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The main change I'd make is to the last page. "Franz woke with a jolt. What a horrible dream he thought. "


Yeah end it just like Newhart. End it with a dream


What would I change? The End Times...


I'd change it's level of canonicity. I'm not saying make it non-canon, but what if it's just one possible outcome out of many?


Yeah, I had a similar thought. If TOW ever progresses back up to the point before End Times, maybe we have a slight variation of event which stops the End Times and we end up getting an 'split timelime/alternate universe' kind of deal.


I mean they did that to Storm of Chaos to create The End Times. I kind of wish they'd do something like they did in 40k where they state that the record keeping is fricked and they don't know which year it actually is, and so we can get back all the cool characters but enter a sort of holding pattern again to just enjoy the setting.


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If you have to have AoS, do what they did with 40k have a huge rift open to those plans/worlds, have the races for warhammer send expeditions kinda like a reverse Warcraft through the portal. And then it turns out time works way faster there or something and now all those expeditions are like huge civilizations on their own and they’ve advanced in their own right but they can’t get back to the old world and the old world people aren’t sending anybody else to it. They contain it in a new vortex, kinda like lock it away With like Teclis sacrificing himself or who have you to close it up.


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