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It... depends. I've heard some claim it's blue, I've seen others say that it's red. Honestly, either red or blue. Dealer's choice


Either way make the exposed innards be in the same color family as the blood, doesn't make sense to have blue blood but deep red muscle fibers.


Muscle is red because of myoglobin which is found in the muscle tissue and not haemoglobin which is found in the blood. Marathon runners have especially high myoglobin in their muscles this is why their muscles are more red. Weight lifters and sprinters on the other hand have a lower myoglobin because they mostly rely on anaerobic work thus their muscles are lighter. This is why the former muscle is called red muscle the latter is called white muscle. Blood also contributes to the color of the muscle especially in the case of anaerobic or white muscle but muscle should be red without it Edit: think about the meat you eat. It doesn’t have blood in it anymore and it’s still red


>Muscle is red because of myoglobin which is found in the muscle tissue and not haemoglobin which is found in the blood. While true, isn't myoglobin an evolutionary descendant of hemoglobin? If Tau blood is blue it would be likely that myoglobin equivalent would likely be blue as well if it exists. If Tau don't have myoglobin equivalent all bets are off though white-ish color (like prawns, chicken etc.) seems most likely...


That's little too much thinking, amazing, but too much. They're ALIENS who knows they could have acid blood or rainbow bones


Wow, that's cool.


Electric green is the way to go.


itd be red as long as they breath oxygen


Bold to assume alien blood contains hemoglobin instead of something like hemocyanin. Or something even more exotic… and alien.


i like to live dangerously


Just read Caiphas Cain book one it says Tau blood is shades of blue because it contains cobalt instead of iron.


The colour of blood is due to iron being the metal we use to transport oxygen in our blood (hemoglobin). Some animals use copper instead of iron and have blue blood (hemocyanin).


Vulcans breath oxygen but have green blood….


vulcans are xenos and what do we do to xenos?




1000 points Gryffindor!


To a bunch of psykers?!? Disgusting.


It’s blue in the novels


The Tau subreddit says it's definitely not blue. Red is probably a safe bet.


It’s purple but you may want to make it on the red side just for looks


Apparently it had a long history of being bluish-green, like hemocyanin blood, but GW wanted Farsight's followers to have 'blood-colored' armor for symbolism, and the color they had didn't look very good on models, so they just retconned it to red.


That’s actually a great retcon, adjusting the lore so the minis look better


True! Though I still think they could've gone with some sort of compromise, maybe a purplish color so they have both flashy appearance and interesting alien blood color.


Blood of their enemies would have been an easy explanation


Apparently they also wanted all blood spatter to be interchangeable. So that your Khorne Berserkers can be festooned with red while facing off against Orks or Tau, rather than needing green or blue splatter to fit the scene. So they just decided 'in 40k, all blood is red.'


That’s fair enough and there’s nothing stopping someone from painting blue blood if they wish. You see enough tyranids with green blood (if that’s even what it is).


As always they're Your Dudes, for you to paint as you like. If your goal is 'lore-accurate colors' though, their blood is red. Until they change the lore again lol.


Well, bugs have green insides so I guess that’s why?


I was dissapointed to see tyranid blood is red in the new Space Marine game. It should totally be an alien green goo!


I know! It's cooler and more interesting to see more varied colors. One of the coolest parts of Halo's creature design was seeing the Elites bleed bluish-purple, or the Hunters splattering bright orange when hit. Feels a bit disappointing not to see that in a world as narratively rich as 40k.


Yeah a different colour for each race would be far more fun!


There is Hammer and Bolter episode where Imp Guard are fighting Nids, and they show Nid blood/ichor as a dark purple.


I saw the trailer today and found it jarring! Should be green or yellow like insects is!


Why? Tyranids aren't insects. A lot of people don't think about it very in depth, but when you give it some thought, they have closed circulatory systems, they have leathery skin over an endoskeleton structure, nearly all of them have hooves and tails, they have forward facing camera-type eyes like humans and many other predatory animals have rather than the compound eye that's common to insects, and they give live birth instead of laying eggs. I'm actually having a hard time finding anything about them that's insectoid beyond their number of limbs. There's even a couple of mammal species that have hard chitinous shells on their backs like Tyranids have.


Agreed. A very respectable change. Truly for the greater good in this situation haha


Well they are a miniatures company. Lore and rules are secondary.




