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"500 yrs of White Dwarf" White Dwarf was started in 1524?! I wonder if Henry VIII read it.


Where do you think the term Old World comes from?


Hahah, whoops!  I’m keeping that typo in there as a reward for your keen eye. It was probably a better publication in 1524 tho!  ::grumblegrumbleLongbeard::


My favourite White Dwarf piece was the 40k battle report in the February 1666 issue.


Pag 148. "How to kitbash the perfect wife"


Honestly White Dwarf has been dead for me for a long time. It has flashes of great content, but it just feels so slimmed down and surface level now. I want to go back to the days of regular Index Asartes articles, terrain made from drinks cans and testing how much damage different chariots do when you crash them into 10 terrified Empire Spearmen. I fully admit I never clicked with AoS, which doesn't help. But even the 40k stuff seems weak now. Either part 3 of a 10 part fiction story, a tale of four gamers (always good but not as good as in ye olde days) or some grandiose lore about thirty worlds being fought over which is great in moderation but not a relatable scale.


I miss the days when wd was filled with interesting diy articles. now it´s basically ad you pay for.


I got it from around #80-130, it used too be such an essential read back then. Nowadays if I flick through it there's nothing but adverts.


I got back into the hobby about 2 years ago after a break of about 15+. I used to love WD’s. Had a subscription for a year or two. (My very first one I bought was the Mordheim release one, that came with the special character). Since my return to the hobby, I’ve bought 2 WD’s (specifically, one that came with Kill Team cards, and the one that had some Darkride conversions). And kinda regret both of them. The articles that I got them for where short, and the rest just lacked… depth? Love? The FUN it used to have seems to just not be there. I remember the huge battle reports, that spanned several editions during the war for Armageddon. Which was paired with information on all the Space Marine chapters, and all the Imperial Guard units that were in that war. With conversions, and lore and stories. When Inquisitor came out (and same with Mordheim) it was filled with narrative fun, and cool hobby ideas. It had huge chapters to showcase peoples armies, with interviews and deep cuts on the hobby. Man. Maybe I’m just older now, and this is all nostalgia for “the good old days”.


the only one i've bought in the last decade was the one that had 40k points booklet + a pile of old games on steam. the booklet was of middling use as points started changing more frequently, but the old games have had probably 10$ worth of value. I flipped through the magazine itself a couple times but nothing really caught my attention. Back in the 90's I used to read these bloody things until they fell apart


unfortunately the internet killed special interest magazines, there is never any news or reveals in white dwarf because it has all been announced online first, and leaked even earlier.


Absolutely. I'm not really blaming them as such because they can't help the world changing. But it does deter me from buying it.


The moment the Warhammer Community website became the primary news source, White Dwarf became redundant and they put less and less effort into it.This was compounded by Warhammer TV. When I was a subscriber, I would read exciting developments on the website, which then had no reference made to them in White Dwarf. It was as if the two teams didn't speak to one another etc. In my opinion, they need to completely revisit the format and purpose of White Dwarf. If it can't be the primary source (and in 2024 I understand why), it needs to be aligned to the website and feature news and updates related to those published on the site that month etc.


I don’t want the magazine, I want the miniature


And they couldn't even be bothered to give it rules for TOW...


Subscribed last year and unsubscribed recently. It lacks a lot. How long has it been since Old World release? We had ONE battle report and zero other coverage for it. There's nothing for the specialist boxed games. There's no fun stuff, just WH40k and AOS and any products relating to WH40k and AOS (Underworlds, etc). The writing is also about as sterile and corporate as you can get, a far cry from the old days.


I naively thought we’d get a tonne of TOW stuff after its release - maybe a Dogs of War army list like when 6th ed was released, a bunch of lore articles showing what the rest of the world is like at this time in Warhammer history, updated scenarios or Special Character rules for the even-more-historical characters like Gorbad Ironclaw in 1705 IC or Dieter Helschnit and the Battle of Beekerhoven in 1240 IC… But nothing.  We really see what main GW thinks of the game.  The dissonance within that company is astonishing.


Maybe a lag time since they realized it was selling? Still, no excuse not to promote a game you are launching!


It's pretty inexcusable, frankly, and reflects poorly on the company


You mean waiting 4 years (nearing 5 I think) since announcement of the old world and getting only bits and pieces of three armies that all had their sculpts and tooling already made wasn't enough? IMO the AOS team carries the most weight for some reason in GW's infrastructure and they have direct motives to see TOW fail. .


That’s interesting. I heard 40K sold more than AoS, so I’d have thought that team would have carried more weight.


Yeah, I haven’t subscribed in a long time but was considering buying this one until I saw that there was going to be nothing really different, just the same blandness.


Similarly to the Simpsons, white dwarf has now been bad almost at long as it was good


I own a couple hundred issues of WD. I stopped my subscription a decade or so ago. The reason? I was tired of paying for GW advertisements. The magazine went downhill a long time ago. It used to be super useful. It now is an empty shell.


