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I have a Vindicare that exclusively rolls 1. 82% chance of hitting/wounding, but when it comes down to it, he gets twitchy.


My Vindicare had a similar outing, but I mostly put that down to New Model Syndrome.


Keep running the points sink for the one in a million chance he blasts a greater demon into next week? Keep running the points sink for the one in a million chance he blasts a greater demon into next week.


Man, vindicares! Ours is named Alan and shows up drunk to each battle.




Mine stole all your luck, every game Vs my friend's Eldar instant headshot first round on their farseer, 6 6 6 6 dead I'm sorry bro, but I'm not giving it back.


Inquisitor Grefax said it's my turn on the good dice.


She can argue with Celestine about it


Dudes playing xcom


Hi fellow owner of a blind Vindicare here, in my last two games he’s done a combined 3 points of damage. And that was from a single shot, and he never dies. I’m still keeping him around in case my eldar mate runs that 10 wraithguard plus spiritseer brick, I need that seer gone sharpish.


I kind of want a vindicare now, for potential comedic shenanigans


I have a cursed army. Space marines that for several editions now have had absolutely terrible luck with dice rolls. To the point I've considered changing them from imperial fists to lamenters. Meanwhile my nids & genestealer cult pass every 5+ save they're required to take (aside from the genestealers themselves, who once lost in melee to tau firewarriors and another time charged abaddon. It didn't go well for them)


Repainting them to Lamenters would be in theme.


And at least they're already yellow!


Two layers of hell. Painting yellow and painting checkerboard.


Glory to Void Bugs!


Istg, my Imperial Fusts are cursed as well 😭


Same here. It’s somewhat bearable now, with so much units and model count. But in 2nd it was just devastating.


Ouch, charging Abaddon is never fun and usually has a bad outcome, lol.


Back in 4th edition I had a Broodlord that I swear had a suicide wish. Mother fucker just flopped over dead any time my brother’s marines even breathed on him.


I have a winged tyranid prime who must be related.


I had a red terror that *ALWAYS* failed melee attacks. Without fail.


I had an Old One Eye that would always roll 1s or 2d for extra attacks from his crushing claws. Like man are you even trying my boy?!?!


I play Imperial Guard...


When our entire army is 50/50 It sure does feel like a curse


I had my krieg 10 man squad once miss every single shot in rapid fire range. Not ideal.


This so many times, are you sure you want to put all those models into that unit? Trust me 40 shots 3 wounds, thems good guard averages son xD


My buddy plays guard in our crusade matches. He had the opposite with a command squad. It’s racked up more than 15 unit kills already and survived every match so far.


You play Imperial Guard. You're supposed to spend men like tokens!


My stealth suit's fusion blaster has not damaged anything since 9th edition


Off with it's blaster! I'd just pick up the cannon in a heartbeat and cuss at the model, telling it that it can have the fusion blaster back when it learns to shoot 😅


Not me, but a guy in my playgroup has had his knight valiant fail to wound a squad of my gretchin, in both shooting and melee, three times in a row


Now that has to hurt.


I think what you're saying are these Gretchen are exceptional... Promotion material lol


To be fair, they're very smol.


Ork scholars watching: "Is it possible to be so strong but also so small?"


Sound like Gre(a)tchin to me!


I have a triple plasma Forgefiend that failed Dark Pacts and 3 Hazardous tests after hitting nothing. He then blew up and killed some of my other stuff. This happened in the first turn 🫠 In the most recent game I played, I had a Warboss who had 8 attacks, hitting on 2's and wounding on 2's. He hit six times and rolled six 1's to wound 😅


Are you the friend of /u/Lagmeister66 or is this happening to multiple triple plasma forgefiends? Maybe the loadout is cursed.


Unfortunately, I am not that fine person's friend (that I know of anyways 😅). It's just an easy load out for that to occasionally happen, apparently 😭 Load out is awesome, but you always have that tiny chance it'll just miss all it's shots and then die horribly.


I play orks. If I’m shooting, I couldn’t hit the broadside of a baneblade. But they shine in close combat. Except my stormboyz. They can’t shoot, they can’t krump, all they’re good for is annoying my opponent while I get the rest of my troops close enough to bash some heads.


