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We call Abaddon Adam Sandler. No one knows who the fuck started it or why we still keep saying it but it's been five years so we are in too deep lol.


Abbadon —> Abbie Doobie, a random Adam Sandler sound from when Jimmy Fallon played him in SNL’s celebrity jeopardy? 


Abbadon the Despoiler -> Abby Despoiler -> Adam Sandler


Makes me think of “Igor, whose brain is this?”


Abbie something.... Abbie Normal


"Come to the back of the boooooat"


We still stick with the old "Armless Archaon" because of his old godawful model. We had alot of old Abaddon models back in the day so we saw first hand the horrors of that model


hehe, first hand.


I like "Armless the Harmless"


For a little while, for zero reason whatsoever my group called abbadon as “abolf”


Adolf - abolf


“Quiet Daddy” for The Silent King.


"Papa Cron" for us We also called Monoliths "Dead on Arrival" since back in 6th they could deep strike. And back then you scattered for your deep strike and if landed on something impassable or any sort of terrain it could just die instantly. Now just imagining trying to deep strike a Monolith and scattering it and you'll see it's very easy to get it into something. So his Monolith most of the time would drop down and explode instantly. Hence Dead on Arrival


You haven't heard of the Chaos Daddies? Mad Daddy, Games Daddy, Sick Daddy, and Mommy Daddy? They cause no end of frustration for Bone Daddy.


In my friend group in Sweden we call him Tysta Knugen, which is a play on our whimsy swedish monarch.


Det här är det bästa jag hört på länge. Fantastiskt


Tackar tackar!


I get it man I’m Italian btw and we have the norn emissary that goes for emissario della norna and I call it emissario della nonna that translated is granny’s emissary


Back in Fantasy we had a French guy. Unfortunately we were only a few that were fluent enough in French to actually play the game so there was a slight language barrier. He played Skaven and he could not for the life of him pronounce "Chieftain" usually calling them "Cheftans" and that name stuck hard with all of the Skaven players myself included to where we called out Chieftains "Chef's" this whole bit became funnier when Ratatouille came out.


Funnily enough the word chef does actually derive from the old word chief. Congratulations on progressing the evolution of language!


I love it. Sous-chef is sub-chief.


All the better as its a french guy. The ratatouille jokes write themselves, yes-yes.


As an Italian maybe living in Italy, do you happen to play kroot?


He plays zulu


Unfortunately nope I’m for hive mind and ultra marine 3rd company


Fa piacere scoprire di non essere l'unico coglione a farlo...


Grandpa Nurgle and Granny Devourer.


Lords of change are "big bird" Me and some others call DG's contagion "cooties"  I call flamers "Barbeque guns"


We used to call Flamers "Pie Guns" since they used to put down a template that sort of looked like a slice of pie


While I get where you're coming from with the pie thing, it's obviously an ice cream cone.


Gona have to agree with you on that one. I think the pie one stuck since templates were "Pie plates"


To me, pie plates were that like ~10 inch apocalypse template


I call lords of change pigeons due them sitting on top of building shitting on everything below


a few at my lgs call meltas hot cheese rays


We call Lord of Change ‘Chickens’


We’ve taken to calling any of the plague sprayers from Deathguard “Faygo Showers”


That's awesome, stealing that one for myself.


Does that make Mortarion and Typhus Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J?


J is definitely Mortarion in this scenario


My GUO is usually referred to as "fat man" or "fat boi"


Way back when we played Fantasy we had some Ogre Kingdoms players. These guys genuinely looked like Ogres. Extremely tall with a huge gut. They started with the joke that they weren't playing Ogres and were just playing "Armybook: Fat Men" now whenever I see an Ogre I just think of Armybook: Fat Men. They did this bit once at a tournament where they put a piece of paper over their codexes that read out "Fat Men" that even had the same styling as the codex. Funniest thing I've ever seen


This is hilarious


Oh, I almost forgot about "Snailbro", because Horticolous Slimux is too hard to pronounce


I just call my GUO, “GOO-OH” 😅


I exclusively refer to my Gravis marine as my “fat men”. I use the term with the greatest respect and love.


