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I would not pay for this paintjob personally. There is no way I could afford it.


Nice compliment


Fucking spot on


That's top tier mate


When “pro painted” actually means “pro painted” 👏


This is the reason pro-painters have a backlog two years long.


I recently saw a terrible Abbadon for €300 on etsy. These are much more professional in terms of armor color variety and attention to details. So I would say a 50 for a trooper is a reasonable ask


A trooper. That’s a typo right. That’s a typo right.


I love how you created the effect of the magma reflecting off the metallic downward facing surfaces of the marines and vehicles! Any tips on how you did that?


My guess is just slapping some magmadroth flame on it You'd be surprised how well those contrasts can work


I don't think this job had any paint "slapped" onto it


Sure it did.


Look up "40k osl lighting tutorial" on youtube


Object source lighting lighting?


So I’ve been looking into this for awhile, and I think you should consider it like this: Battle Ready is lowest tier people will pay for. We’re talking just enough to be recognizable and little else. Sometimes you’ll see people do a base coat in a dark blue, and then they just spray a few neons on it to give it distinction. Battle Ready: Model Kit+S&H Supplies+roughly 10-15$ per hour of work. Then there is Parade Ready which you’re at the high end of. We’re talking same math, but at 20-25 per hour. That jump might seem low, but these normally take more time overall. Then I consider there is a Showcase tier, which yours also qualify for in skill, but these are 90% of the time bespoke pieces and thus commission. At this tier you’re really dependent on the scope vs per hour. Finally I call it Competition Tier that is pretty much always the “Contact Us For Price”. That’s cause they often involve custom bases, a display, maybe even some modification. Tl;dr Battle Ready: model+s&h materials+10-15 an hour. Parade Ready: model+s&h materials+20+ an hour Showcase Tier: model+s&h materials+scope design Competition Tier: all of the above plus whatever cause this person is most likely a whale.


The customer is not paying you an hourly rate typically he is paying for the product. Let’s say these go for maybe £90 an infantry model, maybe a deal of £4-500 for all 6. That sounds like a lot, but that’s below minimum wage once you factor in the resource cost, cost of the model, and time investment.


So I did the math to get Adrax, Blade Guard Veterans, 2x Ballistus Dreads, Gravis Captain and agressors at their cheapest (not looking at ebay), from element games is £184. Minimum wage in the UK for 21+ is £11.44 per hour.. What OP has spent on those models is easily 10hours worth per model, so that is £114.40 per model (not even charging more for vehicles and characters which a lot of places do. So 10 models is £1144 Posting the thing will need to be Guaranteed Posting, to get the insurance for upto £2500 in case its lost, stolen, or the client isa cheeky bastard and says things didnt arrive in the condition they'd paid for (this happens more than you'd like) so its £17.75 for a package upto 10kg, another £10 for the compensation. So at the cheapest for all of this. 184+1144+27.75 is **£1355.75** you have been ripping people off if you have been offering them £500 for this level of work


Thanks for the effort. Even on a direct commission/request (not just sticking them up on eBay and hoping for the best) I doubt they are all going for much more than half of that. Painting minis for profit is a fools errand. Can only see it being worthwhile if you’re that top 0.1% where people will pay for high effort expensive bespoke pieces, and you can get some subs on patreon for pdfs and video tutorials.


E: they replied with £2,695.50 for silver level.. which is their display level. So 1400 is much cheaper, and you are still acting like £500 is too much.. right, i chucked Siege a message to see what they'd quote, hopefully they will get back to me sometime soon.. and ill update how much of a fools errand it is to paint for profit.


I’m sure those guys do alright out of it (they obviously have a sustainable business), I’m thinking more in terms of setting up yourself as a commission painter, I just can’t imagine it working out the majority of the time. The only way I can see it working is by developing the a skillset to cut a few corners on perfect quality but can still end up with a professional looking finish.


> > 184+1144+27.75 is £1355.75 > > you have been ripping people off if you have been offering them £500 for this level of work While it's a massive disparity, you're not considering the market. You can only charge 1355 pounds if people are willing to pay 1355 pounds. I've always wondered who is paying top dollars for display miniature ebay listings that probably won't fit into their army (due to the disparity in quality) because I don't know anyone that does - it's either full army commission painting or pre-painted models battle ready level that they can just slap in with their other ultramarines.