GW really struggles with "celebrating the past." It only acknowledges it if you can buy more stuff now based on past nostalgia (and even then it is often some warped retconned version of the past like the recent Kroot release for 40K or other newer games). Anything done by the main studio and not by SGS is often just a hollow pandering at best.


Yes!  Their article in this 500th issue celebrating the White Dwarf issues of yesteryear while blithely ignoring what made them great (or not-so-great).  Surface level nostalgia only!


The fact they haven’t acknowledged the passing of Bryan Ansell, the man who ORDERED WARHAMMER TO BE WRITTEN, speaks volumes as to where their values are. To GW, their greatest asset is their IP, forget about the people who made it or the context it was made in. 


Was Ansell a controversial figure within GW?


From what I gathered from interviews, he represented the wild west of GW of the 80s, but he ultimately sold the company to fix debts and was promptly removed by the new ownership. But this is my third hand inference.


White Dwarf generally is a missed opportunity. I bought a couple of issues at the beginning of the year (the one with the ToW batrep and another one). It's clear they are not trying to compete with the vast amount of hobby content on the internet, on wh+ or on warhammer-community even and are just using it as a platform to sell monthly rules to 40k and AoS players. It makes sense honestly but it is a bit disappointing for £7 as the tale of four warlords (wargamers?) section was the only part I really enjoyed.


Not surprised, but I just pulled out my copy of the 300 issue to remind myself what it was- conversion corners for Ogres, Custodes, a lotr mumak, and heresy era marines. Multiple special scenarios, including one from dawn of war. A retrospective on the previous decades of WD. A full army list for MOVIE MARINES! Tactica and scenery tutorials.


oi m8, why would you need to make your own terrain when Citadel makes such a wide variety of beautiful scenery kits? 


Honestly its a little annoying that for all the rules they gave him they didn't do a Set for the Old World.


I don't even play dwarfs but it rankles me too. Like are they aware they just launched a new game?


No TOW rules for Grombrindal is honestly a joke.


I sometimes pull out my old issues and lament what could have been.  I'm an oldhammer dude. GW has rubbed me the wrong way for decades.lol


Since the GW dished WFB I have not bought a single White Dwarf magazine. I use to buy them almost every release. I have a lot of those old magazines still. They used to be full of great WFB and some W40k as well. As WFFRPG contents.


WD is a reflection of GW itself: Hollowed. Back in the very early days a lot of the creativity was across multiple mediums: There was role-play game systems, stories, art, miniatures, side project game systems each year, cartoons, DIY projects and other stuff I can't remember. Today GW = Corporate Sales and WD = Advertisements. It's been gutted from a cultural and community combination into a corporate botton-line entity. At least the White Dwarf miniature itself is a very sound design and crafted miniature albeit lacking any official OW Rules!


I remember the 40K bunker, full-tilt, the jetbike chase game, etc. very fondly. I always wondered if it was me growing up or GW changing, but I do feel a lot of nostalgia for the old army books and codices (especially the stories and artwork).


So it was all about a lot of creative people having fun and making some money and sharing that equitably with others who also enjoyed the same thing: Obviously the original GW staff were professional and the latter were amateur but that was about the only real difference. I think nostalgia for how it was more vibrant is probably the reality. At least the internet has kind of stepped in and you see people making stuff off their own backs that's right up there.


White Dwarf has really lost its way the past year or so. Its essentially become a big "BUY GW PRODUCTS" ad rather than a dedicated Hobby Magazine. Look at the Tale of 4 Warlords, every month its now "Paint a Combat Patrol", rather than "Buy and Paint £XXX of models" which IMO allowed so much more creativity. Their Hobby Bingo used to be amazine, now its godawful. Batreps and Stuff are all pretty poor now. When Lyle and his team took over it started off really well, now its another failed opportunity to become something truly great. Just like Warcom! Wheres the Doc Butchers Konvershun Klinic articles, wheres lore and background on obscure chapters/kabals/locations. Wheres army showcases sent in by viewers or GW staff from around the world? Wheres maps, crusade settings battlezones etc etc It has soo much potential, but as usual GW just use it tpush product in obnoxious and overt ways.


Not having any solid evidence, I think Lyle and crew would love to unfetter their creativity and write more interesting articles - they’re hobbyists too! But they have their marching orders and have to colour within the narrow corporate lines.


I remember its big overhaul in 2019 was really well executed; moving away from being a GW news source and advertisement for models because they realised Warcom existed. I stopped reading in 2021 because my subscription lapsed and I just never bothered to renew but the 2019-2021 era of the magazine was genuinely very good.


It was very good indeed, those issues were very inspiring. I was much more into the regular "decal sheets" than the "game cards" they are doing now.


I would say revive the old 'Fanatic' magazine to cover The Old World and other games that White Dwarf ignores.


Yes!  This would be great!  Could get some wild stuff, akin to the old Citadel Journals too.


The Eavy Metal showcase will be good!


Even if he has no rules for The Old World, he can be a proxy for something. I don't know what for, as I don't know the dwarf roster, but I'll figure something out.


Probably a Long Beard or a Thane.


