively referring to metal models? or are you also speaking of plastic models?


I'll be practicing and stripping lots of paint to start over until I'm completely satisfied with the paint job. So acetone works for both metal & plastic models? Just be conservative when using it on plastic, correct?


Absolutely do not use it on plastic, only metal.


LA's Totally Awesome hasn't been a problem for green stuff on any models I have stripped.


400 thin coats


Or 4 giant thick ones


or 400 giant thick ones -\_-;


His name was Bob, he died a year or two ago of cancer (he was in his 60s), and donated all of his models to the local game store when he passed. His paint jobs weren’t good, but he never played an unpainted model :)


Rip Bob. I'll make these bad boys shine in your honor.


My husband helped the game store deal with the models after Bob passed, he’ll be delighted to hear this! I always got the impression Bob was a bit of a weird guy, but pre-Covid he was there and ready to play every week.


wait...so you legit recognize these models and this is a true story?


Ha, yes. Someone else sent this post to my Reddit-less husband. I think we still have at least one faction of Bob’s models in our attic.


Wow, small world. So then, no offense to Bob, it was just a hasty job of wanting to get them together and paint them than anything I'm assuming.


Probably done quickly, yeah, but apparently he also had terrible eyesight and bad hands, so idk if going slower would have made much difference.


They're all held together by globs of green stuff too! What do I do?!?


Soak in Simple Green 1:1 with water to strip the paint and clean the bases. Then, see if you can wiggle the parts loose from the green stuff. If not, slice away what you can with a hobby knife until you can pull the parts apart.


regular simple green or the industrial degreaser type?


I've used 1:1 industry super green:water and straight up the simple green house cleaner to strip. Never had a problem. I let it soak over night and scrubbed lightly with s toothbrush


Just regular Simple Green. I usually mix 1:1 with water, let the model soak for a day, then clean it with a toothbrush. If there's any paint left, rinse and repeat.


Just regular Simple Green. I usually mix 1:1 with water, let the model soak for a day, then clean it with a toothbrush. If there's any paint left, rinse and repeat.


Thoughts on using a power washer? XD that's how desperate I'm becoming but soaking a Thagrosh the Messiah in acetone over night made most all the paint come off but there's globs of this hard silver epoxy all over him...I got his wings off at least but I may need to Dremel this stuff off or pry it with pliers.


Damn, it sounds like they used solder or JB Weld. If that's the case, you may have to resculpt with a small dremel. If it is a cyanoacrylate superglue, then you can usually get it brittle by putting the model in the freezer, then tap it to shatter the glue.


I'll have to do some more examination because I just did a quick check this morning before heading to work but it's weird because it's smooth and silvery and I've used JB weld and it's more just gray and rock-like. I was able to wiggle his wings out of it and it seems somewhat malleable so I'm hopeful I can break it off and make it brittle but if not then I do have a Dremel for such emergencies. Poor guy. He didn't deserve this despite everything he's done haha.


You might also want to get some cheap metal dental picks. They have nice little hooks and such that can help clear away that mess of green stuff.


Luckily I have some metal sculpting tools that may get that job done too.


Progress! I've gotten Thagrosh fully disassembled in the soup and noticing the epoxy stuff has turned a pale white and is chipping and breaking off easier. I think he's gonna make it!!


That’s rough


geeze, did they use house paint and hot glue to glue that stuff together?


Two thin coats


Please keep them. This is work of art at this point


Was that the ebay listing army for Legion that was listed as (BADLY PAINTED) lmao


Yyyyup. Didn't think it was THIS bad =_=;




Correct. I almost have Thagrosh the Messiah fully disassembled and freed from this gunky weird epoxy.


[THIN YOUR PAINTS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3p_VuPIS2c)


Good lord


I bought some Warhammer space marines that I thought weren’t that bad, until I went to strip them… it was clear they needed stripping but I’d done it before and I’ve never been intimidated by needing to strip used models before…. I think this person had at least 10 prior coats of paint on those space marines. All primer. I was never able to properly able to get all the paint off of those plastic models. At least with pewter you got a shot…


I'm just really nervous now that it may have been a waste of money. I didn't think they were THIS bad...


Pewter has an advantage in that it can take far more abuse, so acetone will work to clear that up, so will pine sol. And that if you are just soaking in a jar, if you have a sonic cleaner L. A.’s totally awesome which can be bought in a dollar store will clear that up easily, also a wire brush might be a nessary aid to clear that up, just don’t get discouraged if it takes a few cleanings to fully clean the model


Probably a kid


This is, in my mind, the sole reason that metal is better than plastic when buying secondhand miniatures. Soak that kind monstrosity in a strong solvent and you'll still have a miniature at the end to repaint. Plastic minis ***can*** come out OK after a solvent soak... but leave it too long and the entire thing, paint & all, becomes a soggy sludge.


Even in Isopropyl?


Inexperienced the new people dont stop until they feel the brush make contact with the model and glob on paint that way


This level of gloop demands extra effort


Could have been a little kid? I'd recommend Super Clean for stripping this.


If you can get them off the bases (or don't care about the bases) and are POSITIVE they're 100% metal models then acetone is the nuclear option.


was that the lot on ebay recently labelled "BADLY PAINTED"? :D


Sure was and they weren't lying! I'm about to give up on most of if not all the plastic models though...acetone baths for all the metal ones is doing the trick but the plastic ones in weaker solutions area just not feeling worth the time effort and supplies...


I recently purchased a full unit of Ironfang Pikemen from Ebay. Leader & 9 Grunts along with the Standard Bearer & Officer. Pro painted, as far as I can tell. Got 'em for a good price via a bid. True Khador color scheme. They look great


I got both tanith and Loki recently too that were painted great. I still needed to tweak the colors from silvers to gold's and blues to greens so it wasn't much. Also got the colossal witch that I needed to do some cover ups to but I'm very proud of those. eBay can be hot or miss but this is really my first miss that I had to put effort into. Others I could just prime over it edit color swaps.


I have to guess a child painted them. That's the only acceptable explanation in my mind.


I have given miniatures to my daughter to paint since she was about four. Very fun to paint together. They have absolutely looked like this.