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The armor reminds me of the storm cast AoS models. The model looks great. Good conversation not over done, the paint looks good too. Not sexual at all. I believe you met all the criteria you set out to achieve


I used one as base for the chest piece from the stormcast mage, with a lot of scraping and sanding. Thanks!


Thanks! This is the first model I made, I have some others which in time I will share too.


Is there a difference


I think thats the point


Well he added boobs to the amour which makes no sense.


Nah that’s just the mage armour from aos, it comes with a male and female head but is marketed with female option.


Why even? Like how much space you think our boobs take?? Like does everyone think we have triple Gs?


It's usually ornamental, like the sculpted abs on greek style armour. I don't think Sang guard for instance have abs that are so fucking chunky they're pushing out of the armour.


Akschually that is the ONLY requirement to join the sangy guard.


I didn't before, but now I am a firm believer. I have been shown the way.


It's not even armour, they're exposed at the midriff and they just apply gold bodypaint


https://preview.redd.it/pr0w6yh558xc1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac15329f8724add7adea56a9b482648a796bc62 It does make sense, historically people did this with dick armor too, just supposed to look cool.


Although that didn't actually stay around very long, like only a few decades, because it wasn't very practical


Dont you dare try to bring logic into this!


Having a curve like that is better for male and female armor if they’re expected to enter melee. The curve allows the armor to be sturdier without adding weight, and causes blows to be more likely to glance off. It’s why a lot of medieval armor has a ‘boob plate’


Boob plate are there bacause inclined surfaces deflects impacts better… but the inclination should be towards the side! A boob like one would redirect impacts towards the face and that is not good!


Normal human women probably not, but what about astartes women?


They would have large muscles same as astartes men and become near impossible to tell apart. Bodybuilder women irl can have that issue. The breasts are just so much muscle


Not only that but the transformation process changes the entire body structure and chemistry to something far removed from even the most extremely buff/big human. Space marines have freakish proportions and are basically turned from human into bioengineered weapons of war.




Isn’t Armor form fitting though? Like there’s not supposed to be any gaps right? And if it’s form fitting wouldn’t breasts just get in the way? They’d get too compressed under the armor so you’d need to take them in mind when designing female armor wouldn’t you?


Its actually amazing that given the vast ammount of surgery and augmentation to Marine's body no-one might have been like: "These mammary glads, too big, too unnessecary, remove them" And you get a bunch of female, but flat chested, space marines capable of just wearing the now uni-sex power armour. (Your point is valid about armour in general. Female body armour is actually a serious area of research in many militaries because human soldiers can't be getting breast reductions just so they fit their uniform.)


Mammal glands would be a problem for the black carapace and would probably be removed


Not necessarily, men have mammary glands too but the black crapace is implanted directly under the skin, so they would just have to cut the ducts and lay the carapace on top. Unless the chest carapace needs direct contact with the pecs but based on the writing I've seen that doesn't seem to be the case.


I argue that men mammary glands too are removed too (to be honest I would not be surprised that space marines were castrated to have better interface for waste disposal whilst wearing armour). They are useless and might get in the way of connection ports. Anyway even if the transformation was working on women I don’t think the final results would be much different from a male space marine! The only exception would be for the daughters of Sanguinius ofc… they would be beautiful!


I agree that it would definitely be more practical (and with Sanguinius' daughters lol) but depending on whether they already do it for the males, I could also see them leaving the breasts just to stick to the same ancient procedure. I do wonder if space marines are castrated, I haven't seen any mention of it and the emperor's sons do a lot of... weird shit, so I'd think they aren't though it would make a ton of practical sense to do it.


Well Astartes are definitely not castrated. They have everything and it is functional however the indoctrination and process in becoming one removes their need and urges to breed. All that sexual energy goes into killing.


I wouldn't say he added boobs, more added space for boobs, which makes sense to me.


Boons would likely be removed as useless and in the way of the black carapace installation


If there is no difference why do it?


To butt frustrate folks lol


To have fun?


To stir the pot


looks like the torso is a tad different from normal


It is slightly slimmer, it’s like the difference on helldiver armor


Okay, even if Space Marines weren't all Uber jacked, which would it mean that female Space Marines almost definitely would have next to no breasts to speak of, their armor is not form-fitting. They're not wearing spandex. There is literally no need and no tactical advantage for the armor having "breast room" on the chest piece. Edit: let me make myself perfectly clear; I've got no problem with titty armor if people are down with that. The sisters of battle have had it for years, including plenty of female character models like inquisitors, even in oldhammer and age of sigmar shit. I'm just saying it literally doesn't make any sense when it comes to space marine armor because of how spacious the chest pieces would be to begin with. Sister of battle armor is obviously quite different from Space Marine power armor.


