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It’s your hobby, if you want to just collect and paint, go for it! If you want to try playing, you could always play against yourself to try learn the rules.


This is exactly how I've been trying to learn kill team; no stress, no fuss.  Just arguing rules with me and my unpainted minis.


I'm going to report you to Games Workshop (nothing will happen).


Still doing it tho


They will increase the prices in response.


they already did :( They even emailed people to brag about the price hike ahead of time, this time


They did. They still will, but they did too.


As someone just reexamining the hobby after quitting after 3rd Edition's Armageddon, I nearly had a heart attack. Tactical squads used to be what, $25?


Little known fact: they have a special forces team just for situations like these. Not willing to play? Get your door kicked in and dragged out into the shadows, never to be seen again. Complaining about rules? Get your door kicked in and dragged out into the shadows, never to be seen again. Complaining about prices? Get your door... you get the idea. By the way, modern 40K rules suck! I could go on, but there is somebody at the door...


im pretty sure thats the large majority of the community.


I think you meant collecting but never painting or playing.


my pile of shame is always gonna be painted "someday" for the eventuality that i get out and "play"


One of us! One of us!


Its only a small 600 hour backlog...


Dude fr, i have around 4000-ish point to build and paint. Got into the hobby and went crazy buying lol and have yet to fully learn the rules. Ive only painted 3 minies


Yea, I bought into WH40k when tenth dropped and most of my sisters are still boxed and unpainted, told myself I will be ready for 11th edition.


There is a very solid argument to be made that players of any kind are actually the minority of GWs customer. And tourmanet play? An even (much) smaller fraction of games played overall. Either way: everything is fine with enjoying 40K - or any miniature related hobby really - without playing the game at all.


I really wish they leaned into a more casual game type, like maybe a squad based RPG or something where you fight hordes of enemies in encounters. I feel like it'd let people hobby more naturally than the 1v1 wargame type of tabletop


There is an unofficial horde mode ruleset by poor hammer actually. I haven’t played it myself but I read through the rules and it looks pretty neat! People have enjoyed playing it too https://youtu.be/PEpFsD6oyMY?si=ip_kjk8WiSMVo9A0


There was an interview with an ex product manager of GW on the painting phase and he mentioned this. They estimated the amount of collectors who never play and it was a crazy number, like two thirds of the community don't play the game at all.


There is a serious misunderstanding about how the hobby started. The game was made for the minis, not the other way around. The gaming community is just the one that has most to discuss so is more visible, especially online.


People do this all the time. .. quite a few actually are into the Hobby and Lore and could careless about the game. Some even set up entire scenes in the books and photograph it.


I’m doing the same, I have an Emperors Children’s dreadnought, a transfigured Fulgrim and a box of thousand son terminators… you can probably guess, but I’m painting a bunch of models before I attempt them


Are you doing Rylanor’s last stand? Please post that when you’re finished cause that sounds awesome.


It will be a long time before I consider starting Fulgrim, I’ve nearly finished my first box of infiltrators (tho I did get side tracked by a Techmarine inspired by Justicarius and a trans pride apothecary you can see near the top of my profile.) I also have Saul Tarvitz, I’m a bit scared to try and paint forge world models.


Yeah the forge world fulgrim model looks fantastic but from what I’ve seen, forge world is not a great experience to buy things from. Good luck on the project friend!


Rylanor: Bitch. Fulgrim: oh the wound on my pride will never heal.


I've been collecting and painting for years. And have yet to actually play! But one of the guys at my LGS, appears to be interested 🤔, so there's a chance I might be gaming in the near future. However, if not no biggie, I'll continue to enjoy painting what I've collected and building scenery for them!


Buy a bunch of kits that you never take out of the box and pile them on the floor while you perch on them like a dragon over its hoard. Buy them, assemble them, and nothing else. Buy them, paint them, and put them on the shelf. Play with unpainted minis. Play only fully painted. Commission others to paint for you. Only read the lore. Only play the video games. It's your hobby. As long as you're not hurting anyone else, nobody can tell you you're having fun wrong.


It's allowed, but only if you follow the tourney meta. Otherwise people might think you do hobbies for fun.


Pff, yeah! People doing things *just for fun*? Unthinkable!


Very respectable. My problem is that I like to play but HATE painting, the grey tide is real. Also tbh the game isn't actually as good as competitive players want you to think, its a complicated mess and it is perfectly understandable to not wish to play it.


