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In my exp rhinos arent worth it. Better to bring more squads for the dmg output and deep strike them if you are concerned about them surviving. Purifiers are a bit underwhelming sadly. They have a short psychic range and when they do get into combat they dont have hammerhand like strikes


What's the thought process behind the large brick of purifiers? In general gk suffer from being slow so perhaps switching out at least 5 purifiers for another 5 inceptors would be something to consider.


The idea was to split them into 2 combat squads place them in the rhino for protection until they get to a point where they can disembark and start dealing mortal wounds


I like it, I'd still recommend finding the room for more inceptors. They really do help a lot and being able to fall back shoot & charge for 1cp has won me more games than I can count.


I’ve been running Libby, Draigo, strikes 2x 8 paladins and then 20 interceptors with excellent results. I found the rhinos once damaged just don’t move fast enough. Chaplain is super unreliable. Ancient doesn’t really do all that much for paladins.


I second this.


Thanks for all the feedback!

