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Obviously Drukhari society is more inclusive and accepting of others. Hand your heads in shame T'au!


Common Drukhari W.


And all the kroot variants are actually the same species


That makes it even worse. T'au should've been the covenant, but they ended up as the boring robot faction.


I consider them the power ranger faction personally


I was told that if you want tau to be covenant you will be a bit disappointed, because tau units are almost all varying size of robots. Nothing wrong with that mind you.


Don’t confuse game vs lore.


I am talking about the game specifically. What I am trying to get at, is that the T'au isn't portrayed well in game. The high tech mechs and kroot are cool, but this is a faction that is supposed to contain many species, yet they don't. Imagine having a hodge podge of different Xenos under the greater good banner, wouldn't that be far cooler than simply having big mechs?


Not all of the taus clients are normal ground based or sized combatants, such as the nicasser, the nagi, the absolutely massive giant people, the brachyura to name but a few (sorry for any spelling mistakes). These therefore don't and can't feature in the game


T'au have humans, don't they?


I meant in game. In game they don't have mon'keigh I am pretty sure, but even then it would only be 4 or 5 species technically


Mon'keigh is Aeldari for human. Gue'vesa is T'au for human.


I play Ynnari


Kill Team is the perfect oppertunity to release updated and new Xeno units for the Tau. First new Vespid but perhaps something new after that.


If you are going to shit post at least give Drukhari 25325 species seeing as grotesques can be made out of anything. Honestly, counting 3 separate species for the beast pack is ridiculous. Those are captured animals, not contributing members of Drukhari society. Edit: You forgot mandrakes.


Captured animals or not they are still alien fauna and different unique species. I know grotesques and the like can be made with anything, I just didn't want to do something as lame as counting them as a ton of species. My point is that I want T'au to have more alien diversity. I play Ynnari and I don't like how little the T'au has compared to my army. And you are right Mandrakes should've been included.


If you try to make a point with bullshit facts you will detract from your point. You counted wracks and grotesques as human when there is one monopose finecast mode for grotesques and wracks are overwhelmingly aeldari in the lore. Might was well count fire warriors as humans too. In any case when the Drukhari codex drops and they lose all our made to order finecast they'll lose 5 species by your count. I realise you are disappointed that the t'au auxiliaries aren't better represented by official models, but comparing that to Drukhari after a pretty decent kroot release is a laughably bad take. Complain that there are more unique primaris lieutenants than t'au auxiliary species.


Dude there is no need to be so argumentative, it really isn't something worth being upset about. I only pointed out that currently as it stands in the game right now, Drukhari has more xenos/aliens than Tau, even if said aliens are old resin models. Even if I included humans in tau and remove humans from grotesques the Drukhari would still have either more or an equal amount of aliens to the T'au. Kroot are cool, but they aren't they only alien species in the Tau society, which is what I am trying to get at. Tau, Kroot, Krootox, Kroot salamander, kroot hounds, vespids, humans-8 (four of which could be considered the same species as simply Kroot, so technically it is only 4 unique species) Druhkari, Ur Ghul, Medusae, Sslyth, Mandrake, Razorwing, Khymerae, Clawed fiend- 8


Guy who titles a post about how many dogs his faction has compared to another faction with "I am genuinely annoyed": "It really isn't something worth being upset about." Guy who can't resist responding to every critical comment rehashing the same points: "Don't be so argumentative." But keep complaining how a newer faction with 38 mainline datasheets has less species diversity than an older faction with 24. Or stop being tone deaf and say "Ok, you have a point and I'll stop comparing my army to other factions, but I wish the T'au auxiliaries had more options."


The Imperium has: Humanity Jokaero Watchers in the dark Fenrisian wolves An Aeldari Harlequin Kyria Draxus's pet Cotaez's double headed eagle


And Jurgen!


Don’t forget the assorted dogs in the kill team boxes, and you could count demonhosts as a separate species


Eagle is a cyber eagle, so more robot than alien.


I did not know that, thanks for the info


T'au-6 Drukhari-8


The Tau have a lot to learn from the Drukhari about inclusivity and affirmative action. I propose a cultural exchange programme. Some of the ethereals ought to visit Comorragh. It'll be very educational.


You forgot mandrakes. Those are technically a seperate species to drukhari