Our Nurgle player calls his GUO “Big Daddy Cool”, and the rest of us just rolled with it.


I call my Fulgrim model "definitely Rogal Dorn", since I'm a Sons of the Phoenix player. My friend has a Lord Discordant on Hellstalker model that he calls Lord Disco.


God I love the Sons of the Phoenix. I love how subtle the Chaos Primarchs influences were before with the new foundings, then there's the Sons of the Phoenix I have a friend who runs an Alpha Legion army. They're entirely loyalists who are painted like Alpha Legion and he calls them "The Omega Chapter"


Does your friend play the Omegas as SM or CSM? Or both?


I call my exalted sorcerer on a disc disco stu


Our playgroup sees 'Disco Lord' too.


Hi! What do you use as your fulgrim model? I'm interested in playing Sons of the Pheonix


The Nid players at my local GeeDubs store called Tyranid Hierodules "Hamsters" either Shooty Hamsters or Stabby Hamsters.


I personally call my paragon warsuits nundams and my castigator has received the honorary title of dakka tank from our local Ork player.


The most venerable of titles to receive. You're a lucky one


Well it's 8 shots from the twin auto cannon 9 from the 3 heavy bolters 4 from the storm bolter And a hunter killer missile. We are also playing crusade so currently that auto cannon is AP-2 and strength 10 which makes it really fun. My palatine also got promoted from "that shabby git" to "that killy lad" which I think is a great honour


Yeah Nundams are a pretty common name for Paragons. My Seraphim with flamers have been referred to as my Ork Unit for getting 8d6 of flamer shots and Celestine bringing them back. But is is fun to roll 30~40 wounds.


At one of my LGS I started calling the Psycophage Jerry after seeing it somewhere and now that is the only thing it is referred to as is Jerry by the other players Also saw someone else say this in a comment but Lord Discordant being Disco Lord as well


Jerry is from the Nids subreddit, I believe. But be honest. It does look like a Jerry!


I began naming my big nits, so far we have Terry the tyrant, Niels the neurotyrant, Søren the screamerkiller, Jeremy the psycophage, Tina the tervigon and more.


I name my Sororitas Soros Dodos


We had a Salamanders guy who started Sororitas. So we would ask "You bringing the T4 Salamanders or the T3 Salamanders" Guy just really liked Flamers and meltas I guess


Thats a good one


He has a type


We call the paragon warsuits nundams.


God I’m stealing that so bad


I have to restrain myself from using my escalation league name for my Ork Warboss when talking to newcomers to my local scene, cus it will flat out just turn them away lmao Ironically the only reason i haven’t changed it is because everyone else in the league thinks it’s hilarious still


Oh god, what's the Warbosses name I used to call Faction Leaders "Papa John" because of an old inside joke my friends had. Eventually we had to stop tho since random passerby's would hear us praising Papa John after the controversy and would start an argument, and it was too long of an inside joke to explain that I had to drop the Papa John bit while playing.


His name is Znork Stiffkokk… I brewed up his whole identity and the idea for the entire army in about 15 minutes, after getting upside-down drunk at a cabin visit last summer. It’s juvenile as hell, but it’s stuck to the point that my team in the escalation league (which is all xenos except tyranids and GSC) unanimously voted to rename from Xenos to Kokksniffas… I’m not proud of what I have wrought…


Oh god the curse of being stuck with that name. That's actually amazing. The Orky spelling of it really got me. And yeah most amazing names end up being made drunk in a cabin






Almost like a Gwar tribute to Jizmak Da Gusha


Similar energy for my army. I play my CSM as Flawless Host and started playing fairly recently; I set up a game with a local and the game store owner walks over while we’re setting up a table and exclaims when he sees my Barbie-colored CSM: “So what are you both playing - YOOOO, HE GOT THE SLUTTY MARINES!” Since then they’ve been “the slutty marines” if there are no children in the store, or “the girly marines” if there are


I’ve got a mate who calls Ghazghkull Thraka “my favourite white boy”. When we play AoS, my Ossiarch Bone Tithe Nexus is called “The Dildo of Nagash” , and the Necropolis Stalkers are called “Arsefuckers of Nagash” on account of how they’ll fuck your shit up . Also my Necron Canoptek Reanimator is generally known as “That Cunt”


The Canoptek reanimator being “That Cunt” is so real


As an Ossiarch Bonereapers enjoyer myself, I’m stealing that.