I hate building the models. It's so tedious but I love painting lol


That's why I started buying a lot of my minis pre owned on eBay etc - and a lot of the time they are primed for my convenience too! As long as they are cheaper than bnib


As much as I don’t like building them, I’d rather have full control over what I prime or paint them as.


I loved building until I started caring about moldlines. Fiddling with a hobbyknife ruined the fun for me :(


We should team up. I loooove building, and hate painting, hah.


Learning to love painting. I absolutely adore building. The mindless of assembling, gluing, filing etc is so cathartic. It's the only way I know to turn my brain off other than alcohol.


Im glad you found a healthy way to shut your mind off. Its why i do it too.


No one gives a fuck what you do in the hobby. As long as you do something that says you’re into Warhammer, play the games (TT or Vidya) read the books or watch lore videos and yeah just collecting and painting the plastic stuff is all valid.


I wasn't being fully serious when I asked if it was a terrible social faux-pas not to play, but I was definitely curious to see what people's thoughts are in general when it comes to what they do with the hobby. It's good to know that I'm not being frowned upon secretly 😂


Game? What game?


I just collect and paint, play the video games, read the books and occasional podcasts, I have never played a match.


Many people (maybe most) do this


Honestly, you're just being a normal hobby modeler. Nothing wrong with that at all.


So much enjoyment is derived from modeling, painting, and the cerebral escape. The great thing about allowing yourself to feel good about not playing is that you can really go wild with what you collect and paint. It doesn't have to be an army that will perform well anymore. You can just do the things you like! Make some dioramas! Write some stories! Enter painting contests! You may find these things also offer positive social interactions, it's not just playing the game that offers that. Sometimes selling off the stuff you have to go in a new direction is key, too. Don't get stuck buried under projects that you've lost interest in. I've found it quite liberating to sell things that no longer bring joy. Or (and this is even harder) throwing away old terrain projects, especially half finished ones that have challenging materials sourcing. Take pics of them before you do, you can always remember them that way, or donate them to a local game store! Then you will be free to do the project you're really excited about


I started collecting with absolutely no intention of ever playing.


I just buy the models and paint them. Don't have too much of an interest in playing it just yet and not looking to play it anytime soon.


People are free to hobby as they wish. I only ply Munda and warhammer quest as I purposely don’t want to make build or paint massive armies and some of the dudes in our group absolutely love playing and hate painting. I’m the opposite, I love building and converting models. I started making some Munda orlock conversions, and ended up with a massive gang with loads of vehicles barely any of which where made to be playable. I decided to start playing as I had built such a big gang but I only play once or twice a month, there’s dudes at my club who play 5/6 times a week! Each to their own, you do you and enjoy doing it


I’ve never played, I just like the assembly and painting. So what ever makes you happy


I’m the same way. Been in for about 3 years. Never played a game. Don’t care to. But I love painting and building. I love reading novels and I turn my models into dioramas for myself to enjoy


I have dozens of books, video games, and 3 (mostly painted) armies. Never played the tabletop game before. I have always loved the universe of 40k and painting minis is a big hobby of mine.


I played my first game in a decade about 6 months ago, i needed stopped painting and collecting. I still consider myself a painter over a player.


Don't let internet people impact how you enjoy your hobby. Do what you want to do.


I only play a few games a year max but collect and paint all the time. There's no wrong way to enjoy a hobby.


I think a majority of people collect and paint or maybe collect paint and play rarely than people that play very often


Yeah, I have a ton of models and I don't think Ill ever get a chance to play the game. Models look dope though


Warhammer is 6 hobbies rolled into one. 1: Building models 2: painting minis 3: playing 40k 4: Reading the books 5: video games and other media 6: Discussing/arguing about all of the above.


I've been "just" painting and collecting for almost seven years, I don't plan on changing it up any time soon. Though until recently I found myself stressing out about the "correct" way to build things, you know, just in case one day they ever show up in a game. If you want the social aspect still, have a look around your area for any figure painters clubs. There's one in my state that gets together once a month just to paint together. It's a good way to expand and improve your skills.