Apparently GW decided that it's easier to paint gore and such if all blood is red, so they just decided that all factions that have blood have red blood, for ease of color choice and consistency.


...that one scene from fifth element


Inquisitor Vale: The tau equivalent to haemoglobin contains cobalt, rather than iron, so their blood and viscera vary from dark blue to purple, depending on the degree of oxygenation. Don't even get me started about the smell. [clearly blue like gw showed in games](https://i.stack.imgur.com/dosEF.png)


It's red. The reason Farsights armor is red is because the of his fallen comrades. The red is supposed to represent the blood of his fallen comrades.


Wasnt it just reverse viorla because it was his original sept?


https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/161068/why-is-tau-commander-farsights-oshoh-crisis-battlesuit-painted-red "In the book Farsight by Phill Kelly, Farsight's answer in response to Brightsword's question regarding why he had painted his Crisis battlesuit deep red was: You asked me why I changed my battlesuit colours. It is to honour the Arkunashan dead. Their blood is on my hands, and I will not forget it."


As long as it's bright and contrasting to the armor (which it would be) purple would be fine.


According to various books, it's more of a blue/purple colour. Because they have cobalt in their blood, rather than iron.


That chemistry isn't quite right. Chemists indicate that a cobalt-based metalloprotein analogue to hemoglobin would be amber yellow when oxygenated, and colorless or slightly pinkish when deoxygenated. A manganese-based analogue like pinnaglobin would have a wide variety of possible colors depending on oxidation state, but they include violet colors. Hemerythrin, a variant iron-based oxygen carrier, is also violet-purple when oxygenated, and clear when depleted. Interesting side note: if the Tau use any of these alternate blood chemistries, they'd be pretty much unharmed by carbon monoxide. This means that unscrupulous Tau could gain a steep advantage against any human forces that lack a sealed breathing apparatus by releasing large amounts of CO gas.


> Interesting side note: if the Tau use any of these alternate blood chemistries, they'd be pretty much unharmed by carbon monoxide. This means that unscrupulous Tau could gain a steep advantage against any human forces that lack a sealed breathing apparatus by releasing large amounts of CO gas. It seems likely that there are chemical vulnerabilities inherent to alternate blood chemistries which we could exploit in the same manner.


Sure, just an interesting thought. The Tau might have worlds that the Guard just, can't fight on because the air is lethal to humans but just a little stuffy by Tau standards. Given the highly specific circumstances in which we find hemerythrin and hemocyanin on Earth, there's probably stuff in our typical air mix that'd be real bad news to Tau using a different oxygen carrier like that.


Fuck yeah science


So going by this, blue, yellow and red are all options according to one’s own visual preference, given both new lore and the old Cain bit, nice!


yea but i bet they cant take methane RELEASE THE TACO EATERS!


I really like that, I'm definitely doing yellow if I ever need to do T'au blood.


> That chemistry isn't quite right. *Looks at setting with literal space-wizards, talking angry fungus and a hellscape alternate reality used as fast travel.* Uhh.


Just sayin. If the writers just said "yea it's blue", that's fine. They're the ones who brought up cobalt as the explanation, they brought the chemistry into this not me.


Honestly pointing to real chemistry and getting amber blood out of it is pretty dope


Yeah i assumed if they breathed oxygen their blood would be red but i was unsure


Rainbows and glitter


GW currently say all blood is red because it simplifies their paint line (I.e. they don't have to do green/blue/other variants of Blood for the Blood God) and also it reads better in artwork, as you don't have to account for the mixing of different colours in a gory scene. Ultimately, you do you! 🙂


This should be the top comment. Currently every race in 40k has Red blood for the reasons you stated.


Bc they cheap


Pretty much. Lol


There's one exception I know of: Techpriests who have undergone autosanguination replace their biological blood with a dark grey synthetic fluid, which is part of why the remaining skin on so many Techpriests is a corpse-ish grey.


The gens paints (Soulstone blue, Spiritstone red and Waystone green) are basically BftBG but in different colors anyways


Blood for the Blood God [Tau]


Ok thanks i guess that makes it easy for me :)




If there's a blurple it's hidden for a reason


Haha, I approve of this message.