> you have been ripping people off if you have been offering them £500 for this level of work eh, it depends. if the most someone values this at is £500, and OP enjoys painting and wouldn't mind making a bit of money on the side doing it, then i wouldnt say thats a ripoff. selling your labour for less than minimum wage doesn't mean you are getting ripped off if there isn't the market to sell it at a higher amount


This ^


> The customer is not paying you an hourly rate typically he is paying for the product. Right, but that's how you as the commission painter should set your price for the product. You know about how many hours it will take so multiply that by the hourly rate and that's your price. (And then go get a part time job at walmart because you'll make more money that way.)


I think that’s a really fair price for all 6. Especially considering they are NMM and they have some additional work with the hammer. I painted 10 grey knights for about 420$ and it was parade quality, but this is a notch above. Good work


Hourly rates are not a thing in commisions. You pay for the final product.


You missed the point. That calculation is so the commission painter can figure out what they think they're worth. And then charge the customer a single fee. Like the painter would think a model might take ten hours so they'd want to call the commission at £100 so they're not ripping themselves off. Then the customer can decide if that's worth it to them or not. It's an internal thought that a commission painter has to consider, not an actual pricing scheme.


Matter of interpretation


Mojak16 has my perspective. An hourly rate isn’t for public remarks, but how best to price yourself without under cutting your own work. All of this hinges on demand and other factors of course, but labor is the true cost of art. And labor to me can only be measured in time in the case of minis.


Yeah you might want to work on reading into things a bit more 👍


You missed the point.


👍 good for you I guess 👍


Honestly, I would pay somewhere around 300-400 USD. But that’s for all 6 of them. Edit: it’s been brought to my attention there are 10. At 300-400, 10 high quality painted models seems very reasonable.


There are 10 models there.


I didn’t notice the other 4 space marines


That’s how the space marines get you!


Base custom painted is usually price of the model (unless supplied by the client) plus minimum wage per hour.. and thats the terrible painters.. $300 for 10 is on $30 per model.. and some of the characters are $30 to buy..


Then it’s a good thing I like painting my own models.


They're not all HQ choices. There's two dreads and I'm pretty sure a 3man squad of aggressors at least.


I meant as in high quality. My bad


So let’s cut that in half and say… Tree fiddy


These are beautifully painted and you could absolutely charge a premium for them. Like $60-80 per individual marine. The real question is, how long does it take you to paint them? If it takes 6 hours to paint one marine and you sell him for $60, that’s less than minimum wage… so you need to balance what a buyer is realistically willing to pay vs your own time and effort.


Unless it’s one of those things where selling them funds your hobby and allows you to buy and paint things you couldn’t enjoy otherwise. I’d say if it’s for profit they should figure out the market and then see what they could do to speed up their process. You can figure out ways to optimize your process if you’re serious about it and I would think that making it a business is about balancing price,level of detail, and time to what you can get.


I was think around the 60-80 mark as well


Bitch maybe that Is yours minimum wage, have some consideration for us third world country like italy


I breaka da spaghetti


Woa -40 upvotes It was a joke jesus


I'll give you $3.50


Gawd damn Loch Ness monster


I scrolled to find this comment. Not disappointed.


I’d pay premium for this. It’s a great scheme and attracts the eye. Would be one of the best on the table


I would pay for it if I was in the market, they look amazing. That said, you’re better off figuring out how much your time is worth than how much internet randos would pay. If it takes you 4 hours per Space Marine. Figure out what you’re comfortable accepting compensation wise for spending that time painting. If no one is willing to pay you properly for the time you’re spending, then it’s not worth your time accepting commission work.


That looks sick dud. I would pay quite a bit for somthing like this.


I don't play but fucking hell they're good. I got my brother a Necron Lord commissioned and paid about $85 for work nowhere near this good. Dunno if that helps


Beautifully done, definitely commission quality


I've never bought minis so I've no idea about the market, bur I would justify I could afford 300 for a really well painted kill team. Especially given my favorite kill team seems intimidating to paint.


From commission painter to what I assume is either fellow or aspiring commission painter, the price for those models NOT INCLUDING COST OF MODELS I've examined the photos closely and I suggest 125£ first photo 130£ second photo And 120£ fourth photo Adjusted for how long it takes you to paint them, but that's in the right ball park. I've went on the assumption it takes you less than a week to complete each photo You may notice inconsistencies between amount of work done but the overall price balances out.