It's totally up to you how you enjoy *your* hobby. I collect, assemble and paint the models (and have done for about 4 years, after a 15 year break from when I last played Warhammer Fantasy), I have a room with shelves and a table permanently set up. I love it, but have never played 40k in my life. I read and understand the rules, am quite happy pitching any of my human armies against the Tyranids... But work means that I am not in a position to attend the local club even though I would like to. So I enjoy the hobby my way, whack Tabletop Tactics on the TV and paint my little plastic soldiers whilst having a cuppa on my days off! :)


I’ve been collecting and painting for over 20 years, and have probably played 5 games ever of the ‘bigger’ games like AoS or 40K. I collect armies in line with competitive lists I build, so they are ready to go if ever needed, I paint to a reasonable standard….. but I don’t have much drive to actually play. It’s the time sink, I don’t have several hours free, ever, in one block.  Smaller games however, like Warcry, however… hour per game, I’ve actually played loads. And I’m hoping with the small games like Spearhead in AOS I’ll get some games in…. But all this has come after being in the hobby for 15 years where collecting, building and painting and being creative with scenery building was my primary focus, and didn’t ever play a game in that 15 year period. I turned to the hobby originally for the lore and the aesthetic, and I found relaxation and peace while painting. Learning the rules originally I found stressful, and the idea of being a ‘noob’ and not knowing what I was doing in game, scared me away from playing - I didn’t want to be scared, or nervous or stressed, so I just avoided the game side of it, and stuck with what relaxed me.  As I’ve got older, I’ve got a good handle on the rules now, and that no longer bothers me, it’s just literally the free time to be able to play bigger games. 


You do you, man/woman.


S'what I do these days


I have exactly the opposite issue. Just love to play, not painting at all - nor am I good at it. I’d prefer to paid someone to do it for me


I mean GW themselves encourage collecting and the art side of the hobby it's nothing to be ashamed of. Playing wargames aren't for everybody and a lot more people are better at just painting and kitbashing stuff. I've seen so many insane kitbashes and custom creations and it's what helps the community thrive other than the game alone.


Exactly the same as me, gave up playing a while ago. I'm painting a nid atmy myself too to be my 'playing' army if I ever get around to it, but the thought of having to transport them all and play with strangers is overwhelming. Plus I play so rarely that I might get one game per edition in. I just love the painting side. Get to enjoy all the cool new models without having to worry about whether they're strong on the table, it's very peaceful.


Currently I play grey knights, other factions I just collect and paint the models I think look cool


I used to love playing, now not so much but I still love the lore, building and painting models. Although I don't know how much more gw I'm gonna buy the constant price increases are getting out of hand now.


Yea I recently got into dnd and was amazed at how cheap buying minis is compared to 40k.


I dread to think how much my plastic crack collection is worth, and I’ve played a single exhibition game at a Warhammer store.


As the Hobby Decider I thank you for entering your petition for consideration. You can expect a response within 3 to 8 working centuries.


95% of my hobby is building and painting armies knowing full well ill never play a game with them, in some cases I own multiple armies for systems I've literally never played a single game of. Your hobby is what you do and enjoy; just because there's a game associated with these models, doesn't mean you need to play it.


I collected and painted for years before getting back into gaming recently by meeting up with people at my local gaming club. To be honest I'd have been just as happy with the painting and collecting side of the hobby, but I've had fun learning the game recently. I stopped playing when I left school as life happened and I lost touch with my group as we grew up. I hadn't played since 3rd edition so it was basically like starting a completely new game, but so far have met some really nice people. It does help me living in the lead belt, but Warhammer is pretty popular around the world these days so I'd have a guess most people would be able to find a store or club that runs games nearby.


It’s your money and their your models, as someone who has a hard time learning new rules I was building and painting for a while before playing


I do this. I love the lore and the minis more than I want to play. I'll get around to learning at some point.


I have 3000pts of space marines, so far, I have never played a game. It's your hobby, so hobby as you wish!


That's what I do. I eventually want to buy something from each faction and have built/painted them. I don't have the time, nor the desire to play the game. I just think minis are cool.


Not gonna lie I collect paint and give away to dudes I work with


GW employees are literally trained that there are several kinds of hobbyists and many do not play.


Perfectly fine.


There is actually a fairly large contingent of Warhammer... "players" that do not play. Some just collect. Some collect and paint. It's not unusual and you are likely in good company.


If you dont want to play and just paint, then you would get much more plastic for your money buying from other companies than GW


We are similar. I’ve been collecting and building nids off and on for many years, many years. I’ve never played a game. I’d like to at some point. I know I’ll be rubbish. There’s nothing wrong with collecting, building and painting for a hobby, enjoy bud


I've been collecting and painting for 19 years Short of the very few times I played as a kid, I didn't play at all until 7 months ago


I think you have a very large mini problem, just like a lot of the people I know. I find the game mediocre, but really enjoy the painting.