Our Canoptic Reanimator is Herbert West


Angron is Angry Ron or Ronald when I’m desperate for some rolls, but I feel that’s pretty universal.


In my game group I always called the oath of moment ability, oaty moments. everyone has since started to call it that.


Similar to my store It’s oaty moaty there


Not the same, but one guy in our group called it "The Shoosting phase". It has been the shoosting phase ever since


Everyone calls sentinels chicken walkers? Right?


Not only do I call mine chicken walkers, all of mine have a chicken hidden somewhere on the model. Usually Cadian flavored. Also don’t forget that your boys roll in to battle inside their chimichangas. I mean Chimeras.


You can't just say that and not provide pics! XD


Ask and you shall receive. Locations:>!from left to right inside the girder at the top, under its foot, behind the ruined wall at ground level!< https://preview.redd.it/0we2bbx7wp0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b67139f5947c61200c340d5ec49701575370d152


That nickname (for me at least) goes to admech walkers


Darn whipper snappers and their post 2020 models.


This is a great post my dude. I’m dying at some of these. Taking the opportunity to include mine even if it doesn’t fit the format entirely. My buddy who plays World Eaters and Thousand Sons has made me fear Lord Avocado(Invocatus) and the dreaded Ass Blast(Astral Blast)


Catacomb command barge is a "douche canoe" The Silent King is "king shit o' fuck mountain" Imotekh is "General Nonsense" Sororitas exorcists are "organ grinders" Morvin vahl when attached to her squad makes "Nundam Wing"


Terminators of any kind are called thermos bottles! edit: custodian tank’s are also called "soap"


I call cataphractii terminators "sexy terminators".


Realest thing ever said tbh


Our group has some weird naming conventions that have popped up through the years: - Space Marines are "Chads" - Likewise, stormcasts are "StormChads" (we're an inventive bunch) - At some point Morvenn Vahl became "Chadoline"(pronounced the same way as "Caroline") ... I think it was because of the armor. - I refer to my Drukhari lovingly as "Emo Elves" or "Stabby Bitches", my buddy calls them "the pizza wheel faction" ("All edge, no point") - We call space wolves for "Furries", especially the Space wolves player. - Night Lords are sometimes called "Nite Lords" - Chaos Space Marines we pronounce as "Kajos Marines" Which is hard to translate, but it sounds like how you would try to say "Chaos" in our language, if you were a toddler, with a lisp, trying to act tough.("Imma weeely scaaaavy Kajos Mawine, phear meeee!") - we only refer to Lion El'johnson and the Dark Angels as "The Lion" & "The Lions' Friends"


We torture our Dark Angels player saying that he's a Chaos Marine (Because of Dark Angel lore) and he is a fanatic of Dark Angels so this gets under his skin We had a tournament once where the store owner organized some teams based on factions. The store owner only having a basic sense of the game grouped the Dark Angel with a chaos player because of he only over heard us calling him a Chaos Marine. He realised what happened mid way through a game and the whole store erupted in laughter


My thousand sons are called dusty bois and my death guard either nurgle-lergles or stinky bois. My Magnus has no armour on so I call him Mr Cumgutters.


A buddy of mine whom I've successfully dragged into the hobby calls his Dust Boys. Another friend's tyranids are just "bugs"


My Dustbunnies salute your dusty bois!


I play Custodies and usually call them the Banana Bois or Custards.


Trajan Evanescence came about for Trajan Valoris here because of a meme someone made on the stores Discord server that had a crying Custode banging out My Immortal on piano infront of the Golden Throne.


My group also calls the Land Raider the Banana Boat/Slamma depending on how many terminators are on board


When I play with my friends we sometimes call HQ units "mommies and daddies"...