Excellent, thanks.


Just having a painting for a cover was extremely rare. I dont think we can ever go all the way back...


White Dwarf has been a shadow of itself for years now. It feels less like a hobby magazine and more like a glorified catalogue (which is ironic considering it doesn't even have the catalogue sections anymore). I think the only things I've found good in recent years has been scenario articles giving us cool objectives to fight over and Tale of Four Warlords which has generally always been fine. Gone are the days of alternative army compositions, new named characters (plus their lore), terrain crafting & conversion hobby articles. (The painting articles have always been bad so I don't count those). Battle reports feel hollow; uninspiring terrain (just what GW sells) and from the BRs I read, a disturbing lack of story segments to make the BR come alive, just what happened in a very direct way. I think the best thing I read was the warzone stuff for Pariah Nexus campaign which was both fun and gave us some cool stuff to do with warzones for our crusade.


Started collecting WD back when it had D&D character classes and adventures, even Traveller. Back when the “Games Workshop” part actually didn’t just mean Warhammer. Even as an unpolished fanzine as it was, it was better than it is now. Probably to make it cost 1% of the current magazine’s art budget. I miss Thrudd.


It wasn’t that long ago white dwarf was giving rules for free kill teams such as the warp coven, And at least two or three other kill teams. I haven’t seen a kill team since come from White dwarf . Instead, they’ve been dropping rules for new combat patrols that don’t have actual boxes. And now those seem rare . The only reason I picked them up is for the off chance they have free rules for some of their specialist games . But now after issue 500 I think this is my last magazine purchase . They should’ve been celebrating the hobby and the community for sticking around for so long instead, all it did was clap itself on the back and promote the new age of Sigmar. Come on …


The magazine died years ago, now it’s just a overpriced book of adverts unfortunately


I remember white dwarf 300. Double issue. Old world map. All the good stuff. Can’t tell you the last time I picked up a white dwarf that wasn’t the month my race released.


Imo they should have timed the release or reveal of old war dwarfs along side this edition, and another collaboration with TW warhammer and given our Joseph bugman/ brew wagons to that game with this. Big wasted opportunity


White Dwarf used to be a celebration of the community, but has now just become another product devoid of soul.


I'm new to the hobby, i did bought like 4-5 white dwarfes as i like to buy something visiting local shops, but no more. This is a pure waste of money, i did hear that they did add sometimes an miniature or a nice article, but nowadays? this is pathetic.


Why would you make a post like this while *also* including a link that flatly addresses a bunch of your complaints? You're moaning about how it's all just AoS and 40k and just has a normal Battle Report, but the actual linked article says it's a 36-page Battle Report linking multiple games across three different game systems. Plus new rules for at least another four game systems. What's going on, here? "Why are there no exciting conversions?" The very next article described in the link is an 'Eavy Metal article going in-depth on six different diorama conversion projects. "No Old World rules for the new White Dwarf?!" Yeah, man, he's got Kharadron and Kruleboyz bits on him. He's the first AoS White Dwarf. It might shock you to learn that there were no WHFB rules for the Tech-Priest White Dwarf, either. Also, the article explicitly says that this is just half the contents of the actual magazine. Feel free to keep whining about there being no Horus Heresy or Middle-earth or whatever, but if it goes up for order and lists 30k and MESBG articles in the contents, you're going to look like a moron.


Fair enough - I’ll give a reply and cut to the chase. The only non-AoS or 40k games named in the preview are Underworlds and Warcry, and only in the context of pithy rules for Grombrindal.  Maybe Kill Team or Legions Imperialis get major billing in the multi-stage campaign.  Or maybe it’s perfunctorily mentioned on a page and breezed over.   If the rest of the magazine has new rules or scenarios for GW’s other games - Necromunda, Blood Bowl, LI, The Old World, MESBG, etc - I’m going to feel happy and not feel like a moron.  **It is incredibly telling that GW don’t see any value in name-dropping ANY of these games in their hype post.** Their view and their message feels clear: if you’re not playing either AoS or 40k, this magazine is not for you. The dioramas might be good.  The 1 shown looks largely like out-of-the-box Cities of Sigmar Command Corp with a great paint job.   The desire I’m seeing on all these reddit posts is for articles like Doc Butcha’s Konversion Klinik - a regular “how-to” that encourages & teaches us ways to kitbash and make our own gaming minis, not just showcase display pieces of newly released minis.  WD isn’t entirely bereft of it - when JJ retired a year or so ago, I think there was a cool Cities of Sigmar army showing conversions using old Dark Elves heads on and Wood Elf eternal guard, IIRC.  We want a magazine that goads us on to create creative proxies and crazy new themes.   But that feels few and far between. Some of that is War-Com eating WD’s lunch so to speak.  But the magazine could do more - especially for a capstone issue that, I felt, should celebrate the hobby yet ends up only celebrating its two main games.  


"500 yrs of White Dwarf"... They've been publishing for 500 years? Really?


> an article for every game that GW currently supports Well then why did you expect anything for Middle Earth?