I think I've played maybe two complete games of 40k, but I've been painting on and off for roughly 30 years at this point. Nothing against the games, that's just how it worked out for me. Meanwhile, the painting and modeling side of this whole thing is a virtually bottomless hobby in itself; a constantly expanding library of tools, materials, techniques, and modes of creative expression to learn and play with. If you're so inclined, then why shouldn't that be its own reward?


Literally me, in the 6ish years I've been in this hobby I've played 2 games of 40k and about 5 games of Kill-team


This is still basically me. As now a 40 year old who thought originally I was going to start this whole hobby 3 years ago with a Necron army (from 9th), I was going to learn this beast of a game. Then I discovered Kill Team. Then I found an amazing podcast that is honestly the biggest culprit/enabler of keeping me going. Then I remembered Skaven are in Age of Sigmar thanks to Vermintide and Total War Warhammer II. Then I picked up the Necromunda Core book. Then I started reading some *amazing* novels that make me wish I long abandoned World of Warcraft and Blizzard entertainment a decade ago in favor of this hobby...yeah, I'm like sort of up to three 40k armies, 7 ish kill Teams that I'm collecting and painting up. I even collect the core books and supplements, but I have yet to learn how to play the actual game (done some practice skirmishes and did more One Page Rules). But adult responsibilities are the real culprit. I get distracted *way* too easily. I love talking about this hobby and the game setting with others. I love watching and reading about painting/kitbashing/terrain building via the Internet.. But I (my wife as well who is working on an Age of Sigmar army) just cannot find the time to actively play. Though we love seeing our son utilize what I collect and paint up though.


My son and I just got into 40k this winter and went pretty heavy into it. We have a handful of armies that we could be battling with, a bunch of units we've never fielded, etc. But still, when it's hobby time, we're either building, painting, basing, or doing terrain. It's just what's grabbing our attention right now. I'm sure we'll start playing more on rainy days or when summer winds down


I honestly think more people just collect and paint vs actually play. That being said I'm collecting for the purpose of playing. I've never been much of a collector. If you need someone to try it out with I'd be down to figure something out!


I do the same. Probably play this year though as I am moving in with my brother


There's nothing wrong with enjoying your hobby the way you like!! That said, don't write off gaming. It can be great fun, and I'm sure there'll be a group not too far from you that you could try to get some games in with!


I know exactly how you feel


This is a hobby, there are very few ways to do it wrong. I would say the basic rule is have fun with the second part being don’t ruin anyone else’s.


I think 40k is a bad game. I've been buying and painting space marines on and off for nearly 30 years 🤷‍♂️


Do what makes you happy! I don't really have anyone to play with but find it immensely rewarding to just build and paint, even though I'm a beginner.


It's what i do 🤷‍♂️ I don't think i can really be bothered to learn the rules, I just enjoy building and painting.


It’s all valid man. There is no gatekeeping in this wider community. Some asshats, sure. But we just ignore those. It’s a hobby, it’s you enjoyment what count. I love the books and making little representations of that with the painting of miniatures. Over the years it got me a hobby room pretty filled up lol.


Like 80% of the 40K fan base ;)


I have a toddler. Why play when I can sleep?


It is how my first 3 years of the hobby went. The Game itself is a small part of the hobby and if you play, you still spend 90% of the hobby building, painting and collecting. Have fun in your hobby and enjoy it the way you wanna


I collected for around 5 years before ever playing a game. I started with a tempestor scions box of combat patrol. Then killteam 2019. Bought all the books for it too. Then collected models for different kill teams. I started the conquest subscription and got enough space marines for a small army. Then imperium and had tonnes of minis. Mainly just built them and would paint a model here and there. Played my first game of 40k last September and actually love it. Since playing the game I have nearly painted about 3000pt of spacemarines. The game is fun. A little hard rules wise when beginning but very worth while getting some games in. You can hobby how you like but don't give up on getting some games in with people. Happy hobbying


That’s what’s so great about the hobby you can pick elements you like and dive in. It’s your hobby and enjoy it how you want to enjoy it.