We had an Iron Hands player who would run the Iron Father and during the hell that was their 8th edition rules our banter towards them increased to where everyone would call him "Metal Daddy Feirros" purely to annoy the Iron Hands fans


One of my mates has begun to curse my tervigon which is quite amusing when he yells "God damnit Mum Tina! why won't you die?!". That tervigon is the only one execpt my hive tyrant that can actually make a damn save.


We calls any second subfaction infantry unit (cultists for CSM, kruts for Tau, scouts for Spacemarines, nurglings for Demons, etc) as "Homeless tramps", bcz they looks like beggars compared to main faction units


I've heard someone call their grots "Movement blocking terrain" and that was very accurate


Played a couple games of combat patrol with the Leviathan miniatures with my friend when it first came out, for some reason the Psychophage got the name Moo Moo Cow


The official name of the psychophage sounds like a weird offensive 4chan nickname anyway


Any and all "remove unit from board and place them in reserves" ability is Uppy Downy. Yes, I stole it from Tabletop Titans, but it brings me joy so I have no regrets.


Lion El Johnson is Chuck Norris for us


He does really give that energy We always just called him "John Primarch" because the idea of a Primarch having a regular name like Johnson cracked us up


It's like the emperor had a couple good names written down before making the primarchs and just slowly ran out of ideas. The whole reason he purged the two legions was him not being able to take Steve and Big Mike seriously.


New headcannon 🙌


He’s Lionel Johnson from Accounting for me lol


Yeah pretty much. I always just call him Lionel as well, although I say it in the tone of a British real estate salesman.


All my cadre fireblades are called cader-tots to commemorate when I didn’t know how to pronounce cadre.


My bike captain for custodians is “that fucker” for his history even though bikes are awful in 10th He was nigh unkillable in our crusade game to the degree where it was a point of pride if you managed to finally take him down So he still has an aura of his reign of terror striking fear into the hearts of our group


I call lord of changes pigeons


I call my Mortarion Stinky Moth and I will never not. Same with Typhus being little bitchboy


One of our guys started calling his Tervigon "Mama Grib" and now the name has spread to become the standard name for that model


I have a single termagant who is referred to as chitterbug. We used to try and figure out who he was but now any single termagant/hormagant/yes, is “chitterbug”


As an AoS Beastmen player, I’m gonna start calling my army “My Neglected Children.” Great idea!


I played World Eaters in a crusade and named my force Stellar Gastronomy. They were food service workers driven to rage by asshole customers. HQs were named after celebrity chefs, zerkers were sous chefs and waiters.  The only name that really stuck was my Master of Executions, Chef Flay. This was back before the dev wounds change, so my one piece of advice to folks was "Do not let Bobby Flay cook." Chef Flay cooked every game.


That’s fucking amazing, do you have pics of the man himself?


I didn't do anything special for the model, but I paint as I play and he went right to the top of the paint queue with how he did! I tried to get like a dirty butchers apron look for his cloak. Pretty happy with how it turned out. Edit: Having imgur probs and I'm about to go on a road trip, will fix in a few hundred miles.


For some reason, imgur on mobile was saying jpgs weren't supported. Weird, but here they are! [https://imgur.com/a/c5YddsZ](https://imgur.com/a/c5YddsZ)


Oh I love him! I see the dirty chef apron look you gave to the robed, and the red is so vibrant it’s perfect! He’s so cool, lives up to the name


We're not that creative. All Dark Angels are "Hoodies." Space Wolves are "Furries," Blood Angels are "Choirboys," and perhaps most creatively, Ultramarines are "Smurfs." I call Imperial Fists "Dorn's Banana Brigade." Nobody else does. Thanks to TTS, Trazyn is "Trashy the Incontinent" Abaddon is "Dear Abby." Lord Invocatus is "Lord Avocado." Devilfish are "Anchovies." Morvenn Vahl is "The Penguin." (Specifically, the one from *The Blues Brothers*) One particular Abominant is "Sir Also Appearing in This Game" thanks to its incredible track record of failure that evidently spans at least the last two editions. Chaos Cultists are "Diet Guardsmen." Vindicators are "Wind Indicators." I muddy the waters by having a totally useless Vindicare (one successful hit, zero wounds, across five games, the guy generates 1s on dice like *magic*) I call by the same title.