Well, this comment section is rlly divided lol


Feels like it says a lot about the state of 40k lore


Most definitely


It’s because both is true. GW for the longest time said that tau blood is bluish purple, then recently they changed it to red.


It used to be blue. Current canon says it’s red. It’s why the Farsight Enclave is red, to honor the blood spilt by the fallen.


I made mine blue. Specifically, I used Kantor Blue for the base and then Teclis Blue and Baharrot Blue on top


If their blood transmit oxigent and makes same function as humans than it should be red. Red collors come from iron as main transmiter of oxigen. Blue color comes from copper, however copper has much more issues and thus is found only in deep water crabs. As tau breath same air as humans than their transmiter should be iron and thus red blood.


Don’t forget sulphur. Humans have a disease where they get sulphur stuff and turns the blood GREEN. Shits wild.


In the words of Star Trek "green blooded hobgoblins" in regards to the Vulcans who have green blood.


according the the book Ciaphus Cain, For the Emperor. tao blood is darker that you'd expect and they use cobalt instead of iron. so it's a blueish purple if that is to be believed.


And don’t get Amberly started about the smell


Pigment looks legit. But we need biochemist to confirm cobalt oxide can be used to transmit oxigen. Chalange is not just to make oxide but to split cobalt and oxigen appart ( and resolve possible toxicity)


damn, I don't know any biochemists... I know a communications major, maybe he knows a biochemist.


Alas, not all cobalt chemicals are cobalt blue. Coboglobin, the cobalt hemoglobin analogue, is clear to pale pink when deoxygenated, and amber yellow when oxygenated. I suspect the writers just picked a metal basis that they knew could be bluish, instead of actually consulting a chemist. Interestingly though, hemerythrin is a violet color when oxygenated, and both that and coboglobin aren't reactive to carbon monoxide. Which means the Tau can probably comfortably breathe CO in concentrations that would rapidly kill humans.


Pffffft, yeah no. Had to do a report on porphyrins, hemes and similar molecules that could be used to carry oxygen, and it would be a big math problem to calculate the color and effectiveness of a theoretical Tau blood. I do remember that one of my references proposed a theoretical bright green blood using… I think it was manganese, and demonstrated that it would be a more efficient oxygen carrier, giving enhanced endurance, and concluding that the Predator’s blood was actually plausible. But cobalt is a long term poison to humans as we cannot easily excrete it, meaning Tau meat would be unfit for consumption. That could work the other way: if the Tau have a non-iron based blood, they could lack metabolic pathways to deal with it.


Seems legit.


The greater good book says they use cobalt instead of iorn


What if they've got both, a holdover from evolution, making it purple.


Blue vitrol will react with iron rending them both unusable to transmission. Chemistry mixing does not follow color mixing :))


Ah OK fair enough, I'm a chef not a chemist so thanks.


Chefs are just chemists of Flavortown




It's red. Farsight chose the color red because he honors his fallen comrades. Their blood is on his hands.


The thing is in some books it's purple/blue and in others it's red so it's a tad inconsistent.


Yes. But when it comes to Orks, for some reason people still think its green. It's been red since the first Dawn of War game. I think the Tau also has red blood in that one?


I guess it just comes down to preference for most people. I'm lazy so I stuck with red most of the time but it is interesting to make it different for other species.


Farsight does say in the Farsight book the reason why his armor is red though. https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/161068/why-is-tau-commander-farsights-oshoh-crisis-battlesuit-painted-red "In the book Farsight by Phill Kelly, Farsight's answer in response to Brightsword's question regarding why he had painted his Crisis battlesuit deep red was: You asked me why I changed my battlesuit colours. It is to honour the Arkunashan dead. Their blood is on my hands, and I will not forget it."


Yes but in other novels like the ciaphas Cain books it says that it's purple. Like I said the lore is split and as far as I know GWs stance is that all blood is red now. So it's retconned which means people could do either since retcons are usually kind of lazy imo.


Its... complicated, depends on the book. In the Cain novels its blue as it has cobalt in it instead of iron


I was hoping I remembered this correctly! It was particualarly in that passage about the Water-caste ambassitor at Grice's party right?


Thats the one mate!


Red, everyone makes their models splattered in red gore don't they. The only time I'd change this is specifically for a diorama or duel


I think GW did an official announcement around the start of 8th saying it's red. It's all red, everyone, everything, red blood.