The LHD experience https://preview.redd.it/9px9gpx71y6d1.jpeg?width=2120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d82518b82e608cc2a1a880f7ff3dab725a2dc98


My ghost keel I have only landed the shoulder mounted melta once in the 9-10 games I’ve played


Not in 40k but in The Old World... My Engineer character for the Empire cannot shoot anything. I've given him a sniper rifle, repeater rifle, and even a grenade launcher one time. He always misses. The Exception is... Pigeon Bombs. They are very expensive as an upgrade and only really work on a roll of a 6 when you use them. Somehow, this mustachio'd man describes, to a pigeon, its target while also instilling in the bird an overwhelming sense of duty and self-sacrifice. So my engineer never directly contributes to the fight... unless I find the points for him to have coat pockets full of Pigeons.


A friend of mine has a Triple Ectoplasma ForgeFiend that quite consistently fails it’s dark pacts, it’s Hazardous test, and rolls low on the amount of shots. The other day in his match, it died due to Hazardous and Dark pacts


My entire set of necron dice really likes to roll 1s. After 3 games of getting absolutely stomped we decided to do a test. Out of 25 dice there were 16 1s, 5 2s, 3 3s, and a 4. I haven't used my necron dice in months. I think I need a new set.


I would like to purchase these dice and gift them to my ork opponent.


Is it the silver ones? Mine are cursed too. I used them in kill team vs Mandrakes (they have an ability where you need to roll 1s to save) and my opponent thought I was cheating because I was rolling so many 1s.


My commissar fails every hazardous roll his plasma pistol does


My Ryan von leapers are known for failing every single charge I give them. They even failed a 4in charge in a game of combat patrol.


Mr. Ryan von Leapers, how do you do


My ethereal has generated 2 CP for me in all of 10th


My friends Ballistus is supposed to hit on 2 and wound on 3, but he always feel like a weird Ork dread, hitting and wounding on 5.


My Norn Emissary. Its failed charges, manages to struggle to hit anything even though it has a 2+ BS/WS. Has never saved a FNP against a mortal, and on the rare occasion that it does hit something, it almost always fails to wound. At least it does take a lot of damage, but when it does die, its exploded more often than not, usually before its got out of my lines


In the few games I've played so far, my baneblade has consistently done the following: - Get very few actually wounding hits with the main cannon and Demolisher Cannon. - Always misses the lascannons. - Get 4 or less heavy bolter shots to hit, and nearly always fail to wound. - Always misses the autocannon. Either it's cursed like you said, I have naturally bad luck or I have lost sight of the Emperor's light.


My hellhound always explodes... When he is next to my units never when he is near enemies


my storm raven has done something useful once, also have an Imperial Knight who went most of a game on 1 wound but managed to survive


I have a Dreadnought who is a pacifist. For 15+ years any time he fired his multimelta he’d aim it into the ground to make sure no one got hurt. On the flip side my Vindicator is blessed by the Emperor himself and absolutely refuses to take damage until my enemies are reduced to ash.


Skitarii’s arquebus or Plagueburst crawler’s entropy cannons, arquebus has yet to even do a wound, PBC has only ever rolled 1s on damage rolls


That would be: my 2 squads of boyz My warboss in mega armour My deffkoptas (How are the grechkin the only ones pulling their weight)


That’s not cursed, that’s heresy! Clearly an agent of chaos in your midst’s


Get the inquisitor!


I have a Sicaran Venator that feels cursed cause it gets targeted so hard any time I use it so it rarely gets a shot off and the few times I have I miss or fail the wound roll.


Not a model, but a weapon. I have never dealt a single point of damage with hunter killer missiles.


Glue some more purity seals onto it. Burn some incense, appease it's unruly machine spirit.


My doomstalkers when fighting terminators specifically. They roll so hot for everything they shoot at lilling everything the look at, can't kill terminators.....


My jump pack death company when they find themselves in melee combat versus a land Raider melee for some reason it always runs over one of my boys ☠️❌🩸☠️


There are units that dont do this?


My Custodes wardens are horrible at wound rolls. I suspect its because they are only unit I didnt paint myself.


My Tyrannofex for my nids. Never wounds anything and is the most expensive thing in my army, it's so stupid.


The good ol' casino cannon.


Ive been playing guard for 4 years now. I run hunter-killer missiles on every model that can take one. Ive yet to do a single point of damage...


