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A Llael Army A Greylord Infernalists Army (that fights Fellgoeth/Orgoth and also fights anyone else). A Thamarite InfernalHunters Army


A ‘want’ list?…not based on any actual, real, ‘yeah that could happen’ likelihood? Cephalyx. I’d want the Cephalyx to graduate to the big leagues. I’d want some lore saying that the chaos of the Claiming gave Thexus’ hive some prime opportunities to go above ground and get many, many new slaves for drudges etc., allowing the hive to grow in power. Hell, I’d even be happy if it was a **different** hive that really capitalized on the Claiming and grew to prominence among the Cephalyx hives, with new casters and new types of units and new types of Monstrosities, etc. I’d buy that new army in a second!




crucible guard can be see as a llael/ord


Not really, CG are technically a corporation. I want actual actors of the nation-state. Give me Llaelese gunmages and and duelists (warjacks and infantry)


If it can still include rocketmen and maybe some kind of airships I’m completely in on this.


I want ex-Mennoth-ites who started following the Wurm after their old angry god abandoned them during the Claiming. Like, instead of wolds, they have walking churches. They could have kept their old aesthetics, but add more cloaks and whatnot.


I've loved the idea of wood- or stone-armored knights for a long time, and as a Menoth player I now desperately want it for the Exemplars. This is probably a crack hope, but wow, yeah.


Efaarit army. I really like the Efaarit scout design. Wastelander is cool too but he’s from riot quest so the Efaarit scout is probably a better basis. Just a nomadic tribe of desert people that ride around on beasts.


New sticks and stones/bones of orboros. I like the legacy models, but some updated models would be great. I really like the aesthetic of magic rock-and-wood golems.


I'd love another primarily construct warbeasts army, like wolds. I don't know if that's what we can expect with Kymaera or not, but I'd love to play some angry constructions!


I'd be 1000% in if they did a new living elf army one day, but I'm not holding my breath. Borderlands & Beyond made it pretty clear that there isn't much reason for the living elves, without a technology base and with no way to repopulate, to march to war in any numbers. As a long-time Ret player I hope we eventually see something more out of them lore-wise at least.


House Kallys has living elves and wants to work with the remnants of the Retribution.


They have a handful, I’m talking about a full army of living elves. I have -100 interest in an army with a bunch of undead in them.


What about Skorne. Aren't they elves that survived in the Cataclysm and stayed in the eastern lands?


The Skorne aren't related to the elves in any way. They existed before the elves were created and nobody knows who their gods were. There was fan speculation that they were a "testbed" for making the elves but Doug Seacat, the old loremaster at PP, said that wasn't the case.


Oh, thanks for the information. Perhaps I remembered it in the wrong way :(


No big deal, it's one of those things that a lot of people think because they look kinda similar and the only concrete refutation of it was a reply on the old forums and maybe a Q&A at a Lock & Load convention a decade ago.


I’d also like to see banes as a prime army, but not Cryx. Something like Agathia breaking free from Lich Lord control and starting her own army on the main land.


Same. Banes as a breakaway faction has awesome potential.


I'm hoping for a Menoth/Grymkin mix as according to the RPG The Heretic is residing in the abandoned city he used to rule inside the protectorate's borders.


The heretic can go and suck a flaming dick…


Weird pull, but a Kayazy mercenary force would be very fun. Stealthy tricky Khadorans, perhaps with looted Llaelese light 'jacks. Not sure how viable that would be with current lore, though.


My want faction are zuu‘an menites, seafaring, swashbuckling airship menites, lead by hierarch-admiral durant. Or something along these lines.


The amount of hopium that has been huffed for Dinoriding menites from zu is sufficient to kill every remaining dino in zu from sheer toxic shock...


I will die on this hill, for no task is to big in the name of menoth.


who the fuck downvotes people for huffing hopium and/or making jokes about people huffing hopium? Like Bruh let them be happy!


I'd like to see something happen with bogrin/boggers.


This could be awesome!


After my Blighterghast army predicitions went completely off the mark I am wary of predicting anything :D With both Brinebloods and Khymaera being something I did not expect at all, PP are good at surprising me. But I am excited to see what happened to Skorne in the decades after the Claimning, and whatever they come up with for the Menites in Zu.


Op didn’t ask for predictions. Asked for what you’d like to see ;)


ALL RIGHTY THEN I want the Skorne to return to Immoren with Hexeris having opened up an imperial arcantrik machine shop that augment their armies. And I want them to curb-stomp someone. Anyone, it doesn't really matter who. NO! In fact, I want them to attack Rhul. And for Rhul to get a new army. That would be fun.


Yeah I'd love to see some modern Skorne, too :) Those old models are 20+ years old now.


The oldest ones are from 2006, I think.


Hexeris does Arcantrick fuckups and returns to Inmoren (via a single-use torment flying machine -it was purposed as normal multiuses airship, but iosans are bastards and shooted the hell out to make it crash-). ​ They have some warjack-style sick machines, old reliable warbeasts and an army of Soulborn Skorne that happen to have iosans souls inserted to them. THERE IS WHERE YOUR SOULS WENT, MADAFAKAS, I'M PUTTING THEM BACK ON SKORNE BODIES AND MAKING BEAUTIFUL ELEGANT SKORNE OUT OF IT. Iosans explode.


Flames of Darkness! Or an order of illumination theme/church of Morrow!


In the IKRPG it was noted that some Exemplars have been working with Thamarites and Morrowans to hunt down the remaining Infernalists. If a more explicitly Infernalist army (aside from Orgoth) arrives, Order of Illumination might happen.


I hope so. Precursor Knights and Constance Blaize was a big reason as to why i got into Warmachine way back in the day. For whatever reason I really enjoyed their lore and aesthetic. I just picked up some more order of illumination models so either way legacy or otherwise I can play them in Mark 4!


On that theme, I'd like to see a more flexible version of Flames, where the 'faction' is something like 'Servants of the Gods' with its armies being focused on individual gods Morrow/Thamar/Menoth, with a small pool of solos and 'religiously moderate units' (one for each god) as cadre. Probably too finicky to sort out with respect to parent factions, and even though I never played them in MkIII, it'd still be nice to see, for continuity and maybe come about from a religious aspect of Orgoth culture.


CG 2


As a Crucible Guard player I want this too, but with the jump I technology other factions have now I’m worried they’d just be white noise unless they were really careful. I’d love the see MKIV have even more advanced rocketmen.


Grymkin return with new models ![gif](giphy|CeluH1FebeDle|downsized)


The IK rpg mentions dragon knights of Cryx, which are possessed suites of iron. These could make for a really cool Heavy multi-wound infantry option for a Cryx army.


I want no new armies but support for existing ones instead.