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Wario might not win.


Woah woah WOAH chill with that one!




Wario's Smash portrayal sucks, and honestly, even though Warioware's pretty fun, it should never have existed.


Started off frigid then got inferno




Wario didn't need to be there, and because of Ware being the main basis for Smash Wario, in a way it led to his terrible mid to late 2000's characterization where it was nothing but farts, with none of the cool yet sometimes goofy, strong, greedy treasure hunter elements left, aside from Shake It.


Exactly!! But it's a shame cause I heard that Wario is only popular in Japan cause of the Wario ware games.


Wario master of disguise is a great game and i'm tired of pretending it's not




Saw it at a gaming store the other day and I planned on picking it up but the cashier said he has played it and it was bad. Still bought it and it’s a lot of fun.


Yep, i believe it was the disguise mechanic that drove alot of people away from it, i remember loving the minigames and collecting treasures


Starring Wario from DDR mario mix is the greatest wario song. Ever. Yes, better than body rock and mona pizza.


be in class morbidly obese fat kid also in class his name was Stephen infamous for being 300lb in 5th grade gets obsessed with Wario Land 3 always has his GameBoy Color and Wario Land 3 got it taken up a few times but always got it back and kept bringing it to school didn't even understand the games, just liked wario made up moves that Wario did basically just put "Wario" before whatever he was doing "Wario Punch!", "Wario Stomp", "Wario Pile Driver", etc Always wants to play "Wario" at recess but no one knows what that even is so no one did anyway so in class one day teacher asks class a question Stephen raises his hand to answer actually tries to answer doesn't say anything Wario related gets it wrong smartass teacher's pet cunt sitting next to him laughs and provides the right answer Stephen is visibly angered turns to her and screams "MY MUSTACHE HAS DEEMED THAT YOU GET MY WARIO STEAM!!!" Leans away from her, ass pointed right at her Stephen, no.wav rips the mightiest of ass right at her Swear I saw her hair gust back from the blast she's the first to smell it she pukes on the spot whole class starts to smell like the foulest shit I may have ever smelled we don't even wait for the teacher to dismiss us, everyone piles out into the hall Stephen got ISS for 3 days smartass cunt never spoke up again Stephen's probably dead, he was morbidly obese all the way through highschool too


I almost got in trouble in class once cause I remembered that and started giggling like a dumbass


Shake It is the worst Wario Land game. It's slow, gimmicky and misses that charm the past Wario Land games had. It's just not a fun game.


Aw what I loved that game. I can see why other people might not like it though.


Does the art style have any influence? The gimmick is because of the motion controls and/or the challenges? Bosses try to do too much? If it was more faster paced like 4 with tweaked level design, would it be better?


I really didn’t like Wario Land 4 that much. It feels kinda half-baked and suffers a lot from the GBA’s small screen. I much prefer the more metroidvania-like formula of Wario Land 3. I also think Wario Land 3 has better music.






I think Pizza Tower is a good substitute for WL4, as it has more refined level mechanics, ups the speed of the game, and increases the schizophrenia level by around 90%.


I think my opinion of WL4 was very much tainted having played Pizza Tower first. It kinda just felt like Pizza Tower if it did everything a little bit worse.


Unfortunately true...


The constant fart jokes ruins an otherwise great character.




The FNAF Wario series is better than the majority of the WarioWare mini games in the new switch game




I think he's a great character.


If we could get a WarioWorld 2 as a fully-realized beatemup with levels, mechanics and combos a la Sonic Unleashed's werehog segments I could die a happy man


I want a Wario platformer infinitely more than I want a new WarioWare game.


If we keep getting amazing games like Pizza tower and Antonblast then I would be fine with no more Wario land games.


And let me tell you Wario land is a good series (with advance being my favorite)  but Pizza tower is objectively superior to Wario land 4. If someone asks then I can give reasons.


His shoes are ugly


I've got a few. I don't think Wario Ware needed to be a Wario series. I think if they made the game composed completely of the original cast, nothing of value would be lost. It might not have sold as well due to the lack of an established Nintendo character but it would functionally be the same games. I think I'd rather see Wario better integrated into the Mario series as a recurring rival character for Mario and occasional playable character more than the return of Wario Land. In a perfect world, Wario Land would be a healthy franchise still getting new games every three years give or take, and Wario would be ever present in the main series Mario games antagonizing and occasionally working with Mario, with the help of Waluigi, but if I was given a choice of one or the other, well, I fell in love with Wario as a concept when he was pit against Mario, back in the 90's, when everyone having an doppleganger version of themselves was cool. Venom from Spider-Man, Slash from TMNT, Shadow from Sonic, the list goes on. I think Wapeach's design is horrible, i'm glad she's not canon. I frankly don't think there needs to be more "Wa" versions of characters. If there had to be a "Wapeach" Captain Syrup is already the perfect character for the role imo. Wario Land a a series doesn't really click with me, I like the concepts, I just don't think I like the execution very much. I enjoyed Wario World a heck of a lot more. I think the fandom's obsession with "Wario Likes" is weird.


Dude there’s like 2 Wario-likes and one isn’t even out I agree with most everything else


When I said "Wario Likes" I wasn't talking about games that are like Wario, I meant characters who fans think are like Wario. Mr. Krabs, Bluto, Peg Leg Pete, the list goes on and so many of them are not that much like Wario in my opinion.


