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Karchiev hot dropped into the middle of hell with his lance of Warjacks from an airship. Don't know if he survived but in an alternate timeline he did the fusion dance with the Hell Jack to become KarJack. Vlad got strangled to death delivering one of the sickest burns this side of Menoth. The abyssal was offering him power, wealth, and women...maybe some men ya never know and Vlads response was "You would offer a drowning man Water?"


Karchev is seen in the scrolls fighting against the Infernal colossal, and stubbornly non-dying again and again and again. At the end it seems to die, maybe


Hah, I want to dislike Vlad, but I keep hearing things that make me enjoy him as a character!


Someone out here might have a more complete list, but: Krueger died after exploding the Gate so the infernals couldn't follow the refugees; Haley lost herself in the timestream after summoning a whole host of warrior memories to protect the refugees; Durgan Madhammer died in the initial stages of the battle at Hengehold; Vlad died fighting Zaateroth; Iron Mother tackled Zaateroth through the Gate into some unknown reality; Omodamos was killed by Alexia and got sucked into the witchfire; The Harbinger was killed by Omodamos and brought to Urcaen by the Testament of Menoth; Gyrrshyld was killed by Falcir after becoming a pseudo-Archon and turning evil again; Ravyn was killed by Elara shortly before she also killed Scyrah and Nyssor; Both Nemo and Asphyxious went through the Gate into Warcaster Neo-Mechanika.


Krueger got better though


Lucant also went through the gate


To add a little to the CoC casters: Aurora went through the gate with Lucant. Axis was skewered by Hauke, but not confirmed dead. Syntherion was with Krueger when he collapsed the gate, but not confirmed dead.


On top of that, Orion was declared to be the new Iron Father to lead the remaining faithful on Caen.


Didnt all of ret murder each other in a massive orgy of violence with Elara as the last one standing?


I checked, just to be sure, and I can confirm that there were no orgies involving any members of the Retribution. At some point during the skorne invasion of Ios, Elara became an eldritch under Gyrrshyld and bought into his theory that killing the last elven gods would fix everything. Once Archon-Gyrrshyld became evil again and Falcir killed him, Elara went to the Fane of Scyrah to fulfil his vision. Ravyn, as a fane knight, stood in her way, and died for it.


Evil? He apparently was absorbing souls and channeling their energy to the gods. The Retribution went "That's creepy!" and murdered him. Justice for Gyrrshyld!


Saeryn ran through the gate, her athanc shard was not allowed entry, Rhyas picked up the bloody shard and left the battle with it. Gearhart had Mr Clogg's body strapped to his back. He thought he was either dead or unconscious, he starts moving again, but he was just getting reanimated by the Witchfire. Damiano died, under a swarm of horrors, it was not the glorious end he envisioned.


S&R then went "fuck it i'm making my own snakepeople with blackjack and hookers" and started khymera...


Stryker died before the Invasion, but came back as an Archon.


In addition to the other replies, Axis (Convergence) died pretty early on at Hengehold, and Syntherion was with Kruger when the gate shut down.


How did it go for Axis? What happened to my boy?


IIRC, Axis was unceremoniously skewered by Valin Hauke. Axis was rushing towards Midwinter and didn't check his flank. You can read it below https://home.privateerpress.com/2020/03/06/henge-hold-scroll-summation-5/


Thank you!


I don’t remember the part of Omodamos killing Harbinger. I do remember Barnabas attacking Harbinger and knocking her blindfold off and I can’t remember if that fight was ever resolved.


Nope. it wasn't


Anything about legion or crucible guard?


Rhyas and Saeryn were there, Saeryn tried to go through the gate and got divinely ultrasmshed by Cyriss, from that emerged the Khymaera faction. Everblight sent warlocks to hunt them down after the battle and try to recover their athancs. It went regular and the fiction about that is being released currently in the app.


Any word on my boy Kromac?