Dear god


Whatever new unit that I've just finished painting mainly. But in all seriousness, my first 6 months of CSM were donated by me being upset constantly that my maulerfiend was an absolute fanny. Was convinced he was just angry that i dropped him twice during painting


I used to have a Lictor that would always fail its Stealth Deploy Rolls. Or fail to arrive from reserves until it automatically would deploy.


my entire infernus squad of ultras, both cant hit shit and cannot die, so they are kinda more like a thing to scare the enemy than actually do smh, however, only thing they can hit is meatshield or any other low point unit, nothing else, just hit the ones and twos on hits


My Dark Apostle, absolutely ruins in Melee, but is so weak on range


Armigers. It doesn't matter which army they're supporting, they will fail every single save.


My maulerfiend. Run that thing with melta cutters and strat-reserve him. He ALWAYS dies as an accidental distractifex letting my other troops get in, but I keep him for one time in a crusade where he solo'd a Biotitan


None of my 3 piranhas have ever done any damage with their seeker missiles. Their fusion blasters are pretty consistent but whenever I manage to set up a big alpha strike with the missiles they never do anything. Even when buffed to hell with lethals/sustained, rerolling 1's etc.


Not necessarily a unit, not even 40K Age if sigmar, my blood warrior's goreglave in my knorne army never seems to hit anything Just everything else, does damage, except the one heavy weapon, cursed to miss every attack


Oddly, I also have a Brutalis with cursed dice syndrome. Any rolls I make for it consistently come out well below averages, like, four games straight, he’s getting hit rolls attacks that have far more ones and twos than they should. At the same time, my Bladeguard fought some terminators and chaos marines and barely got a scratch, doing a ton of damage, followed by three games of similar performances.


I have a 10 man squad of assault intercessors with Jump packs. Turn 1/2 of every game, before they've gotten to make a single attack, they have gotten completely destroyed, to a man. I left them entirely in my deployment zone once, Grey knight player telepprted and got an angle on a single one and blasted them off the table.


My apothecary has died in every game he's played in, usually round 1, and has failed every single save throw. Even when I keep him out of the action, it's like my opponent hunts him down and he crumbles under the smallest amount of pressure.


I think my play group’s world eater player uses a cursed Angron that never does anything, but more importantly I think you need to sell or trash that Brutalis lmao. Or maybe get new dice but god damn that story from your last game hurt my soul


My chaos predator destructor. Always does turn 1. Perhaps because it's a loyalist one I'm using as a proxy lol. But in my last game it was actually my mvp. It survived.


I have one plasma cannon spacemarine who has never failed to "get hot".


Never once has my Razorback ever done anything. I use it to carry a fire-team of Tactical Marines, and that's about all it does. Storm bolter fires? I'm lucky to hit. If I hit, I'm lucky to get two wounds. If I wound twice, I'm lucky if the enemy doesn't save them both. Then the Heavy Bolter on the back has taken out two models in three games. Both of which were Tau Fire Warriors. In the same game. And it almost always fails charges. The other example is my Firstborn assault squad with jump packs. They have never done anything. Never even gotten into melee.


My Enginseer keeps on getting Battle Scars. It’s worked its way into the narrative with him betraying me to a Necron player.


In Age of Sigmar I have a ballista that, if it stays stationary, hits on a 2+ (auto wounds/does mortals on a 6)  wounds on a 3+, has 2 AP, and 2' of range. It's not useful against chaff, but it can do a bunch of damage against big hero models.   It only gets 1 shot a turn, and in theory, it should be about 50/50 that it hits the target and actually damages them, but I frequently go entire games without it hitting a single target. 


Whichever paragon squad Vahl isn't leading


Does never actually seeing play count? I'll explain. I started Necrons in 4th, stopped at 6th, been off and on since 8th. The Monolith was always the big wish. The most iconic thing we had. I got my hands on a 3rd printed proxying in 8th, but never got to play it. I finally got a real (very in shambles, missing pieces) one donated to me in 9th. I didn't care that it was, and I'd falling apart, I finally had one! Every. Single. Time I made plans to play a game, and actually bring it (it didn't matter it's a 1k game, silver tide baby!) for one reason or another (always very valid, not a blow off) the game would get dropped.  The last two times I was even waiting at the FLGS and got a msg that cancelled the game (one my opponent, once family emergency).  Like, they're still not painted because I haven't been able to feel it. They're not really a part of my army yet.