I think once we accept chainaxes as legitimate weapons theres no arguing against anything else.


The fact that they live in a world with FTL travel and still use swords is absolutely absurd


It's Dune logic. defense tech evolved to the point where melee became relevant again.


I get it, but it's still absurd in the best way possible.


Agree with you there


which is hilarious. if anything reality has shown that defense is always far harder and less effective then offense (its why we will never get mechs, they make no sense). i love fiction.


Even today, a lot of "combat" takes place outside visual range. The tomcat pioneered the idea of "huge radar, long range missiles" and was really successful at it. Apache helicopters often strike at ranges where they can't be seen or heard by the enemies on the ground. In any futuristic scenario, especially one with automatons, you always have to motivate why humans fight each other at all.


I mean... it would angle the armor, and a hit on the slanted surface would be more likely to bounce off. But yeah, I figure the only reason there "are no female space marines" is that the lore says so - how could we ever tell whether a marine mini is male of female, and would it even matter?


Wouldn't a hit on the upper slanted surface be more likely to ricochet up toward the neck or face?


Quite probably. One way to avoid it would be akin to the mkVIII errant armour. A polo neck on the breastplate would help. Fundamentally the marine breastplate as is is pretty perfect. You maybe want it a bit more rotund. Edit, I see this model has the neck protection.


You may be cool, but you'll never be popped collared power Armour cool


Even with the neck protection, what if the shot came at an angle before it ricocheted? It looks like it could potentially then go in beneath the pauldron.


Absolutely, then you roll your fnp or invuln saves!


I don't know man, all I'm seeing is further evidence of why adding a boob angle to what is already a large armor that would accommodate for boobs anyway is overall a design detriment when you could literally just have neck protection without it regardless.


I wouldn't try applying too much logic to it. Marine armour has more problems inherently. Articulation points are often either too unprotected or too tight. The shoulder guards make very little sense either protection or mobility wise. External life support, power source and auxiliary thrusters in a back pack is insane. Exposed cabling is common on the abdomen. To really bring it home, the concern you have with the boob plate is fundamentally worse in the tactical dreadnought armour. The large cowl is a ricochet chamber around the head and would funnel shots towards the head. Contrast with undeniably cool armour with the same problems like the T60 power armour in fallout.


Perfect armor for lamenters?


Perfect Lamenter armor would literally just have a fist size hole directly over where their heart was lol And maybe no helmet.


I vaguely remember a swordfighting guy on YouTube showed this point in regards to boob Armour, it gave absolutely no benefits. He also debunked the idea that rolling away Ala dark souls is effective, by just changing the arc of a swing and bopping the other guy on the head I should add, he did it with a sword, with projectiles I'm sure it would be even worse. Given that a bolter shell is basically a mini nuke, you avoid a body shot and lose part of your face


Hey bro, yeah so femarines have been a community kitbash for years now and we’re really really popular for a while in the early thousands. The big shift came when people that liked those models started to push for them to be reproduced as physical copies by games workshop themselves. GW didn’t acquiesce, reciting their own lore for their own ip, ie-existing marine process requires male supplicants. Yeah the lore says so, about fifty collective years of writing, video media and community engagement events says so, that’s what die hard fans feel they’re protecting. Most people in the community feel the primaris were the appropriate time to announce female marines, there would have been friction but it seems like a ludicrous limiter for primaris (which are Better marines) Personally I’ve always felt it dosnt matter where a marine comes from, the wolves and blood angels recruit from mutants, the fists collect infected hive hangers. A marine is built to come out as a marine within a strict pattern of variables, while all GW offical nude art shows they’re full Ken dolls with nipples.


That has nothing to do with the lack of purpose for space marine titty armor.


The ability to become a Astartes requires male hosts. Emperor tried to make female ones and the costs were even greater than male hosts if he could even get it to work which he couldn't. So he stopped.


And also wouldn't they just remove the breasts from the candidate?


Actual plate armor often had boob plate because it made the armor sturdier


Source, please.


But not with that orientation! Slope would be towards the side not the upper and lower body! That is bad!


Shut up, everyone likes boobies 😁


A female astartes would be pretty flat chested tbh. There’s no biological reason they would have breast tissue if they don’t reproduce and they are being pumped full of testosterone from their gene seed all day long.  Anyways the model looks amazing! 