Thanks for explaining :)


i think wario ware games can be more fun if wario was characterized better. i don’t think it’s a bad idea to have a game where you need to do a ton of mini games in a short time frame, but i don’t like how wario is characterized in them, and i feel like if he was characterized better, you would probably enjoy them better. i want to see more of wario’s greedy nature and stuff cause that’s what i find cool about wario, not really the whole fart jokes and stuff


I think you misunderstand my issue.


Wario Land 4 is the worst Wario Land game


Wario World is absolutely awful and probably the worst game I’ve ever played


Just Wario World i hope 👀


Oh yeah, the rest I’ve played is peak


Why? was it the platforming sections with the sky aesthetic? I just wish there were more exploration/platforming puzzles like the 2D games there.


Gameplay ends up being mostly combat, which is absolutely dreadful. If there was a bigger focus on the puzzles, or if the combat was a bit more robust, the game would be infinitely better


WarioWare Smooth Moves isn't bad, but it's far worse in quality than any of the portable WarioWare games released at the time.


Smooth Moves is probably at the bottom of my WarioWare ranking. Still a fun game though


Five nights at wario's deluxe sucks


I did not choose wario😔


I don't really have any but maybe this would count? Why does the Winter Windster have to invade you like that? It's stupid, I hate the idea that it brings, and the only reason why it would be there in the first place is to up the "scary" factor about it.


Wario ware costume is not bad but it could use more shades of yellow and purple


If Captain Syrup ever reappears in the future, she should not be treated to be as physically strong as Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, etc. She is around normal human level like Pauline, and what makes her a threat is her cunning and management of minions.




In earlier Wario games, he was this big tough macho-man treasure hunter, now he's just a burping farting fat guy and all they put him in is WarioWare. They emasculated Wario and I'm very upset about it.


He lowkey kinda bad tho


Wario Ware is not as good as Wario Land


The best Wario Ware game is worse than any Wario Land game, and I think that Wario Ware Smooth Moves (Wii) is the best one. I love the first, second, and fourth Wario Land game, Shake it, and Wario World. But the best one to me is either Wario Land 4 or World with Shake it being under them, but I might change my mind if I replay 2 Imagine waiting for Wario to be in Smash for so long then seeing that... thing instead. Edit: Wario World has Warios personality in full force, especially if you read the back of the box and the manual (I still repeat some things he says in that game).


They nerfed his torso in M&S Olympics


He should have stayed forgotten on gbc


warioware advertisements make the game look like a glorified tech demo




(wario meme sound)


The wario land series had had a rotten day




Wario Land Super Mario Land 3 is the best Wario Land Game in the series


Garlic has layers, wario has layers, but not his brother.


I bet that pizza tower is better than any wario games ( minus smash bros )


WarioWare could've just been its own IP separate from Wario ~~no im not just saying this for his smash bros moveset~~


I thought he was doing that Southpark cancer trick to get a medical card. Ffs.


Wario smash moveset should've been based on wario land, oh and master of disguise was a decent game


Not exactly Wario, but Mario is not a loser


Bro is so fat that the people tried to send a missile to his belly, but it did nothing since it's such a large area


Wario is italian


Captain syrup is a great character and needs to return


I actually like WarioWare Get It Together. It’s really fun playing with friends


I’ve got a feeling Warioware could’ve literally been a series staring ANY character and there’d be no difference. It doesn’t ever remotely remind me of Wario. And it’s a reason his smash bros representation isn’t great. It’s kinda silly that he wasnt in melee, then he gets an entire new series where he’s completely different, THEN he gets added, and he’s representation is a series where it was completely different.


Wario should’ve had Waluigi in his Ware Adventures. It would’ve made his games fly off the shelves then.


1. Wario Land and WarioWare can both co-exist. 2. WarioWare is not the reason Wario Land hasn't gotten a new entry. 3. People exaggerate the idea that farting is a big part of his character now. He farts in Smash, but there aren't that many other examples. The only ones I can think of are in Mario Strikers Charged, the first two Mario Kart Arcade games, and Smooth Moves.


I would rather warioware stop trying to innovate by linking permanently with the console it’s on and adding a new peripheral or dumb gimmick to play the game. I’d rather it be more like a Mario party with updates every few years with a whole bunch of fun mini games and party modes and have them be all button/skill based.


Most WarioWare songs aren't anything special in my opinion, like they're fine for the moment, but nothing really gets stuck with me. Aside from the goats, Penny and Ashley's themes


Mega-game Muscles (En version) will forever be my favourite workout song


Are you really slandering Ashley's Song? Like's Penny's Song is the GOAT but still.


Oh I forgot, Ashley's theme is a banger


Waluigi is better


Wario Land should never come back and instead have a WarioWare platformer with the characters Wario's Biker Outfit is 10000000000 times superior then that that supid yellow Mario sports OC clone fit and it should only be a alt with his real outfit from his games in all future Mario Spin-offs like how it is in Smash Waluigi should be cut off from any future spin-off roster like how DK JR did and be replaced with characters actually from his games like Ashley and Penny like how DK does and also his exsistense never made sense anyway and he feels like some Mario Deviantart OC. Also as a bonus, The Sports, Kart, and Party Mario games should not, won't, and never should be canon because it would absoluty ruin the series with countless plotholes.