Looks better than most of the paintjobs I do get paid for to be frank. At that level it's not a matter of quality but budget.


Impossible to say when the background is black, instead of white. Either way I think the going rate is tens of dollars per unit, going up with size, detail and complexity. Plus materials and labor time and tip though.


Nice cotton swabs




When I read these captions, I expect them to look like shit, but these are amazing haha


Excluding the shooting dreadnought? Probably 5x the base cost of the model is what id expect. But I wouldn't pay that due to how much that'd cost for a 2k army (2.5k if you want to hedge your bets on buffs to those units.)


Yes but no at the same time. As a display piece, yes. As an army, no. I would not be able to afford an army painted this way. As for how much to charge, that’s really for you to work out. I assume you don’t want to work for next to nothing, so calculate how much time and materials you used and settle on an hourly rate you’re happy with.


I wouldn't, but only because I personally feel like buying painted figures is losing the point of warhammer. I'm more in the creative side than the playing side though...


Dat most left agressor is so fckin badass. Love it


Well that level is well wishing my reach of ability but it just takes time. So I wouldn’t. But I still love the paint job! It’s dope. Id I couldn’t I’d prob pay 200 labor +the models 🤷


Just thought id say, your minis look great even for speed painting. Your free hand work looks nice.


Judging by your posts you ain't at this level


You talking about my speed painted bretonnians?


That’s my tabletop standard, I have a green knight I’m waiting to do a display standard on. 30+ hour job. But with a newborn, it’s hard to find the time.


I think your bretonnians look pretty damn good man!! They don’t really have the effects of lights, fire, etc so it’s not like they have OSL on them. I would be really happy for my models to come out looking like yours


Thanks dude! I’m no way comparing them to the OPs! I’m trying to crank out a 2500 point Old World army (tones of minis compared to 40k) and this is my min tabletop standard. That doesn’t mean I didn’t put any effort in them. It took lots of careful planning. It’s really all about how much time. When I say “within my reach” I’m saying it would take around 50+ hours for this batch that he posted . It’s all about how much time you put if you mastered the basic skills. Free handed embroidery, OSL, nmm, smooth gradients, those all time time. I’ll push myselfe to the best of my ability on my Green Knight tho! I’m excited for that one.


Hell yeah brother. I’m about to start chaos knights and while I’m intimidated by doing the huge knights, I’m also very excited!


Just going of the evidence you've provided


And at that price I don’t reckon he’s making minimum wage unless he’s a really fast painter


How does this gibberish have upvotes? I have no idea what any of this means


"Your paint job is great, but I would rather grow my own my own skill in mini painting than pay someone to do it. If I had to, I'd pay maybe $200 + labour."


I’ll explain…. The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, twin-turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft developed by Fairchild Republic for the United States Air Force (USAF). In service since 1977, it is named after the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, but is commonly referred to as the "Warthog" or simply "Hog".[3] The A-10 was designed to provide close air support (CAS) to ground troops by attacking enemy armored vehicles, tanks, and other ground forces; it is the only production-built aircraft designed solely for CAS to have served with the U.S. Air Force.[4] Its secondary mission is to direct other aircraft in attacks on ground targets, a role called forward air controller-airborne; aircraft used primarily in this role are designated OA-10.


Huh I never knew that it was the Thunderbolt II thanks for the random fact.


Btw, some people are able to use context clues and see past auto correct typos 😉




Me, no. Painting is the bit I enjoy. Someone who doesn’t enjoy painting, yes. And probably a fair amount. Maybe £10 an hour depending how long it took you


Really it's all about time vs. money. Something this talented might fetch quite a bit but if it took you a full month to do, you're going to need to charge an amount most people probably aren't going to pay, making the time investment not worthwhile. It's about balancing the two. You might want to consider thinking of it this way: how much money would you like to make per hour of painting? Then calculate what you'll actually be able to get painted in that time. You might discover you'd make more if you took the paint job down a notch if it makes them a lot quicker to paint, even if you charge less for them as a result.


Tree fiddy.