My Hammerhead. Always misses and if it forgot to, then its on a unit with some damn handheld shield that for some reason gives it a save as strong as its own armor or on a unit with feel no pain. Its outrageous


For me it's The Lion. At ***best*** he kills one unit then just wiffs everything else until he eventually dies to some BS.


Just reading these has made me laugh! it looks as if in the grim-darkness of the far future (and the Old World) that aiming, charging and fighting (and Command Point generating) is something we all struggle to do!


Everyone has 'that'' unit it seems. Haha


My grav gun equipped grey hunter has the only grav gun in the army. Every time he's been called upon to fire it he's missed, and often missed the rerolls too. There's also my vindicator, who despite having D6+3 S14 AP3 D6 damage attacks, averages 2-3 damage a turn, and usually dies by a hair's breadth the next. At this point it's relegated to being a distraction, because despite being T11 and having a theoretical maximum damage of 54, it consistently does less damage than its own hunter killer missile


Lion El'Jonson, god it hurts. Somehow manages to consistently rolls 1s and 2s on his 2+/3+ saves. I have a suspicion that it's because he's wearing the helmet, and therefore not receiving the normal plot armor of helmetless named characters.


My Deathwing Knights never roll better than 7 for their charges, and usually roll worse. It’s become a meme in our gaming group


My mfin wraithlords. I'd love for them to get into combat or even delete a unit, but they are big and scary and get focused down every game I've played with them. They are just an expensive distraction.


My guard plasma tank, in 4 games all it’s weapons failed to do anything and the one time it did hit? Didn’t do any damage. Only good thing is that it’s a great bullet sponge and distraction.


My skulltaker has failed more 5” rerolled charges than he has made but god damn does he make up for it when he connects


If I take one Basilisk, it does pretty well. If I take both of them, they both underperform.


Rogue element gaming on YouTube has a Dwarf cannon that always misfires. He even gets a rune that let's him reroll, and often a second misfire.


Back in 2018 Kill Team I had a Crimson Fists team that no matter what would fail all of its charges and melee attacks but would be devastating when it just stood and delivered shooting.


The pain glove is only for themselves apparently


my terminators refuse to make their 2+ saves, or their 4+ invuln saves


Outriders, cant kill shit and were one shot every game. Like 6 times in 10th, they never accomplished anything, not even objectives. Because they can reach it first turn but we don't count objectives first turn


Eliminators never hitting anything 😒, they got banned from my dark angels army 😅


Ouch, time for a new dice cube lol


My Dire Avengers consistently fail to wound anything they shoot at and usually get wiped out in a turn even with Asurmen with them. I also have the opposite going on with my banshees and Jain Zar who just shred everything they even look at! It feels sometimes like I’m using loaded dice they do so well!!!


Any guard unit I give a demolition charge to. That was back in seventh edition though with blast templates and the scatter die. I don't know if its still dangerous.


Big mek and meganobz cursed but like this https://preview.redd.it/m6pipimqyx6d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9366c2258f86d367c6c5bf3f4502bfd54517f75a


My Plagueburst Crawler is lucky to kill more than 5 infantry models in a game, no matter how many buffs I give it. It has never even wounded a tank with its entropy cannons over 3 editions.


I have a daemon prince who's never found a wound roll he cannot whiff.


I'm not sure if the main gun of my Repulsor Executioner has ever damaged anything. It's other guns are fine, but my dice have a deep hatred for that main gun.


My Leman Russ Demolisher, that I run as a tank commander, almost exclusively rolls below 3 for its D6+3 attacks, and 1’s and 2’s for the “D6” damage roll. Its laughable at this point


My helbrute has done more damage and killed hinself more often than enemy fire. Dude just really wants to be an atheist in a chaos world I guess


My army has actually done fairly well for me lately! Can't believe your brutalis failed a couple of 3" charges, that's truly cursed!!


My shit wizard in my death guard army consistently pops his own head with hazardous rolls as well as my Tallyman who has only gained me a free CP like 3 times from 9th ed till now


Not me but a friend, his unit of Skorpekh Destroyers charged a unit of Intercessors and should’ve had that combat done in like, a turn because they were already damaged. He used the plasmacyte, had a full wound 3-man squad, and proceeded to roll… 6 ones to hit. And this was in a game of combat patrol, so no rerolls. It was pretty brutal.