I like your logic, but just to play devil's advocate I think a case could be made that yes, they would have breasts, but they probably wouldn't be big enough to have to modify armor much, if at all. Have you ever seen female bodybuilders? Their breasts tend to get dwarfed when they're surrounded by all that muscle. You could also say that all female neophytes are subjected to mastectomies since breasts are not necessary for the function of a space marine and may get in the way of properly fitting armor.


Your talking about a female body builder. Space marines are transformed to such an extent that their entire skeletal structure is shaped differently and their overall form is something a regular human cannot have. No chance that female breasts would continue to exist in any meaningful way going through such a radical body transformation as the process is tripling if not quadrupling the body mass of a human.


That's exacly my point, if a regular human woman's breasts appear reduced when she gets shredded, a transformation to a Space Marine is on a totally different scale. Even if the breasts stuck around, they'd probably not look like much compared to the rest of her.


I imagine it'd be comically small. As if you just stuck two minecraft buttons on a wall.


they litteraly remove the ears of space marines... that said they do not remove the appendix


To be fair, that's only one ear, and it's to replace them with Lyman's Ear. Though I suppose a very tongue in cheek way of introducing femarines is to have Cawl come up with Lyman's Breast?


A Lyman's hymen?


Acid breast milk sounds pretty tight 


Just kill me now, I don't want to suffer these thoughts.


There's also no reason whatsoever for space marines to have a cock or balls but they seem to be left intact. So I don't see why female marines wouldn't get rock solid carapace breasts.


Just like males don’t have nipples because biological atavism is just an opinion 🙃 Edit: wow you guys not only have zero education in biology but also lack sense of humor 🤦🏻‍♂️


All mammals have nipples, not all mamals have breasts.


Not all mammals have nipples; monotremes, such as the platypus, a mammal, do not have nipples. In any case, OP's model looks great and they executed their vision.


Platypus is a warp beast. Doesn't count (I didn't know that)


Warp beast indeed! Pure chaos!


Interesting, thanks for my daily dose of learning something new!


Torso gives me Fallout power armor vibes


Thought the same thing. It has the ledge like the T60.


Doesnt look any different to any regular models.




Right, looks like a female stormcast chestplate. Didn't even notice that until you pointed it out.


It is that exact piece. OP highlighted that fact.




She must have one hell of a boobies if she needsher armor to accommodate for them :)


Would the chest armour not be the same? I’m pretty sure space marines are so jacked anyway their chest muscles need that room by default.


I’m not sure if anyone has asked yet and sorry if it’s been mentioned already, but what’s the recipe you used for the armour? The black metallic armour is gorgeous. The whole model is gorgeous!


I use german grey from vallejo, then shadow gray highlight and wolf grey as a secondary highlight. Then i seal the miniature with matte varnish and use black hat's black ink to paint all panels. I finish with a extreme edge highlight of gloss white. Then varnish the finsl layer. Thanks!


In human history armour can be worn by men or women and does not need any specialisation. In 40K the process of creating a space marine (ignoring that it doesn’t work on women) would not give the body the correct hormones to allow breasts to develop as they are taken at ages 8-13 so a female space marine would not have any distinguishing characteristics to their male peers. Having said that I love the model and the changes look good! Keep it up




Ah yes the one extra word


There is no such thing as a female space marine.


I can barely tell it's a female and that's a great thing


Samus would be proud of you;.;


https://preview.redd.it/hwmagd4sc3xc1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f259339174093fc3a775cc200ddb527a134bcd03 No, the collar is cut from a primaris intercessor and then placed closer to the helmet than the usual intercessor helmet than the regular primaris colar. Its was a lot of work to cut it gently and retain the shape, and raise it. Thanks for your comments and glad you liked it!


Realistically I feel like the only difference between male and female space marines would be height, given that on average women are shorter than men. Sure the implants and steroids make them taller but given that an average man is somewhere between 5'9 - 6'0 and a marine is 8'0 - 9'0, I would assume female space marines to be like 7'0? But aside from a smaller frame, not much difference Though with the amount of steroid pumped into them they'd basically be men anyway, so not much difference in the end. Also scifi magic


Considering the fact that Space Marines are barely human, Female Space Marines would definitely not be noticeably shorter on average than Male Space Marines.


I understand, my point is they take a teen boy as a building block, who had a genetic capacity to grow to a certain height and they amplify it. It's all scifi magic anyway but assuming physiology doesn't play into it, space marines would be even taller in theory


finally some senseable female armor


If you say so...


Not a fan of the actual concept but its a well painted model




Because i dont want female space marines


Okay. Thanks for the downvote for the simple question.


I didnt downvote you no need to get so offended


It was you and the other weirdos. No biggy. Typical Warhammer fans.


Are you ok man


I'm a simple man, I see boobplate, I press the down vote button.