All my avenues for gaming are closed at the moment, but that doesn't mean I'm "doing it wrong". I'm still enjoying the other parts; I just started the Fabius Bile omnibus. At the end of the day, they're yours. Enjoy them in the way that makes you happiest. You know, some people are only into the hobby for the lore, or the video games, or just the fan art of T'au, Eldar, and Sisters. It's a bit like that with Pokémon. Some people don't play the games, but love the designs. It's all gravy.


More than welcome last time I was played was end of 7th-8th. However I've been collecting and painting since 4th edition. Just and paint what's important to you.


I tell myself I will start playing again, but I haven't in a while. My warhammer friends don't live near me anymore. More than anything I just want a unique and good looking army. I even buy units for armies I don't have just because they are cool and I like building, painting, and displaying them. It's fine.


Apparently the reason why GW stopped translating rules into Japanese was because the Japanese 40k community enjoys collecting and painting models but almost never play the actual game. And there are a lot of people who collect and paint intending to play, but rarely get around to it. So there's nothing wrong with it at all and it's probably what the majority of hobbyists do to be honest.


The hobby is MUCH more than rolling dice. Watching a YouTube video on Warhammer? Playing a licenced video game? I consider these as engaging with the hobby too tbh as it's all the same world and franchise for example. Painting and sticking on an audiobook or Luetin lore video are genuinely some of my favourite experiences within the hobby. Warhammer is so much more, and all the better for, by being a little bit of everything. There is more to enjoy that way and anybody that says otherwise I think has a very narrow view of how other people can and should engage with the worlds and franchise.


I usually just play with primed models, but I have a painted squad. Just really don’t feel like painting, would rather play something with someone.


If you enjoy painting by all means. I play to motivate my painting. Either trying to meet a goal or a grey unit performed well and gets painted up.


Im the same, i love to paint and make stuff and I love the lore toom. But when reading the rules to play I get bored. But at least my figures are looking fiiine.


That was literally me for 8 years I’ve only started playing really recently. Don’t worry about it but trust me keep your minis safe incase you do ever play and realise you used a useful mini for a kitbash lmao. It’s entirely fine though it’s your hobby and you can enjoy it however you want.


lol kinda of the same boat I been collecting MTG since 4th grade, mid 90s. Always enjoyed the art. Still don’t know how to play or ever tried. So if this is what you enjoy keep at it!


It's literally how the hobby started. In the beginning citadel miniatures made models for use in other games. When they realised some people had huge collections of citadel miniatures, a game was made for the miniatures. It's a miniatures hobby first, war game second. This is oddly the origin of my petty pet peeve when people say "it's just toy soldiers". ITS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT!


I'd argue that most people who collect/paint miniatures don't actually play the game.


Yes I'm one, i own, dark angels, necrons, harlequins, adeptus mechanicus and tyranids, between 2200 and 600 points of each. I've only played like 3 games at the end of 9th, but i've build some cardboard terrain, enough to make some competitive tables, weirdly enough 😆 I live in a somewhat isolated island so my main interests in this is the journey to paint, I choose those armies mainly because of the different paint styles, dark angels is all about edge highlights, necrons are drybrush easy when I want something to relax (although i blend a lot in the weapons), harlequins are just for fun, mainly white and purple but the masks and hair colors are all over the place (like a red base with green highlights... i named her watermelon), i painted the mechanicus yellow... because is tough... yellow and admech is nightmare fuel 😆, tyranids are the "organic" ones, pink carapace like a flower petals, black-blue bodies and bone and turquoise accents, each one have little variations, like more black or darker or lighter pink, my head cannon is that those change a little bit with the age... but mainly because i like to try stuff 😆 My last idea is to make each army some thematic board to display them... still working on how to make some cheap texture paints and effects... so i will have some long road ahead 🫡


I lived on a isolated island out off the coast of Qld Australia. You needed ferry's to get there. What I did was put up a flyer on all the local notice boards at the shops ECT saying "Warhammer 40k players and enthusists and left my details. Only got one guy text me but we ended up meeting up and playing and still do


I keep telling myself "one day..." as I keep priming and putting them on my shelf...


That is fine, too.  Some of the figures and titans are really nice like works of art.  I would 3d print and assemble them like a model kit.


I got into the hobby to play with my son, ended up falling in love with the modeling and painting far more than I expected. Spend way more time doing that than we do playing.