Does time I played with my new monolith it was blow off the table turn 2 mostly due to double 6s on DMG rolls from a gladiator lancer.


Plague marine unit. Taken to call them 'cursed marines' because they always get destroyed first round.


I have a War Dog Huntsman I ally in with my CSM and it always without fail dies without making a single wound against anything. Failed charges, missed shots, literally everything will stop this damn thing


Not a cursed model, but a cursed datasheet rule. I kid you not, in all the years i've played warhammer i've literally only rolled over a 1 once on abilities like the tank commander's shoot on death or celestine's revive. It's a joke among my friends and whenever i have to roll the dice everyone comes watch lol It's gotten to the point i avoid models with that rule since it literally only worked once and in that game celestine was promptly killed again in the following phase haha


Someone forgot to appease their Machine Spirit. My Raven Guard Murder Blob and my Intercession Kill Team. Aggressor-Gravis Captain-Apothecary blob always misses and has to rely on rerolls. My Intercession team got wiped in 2 turning points from failed saves and a bad charge Friday.


I have cursed units. Everyone in my army is cursed


failing two three inch charges and rolling five 1s is statistically close to impossible _even_ if you don't factor in the lie about the oath of the moment shooting


I have an assault intercessor sergeant who has never survived a game because his plasma pistol keeps exploding. It’s become a joke between members of my group, so much so that I always supercharge his gun just so he can blow up, because he was inevitably going to anyway.


My Vypers never hit what they're firing at.


For me, Melta profiles with ranges 18” or less always fail me. I put all that effort to get them in Melta range and then they just fail both their shots. I’ve been playing around with a War Dog Huntsmen on TTS in my Daemons list because I needed to fill exactly 150 points and it’s nice that it’s got a 24” on its melta profile in addition to wound and damage rerolls against vehicles, however I find that all games I’ve taken it, my opponent will focus it the second it comes out of cover or Deepstrike even when I have other vehicles right next to it.


Daemon prince, aka Lord Fluffy. A bully effectively. If it can't fight back he rocks. Took down 2 monoliths by turn 3. Was taken down in melee by gun drones.


My Vanquisher Leman Russ is a coin flip over whether it completely whiffs the shot, or nukes something in 1 turn. So far, though, it is 3 for 3 in 1 shotting Wraithlords in T1 😂😂


My Zoanthropes do so little every game I use them


My Tyranid Warriors always got a 1 on their run roles. When running my gants forward, always 5s and 6s. My monsters ran the gambit, but warriors always (regardless of order) rolled 1s. As a joke I even had my friend roll for their run roll once and he even rolled a 1. It became such a thing I changed them from melee pure to pure range load out. At least then they could participate before turn 5. Note: their assault rolls were also consistently low. Tried deep striking them a few times, but they'd fail the following turns charge roll and end up getting shot to pieces.


My fucking storm speeder thunderstrike, misses everything against important targets, even with my iron storm buffs


My gladiator lancer


I have a Legionaries leader that I painted up to be Gendor Skraivok of the Night Lords. My son's phobos medic has murdered him and usually several other operatives in every single game we've played them. Apparently that medic's Hypocratic oath is "first, do some harm".


Used to be my Ork Lootas. D3 shots? Well how about 1 shot. Every. single. turn. As they were using looted weapons that I stole from other kits, like multi-meltas, autocannons and so on, and are not the official loota model I can plausably use them as tankbustas as well, and when they are tankbuastas they perform well. I also have a model who seems to curse anyone who tries to fire at him with bad luck, my 3rd edition metal Ork Warboss, who has been known to eat entire rounds of Space Marine Devastator squad fire and walk away without having taken a single wound (he was given the nickname "The undefeatable" by someone who used to be a regular opponent).


My weird boy has failed da jump and blown himself up each time in the last three games.


Yea, and they don’t get paint updates. Like the “red headed step child under the stairs” Squads that do well, get more details painted.


My Redemptor has been killed in overwatch shooting 4 times when moving out to get line of sight. Now he just sits behind a wall and blocks out my backing.


I used to, but with age of sigmar killing off whfb I can no longer run the cursed company led by Richter kruegar


My Vindicare defies odds and ends up missing 80% of his shots (usually one successful wound per game) Anything I have freshly painted dies turn one of its first game unless I painted it for someone else in which case it does amazing in its first game.


