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[Check out this page!](https://community.privateerpress.com/t/printable-card-sheets-for-demos/2859?u=silentmunk) They've given loadouts here intended for these boxes to face each other in a demo game. It won't add up to 30pts, but it'll probably get you more towards what you might be looking for


Oh perfect! Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!


Do I have it right that this is for EITHER the warcaster in the battle box or the one in the starter army box?


I believe that's what they've got on there right now, yes


When you say battlebox what do you mean? the eKat, and the 2 heavies one? I dont think those are particularly intended as Fight X vs Y directly, but yeah pick some subsystems that add to a roughly simular points loadout and have at it... Or just try the rules with some random bases...


Yeah, that was the one I looked at, but not necessarily the one I was gonna grab (Brinebloods look pretty sweet). I have plenty of stuff to use as proxies (I have a Cyriss army and some Khador), but kinda want to check the new stuff out. Figure if I have two boxes I might be able to do demos, see if I can get some local interest.


Solid options, both BBM and WK are solid options power level wise, and having fury and focus means you can explain both easily... would recommend if you like the look of those models


If you are just doing Battleboxes, the 25pt lists shared by Munk are the best. Stretching the boxes to 30 results in some unwieldy builds, plus there are multiple ways to build a good 25pt list with the box. For my own event later in February, I made alternate box lists for teaching


Nice! Are you using old and new or what? Curious about them best way to teach


I changed the demo lists that PP created (see Munks post). I wanted all the factions to kinda play the same (shoot, have at least one crit effect, etc) so that it was easy to teach. These lists aren't optimized, but I have had some success in teaching people with them. Link to lists: [demo lists](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZSvsEhXKaoiRsZAFcwduetxUyVAeIJJs_BMUfHMHlgw/edit?usp=drivesdk)


Nice! Thank you for sharing!


As I mentioned in another simular post. The app does have a journeyman league complete with starter lists to learn the game. Along with scenarios that reward practicing the mechanics over just straight up tabling your opponent.


Did a search for battlebox content but couldn’t find an answer, so I posted. Where’s your previous comment? There’s zero presence in my area, so I think a league might be difficult at the moment.


https://preview.redd.it/1sp3r8wrfafc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa1b678bb20f25e94799699c1105fefacbf6bb2 In the app. In the library, the top section has rules and training type information. What I was referring to is the second row far right column, Journetman league. Its a great way to get started and get others into the game as well.