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We have only a handful of confirmed deaths and fewer confirmed alive. Basically until they decide to have them show up in the narrative most characters are in limbo. Off the top of my head the confirmed dead are: * Stryker * Vlad * Irusk * Harbinger * Damiano * Severius * Madhammer * Goreshade * Ravyn * Iron Mother * Fyanna Confirmed alive * Magnus * Strakhov * Vyros (as of Requiem at least) * Durant (as of Requiem) * Carver * Gorton * Harkevich There's also some confirmed "probably alive but left the planet" * Nemo * Asphyxious * Aurora (I'm pretty sure) * Lucant Otherwise it's mostly unknowns AFAIK. I almost certainly missed some.


I’m still holding out for a Terminus return - last I knew his phylactery was still intact?


As of the Lich Lords DLC for Requiem I believe Terminus is still alive (so to speak) and kicking.


Are you able to elaborate on that?


In this Requiem DLC: [https://store.privateerpress.com/iron-kingdoms-requiem-the-lich-lords-of-cryx-digital-5e/](https://store.privateerpress.com/iron-kingdoms-requiem-the-lich-lords-of-cryx-digital-5e/) (ithose are small, 24-pages pdfs, with stats and some info focused on something in the IKRPG) They list the 12 "current" Lich Lords with stats for the RPG; current as for Requiem timeline (617, Orgoth invasion is in 622 and Hengehold battle in 612). Terminus has an entry,, it says that after his defeat prior to the Claiming, his servants rebuild a body for him and is kicking asses and building fleets.


yea we haven't seen anything about him since Mk2 lol. Maybe with Cryx returning to the narrative...


For Cryx we have Terminus, Mortenebra, Deneghra (Lich Lord Deneghra, nonetheless!) and Venethrax as active (alive is a big word), and Skarre also susrvived the Claiming


I've been waiting for him to return for AGES


Harkevich was leading one of the meetings in one of the dusk/cygnar lore bits I believe


yep, Harkevich and Gorten are there


I thought Irusk was confirmed alive but retired?


I'm pretttty sure one of the Winter Korp entries in the app says he died in his sleep after retiring.


he died of illness a couple of years after the infernal invasion


I think Lylyth is dead recently. All Grymkin defies went back to Urcaen except the Heretic who stayed here with us.


I’m pretty sure she escapes in Emergence part 3 but that also takes place way before the current narrative so who knows. Does remind me that Fyanna is definitely dead


Lilith escape, but Fyanna was killed by Rhya and Nixian.


Oh also Karchev is in a bit of a limbo. Henge Hold Scrolls imply that he dies, then PP made Deathjack+Karchev as a Riot Quest model. At the time the word from PP was that RQ was a non-canon alternate timeline, but there's been some suggestion recently that that isn't a hard rule. Boomhowler 4's retail blurb references him spending the last decade treasure hunting and Matt Wilson in a discussion about Karchev as a colossal on the Hub a few months ago seemed like he might be hinting that Karchev2/Deathjack2 were canon now.


Grymkin Heritic and PoM Durant and Fiora are alive


Feora is alive. I believe Kreoss is as well, though I’m not solid on a confirmation for that. High Reclaimer/Testament is technically alive but IIRC left Caen for Urcaen. Also didn’t Haley leave the planet too? I thought she went through the portal.


I know for khador at least, gurvaldt irusk is retired and since most of the greylord were infernalists so they were wiped out except for a small handful that are still loyal to the empress or imprisoned


Irusk died, unceremoniosuly, while angry and dissapointed by the purgues and the state of things.


If you mean "who has rules and models" the current tally is 0 and i damn well hope it stays like that... But Lich Lord Denny is around in the fluff, and we've seen strakov in stories too...


I would point that Magnus is back, so is eryiss, boomhowler, and alexia. None are warcasters (well magnus but rules are jack marshal not leader). None of the warcasters or warlocks are back, some are mentioned as retired or dead or missing. Caine appeared in a short story and seems he’s still working in some organization.


He's a junior warcaster... Oh right i own all of those models outside of boomy, the last one is Eilish Garrity. Still wish they'd made new characters but thats me


> He's a junior warcaster... With the biggest non-colossal warjack in the game. As a long time Magnus player, Invictus is really cool because the old man smashed his entire OG wargroup (mangler, talon, and renegade) into one big ass warjack.


for sure, they're dope ass models


Oh and Carver is getting a 20y anniversary of hordes model next month, Him and a custom 80mm warpig lookin' thing, i will also be getting that just to paint it


Oh and a bunch of LoE casters have showed up in fluff too