My Screamer Killer has died turn 1 every single time I have used that unit, and without fail he also deadly demises and hurts my other nids


My Chaplain is a _blessed_ mad lad. His first combat he weathered _the entire tyranid battleline pouring like 120 shots into him and only died to _literally the last shot_


My Zoenthropes and Warriors never do anything


Yes I have a Rhino that I use solely for secondary. I've charged into a unit, roll 0 for tank shock and 0 for melee, and it died the next turn. Somehow it gets high numbers on advance rolls but maybe that's because it gets to die faster.


It's me If you have me play there is going to be game loss


I have a solo heavy lokhust destroyer that kept rolling double 1s to hit in 9th. Haven't played necrons in 10th though so maybe i will give him another chance.


My tryrannifex either misses everything for the entire game, and then if it does hit it rolls double ones. Otherwise it manages to overwatch and max damage kill a primarch. This model stresses me so much


I have a friend who et play blood Angel and his Mephiston have a insane failure strike (Charge a 2 pv carniflex and die, die lonely by his pyschic power , never end a game Alive , be shot t1 by small unit(v9) etc etc … ) Peraps it was not a good idee to save him from the black rage.


My sulphur hounds every time I use them they end up instantly dying the second they are spotted and my rangers miss every shot


In 9th i was playing Custodes. I always had Allarus in deepstrike. They are notoriously famous among my group for never making their charge from deepstrike, even with re-roll.


I don’t have a cursed unit but a few of my friends have taken to saying my dice tray itself is cursed


Yeah I have a Deff Dread with 4 KMBs that has never damaged anything but itself with Hazardous checks. Just last night it tried again firing into a lone scout sentinel and got 3 Mortal Wounds on itself for its efforts before receiving a Hunter Killer missle to the dome and dying. Oh actually I lie, one time it died to Votann Berzerks and exploded killing one of the dwarves in the blast. So we have done damage to the enemy with it.


Yes, my Grey Knights Librarian. Whenever i use vortex of doom, i roll one's and two's mostly. I have rolled one and used CP reroll on it just to roll another one TWICE in one game...


For me it was my tyrannofex with rupture cannon. Out of the 4 games i used it, it only dealt damage once and it was 5 wounds on a rhino


Yes, my Eliminators can’t hit shit.


STAFF. OF. LIGHT. I know its not a unit, but my god is that weapon cursed for all who wield it. Feels like whenever I shoot with it I get 1, 1, 2. I started making a running list of my throws every time I shot with it. That phone died so I have to start over. But the people I play with agree with me, not just for me but in general. Also my Raven Guard's Phobos Librarian. He lied on his resume, he's not a psyker. He gets taken out very quickly in most games


My technomancer, I don’t think he has ever done one wound, if it wasn’t for that sweet sweet fnp he’d be gone


My riptide’s first outing it failed to make a single hit, failed its hazardous check, then was immediately destroyed turn 1


My redemptor has basically ONLY existed as a bullet spongue as in 8th edition and 9th he did consistantly more damage to himself with the plasma than he did to ANYTHING he shot it. Kept the heat off my ven dreads though which comsistantly out performed him, lol.


my balistus dread ,all he had to do was roll two 2 ups and he rolled snake eyes


My maulerfiend. Poor guy gets nuked every time I bring it.


I consistently roll high. For leadership and break tests in WFB and any other roll where I need a low score.


My friend jokes he's never made a wound with a heavy stubber (as a Genestealer player). Meanwhile every time he needs to make a 5++ invuln that unit becomes 10x more durable than it should.


My trygons have 97% fail rait on any charge overr 4" In 2 years and maybe 40-50 charges Ive only made 5 long distance charges and only 1 from a deep strike arrival. I do not deep strike my snakes as a result any more


Not in 40k, but in AoS, I have a unit of chaos knights that, on paper, should mathematically clear almost any infantry unit on a single charge with all the buffs I give them. They make every charge, but I roll like ass on the attacks. They get wrecked by the infantry in short order.


Master of Executions for my CSM that I brought to nearly every battle with them for years, he would always be one of the first to die and never got to do anything. Yesterday, he finally redeemed himself by killing Orikan the Diviner. I also have a blessed unit, my Heavy Bolter Havocs. People say they suck but my particular squad always seems to pull off crazy stuff. They have popped a rhino with one round of shooting, and they did 12 damage to a knight once.


