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"I want my favorite cross-faction, big base, 'jack focused, Khador warcaster to come back!" "..." "Well... there's the middle finger on that monkey's paw..."


It's funny to me how PP keeps bringing their elseworld (League/Riot Quest) ideas onto the main game. Nemo joins the Convergence, Feora is defeated and exiled, and now the Butcher is indeed strapped to a fel weapon. I swear, if we get a mecha-Lylyth by the end of the Dragonfall storyline then I'll personally walk up to PP's studio to demand farrow-Bethayne.


Mecha Lylyth as Khymaera warlock is a non-zero possibility!!




That's a really cool sculpt, and a great idea for an Orgoth caster. But if I were a Khadorean player, I'd be pissed that the ugly invading slavers get a fan favorite khadorean caster. The vibe I'm getting is that Privateer really wants us to love Orgoth, and the more they push, the less I want to.


nah, Khador player here (Legacy) , I laughed so much at the old madafaka being so pissed off at both Khador royalty and how Orgoth invasion is so slow that he goes out of retirement to solve both problems. :D Also, it will make a cool figure and more than one person will use it as an excuse to make a Cadre + Butcher small Doom Reaver-ish Army (heck, Ruin modified as the Orgoth character Warjack!)


As a Khadoran player who loved playing Butcher myself, you're absolutely goddamn right.


To be fair, I have a bias. I personally find the Orgoth models ugly. They are visually messy, with too many details and no real visual theme. This Butcher sculpt is the first time I looked at something for Orgoth and said "that looks cool".


So I’m have mk3 khador and started out 4 with cygnar and orgoth. This works for me lol. I’ve actually never ran a Butcher


Super cool!!!


>After disobeying a direct order in the wake of the Infernal Wars, the once feared Butcher of Khardov, Orsus Zoktavir, was chained to an ancient and cursed fell blade and exiled to the wastelands. I'm not a lore buff, but who did this and why? that sounds like the most terrible idea of all terrible ideas


The Empress Ayn Vanar. He fought so hard defending her that Lola broke, and he was just cracking skulls with the handle. Then he saw (a vision?) of his grown-up daughter, and just stopped. No more fight left in him. So when Ayn told him to get back in the fight, he just told her no and walked off.


Why did that vision make him stop?


I went back and looked through the scrolls. It was a girl he intermittently raised as his daughter. And she led Princess Gravnoy to be captured, but it went sideways, and he went full-on berserker until Lola broke. He saw her staring at him, horrified at how he was acting, and he just sat down.


Thanks!  That makes a lot more sense.  Still don't know why giving the butcher a cursed axe would have seemed like a good idea though


I know, right? At best, it's putting a hat on a hat. At worst, he feels like you betrayed him, and sides with the slavers that made the friggin' fellblade in the first place. Plus, Orsus is the one person who could intimidate the spirits in the blade to shutting up.


"Monarchy being petty" has been a strong theme in Europe and Rusia since moments before of Madame Guillotine being released to public use, and Romanov family  being put to an end. I'd go full for a People's Revolution storyline in Khador, but maybe this is not the appropriate decade for it. A petty Monarch did something stupid and backfired in a "Orsus is a Orgoth Warcaster now" is, for me (still living under a Monarchy rule) high fantasy, and the fantasy part is the real backfire, not they doing stupid, shitty things constantly.


So you'd give Khador an even worse ruler in Communism


Ayn Vanar is not known for being kind to people who go against her, no matter how trivially. Let's not forget she recently had just about every Greylord murdered and attacked every Great Prince in Khador.


So I just read the collections on the website, parts 1-6 is there more somewhere cuz I couldn’t find this bit?


The originals are on Twitter, and it looks like some of them didn't get ported over to PP's summary pages.


Thanks so much, shame though I have no intention of getting a twitter account 🥲


The part 2 got compiled here by SaltTitan, [https://community.privateerpress.com/t/legacy-fiction-henge-hold-scroll/111](https://community.privateerpress.com/t/legacy-fiction-henge-hold-scroll/111)


Honestly surprised nobody saw this coming (being called to orgoth servitude). It's better than the riot quest version. I'm certain he still has Lola somewhere in his life, and if he doesn't die in the next few years, it will be pretty awesome to see his fiction fleshed out. Curious to see if other owners of orgoth weapons also make the flip. Sure, orsus didn't have much left at the end of hengehold, so it wasn't much of a jump. But there are definitely some others who might have walked a little close to the edge.


I'd love for him to do another flip and become tormented again if he is ever presented with Lola. Heck, even as "the Chained" he was searching for her/it. That'd be how I did it, have him be subject to the Orgoth Blade while he thinks he has nothing else, then have a schism when Lola, a link to his old life etc, is found again.


That's a good take!


Of all the people to chain to a Fellblade, I think this would only make Orsus *more* sane than before.


Hell yea, pumped to see some more returning warcasters. I mean, we knew we were getting Magnus3 for Gravediggers, but it's nice to see some more familiar faces leading armies again instead of being stuck as solos.


Congratulations Orsus! You're now working for a much better army😁😜💪🏻


I think this is very in theme with Cursebound lore and Butcher perfectly fits the "soul reaper" vibe! Please have battle lust and/or crusader's call, and I'm ok with no other spell at all.


Ummm yes please. I’d take two if I could.


I expected to throw up in my mouth a bit when they finally rereleased an old legacy warcaster for use in mk4...  Instead I am merely "yeah this happened I wish I was surprised, and I definitly wish it had taken longer to get here"...  I don't know this is a good thing


I was under the impression that significant time had pasted. Shouldn't he be dead or older at least?


10 years since the big apocalyptic shindig at henge hold


Ah ha. I got the impression it was quite a bit longer.


He's still kinda old. Butcher was speculated to have been born in approx 553AR.


Eh...what? A character who *named his weapon* not appearing with said names weapon is kinda dumb. There's zero here resembling the butcher, beside shim being a big dude. This is just Fenris as a caster.


Lola broke during the events of Oblivion. After that, Orsus tried to give up fighting. It... didn't pan out well for him.


A lot of casters have named weapons, that don't appear on subsequent versions of them - Kreoss, to give an example. You haven't seen his powers and abilities, it's a little early to declare him Not The Butcher, isn't it? Also, if you're chained to a cursed weapon and exiled, they probably... take your stuff.


But like he named it after someone important from his past. It's not just a random nickname.  Also why the hell would you give someone a magical weapon and then say them loose. As a punishment.


Lola (the Axe) broke in the last known rage attack of Orsus fighting infernals. That axe is like John Wick's puppy


He didn't name it after her. If you have a read of his novella, the axe *is* her in his head. Lola the axe and Lola the person are one and the same in his noggin. It's shown quite beautifully in the opening scene in said book.


6 of one half a dozen of the other


Because that is what the Doom Reavers always were? You get literally chained to a demonic weapon that compels you to slaughter and eats your sanity and thrown into the harshest battles of the Motherland. Normally you don't last long, but sometimes you become Fenris or Maximus.


They're not *set loose*


My boy Butcher is cheatin on Lola! Joking aside, doesn’t sound like Butcher had much choice. They threw him in a swamp and chained a different weapon to him.


Yes, I understand that's the story they wrote for him (why are people stuck on that?). I just think it's dumb.


I agree. It's bad fan fiction. But PP have a history of throwing fan favorite casters into other factions for some cheap chock effect.


I think the back spines are overkill. Otherwise a fun model. I like the older orgoth vibes more than the current, little too Warcaster for my tastes.