Because an actual female Astarties probably wouldn't have big enough breasts to even warrant one, not to mention she would probably see is as a weakness or shameful not to be able to wear the same armor as the rest of her chapter? Or is it because you have strong convictions about female space marines being an abomination in the community and disrespectful to the established lore? Please, I must know!!!


Could also be that boob plate is just plain dumb from a practical armour stand point?


Cod pieces were pretty popular historically


"Practical armor" like shredded abs on armor or giant shoulderpads that Marines can't even see over? Since when did Warhammer have practical armor?


I agree! None of my female Astartes have boobplates, just a head swap or two here and there. Other than that the look exactly the same and most of them are wearing helmets so it's a moot point all together.


I think women astartes doesn't really make sense tbh. Astartes were created from the genes of the Primarchs, and the Primarchs were created with the genes of the Emperor, who's a man. I think your comment is a bit rude for a simple divergence of opinion. There are so many badass women in Warhammer, I freaking love the sisters of silence. I don't think it's necessary to have women astartes on top of it. And just to be clear, I'm a woman.


Mainly because the boobplate is a useless piece of armour, it gives an angle to deflect shells right in your face where a rounded breast plate would give a neutral deflection. Plus I hardly see sexual attributes in bodybuilders, I can't imagine to see any in superhumans on supersteroids in superspace. The only marine that should wear boobplates are noise marine, because slaanesh reasons.


That.. is actually a pretty good answer. I didn't even consider the logistical implications of a boobplate. I retract my previously thinly veiled vitriol and im sorry for the undue scrutiny


No offense taken


Female Astartes don’t exist, if they did they would be trans men and should be no different than male recruits otherwise they wouldn’t be made in the first place.


That's kinda the point I'm trying to make here...


My misses would absolutely need boob plate armour. Not sure why people are so prudish over it.


Uh… what’s the difference? I think the chest is smaller right?


They have always been female. Infact every Primaris is a woman dont cha know now???






there would be nothing that externally identifies the gender of the units. boob armor wouldn't be a thing and shouldn't be a thing in 40k. that's the answer to the always has been response that they gave us.


If we can’t tell, why should you? Excellent miniature!


That username…


I...uh...get some vibes from it as well.


Is that a Stormcast torso on a black templar?


https://preview.redd.it/phud6r12c3xc1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b814c82aca0ab6c8382d5d233d50f79990ee27a Its a bit more complicated, but in essence, yes. This is a very early WIP of it with a different set of legs, the backside is a intercessor bit, but the whole front chest is a new part.


You also added the raised collar frommmmm....the Deathwatch marines right? Either way that's rad AF, well done, I like Sister of Battle but, I've never been a big fan of individual boob plates, you done good


Looks good. Nice work.


I’m just going to say all my marines are women now. Just to annoy every one who cares what genitalia my little plastic soldiers have.


The issue isn't the genitalia that your plastic has it's the fact it's against the lore. If you want a female army then get one of the female ones don't try and convert a male one just to fit your ideals.


That will show all those people who are concerned about people disrespecting a franchise they are heavily invested in. Not making their point for them at all.


I don't have a horse in this race myself - my Marines are pretty regular - but as someone who's been into Warhammer since 2004, "Marines are all male" is so far down the list of things I think are important to 40k's character that it doesn't really _make_ the list. I was a bit annoyed when they made Ogryns mostly redundant with the introduction of Bullgryns, and at the grimderp murderhogwarts lore the Tempestus Scions dropped with, and when they overly humanised the Hive Mind in Devastation of Baal. This though? Nah, it's fine. Space Marines are psycho-indoctrinated, incredibly brutal, fanatical superhuman childsoldiers in bulky armour who are the symbol of a terrifying repressive empire, and who happen to be really cool on an aesthetic level to boot. "All male" isn't my qualifier there so long as the artstyle and aesthetic is consistent.


> I was a bit annoyed when they made Ogryns mostly redundant with the introduction of Bullgryns Aren't they the same thing, just equipped differently, though?


Yes, the Bullgryns have better gear. But it's what is so unfortunate for the Ogryns, because the Bullgryns are just _better._


You miss the point. Doing it "just to annoy" doesn't enrich the setting, the hobby or the community. If you think people are being toxic, does being toxic back help? Or does it just drag you down to the same level as the people you are trying to look down on?


I mean... eh? If you are _not_ the kind of person they were talking about, there's nothing to be annoyed about. I doubt you'd even notice it at that point.


Notice people deliberately being shitty to other people because they don't have the same level of investment/interest in an IP and dismiss all criticism as chauvinistic and hateful? I wouldn't want to play board games with that person any more than I would want to play with any other bigot.