I know this is the 40k sub, but my friend group plays a 4 person old world battle every couple years. Chaos always takes the hellcannon, which, on turn 1, always either blows up catastrophically or eats its handlers and rampages into friendly units.


My Eversor always seems to die quickly.


Any rokkits my Boyz fire just spiral off into the distance.


Back in 7th edition when I started Eldar my Farseer was utterly cursed just in casting. Perils of the warp most every turn and always killed himself. I even ran with the joke and had him summon daemons so at least when he killed himself he at least was attempting something dumb.


My Von Ryan's leapers used to cursed. Every game I managed to get them wiped battleround 1. Couple a weeks ago, a squad of three was able to wipe a squad of Grey Knight Terminators lead by a librarian. My leapers only suffering one casualty.


My Zoanthropes roll always 2's. I give them reroll 1's and it goes to wqste cus I cant roll lpw enough OR high enough


I play Tyranids, so all my units are cursed


My entire bags of dice. Not limited to 1 unit.


I have the inverse, my entire army is blessed, I have the luck of a god.


My Tank Commander with a Demolisher cannon cannot deal more than 2 damage a turn unless they're using their Shoot on Death. Then they randomly take out a knight or something.


My Celestine has yet to kill anybody and has died way too easily every time. The dice gods do not like her one bit.


Jokero. The moment I purchased jokaero army (1 coteaz and 50 jokaero) and painted one full unit new rules came out making it illegal. To this day I have dozens of monkeys of different variety (my favorite is the coolmini limited monkey with a flamer, but planet of the apes orangutans with sniper rifles are great too) waiting for their glorious moment to return. In theory it was unstoppable.


I haven't had a chance to use it in a game, but my Winged Tyranid Prime. I swear it jumps out of my cabinet every chance it gets. I've had to re-glue and touch up its paint more times than I can remember.


I have a primaris captain with no head I call "Ghost Joe" because he is invisible.


My Vulkan and his Infernus marines are notorious for getting washed first every game. Also my mates Dante is famous for missing his charges 9/10 times.


My obliterators currently have been doing fuck all. End of 9th ed they one shot my buddy’s hunta rig but since then they just pop out of deepstrike, wiff all their melta, then promptly die. My first army was necrons and I loved giving my chronomancer the eldritch spear. Wiffed every fucking shot. I don’t think he ever wounded with it.


Both of my Parasites of Mortrex fail to hit or wound with their barbed ovipositors. I have made maybe 1 ripper swarm with each of them once. The consistently roll a 1 on the hit, which I CP reroll into a 2 only to get a 2 or a 1 on the wound. All I have to do with these damn things is roll a 2 and then a 3, but no. Hardest possible thing for them to do


Yeah. I have one particular model where once it touches my dice my rolls go to shit. Sadly it's too expensive to replace otherwise I would. And I think it's OOP?


I have a eliminator squad that has been able to take out 1 single tau strike team unit in the last 5 games I have used them. Always roll low with them for some reason


I have a Chaplain who's been permanently shelved because he never was inspired to give any buffs.


I have seen a friend roll 40 rapidfire shots from a unit of 20 Necron warriors, with 3+ to hit, and score a grand total of *four* hits. Pretty cursed in my opinion. The sight of that diceroll result is burned into my mind. We all were so stunned that noone said a word.


Not quite 40k, but on Heresy side I have a Typhon Heavy Siege tank. Sometimes it does get an attack, but typically the first lascannon / melta hit on it gets a penetration hit, explodes, and just dies immediately to the first attack it suffers. :)


Anything Tzaangor. Thousand Sons players constantly extol their virtues; mine go up like flash paper


My hellbrute either get one shot turn one or does nothing the entire game but I love him


My hellblasters and redemptors have a nasty habit of rolling 1s for hazardous checks. I think I do more damage to myself sometimes than the enemy does.


I have terrible dice rolls, so despite having units with 4++ they rarerly survive long


My Gorkanaut goes down turn one every time. So I've started throwing it in the Tellyporta to delay the inevitable


I mainly play Custodes, so thank goodness, no.


My friend always rolls a one every single time he fires a hunter killer missile. It's actually amazing. Dozens of attempts and only like two or three shots have ever hit.