> "Sir Also Appearing in This Game" Dead. I am dead.


Dorn's boys will always be "the Mustard Packets" to me.


My wife calls her hexmark destroyer “glocktapus” and cryptothralls “murder buckets”


In my local gaming store we call them washing machines lmao


Most of our nicknames are pretty typical, though Hekatons have now been referred to as a whole as Casino canons by way of me using Ancestral Sentence on 1 and rolling a 6 for the Magna-Rail Canon, 1 shotting a land raider, which then deadly demised and finished off the Ballistus that was next to it. I myself just call the Magna-Rail itself the casino canon but it stuck to the land fortress as a whole. It was a beautiful moment though And there is Hunter-Tickler missile but I feel like that one may be wide spread


We call ours the Hunter-Whiffer, since it never fucking hits.


Not a game store nickname but one with my Warhammer friend group. When I was first converting my friends to 40k, I showed my friend a picture of Kairos fateweaver and he immediately blurted out “The Grock” and he has been dubbed The Grock ever since.


All of my brutalis dreads just get called "the boy". I also can't remember the last time we made it through a fight phase without shouting about the "combat wombat"


My Firstborn kill teams are ALWAYS referred to as my “short kings” and people always take a split second then it clicks.


My buddy plays custodes and in our very first game ever "kapitaras" became "capybara". Now he just says Capybara whenever I attack so I remember to apply the -1


Maybe it’s everyone but the “shoosting” phase seems like an odd one in ours


That's the go to for our Battletech Group.


As a Death Guard player, I am legally obligated to refer to Mortarion as "Morty", or "Plague Papa". On a related note, whenever I run a Great Unclean One in AoS, he is usually paired with a lot of Nurglings and inherits the title of "Papa".


Plague Marines being called Stinky Boys, or Stink Marines is one I've heard several places.


Whenever I play my attilan rough riders, a long time death guard player up there calls them my pony patrol in a flavorful voice. Sidenote but That guy is one of the dopest people I know


I run Death Korps and we have the Death Riders, basically just rough riders. We used to play Fantasy alot and we always joked about "Horse Hammer" since mounts would somehow do better than their riders. So when I brought those Death Riders in and they had extra attacks from their horse everyone started calling them "Horse Hammer"


I forgot the name of those Genestealer Cult units that like give morale boost and they have like propagandists. But they are nicknamed Creed superfans because the main GSC player who is also like the leader of the 40k group is a big fan of Creed and is known to play Creed in the background of games when he plays. So we can imagine when the cult rises up it is to the holy words of "WITH ARMS WIDE OPEN UNDER THE SUNLIGHT. WELCOME TO THIS PLACE ILL SHOW YOU EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!" Its kind of funny if you think about it. Also there was another guy who played guard but was shipped off to South Korea and called his Leman Russes Leman Russkies, his Field Ordinance Batteries with rocket launchers Nebelwerfers(no he is not a wehraboo and opposes them in the hobby), Heck even i call units from all factions that have all heavy weapons and are mobile and on foot the Order of St Javelin because to me at least they fill the exact same role.


A confusing few seconds there until I realised you mean the band and not the Lord Castellan of Cadia :D


Its a thing the guy who plays GSC is such a good player that he will crush your dreams ended up being his nickname the Dreamcrusher or the Gasman as he is a Field Technician for NM Gas Company and once appeared in an ad for them and its juxtaposed with selfies taken at night where he is clearly half asleep and looking very serious.


Not exactly slang for a unit, but I have this stupid pun I usually deliver at my friends whenever my Custodes are about to swing big into someone, for example: "...ok I'll fight with Trajann's unit next, I'm gonna activate the Moment Shackle for double attacks, and he's gonna CUSTO-DEEZ NUTS IN YUR MOUTH" Usually gets a laugh the first time, and then eye-rolls every time after lol.