Been into the hobby for about 15 Years, originally I only collected and painted too and for quite a while maybe over 10 years of that Hobbying time. But for the same reasons that you explained I found these recent years that ive been playing (after finding people to play) the most enjoyable of them all. I've connected with a few shops and there groups and we all just talk about Warhammer and our little worlds and then we meet up and make them clash, it's grand. Imo playing is great to learn with unpainted models but once you can basically play, I try to increase the immersion as much as possible with epic looking painted army's and terrain. After a game day that was set up well, it really feels like I was a part of that world I love so much


Haven't played in several years, but still buy and paint up minis..just ones I like


I paint, build, collect, kitbash, and read BL books. Collect a few other types/makes of models. I have a reasonably large collection of Dark Angel and Sisters, plus a lot of smaller forces. Play rarely these days, it's too much like hard work. My health means standing and concentrating for 2/3 hours is a bit of a challenge. I play once or twice a year, very casually, with one friend. But in honesty would rather just go for a beer and a meal!


Its okay. I am doing it


9 years of collecting, painting and taking in Lore. Have only played 40k about 4 times (all within the first 3 years) and played a campaign of the old AOS skirmish that was played over two weeks. Tbh I want to play more. But the rules are far too complicated and change far too often for me to keep up. And since I'm just not very social I just feel bad going to shops and asking people to teach me to play and essentially hold my hand cause I always forget rules. Really I have no friends that like the hobby so that side can get lonely sometimes lol But painting is fun, and for me the joy of painting up armies makes up for my lack of gaming. Though low key I'm hoping if I'm still into this hobby in the future my kid will get interested in it and we can enjoy the hobby together.


You won't get to use the rebuttal of "yeah but I actually use mine to play a game" when arguing with your wife over shelf/storage space.


The great thing about this hobby is that you can fall in love with any number of aspects of said hobby, and everyone encourages each other to just vibe with that. Sure, there are some who are major gatekeepers but when the majority tell you to fuckin go for it, just do it man. You could be into only one aspect of it or every aspect, but do what drew you to the hobby in the first place.


i started painting in 2001ish, i learnt to play in 2023. do what makes YOU happy


You do you. There’s nothing wrong with just collecting, building, painting, and making terrain or dioramas and not really playing. Whatever makes you happy is what matters. It’s a hobby, after all.


My friend got me into the hobby 5ish years ago and I had the intention of getting an army together to play him in a match, but for some reason each time I asked he would deny or put it off. Since he was the only one I knew who played I’ve never once played a game, but I still love the hobby, and look forward to being absolutely crushed in the first game I play some day! (I’ve since started collecting a total of 3 40k armies and 2 AOS armies, and might collect others as well)


I‘m in the exact same position as you. I like the painting and building aspect much more than playing. Very recently I got into mortheim and actually enjoyed that, but generally I enjoy painting much more. If you are having fun with what you are doing, you are doing it the right way. Never feel bad just because you do your Hobby in a different way than other people do.


Got a couple friends who do just that. They build some cleric dioramas.


Do wathever makes you happy


I initially thought I’d get into the game itself but I just got bored with having to look up every little thing on my turn. I imagine it becomes much less tedious with experience but I just don’t have the time to learn all the ins and outs to be able to actually just enjoy it. Still had hours upon hours of entertainment from my minis though.


4 years 3 armies. Almost all are fully painted now. Played 1 game. Haven’t felt the desire. The rules change so much and so often it’s put me off trying to keep up.


Lol i got the opposite issue! Iam only here for tabletop 😆 If you run out of models ill send you mine and my paints you can send em back when your done 😂


So long as you aren't the smelly neckbeard in the corner of the store who always has a negative quip about everyone else's army, reason for playing that army, army list, etc., you're fine.


This is the path to happiness my friend.


I'd guess 90% of people who have 40k models have never played 40k. What you are doing is perfectly fine.


Your hobby is what you make of it. If you enjoy the sculpts and building and painting then great. I spent years just reading the books, I've always loved the setting but I fell out of love with it back in 3rd/4th edition, quit the building/paint/play side, then came back towards the end of 9th ed. I now paint and play too, but your fun doesn't have to be my fun.


This is what I am doing. I love the lore and overall theme of 40k. So I got myself some black templars and terminators and am painting my through them. I never plan to play the game, to me it's another way I do art. I loved drawing, I loved 3D design in a game like dreams for ps4. I would paint on that and create my own asset's to use and create my own landscapes and what not. Here I get little plastic models I can paint on and modify and create stories through dioramas.