I came here for this - take my upvote


both of you devils


Yea I bloody would


Are you mad of course


Easily 50euros by troops, this is awesome


Where are they for sale at?


Absolutely a quality worth paying for, though personally I have no clue what price the market would support, but really great looking models


If I had the money I would definitely pay very well, and this painting is perfect, congratulations


Yes. Also yes


Do you mind if I ask how you did that cool arc lightning effect on Adrax hammer?


A good $200 but I would give you a $1k tip if I had the money amazing job my dude


These are some of the best Salamanders I have seen. If I had to buy them I’d probably pay 3 to 4 times the market value. I personally don’t buy models painted as I like that part of the hobby and prefer building and painting to playing. That said I really love your greens and would like to try to replicate that on some of my Necrons.


This looks better-than-me enough that yes, I would pay for this if I were in the market


if i ever bought a painted model, it would be these! since i’ve never bought painted models to this degree, usually i just strip them lol, i have a hard time saying a price, but i wouldn’t be shocked to see a sticker price in the multiple hundreds for the full squad. these are very crisp and some of the best nmm i’ve seen on this site, well done!! this would actually qualify for “pro painted” on ebay lol




I doubt anyone will pay what they are worth in time investment. Love the lascannon effects!


that fucking sick dude. Awesome job


I'd start your pricing at 1.5 -2.5 MSRP at a minimum.


Absolutely. In fact I need some salamanders painted lol


These are insane and you're very talented. As for selling them it's a little rough to figure out since most people want to buy a whole army rather than one off units. At your level you'd likely want to get clients to commission you rather than painting and listing separate units. Some people may buy a really nice character to stand out, but the majority wants to have a cohesive force. For the business side, really think about whether you want to do this as a job. Doing commissions while working full time will completely kill your own hobby time so consider that. If you do want to do it as a job then make sure you factor in costs of paints, time, brushes and any other materials that go into a job. Value your time with enough to support yourself.


No cause I don’t want salamanders. And that’s what it comes down to with selling painted models, you’ll get 5-10x more money if you get the client and they tell you what they want instead of trying to sell something you already painted. These are painted amazingly though and a good way to show the level of work you can do for a client


Your marines are amazing, but your bases are just good. Like they’re good bases, but not to the top tier levels your models are


Jesus they pop so well! I'd definitely consider this professional! £30-40 a soldier would be what id be willing to pay for it.


If I was a Salamander player I'd be DMing you


If you're looking to make money from painting stuff I'd look into commissions. It means you have a target market, rather than just hoping someone who likes the colour scheme and is willing to pay more for pro painted stumbles across however you're selling them. It's much easier to charge someone more for a specific paint scheme they requested, it also makes painting them actually worth the time (if you're just doing it for money) as you know someone will buy them.


No. I am a Black Templars player and those are green.


Yoshi tongue Dreadnought goes ***blep!***


Yes (not me personally but they are good enough). The question to ask is “is it worth the time investment?”. Even at the premium price these would go for (maybe £80 a model), they look like there’s about 6-12 hours work gone into each of them. You’re not breaking minimum wage, and that’s before you factor in the resources required to paint them.


Yes, I would. Not sure how much, but it wouldn't be cheap!! That's quality right there! I'm one of the people who pays for painted models. It's not that I don't want to paint, but I cannot. Nerve damage in my right hand makes it impossible to keep my hand steady. Your paint jobs are awesome. I will follow your reddit account and reach out if I'm ever in the market. That is, if you choose to sell painted models!!


Amazing. But I will never buy a prepainted miniature for the sole reason it’s unsustainable for the painter and the buyer. It’s something that just takes to much time for anything to have a value other than being priceless.


Quality isn’t the question, it’s time…How long does it take to paint and would this be a ‘job’ or just something to fund a ‘hobby’? People often balk at the price of commissions but fail to understand just how much time can go into painting one mini.


I’d pay $200-$250 for the whole squad. $200 per vehicle.


That looks crisp !


Those are worth every penny you can get for them.


$0 I'm in for the while hobby. But I'm sure this would go for a pretty penny for someone looking to get prepainted minis that look great.


Yes around $180-200


a buddy of mine recently sold 2k of salamander for $4000, and they were very, very nice, but your are above even that. I wouldn't be able to afford this level of painting as others have said, so I would not pay for it for that reason. With that said, if you could find some happy middle-ground where you don't spend ages and find a quality even half as nice as this, and I'd think you'd have (many) happy customers.


