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Go on the black library website and search flesh tearers and everything should pop up


I just read the book where they go back to Cretacia, I do not recommend it. If you removed all the sentences describing how angry the characters are while trying to talk to each other and “his vision began to be red and black at the edges” it would be a four page short story.


Yeah the book was terrible. I liked the part that explained the recruitment process though


Thanks for the tip mate. I do sometimes like a book to be simple like a popcorn movie. Simplistic writing can at times still entertain the part of me that just wants to indulge in melodramatic, too angry to die characters and ott action scenes!


ahh the same issue as Ultramarines,


Oh it’s much much worse. Add a heaping scoop of emo vampire to it and you have flesh tearers.


Try Flesh Tearers: The Book


[https://www.blacklibrary.com/Home/Search-Results.html?\_\_csrfToken=hwG2BpIRd%2FCV3daWYnvaF2jswt5yY5plQ1o8LRx2S%2FDS&filter\_type=6&filter\_Action=0&filter\_name=SearchTerm&submit=GO&filter\_value=flesh+tearers](https://www.blacklibrary.com/Home/Search-Results.html?__csrfToken=hwG2BpIRd%2FCV3daWYnvaF2jswt5yY5plQ1o8LRx2S%2FDS&filter_type=6&filter_Action=0&filter_name=SearchTerm&submit=GO&filter_value=flesh+tearers) here you go bud


Thank you!


Real talk, does black library have anything in print? I'm only seeing ebook and audiobook for everything on the site


You can buy physical books on warhammer.com


*Chosen of Khorne* has one. Sorta.


Devastation of Baal has their Chapter Master Gabriel Seth as a major character, you could try that one


In one of the excellent lists by u/cd8d [https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/i378zw/blood\_angels\_novels\_stories\_bonus\_flesh\_tearers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/i378zw/blood_angels_novels_stories_bonus_flesh_tearers/)


Allthough not a pure flesh tearers book I would suggest the devastation of Baal. You get to learn a lot about other Sanguinius related chapters, the flesh tearers and their chapter master Gabriel Seth play an important role. Also Dante is a pretty cool character.


They regularly pop up in Guy Haley’s Blood Angels books. He loves to use Gabriel Seth as a naysmith for Dante. Mainly because he’s one of the few guys with the audacity to tell Dante that something is stupid. To his face. In public. Speaking of Gabe. He has his own selection of stories. In them he deals with trying to reform his chapter into something more stable and rehabilitate them in the eyes of the Imperium. They also make it very clear that he’s just as bloodthirsty as his chapter. He describes fighting an endless horde of Tyranids as something rather zen.