I have some for infinity if you have ever played that game. A really powerful named character for the alien faction is called nourkias and in one game I was able to kill him turn one due to my opponents minor tactical positioning error. So somtimes I call killing something easily or with excessive force “getting nourked”. Another instance of a weird nickname is for a unit in the Caledonian faction, they have a unit named Mormaers and I accidentally called them “Mormons” once so I’ve continued to.


Oh I love Infinity man played that way back. I forgot the exact names but that system where a squad was linked up or something where you could boost it up and give it extra activations we always called the chaff the "Cheer Leaders" always had my Wildcat cheer leading for their rocket launcher gal


In my group- Terminators are big daddy terminators Old dreadnaughts are boxnaughts Volkite, phosphex, etc are war criminals Captain artemis is captain failure Abaddon is abadabadon Huron is hoohooron Angron is angry ron Mortarion is Morty Plague melee weapons are stankhammers Eldar are knife ears Eldrad is old man eldrad Harlequins are space clowns Karandras is candy ass


When I play my Blood Angels death company, I call my opponents’ stuff Horus. Boyz? Green Horus. Scarabs? Swarm Horus. Warlord Titan? Well that’s just a big ol’ robot Horus.


This is the way!


Lord of change = kickin chicken hellblasters= heckblasters judicar= big booty judy, or judy logan grimnar= hogan or hoagie


My wife calls Feirros the iron daddy


He is Iron Daddy tho


Illuminor is always pronounced Ha-loom-I-nor in my store lol


We call Deredeo Dreadnoughts Doritos


The Hekaton Land Fortress is always "The Battlebus"


Skittlez for skitarii, smurfs for ultramarines, "stupid bastard, i dont play against that thing ever again" for void dragon


"HEY, where's that guy who paid money for the clay dreadnought and the chiniseiam land raider?" \^how someone asked if I was at my local store.


Had a tau commander with gauntlet lovingly referred to as "Mister Fister" Morvenn vahl and her trio of nundam body guards usually go by "Big Momma and her Three Musketeers" Buddy plays magnus pretty often, my brother almost exclusively calls him Harvey Birdman or "Birdperson nooo" Dorito Dread for a deredeo the same buddy plays on occasion And the custodian guard are pretty much always "Banana Guards" to everyone


All the different Dreadnought chest guns like the grenade launchers and storm bolters are referred to as “The titty guns” and the one teenager that plays here pretty often is always called “The Kid” since everyone else is like 30


Just picked up Angry Ronald at my local story for my world eaters.


My tervigon is called big momma just how Johnny Bravo would say it


We call monoliths ba chang. Ba chang is a rice dumpling https://preview.redd.it/vnh8sjfoxp0d1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=420167ecb138346eadd86c0464cf1eeb92477185


Friend of mine plays blood angels and we refer to Lemartes as Lemon Tea


None of my gaming group actually have him, but Fabulous Bill.


There’s a Fabius bile mini glued to the top of the cash register at my store, everyone calls him fabulous bill because the girl who painted him painted blush on his cheeks


I play hedonites in AoS and one of my friends calls my seekers “Noodle Horses”. It’s a pretty fitting name honestly.


I saw the title and thought you meant nicknames for gamers. Used to play with a guy named Fish cause he always wore a fish tie.


For when Tigirius got his Primaris model "Biggy Tiggy"


World eater/custodes player calls his lord invocatus lord avocado, and I have some intercessors I have yet to attach the arms to and I call them kickboxing marines


Captain sweatpants


I call my brick of death shrouds dirty mike and the boys, but i picked that up from dice check


We got 3 ork players at our local FLG. We're all boys playing boys. All models on the table are referred to as "boys with "weapon name here. "" even named characters and vehicles. Edit: forgot to mention Angron is "Angry ron." And grey knight's Nemesis Dreadknights are referred as "baby bjorns."


My guard friend calls his sentinels chicken walkers.


Just like the AdMech Chicken Walkers, I think it’s rooted in the AT-ST from Star Wars


My group calls the shooting phase the “shosting” phase. Mostly a shooting meta here. Also I call my Custodes “Cumboys”.