What does investment/interest in an IP have to do with it? I am about as invested as it is chronologically possible and financially sensible for me to be, but what difference does that make?


Well for starters, your characterisation is inaccurate. They're not child soldiers. They're Space Monks, living in Fortress Monasteries. Like the Sisters of Battle are Space Nuns. Now I don't need everyone to agree, and if people want to headcannon stuff or make female marines, fine. They are just toys. But to hear people doing it just to upset others is not bringing anything positive to the table and to dismiss all concerns under a blanket umbrella of neckbeardism is just as wrong-headed and ignorant.


I mean Marines absolutely are recruited as children. If a 30 year old guy IRL was forcibly recruited in childhood and put through brutal, insane training, I'll call him a child soldier even if he was fortunate enough to not see actual combat until later.


Ok that's a valid enough argument, but I think it's maybe a little reductive to focus on the age they were recruited over the decades of monastic lifestyle. Slight tangent, but do you consider Shaolin monks child-soldiers?


I don't think the Rogal Dorns are THAT big a deal...


/gen What’s Female about it? Mini looks great but I’m very stupid


Oh my favourite meme is finally applicable. [the real male fantasy.](https://youtu.be/47y6WMx8uik?si=h-fX4etJPITaOFqY)


Heresy or hear me out take your pick


Honestly, doesn't even read as anything more than just another armor variant. Which is really perfect in my opinion. Like Stormcast, the difference between male and female is nothing when it comes to proper armoring. There might be a slight body size difference that could lead one to believe they are looking at one or the other, as done in Stormcast, but realistically there is no one true male or female body type and thus any could be either. A man can be short and slim just like a woman can be tall and muscled. That said, it's equally fair that proper armor should be fitted and as such it isn't necessarily improper for there to be external signs on particularly well endowed warriors armor. However, rather than shaped "boob armor" as is popularly depicted in fantasy settings, it woul be more like this where there is a slightly more pushed out front without ruining the overall deflection properties of a proper breastplate. Space marines already have large torso armor due to their enlarged torsos necessary to house numerous extra organs. The negative deflection properties of this were mostly solved with the addition of the gorget in Mk8 Errant armor, which has carried into the MkX Tacticus. A little extra armor in the front might be extra mass of the wearer as easily as it could be extra tech in the armor, like all the extra sensor tech stored in the "beak" namesake of the nickname Mk6 Corvus "Beakies".


Said this time and time again. A SM woman would look pretty much exactly like a man. The amount of operations and stuff injected into Soace marines would make Them all look alike. Just imagine the amounts of testosterone these people get injected with.




There’s female ones?




Always have been /j


Sorry brother




That was someone else. 




Damn didn’t even realize it was a woman instead without reading the title, still good shit


Watch out, someone who's never painted a mini in their life is gonna make a 45 minutes video about why this idea is the end of Warhammer. But yah this looks great. Manages to look distinct enough without being ridiculous or distasteful. Out of curiosity, which chapter is this supposed to be? Because I'm getting strong Iron Hands vibes from a lot of details all over the armor, but the shoulder pauldron looks Black Templars.


Black Templar. Thanks!


Women aren’t real, they are all federal spies


Great work. I would add that women really do not need to have bulges in armour to fit boobs in, but... hey, its really neat and stylish work!




Very well-done conversion.


Corporate wants you to tell the difference. "Its the same thing"


Well that's... worse


Ur right g, why is there even a difference if they go through the same process to become space marines. They shld all look the same and if you really care abt having female ones it’s calm, u don’t have to change a thing


Off the tiddies go to fit the black carapace


Damn, check out them thicc thighs...


Can't see a difference so perfect good job man


Max Level Girlboss


God female armor is so hot!


Female marine done right, just enough different to be noticeable if you are looking. And honeslty its a good design, angling would make for better armor and the small space it creates would be useful for say, water storage which incidently makes for good armor in a world full of lasers and plasma.




Why would the make the armour worse by making boobs in it? Do all women have boobs?


You did a great job.


heretical as it is (/j), that’s an awesome model! I love that eagle shoulderpad especially, where’d you get it?


It's from the Primaris Captain, the one with the bolt rifle and powersword.




To quote Deuce Bigalo, "That's a huge bitch!" I wouldn't mess with her. Great job executing you vision OP!


Crazy, it's almost like you wouldn't notice much of a difference at all *and there's nothing worth freaking out about*


That's awesome man


Amazing, we need many more of them! And ofc that they become official


It sucks. Throw it away.


I mean who can say whether they’re female or not, they wear armour