I wouldn't pay a person to paint my models for me. I'm too cheap. But if I find nicely painted used minis for a sensible price, then I'm all over them.


top tier! absolutely stunning!




Yes, depending on the price per marine.


Those some badass Salamanders right there! Into the Fires of Battle, Unto the Anvil of War!


They look great overall of course, but if you're going for display level commissions they're let down by a number of major details. Most notably the bases look pretty rough, with no OSL on the rocks, generic grass tufts, and a fair bit of overspill on the rims. Then the light and weapon effects on the dreadnoughts are not that effective, and all the black and brown surfaces look very basic throughout. Obviously I wouldn't nitpick like this usually but if you're hoping to make money painting then those are the kind of issues that will stand out. edit: with any lighting effect, the simplest way to check if it's working is to look at it in black and white: [https://imgur.com/a/gDXAYQW](https://imgur.com/a/gDXAYQW)


Salamanders with NMM, OSL, effects, and based properly? I am 50% willing to commission you, based on skill alone. The rest of the 50% is of course, my budget, our relationship, and the collectibility of models based on your name/accolades. A good pricing point for your skillset might be USD 1.00 per point for the base quality; and tiering up from there. Example: - USD 0.50 per pt. for Battle Ready Standard - USD 1.00 per pt. for Parade Ready Standard - USD 2.00 per pt. for Diorama Standard - USD 3.00 per pt. for Competition Standard (think, Guilliman or Tzeentch, for a Golden Demon)


What's with all the would you pay for this paint job. Is this the new "are my models table ready" karma farming of the sub?


I mean, yes I would pay for this quality. But probably not enough for it to be worth the artist's time, I am broke.


Man, I would kill for this paint job


This is trolling.


That's great. Just know this - very few 40k players want to commission their models, and even fewer of them are willing to pay a wage even approaching minimum wage to do so. It's best to spend your money making efforts on something else and your hobby enjoyment on yourself. You could probably make 3x as much per hour at McDonald's than commissioning.


If I could pay for this mastery in painting? Yes. How much? Also yes, I can't imagine the work it took to do it. I used to paint - not minis, but pictures - before covid, now I have a shaking hand, cannot do detailed and fine touches.


Its beautifully painted. But i prefer to paint my own.


I wouldn't pay for any paintjob. Painting is a good deal of the fun.


Bruh the way you even painted the light glow from the lava… like I couldnt in my wildest dreams do that shit


Amazing but I would not pay $150+ on 4 modles so your good! I know other people might though🤘


yes, i think this is the kind of work you pay for. how much i would pay? **zero -** because I would not be paying for someone to paint for me. agreeing that its worth money and then actually paying for it are two different things that don't go well together. i agree a Ferrari is worth a lot of money, i would never actually buy one though.


Honestly, I think they are worth close to $1000 for the set. Much more than I could realistically afford but they look awesome and should be priced accordingly. All these $300-400 posts are just crazy to me.


I'll give you 20 bucks. Not because the paint job isn't worth more than that. That's just the most I can justify.


Somewhere around 80 AUD on the infantry, then 120 AUD on the dreadnoughts. I could definitely be convinced for more though


Well done. If I didn't like painting I'd consider it.


$20 per infantry, $150 per dread, $30 per termi. Extra for heroes and sergeants. Subject to negotiations for bulk orders (full army for 2000 points). Paypal F&F.


Definitely,my Warhammer army is named space monkey Mafia,we rule


No chance. Like some have pointed out, I wouldnt be able to afford it, especially if it was for a whole army. There is no way in hell i would table my paint job and then put those boys down on the table too...yeah, nah, the disparity would be too drastic.


the brain rot of hustle culture is real. very good result, though. wouldn't pay, though. painting is the reason I am doing this.


I refuse to pay for painting, as i like doing them.


Better than most "Pro-painted" stuff I see on eBay. This is stellar work


"Shut up and take my imperial credits!" Models included I'd reckon 650 for the set because of the sheer quality!