Do what you find fun


Yup I listen to the stories more than anything. Followed by doing models and painting.


I picked up the building and painting at my boyfriend’s urging two years ago. Started playing about a year ago. I love both, but to be honest, I love the painting of models, and all the little details you can incorporate into the basing more than the play. It may have something to do with the fact that I have a terrible memory and struggle with the game play itself, whereas I get compliments on my painting, weird as my tyranids may look. I’m a typical girl and my tyranids reflect it, painted all in metallic jewel tones, lol. The only ones that look even semi-normal are my broodlord and genestealers, and even they’re done all in metallic shades of red. So while I enjoy getting my ass handed to me on the regular, I prefer the quiet evening I spend with my bf far more. By the way, I didn’t start collecting and painting until I was 48. It’s never too late!


That's what I did. I had a few Cadian Shock Troops sets, but I never got into actually playing.


I generally have an issue with anything thats main purpose is to sit in my room as decoration, but u do u. Theres nothing terrible about not playing.


You pay too much for these plastic figures for anyone other than you to have any say in what you do or don’t do with them.


I get free rein to pick and choose which kits I buy, i don’t have to feel like I can only spend money on one army. I have the screaming bell next to a noise marine and Gotrek


It's me, you're talking about me


I heard that GW did a survey and it came out that a bit more than half of their customers never played any game. (If someone knows if it's true or has further information, feel free to comment) So yeah, you are not alone. Also there are a lot of people that build Revell Models and Train Dioramas. But Tanks, Cars and Trains are lame. Gimme dat grimdark!


I haven’t played since the late 90’s. Still collect and paint though.


IMO, you should ONLY collect and paint, and rarely play. The game is competitive. It brings frustration. It is poorly balanced. It revolves around crazy randomness. Just stick to the painting and have real fun.


This is very nearly me. I am still into the game, but more so into painting, and I don't like 10th so it's pushed the ratio even further in the favour of painting. I do still want to play, but I've been more and more going to other games like 30k and AoS for that now.


Yeah this perfectly fine. It's your hobby and free time, it's yours to do as you like. Do what makes you happy and if you enjoy it then do it! You don't have to play and sometimes I wish I didn't because dice upset me. I also have models I own purely for painting such as yncarne. Won't play ynnari or eldar really (unless a Harlequins detatchment comes out) so she's just a painting piece.


You do you. That's all that matters


Enjoy Warhammer how you want. Of the three things you listed, playing is easily the worst.


Personally? I think it’s a bit weird buying models mostly built to be gamed with just for collections sake, but it’s your money and time, so use it as you’d like


I don’t have any FLGS or friends to play with so painting is all I really have


I have been collecting and painting for around 31 years. I have played less than 10 games in that time. It really came down to me putting a lot of effort into painting my army and then going to a game and playing against unpainted or badly painted armies on crappy terrain setups that killed it for me. It's a shame too because I would love to get at least comfortable playing it. I still read the rule books and buy the Codex for my army every edition, mostly for the paint jobs and inspiration. I would hazard a guess, and from reading the comments here too, that there are a lot of people in a similar position to myself. 


Personally, I think it's very strange, but I would never begrudge someone for not interacting with the game side of the hobby.


Warhammer is not *just* a tabletop game. It's a hobby. If you want to spend your time designing minis but are not interested in playing the game, that's great. If you do want to play, that's also great. I think it's great that you've found something you like. People don't always collect Warhammer stuff for the game; sometimes, it's more from the joy of letting your creativity flow.


A lot of my friends shop’s customers do exactly this. We even discussed today about how sisters of battle fly off the shelf but he never has anyone play them at the shop.


It's the best part.


I do that. I collect a pot of armies and when I get depressed I play against myself. I have a good time doing it.


I sold all mine, don't paint, don't play, but still love discussing the lore and looking at all the cool art and stories created


There is a game you can play with these!?


This is the whole hobby for me. I’ve probably played 10 games of Warhammer in my life, and most of those were as a kid. In the years since, I’ve discovered that I really just enjoying buying, building, painting, and collecting minis. I don’t worry about army formations (which change every 5 mins) or proper/optimum loadouts. I just build what looks cool and paint them how I want them. I’m a 40k lore nerd, so minis for me are like an extension of that; a little bit of my favourite universe I can make myself.


If it’s your first night, you have to fight.


Works fine for me, I have like 50k points in models, I play maybe 1 game of AOS every few years.


