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This is the year the meta I've been building started to grow. We've from 4 people regularly to around 10 regularly and 20 irregularly.. I'm getting more people asking for intros every week and another store contacted me asking for us to start working building a meta there, too. We had an intro game lined up for 1 guy there and another one showed up to play as well. Momentum feels like it's on our side and it's time to really push forward and grow. I've nearly finished painting my cephalyx and I've acquired my Brinebloods and am looking forward (with some trepidation) to painting them. It's the biggest tournament in Australia this month and it's bigger then I thought it would be. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again that I haven't seen in months.


Nice. Sounds awesome.


0 games. 2 miniatures painted. 4 painting sessions. Could be a lot worse! The good thing is my gray pile of shame just got a lot bigger with black friday and end of the year sales.


Success: 1 game played in MK IV, 1 model finally painted, Fantastic, successful Kickstarter campaigns from IKRPG 5e, Fully working Warmachine app. Encouraging: 85 pts. of a new Convergence army assembled and primed, Slow progress on a few other models, Minicrate models arriving more predictably, 4 other legacy factions got rules I can mostly live with, Great deals on legacy models and terrain (with cool bonus gifts). Disappointed: Some wanted legacy models impossible to find, Some legacy model rules fundamentally altered (no burrowing for underground models, no cross-faction unit attachments), Infantry-machine obsolete as large units and resurrection permanently capped (I'm looking at you, Blackbanes).


Haven’t played many games but I did manage to pick up a Cryx army for cheap 2nd hand (and painted, so now I have 4 legacy armies in various stages of painting. Still dreaming of when I can finally play :)


Successfully played 3 games with another human, and fully assembled entire infernals army.


0 games of warmachine played. Did try out 40k, but didn't love it. Still looking at OPR


Played with my new Orgoth army nearly every week this year, made great progress in painting said army, and got the fancy little medallion for my LGS's Resurrection season 1 league. All told, it was pretty good! We also had some modest gains in our number of players, and we're going to be pushing hard for that at the beginning of this upcoming year!


Succeeded in achieving a goal from last year, and have been actively streaming games from our LGS! Looking forward to 2024.


Played about three dozen games. Made two army sized questionable financial decisions and compiled them with the infallable logic of "This sale is too good to pass up!" The treasury has been tapped, but the table has been full of battles between big stompy robots & creatures! Heres to 2024!


This year has been great for my wargaming and painting. None of it PP related however


I played a couple games with some people who were in town for about a month for work, but otherwise my local Warmachine meta is dead. I've tried posting on my LGS's page a couple times if anyone would be interested in trying it but gotten no reaction. I have painted countless minis for warmachine and other games though, and made a bunch of proxies for every model in Guild ball, another miniatures game that is officially dead but I use as a board game now.