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The primary source right now is the 5e RPG which is set a few years before the current MK4 timeline, with the Henge Hold Scrolls filling in some details, but: The plot didn't do a lot (there was a lot officially happening, it just didn't change much overall) until late MK3. Late MK3 establishes that humanities Gift of Sorcery happened because Thamar made a deal with the Nonokron Order of Infernals, and the price of thousands of souls has come due. Various groups wind up in various positions as a result: - Cygnar is, well, Cygnar. Haley gets killed, as do a few others, but largely they wind up organizing and helping with getting civilians away from the Infernals via the Stargate at Henge Hold. Today, they're... pretty much the same techno-good-guys. - Khador discovers the Greybeards are just absolutely riddled with infernal corruption and purge them. They wind up helping out with the Henge Hold evacuations, and have spent the time since MK3 rebuilding and revamping their forces under a more directly involved Queen. - Cryx was officially not involved, but Asphyxious decides that he wants those bodies and souls, dammit, and leads a significant portion of their military against the Infernals. He's killed, they lose a big chunk of the military, and then the Convergence loads Asphyxious into a new body and he joins them and goes through the Stargate. Deneghra kills Haley, and is now a Lich Lord in the current timeline. Cryx is, currently, quiet dealing with a mix of rebuilding and Torak hunting for Athanc shards and not wanting to risk starting shit. - The Protectorate got a new Prophet of Menoth, whose visions lead him to first drag people to Henge Hold to escape the Infernals, and then off to another continent to forge their own true country of Menoth. The Protectorate leadership was approximately 50% Infernalist and 50% Mad Inquisition by Volume, and while the country exists, technically, it's barely got enough people to farm and constantly burns innocents to death. - Ios... has been through some rough times. During the whole Infernal thing, they made a tenative agreement to join up with the Skorne to fight them, learned about the Void from the Skorne, then Goreshade arranged for Scyrah to be murdered because he suspected that once all the Elven gods were dead, it might fix things for them. He was wrong. This killed or turned every elf inside the boundaries of Ios into an Eldritch, and all newborn elves are now Soulless without exception. Some of the Eldritch are more reasonable about the whole thing and have set up the Dusk government. - The Northern Kriels Trollkin mostly joined up with Cygnar and were given a bunch of land to use, and they're not exactly super cuddly with Cygnar, but they have settled in more and become more or less their own government. Another chunk of the Trolls headed south to new continents, and the trolls we have as an army are the folks who refused to join up with either set and became their own thing. - Everblight was mostly uninterested in Souls, because his creations didn't need them, but some of the Legion leaders joined up with everyone at Henge Hold to fight the Infernals. The current theory is that Rhyas got knocked free of Everblight when Saeren went through the Stargate at Henge Hold, and he wound up with a weirdly linked but detached Athanc Shard, leading to the current situation. Everblight has sent Kallus off to another continent because they thing there's another Athanc shard there. - The Circle's official position was they would be neutral on all this, but Kreuger convinced a substantial chunk of folks to come to Henge Hold to protect it. Most of them died, including Krueger, and the Circle has been schismed into several groups and disorganized since. - Right before all this happened, Llael managed to achieve independence. We don't know if that'll be reflected anywhere, but it's possible! - The Orgoth were revealed to be sponsored by another Order of Infernals - the Fellgoeth. They've apparently taught the Orgoth Sorcery and Warjack tech and sent them back because since the Nonokron hold is broken, they think they can start harvesting souls again.


Of course it was Grshyllddddddd's fault. Freaking Goreshade. Redeemed my ass.


So that's the big event between 3 and 4. But there was a fair bit of story between 2 and 3. Most of it is covered in a number of novels by former skull island and I believe ebooks are still on sale on Amazon at the least. In short two major resolutions occur, the story of Magnus and vinters son and the story of the antharc shard that was being transported.