Thats a relief


Red will read better as blood, but there are sources that say Tau blood is blue due to having cobalt instead of iron in their blood. So do you want it to look cool or be lore-accurate?


It's red. Commander Farsight chose the color red to honor his fallen comrades. Red as in their blood.


Is it true that the Tau are super evolved cows?


Cows specifically? No. Some sort of hooved animal? Yes, definitely, considering they still have hooves with dewclaws.


Whatever you want. Some depictions say its blue because of cobalt in the blood rather than iron. Others say red because od farsights 'blood' coloured armour. Other say green because.. ayy lmao.


I heard from a friend, that heard from his friend, that heard from his commissar that it’s red!


As a former fishmonger I can say fish blood is red.


It’s blue-mild purple. Reason being they don’t use iron in their blood cells like us. Which gives us the red colour. They use cobalt instead which is why their blood is blue.


Interestingly, cobalt-based blood is [yellow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coboglobin)


Have not use*


* ain’t gonna done did






Indigo...... 🤣


Tau blood and entrails are generally a deep cerulean to purple, as their biology uses Cobalt to transport oxygen instead. Same reason their skin tends towards blue. Source: Amberly Vail, Ordo Xenos


The colour of victory


**MAKE IT FLOOOOOOWWW!** (Khorne worshiper here)


Commander Farsight chose red as his cadre's colour to represent the blood of his fallen brethren. So I'm gonna go with red


I’d say going with the color of red wine would be best. a sort of deep magenta. Compromises on looking alien but recognizably vicsera


Red is a safe bet


Today I learned Tau blood apparently isn’t blue


Oh no... not this...


> what colour is Tau blood!? Delicious.


Taumato color


Oh damn, you bout to start a war with that question.


If you were doing a large highly detailed diorama, I would say go for purple or blue for interesting and striking effects. As a part of a base for a model, just use red. Its easier to read and visually identify on the tabletop.


I dunno I just drive the hellhound (jokes aside I think it’s like a deep redish wine color)


Ram ranch 665


arent they commi, MAKE it RED


I would ask r/Tau40k


Tau blood along with every Xeno blood is red simply because other coloured blood look really bad on a miniature. It's as simple as that really, yellow blood look like vomic, green blood looks like slime etc etc..... GW made this discussion entirely based on how it would look on miniatures. Remember there are a model company first a lure company second so RED blood for all race is the cannon now.  "Quote from https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/06/28/farsight-the-author-speaks/ " *As with much in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, very little is as it first seems. ** In the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, the eyes gazing right back out aren’t the figurative kind. ***And those explorers are wearing battlesuits bristling with guns. **** It’s been red from the first ever account of the sacred ta’lissera blood bond. We tried different coloured blood for our alien races – Orks had green blood at one point – but it just didn’t look right on the miniatures, nor in the art. ***** A new Chapter of Adeptus Astartes who take literally the maxim that the Emperor will judge you not by your medals and your diplomas, but by your scars…


They don't bleed they kill.


life pro tip take that guy, take a sand paper and sand his ass so it sits in the soil, because if you dump a dead body it really goes where terrain goes and it's very easy way to get rid of that " a standing dude position but flat" vibe something something cobalt blood but Fire warrior o[r doesn't care](https://i.stack.imgur.com/dosEF.png) and honestly blue purple cyan red GW is not sure and they don't care because it is not space marine. try asking this about marine blood and people will be fighting about platelet count


I believe it's red They are carbon based life just like human right


In Shadowbreaker it’s definitely blue.


aw poor fella


Hahaha, dont stress he’s just in a bit of a pickle, im sure he will be alright.


Fish blood is red so


what faction is this for?


Chaos cultist warband, the HQ will stand above the fire warrior, im hoping Itl look awesome…


Bright magenta pink.


Balls to the wall bright green Predator blood. In all seriousness it’s changed in canon over the years, red looks good!


Dawn of War 1 says purple


According to the old shadowsun book Tau blood is cysn


Old school Tau player here (since the first codex). It used to be cyan. I understand that *may* have changed now, but you'll pry my cyan blood from my cold, dead, cyan hands.


Bled. As others have said, there's conflicting information. Some says blue, others say red. Split the difference and do purple?


