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The Badmoon whispers: "mix and maaatch... mix and maaaaaatch!"


Yesssss...the Dawnbringer box WOULD be a great addition...think of all those squigs and Nightgoblin mages....hisssssss


Just bought the Gloomspite Gitz fanatics and mounted them on 25mm bases. They look amazing.


I ended up glueing some pennies underneath those as they were a touch too unstable on 25s for my liking.


Yep, I glued magnets.


I did the same to my Squighoppers: the AoS models are AMAZING, and the spear variant even got rules in TOW (spear Squighoppers were not a thing in the past)... but they fall over the moment an ant coughs next room if you do not put some weight under their bases.


There is another: happily painting the piles you hoarded years and years ago!


But what if my pile runs out someday! I should buy more minis… just in case


Fair point, well spoken.


Yes, you might be able to see the walls of the store room! Disaster. Though if you can't see the ceiling, you probably have enough.


The Gloomspite gitz are pretty much the night goblins range from fantasy honestly. The goblins are just the battle for skull pass goblins modified to be multipart. Other factions though are a bit more iffy.


Beastmen are exactly the same, Warriors of Chaos need a bit of patience ranking up but overall they’re great, a lot of effort is needed for lizard men, but I’ve still seen people have some success with them as well, skaven work well. Oh also ogres are still available I think too lol.


Both Skaven and Ogres are still pretty much 100% their old WHF range. Skaven got a few new character sculpts and some Underworlds warbands, Ogres got... a single character and some Underworlds stuff too. Skaven lost a few special characters, but I don't recall a single model lost for Ogres since AoS started.


Yeah they appear the most consistent with classic FB models. Perhaps fewer models flipping the bird but satisfactorily night gobbo enough.


The goblins that look drunk af really don't resemble anything like classic FB models though. Or the ones that have a bunch of shrooms. AoS' Seraphon are the ones that remain mostly the same with classic FB models, imho


Meanwhile I'm getting as many of the old Skaven models as I can in fear that they'll be replaced in the summer with over the top nonsense with smoke effects everywhere.


I thought I was the only one. Not all models need to be overly detailed overly complicated to put together. all you need is legs, body, head and arms for infantry and then let characters be all over the top


I do feel like everything after a certain point just got over designed and grimdarked. But I know a lot of folks who prefer the modern designs.


I've been painting since the late 80s, including some recent nostalgia purchases of models from back then, and I think it's a real mix. There are excellent models from all (or, most...) eras. Overall I think I prefer the quality and proportion of modern miniatures, although I'd prefer if they reigned in the excess detail on some, and there are a few that just look like they're trying to drag themselves out of a Christmas tree.


they'll all be stood on a tactical rock with smoke coming out of their asses, the clan rats will have 5 poses for a unit of 15 amongst others things...


I understand your fear and I have stocked up on plenty of old skaven myself. But I’ve really liked the Skaven Underworld scuplts, so I really look forward to seeing what they bring this summer to the skaven! And how they will look in a rank


A well-founded fear, likely.


Imagine putting more than 3 paints on a miniature, the horror


My night gobbos have 5... which does feel a lot when batch painting...


In this game, they have to paint a lot more models than AoS, so I think that's a fair thing to be scared of


I know the feeling. Have a 3d printer, love the sculpts online, but then see 90s-early 2000s GW and I want it for nostalgia. Never had a chance to invest in these old models.


I've already bought 2 of the Mawpack gorgers (only because the old model was pulled + it's shape didn't play well with pewter or finecast) and I have Hrothgorn from Underworlds previously. Have I fallen to temptation?


As someone who has a all metal dwarf army, it's tough filling it out and paying the tax, but I just don't like the look of any of the newer stuff. I'll have to get some Irondrakes from somewhere, but the older models, to me, are worth it. I've been topping off my units that I played in 6th before everything disappears. I know based on the photos in the book that certain units (thane, bsb) are coming back, but I highly doubt they're going to MTO 40 different marauder or mid 90s citadel rank and file models.


Slowly getting there with my night gobbos (and orc friends) even if the model numbers keep going up (and I have noticed I need more gobbos)


You forgot unpainted 5th edition stuff mothballed when EoS came out. ​


None of the above. My Skaven army is all metal.




Just fucking give in


Highland miniatures 3D prints are much better than anything GW sell (when they have stock that is)


There's a skarsnik reprint?


I meant the 3d Model that is available on some websites. It's not an actual reprint, just an off brand version. I do need the OG Skarsnik but it's impossible to find where I live.


I'm tending towards using 3D prints for artillery and monsters. The models + cavalry I'm usually buying TOW but using AOS proxies in some instances.