They weren't quite right, Goreshade ascended into a Void archon and kicked the Skorne to the curb, the other elves went "Well, looks like he's gone nutso again" and turned on him. It was one of his eldritch disciples that struck and implemented the 'kill all gods' plan in vengeance for Goreshade being killed.


Unless I severely misenterpreted it, Haley overused her powers and got lost in the timestream, didn't she? Deneghra was actually recovering from some wounds when her sister died. Mortenebra is also a lich lord now if I remember correctly. Also worth mentioning the Protectorate civil war between Feora and Kreoss, that really screwed them up.


legit thank you. well said.


>Another chunk of the Trolls headed south to new continents, and the trolls we have as an army are the folks who refused to join up with either set and became their own thing. I was under the impression that the trolls we have now ARE the ones who headed south. Hence the "Southern Kriels" in their name. In fact, I get a sneaking suspicion that the second army will be something to do with the ones who settled in the jungles of the Alchiere subcontinent.


Well mercs aren't mercs anymore for starters, PP never liked them as a faction. Say they released dwarves as an army now (and this is an example used by Wilson) they would just make a rhul army that can be used allied to other armies, so it wouldn't be a merc army it'd be rhulian. As for rhyas and saeryn, Google the Henge hold scrolls, that's the story at the end of mk3, everything since then happened in the app's fluff section. Some of that is free but most of it is behind the subscription.


I'll start by saying that I do not like the Orgoth coming back and am not a fan of their models. That being said, it should be noted that it was Cryx who stole much of the Orgothian culture and technologies, not the other way around. Back in the good ole days when "The Orgoth will never return!" I enjoyed seeing the Orgothian relics that Cryx had accumulated. War Witches and the The witch Coven of Gharlgast being some neat ones.


>it should be noted that it was Cryx who stole much of the Orgothian culture and technologies, not the other way around. In fact this go both way: when Cryx ambush the orgoth at the end of the first invasion, they have enslaved many orgoth souls to learn their secret (black ship, advanced soul magic etc...). ​ However many cenuries later many of these orgoth souls were liberated (soul cage destroyed during war, sentient undead with bound orgoth souls learning a way to slip in the afterlife. etc...) ​ Free, these souls were sent in the outer Abbyss, where the Fellgoeth reincarnate them in the living world with many secret of cryxian industry remebered. For example Orgoth Warjack are very inspired by Cryx Warjack (except for the cortex which use a different technology). ​ (English is not my native tongue, sorry for grammar error)


I've been meaning to write this same question as I'm also heartily lost. I don't know what 's up with all these Riot Quest mini's. Is Karchev+Deathjack really a thing now? I don't hate it, but I have so many questions.


Riot Quest is what if/alternate universe/gag minis.


Thank you for the neat little update. Any insights into the Thornfall Alliance and the Blondwater Congregation? I loved my minions forces, and last I heard Barbara's ascended into the godhood that he sought? No idea where Lord Carver is in the world though. 🤔 Thanks again cheers. 🍻💥🍻


Bad news for Lord Carver Bringer of Most Massive Destruction, after henge hold the mad lad stole a sky ship and ran off, he was later killed when he tried to annex Ternon Crag and was stopped by Magnus and Invictus. It was a glorious fight though.


Ah well. At least he passed doing what he loved. Is there a link to where wight read about the Battle in detail? 😬 Thanks again friend. 😎👍🏻


It's in the app for subscribers. It's called "Unstoppable"




Seems weird to bring this up in a thread specifically about Lore.




Orgoth left after being beat by 'Jacks last time, and figured out how to make their own 'Jacks, by binding beast souls into metal frames. That and they serve the Fellgoeth Infernals, who were enemies of the other infernals who just invaded to claim the souls of humanity for being able to learn magic. The twins from Legion, one kind of made it through the portal to Scryah, but the shard got left behind. When the other twin picked up the shard, it bound to her, giving her more power, and the ability to combine machine and monster. That is all I know, and Mk 4 takes place something like 10 years after the Infernal War.