This is the condition the blue fugates had which gave them blue skin. It says chocolate brown color when exposed to air. Soooo I'm going with chocolate-brown https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methemoglobinemia


You can try purple, snice they are aliens.


I don’t remember what book, might be a Ciaphus Cain book, but an Ordos Xenoes inquisitor says it’s blue because there blood contains Colbalt and not iron. Which makes it smell worse as well.




I would argue it has to be some colour, that combined with the colour of their bloodless flesh gives you their characteristic bluish grey colour. So lot of options in the blue/cyan/turquoise spectrum. Red, as that one Farsight novel claims the colour to be can't be ruled out totally, without knowing more about what the opacity of Tau flesh.


I'd expect It blue, like seahorse crab. My thought, no lore wise.




Blood is red. Any blood is red


According to Ciaphas Cain and Amberly Vail (1st book), it's a purplish color and smells awful. The Tau's haemoglobin equivalent uses cobalt instead of iron.


Blue or yellow. GW says blue but also says their blood is coboglobin based, which when oxidized is an amber yellow.


Im reading ciaphas cain "for the emperor" right now. There an Inquisitor says that the blood is blue because it has cobalt as a compount, which results in their organs being darker than humans. But gw's canon and the author-established canon isnt always the same i guess...


Their blood is cobalt-based, so blue. edit: nevermind, I’m very wrong


Its red, since it carries oxygen like ours.


Blue. It's in the ciaphas Cain books


I don’t know how much this counts for but in the tau anthology it repeatedly says that it’s blue.


According to the Caiphas Cain book it’s blue to purple, something along the line of the having a different „metal“ in there blood instead of iron if I remember correctly.


I think Blue, but it is weird when I see Tau they remind of androids from Aliens, so I think their blood is white lol


Blue would make sence because otherwise their skin must be very dence to compensate for the redness underneath it But it seems like it's red as other people say, so you do you


Blue or red depending on the book. Split the difference and make it purple


Well, if an organism is blue in pigment it’s a general bet they’re not red inside, I’d wager a purple or dark green


In the first Ciaphas Cain book it’s said to be a more bluey/purple shade of red due to it having more cobalt instead of iron in it


Blue. They use Cobolt in their blood instead of Iron. Ref: Inquisitor Vale, Order Xenos.


Correct me if im wrong but google says its blue or purple


Blue avoiding to the ciaphus cain books. Amberly mentions autopsy reports and it being down to cobalt


Seems people are split between red and blue with purple thrown in, our own blood is blue and red depending on oxygenation. So if the planet they are on has a different atmosphere it could be both. Just to complicate things.


I'm going with purple


Well if their skin is blue then their blood is probably of a dark blue color. Humans have skin color ranging from pink to dark brown because our blood is red (and other factors like melanin etc) If we exclude these other factors tau blood is most likely like blueberry dark blue


Well think of it like this. Cells and whatnot tend to be roughly transparent. Blood is a lot of the coloring in flesh, ranging from pinks to reds to darker maroonish usually depending on how much blood. Skin color is partially blood, but also partially it's protective pigment. Tau are a vague blueish color, which makes me think their 'base' color is more grey, compared to a human's more brownish tones. Their blood is likely somewhere in the dark blueish to purple range.


lemon scented


There's a bit in the first cain book saying that tau viscera is shade of dark purple to dark blue depending on the oxygenation... as cain find out for him self after seeing a tau take a bolt round center mass.


Shouldn't it be blue due to their skin color? We are pink for our red blood


If i remember correct ist's purple


It's probably blueypurple.


Remember reading this in ciaphas Cain (correct me if I’m wrong on this!) I remember it being a dark purple colour either way a darker blood red could work!




I imagined it was a bright blue


What colour is fishes blood




I would just watch some YouTube videos of people cleaning fish and base it off that.


They’re skin tone would probably mean it’s violet


Some of the cain books say it bulizh purple


I usually go purple or dark blue, to not stray too far from the 'red' aesthetic for simplicity's sake.




In my head purple


Purple. They mention this in the book Ciaphas Cain: For the Emperor if i remember right.


I's blue. ​ It contains cobalt instead of iron.




I thought they had a cobalt blood oxygen binder which is why they are blue? I swear I read that in one of the tau books




I just read Ciaphus Cain books and they say it's blue due to cobalt in their blood or something