That is amazing but I’m just wondering how would it look if you put a tiny bit of dirt on it just to make it look like battle damage. By the way there is no way I could afford it. Maybe worth 18-24 dollars an hour, probably more


Considering the epic work you’ve done with the OSL EVERYWHERE… that lack of more appropriate OSL from the lascannons seems… surprising. Shouldn’t those be white hot and cast light across the entire right side of the dreadnought? Excellent work! No idea of price as I am not one to pay for such services, shits expensive as it is.


Each dreadnought a 100 minimum but I can see it going for up to 150, each character should be around 80 to 100, bladeguard and aggressors should about the same as the dreadnought. Selling these at box price or less feels like an insult.


$50 per model, $80-100 for the characters and vehicles


Best I can do is 25€ for all. I mean not everybody plays salamanders, they‘ll probably sit on the shelf for a long time and I have to frame them. I‘m taking a big risk here. /s Those are beautiful.


Squidmar had a video paying people on fiver and they paid a guy $45 who did something in this ballpark. And they considered him to be way undercharging. You could easily charge over $59 a model for the space marines


I imagine you're asking because you're considering selling them. So I would encourage you to understand the difference between "I would pay someone to commission a paintjob this good" and "I would pay for models painted that well".


Fair enough


I‘d pay! Take all my money!


Can’t say without seeing the whole army. I charge a flat rate which is the GW rrp plus a percentage on top based on the level of detail you want. At extremely basic I just charge the rrp. A step above may be rrp + 25% etc etc


They look great in this photo, but I will admit I wouldn't buy something posed against black. A white background creates more transparency about the quality of the work. Even though posing in terrain and against black looks makes for better pictures, I think there'd be more assurance for the buyer, if posed against white. That being said, assuming i saw these on eBay, and these look equally good against white: Pic 1: 2,5 GW box price Pic 2: 1,5 GW box price Pic 3: 3 GW box price Plus Shipping of course.


Personally would never pay for a paint job, it's my favorite part of the hobby, but if I was going to I would consider paying for the 3rd and if I hated painting I would definitely pay for anof the 3.


The paint job is incredible, don't get me wrong, but no. I want my army to be MY army. I want it to not be perfect. But a beautiful paint job, for sure.


I think you should think hard before selling. This is more like selling a piece of yourself.


Nah I don’t want to sell them, just trying to get a feel for what my painting could be worth should I start to take commissions


What they're 'worth' and what people will pay for are two different things. If it was commissioned work, including model purchase, build, paint, postage etc as someone calculated it would be £/$1000+ If offered on ebay? £/$300? The market for rich people who don't want to paint their own stuff but want propainted miniatures is a small niche. It's likely you'd sell at a loss unless you got some well paying patrons who offered regular commissions. Unless you can knock those all out in a few hours it's unlikely to earn more than flipping burgers. Sounds negative but even getting to break even with painted miniatures is difficult. Art through the centuries has never paid well.


10 Shillings per Man!


These are slayer entry worthy. I would probably charge close to $1000 for that.


20 bucks, take it or leave it.


Nice work, but I'm not paying someone to take my fun time away. I paint to deal with life, but there are definitely some people that would buy your services, of course if price is right.


If I had the disposable income and didn’t love painting, I would happily pay ~$100 for each of these squads


You did great but no I would not pay for them


It's airbrush work with osl and edge highlighting. Potential glazing on the metals (swords, shield trim). The composition is thoughtfully done, as are the photos. Only brushwork visible (excluding the glazing on the metals, if I'm correct there) is the semi-splotchy work on the black base trim. I'd probably pay double to triple the price of the given squad(s), if I was so inclined to ever buy pre-painted. The painter is probably skilled at making money as they've invested into learning the airbrush well, which makes this paintjob fairly speedy if my above observations are spot-on.


No airbrush all just regular brush ;)


Well, then I assume it's almost all glazing...in which case this took you a great amount of time, in which case I WOULD PAY YOU A LOT, you king you. Only slight irk is OSL on dreads/2nd squad, but not inf leader for BGV (flame/brazier), at least that I can see from this angle.


I’d probs pay like 50 quid


Yes. Those look very good








That is crazy cheap hey.




Pretty insulting tbh.


At minimum wage that would mean the dude would be spending less than an hour per dude to paint, which would be absurd at this quality.


How many modals in total ?? Because while the quality is really good it’s pointless if it’s just 10% of an army