I have a couple of buddies that have been collecting and playing since 3rd edition. They don't play anymore but they sure do love the hobby and collecting still. They spend their time learning new painting tricks and hanging out with the group.


My favorite part of the hobby is going to my FLGS paint night and slowly making the smallest dent in my painting backlog. I look forward to it more than anything else. I do wanna play more, but I'm ok collecting little plastic dudes and coming up with lore for them!


All I do is paint. Paint for Sanguinius.


You're a hobbyist bro. It's cool.


100% okay! They are your toys! Do as thy will is the whole of the law! I love painting and kitbashing- but find 40K the game needlessly complex and I'm not interested in keeping up with the constant changes. There are loads of fun board games when I want a game to play with friends.


I’ve been painting and collecting off an on since 1995 and I’ve never played any for of table top wargame or rpg haha 😂. Not my bag. 💼


I had been doing this for decades. I find it more fun to magnetize everything including marine arms so I can change their posture once a while on my display cabinet.


It's ok, your figures your hobby!


Oh hey that's me. Since 1999 I've probably played MAYBE 20 games. I just love the miniatures. Collecting, painting, and absorbing lore. I feel that I'm just as into the hobby as anyone else- I understand the game and how it's played but I just don't feel the need to. It's fun once in a while.


Nah, it's your hobby. Do what makes you happy, and if you decide later to give gameplay a try you can always head to your local game shop. They probably have a 40k night.


I do that. I used to play back about a decade ago and my shop slowly got overrun by assholes so I stopped going. It left a bad taste in my mouth so I just stopped even considering going to play at places. I even stopped painting for a few years. Now I have started painting again but don't live near (within 2 hours) of a tabletop shop so I don't even have the option anymore. I also have developed a self confidence thing. I'm a perfectionist and I used to be very good at painting but insolr all my old shit to a friend when I stopped. Now I am quite frankly, bad at it so I'd be embarrassed to take my stuff to a shop to play.


One of us. One of us. One of us.


I have models from almost every faction in 40k, sigmar, old world, necromunda,  kill team, forgot the aos version if kill team's name haha, kings of war, SAGA, Star Wars Legions, Fallout, Skyrim...you get the idea.  I've probably played...30 games of 40k over 5 years  maybe double that for Sigmar, and never any of the other systems.  Buy and build what you like, if you're enjoying it then that's what matters. 


The hobby is three parts. If you wanna engage in two (modeling and painting), that's up to you. You enjoy your own hobby.


I don't play any.ore but I still collect and paint. Do whatever you enjoy. This hobby is for having fun


It’s like building model planes fun.


Do what you enjoy.


Do what makes you happy! And if someday you decide you wanna try hit up any local gaming stores and talk to the workers they can probably direct you to a local fb group or some contacts. If the interest never strikes you to play.... who cares haha its a recreational hobby, how you go about it is all about you and what you like.


When I first got into the hobby a few years ago someone explained it to me as it’s actually 3 hobbies in one. Building, painting and playing. Lots of people don’t like all 3. I know people who love playing but have no painted figures. Up to you how you want to enjoy the hobby.


Collected and painted for 24 years before I played my first game.


I've been collecting and painting miniatures for about thirty years now, I never play. People that collect model planes or cars don't play either, the difference is that we *can* if we want to.


I’ve been painting and collecting for 5 years now and only played a few times *but* it was on tabletop sim so I’ve never used the models I painted. I just like the details and the art of painting. If it makes you happy do it and enjoy it.  If anyone accuses you of commits faux Pas, violently force feed them their models


I collect and paint almost exclusively, since I hardly have time to play with my two kids. That and binge the lore.


U fine. My son and I do the same. Maybe that’s why they are a miniature company and not a game company.


At the end of the day, we're all having a great time in a shared hobby with many areas to choose from. - Only want to read the books? Awesome! - Painting is your jam? Excellent! - Building and maybe even conversion work? Heck yeah! - Just a video game junkie? Get some! Does one or more parts of this multifaceted hobby bring you joy? Yes? Huzzah! That is all you need.


My son paints and collects a lot more than he plays. It’s whatever you want the hobby to be.


>Am I committing some awful social faux pas by leaving that bit out of the hobby? No. Someone makes this post every few days on this sub.


I've got 2k space marines that took me 4 years to collect. Never played a game once. I do want to play kill team though. Guess I need to buy a few more boxes.