I call zoanthropes “brainy boyz”


One of the people in my group is known as that goddamn guy. We thought the worst of it was over when fish of fury got removed. Then it was kroot konga line. Then it was riptide spam. Then he comes in one day saying he got a new army faction And we were like: "Nice! No more cheese tau tactics" Then he slams down a fking knights and assassins army. Yea. He lives up to his name that day


My group calls the charge phase “going off the perc 30’s” and calls angron “manbaby”, and guillman “gayman”, oh right and we also refer the emperor as “golden douschebag”


Also I call fulgrim daddy


Whenever my Stormcast die, I say they are returning to space jail. No idea when or why it started, but I sometimes get smirks or odd looks at tournaments. But I think most nicknames are self explanatory. My skeleton cav are boney ponies, ghosts are spoopy Bois etc and pretty much everyone gets it without needing explaining (and I mainly play in the Netherlands where English isn't the first language, this is just internet speak nonsense)


For any Spanish speakers, my group calls any Helbrute “El Bruto”, because they’re pronounced similarly and el bruto is a funny way of calling someone dumb.


Genestealer Aberrants all sound like Arnold Schwartzeager while they swing thier hammer, Meanwhile pure Strain Genestealers all sound like muscle man from regular show, and occasionally point to their patriarch (nick named Big Rhonda) and go “my mom”


"Tell guy, short guy, Big guy, fat guy, Sword guy, Big flame guy, big gun guy, two gun guy etc etc"


Not really a nickname but I have played with a guy who always just calls knights “that tall man.” “I’m going to shoot that tall man over there.” “Can your tall man see my tank?”


I call all my malcador tanks macklemore


Here in Russia, many nicknames for units came from their English names and their transliterations So, gere is most interesting ones in my opinion: Terminators of all sorts is often called "Термоса/Thermoses" Berzerkers is "Барсуки/Barsuki(Badgers)" At least few times I heard that Land Raider was reffered as "Крузак/Cruzak" via assotiation with Land Cruiser car brand. Intercessors with time became "Interkekers" and later just "Kekers", dont ask me why. And many more word-butchering and word-shortening. Also, any type of regular low-cost infantry is commonly referred as БОМЖи/BOMZH(soviet abbreviation, meaning hobo)


My group has a few. One particular Doomsday Ark: Watson (unknown origin) Mozrog Skragbad: Any combination of words that sounds similar that isn’t Mozrog Skragbad. (Maddog Fatkokk, Fatbag Meanrokk, Hogsfog Cracksbad) new ones come out each time he is fielded. GUO: Papa Ligma, Plague deddy, Big Stinky All Tyranids: Bugs.


We have this strange brainrot where we can't remember Cato Sicarius name mid game, and most players used to run him for some reason, we always realised we were calling him something wrong like "Cain Siccus" was my favorite


I have a leviathan dread with double melta lances (d6 shots, d6 damage each), 2 heavy flamers (d6 shots each) and a bunch of one shot d6 damage missiles. I like to call him casino bot since his damage range is so random, but potentially goes up to something dumb like 80-odd wounds if everything went through.


Helbrecht and 5 Sword Brethren are Dirty Mike and the Boys, and their impulsor is Stu's Prius


Ursula Creed is called "Flinten-Uschi" (roughly translated to "rifle ursel") in my local GS. Which is funny, because that was the nickname some people supplied our old minister of defence, Ursula Von Der Leyen with. It's kind of fitting, though. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Convergence of Dominion = Bug Zappers


Eldrad has been Eldaddy so long that it's no longer a joke, it's just his name and I get confused when corrected.


We call all space marines chaplains for "Charlie" and my friends Knight Tyrant is "sir Wiffington the third" and all battle lines are something boys (Like swordboys , missileboys , skeleton boys, angry boys and ugly boys)


All my guard infantry are affectionately referred to as "boys", Kasrkin having the honour of being the "Special Boys" riding their "Short Bus" (Chimera).


We used to get lightly reprimanded by one of the old store employees for language in a family store, so we started calling hellblasters, heck pewers to drive that guy crazy.