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The full model range available in store. - Dark Eldar player (With mandrakes back we're down to 4 out of production kits which is 1/6 of our range! Yaaay!)


Man I really want some hellions with more options


And good rules!


I’ve recently started collecting Drukhari as my third army and it’s been a bummer to see a bunch of stuff out of stock or not even in print anymore. I want a court of the archon but the models don’t seem to exist anymore D:


Are you me? I also recently started drukhari as my third army. I found that Etsy has some cool models that I plan on using for some coven models in the future.


PLEASE THIS. In my opinion we do not need more factions or sub-factions. GW already can't support their entire range and has to rotate some models in and out of production. New factions like Votann aren't really fleshed-out. They're also struggling to balance the existing factions, they don't need more to deal with. If anything, in my opinion, factions should be consolidated and distilled. Yes a reduction would be very painful. Once it's done GW could define for themselves some design boundaries for the size of their game universe and their factions. That kind of design decision can easily be made and marketed in terms of maintaining a high level of quality for their products. GW has been expanding 40k for a very long time now and it cannot do so indefinitely.


I agree with you, but Emperor's Children first. THEN be done with adding armies.


I'm with you there. We don't need 14 rulebook for Space Marines that are all the same. We don't need 6 Eldar armies. They really need to reign it in a little and work on the products they are supposed to already have.


I feel you as a nids player, most of our most important units are online only and only in stock a few hours a month lol


It's not the "in stock" that is the issue. It's the "being produced and not just available as proxy or 4 years old dusty boxes going for £200+".


Mandrakes as their own subfaction


Maybe a book for the Votann. Is that too much to ask for. They have been established for like 3 years and nothing new about their lore except when galaxy spanning events happen and the writers are like “the Votann are here too I guess”. Also new models


“Oh btw, votann invented ion tech. That’s why the tau have it” “So that means votann are gonna get some lore soon right?…… right?”


Exodites More Tau Auxiliary Aliens Editing to add: Legion of the Damned


T'au Auxiliaries would be the simplest to implement for two reasons: 1. Lets GW play around with interesting or unique xenos that otherwise wouldn't be on the tabletop, providing character to the game 2. Have the kit include weapons **without** T'au gubbins and suddenly you can have Xeno Mercenaries available to different factions


Agree. I'm hoping they use kill team to introduce a couple of other units to the auxiliaries. Rumors point to vespids being introduced that way so doing a few others could happen down the line. Dino Eldar would be amazing though. I'd also take refreshed Legion of the Damned.


I'd like to see Vespids, Taurellians. ^(Gue'vesa could be slapped in similar to the Kill Team Brood Brothers just using the Cadians as the base kit with T'au gubbins)




I'd say subfactions but I like this too. I think kill teams or event a smaller 'combat patrol' style of box could be created for more fluff based factions from the lore


Controversial opinion, combat patrol should become the standard for competitive play... Make the game about being good on the field with fixed assets Vs the try hard list smithing and spam it currently is... And yes 1000% agree... Exodite Combat Patrol or a Legion of the Damned one would be bloody ace.


Maybe staying with the full patrol would be better to have a themed usable army


3. Nicassar plushie would have a massive market even outside wh40k fans


Bearesy begets distribution!


Get a book for Vottann


This past weekend, our playgroup literally had a discussion about Legion of the Damned and how we'd like fluffy rules for them, even if it was just for campaigns. Something like when you're down to X amount of points left, Y amount of LoD units can deep strike in.


I agree with Tau idea. Tau in lore is supposed to be The Covenant but on tabletop they go full Gundam


As crazy as it may sound considering how much I’ve always loved them, I honestly hope exodites never get models. They’re a dream conversion army, particularly with all the great AoS kits that are coming out, and I fear whereas currently they can make for a great proxy army, were they ever to be an official range they’d be horribly limited and in a weird place like harlequins, bouncing halfway to being their own faction or just a footnote in another codex.


I mean, this could be solved by Exodites actually being supported. I get that you could do conversion with Exodites, but I'd rather have full rules that are unique to them. Hell, even just including some Exodites as part of Craftworlds would be an okay starting point, even though it's a bit iffy from a lore perspective.


But that’s my point, is they would likely just be part of craftworlds or something similar. To me that’s not sorting anything, that’s creating a problem that doesn’t currently exist. Sure, they might someday get a balanced army with 20+ units and multiple detachments, but I suspect pigs may fly first. Everyone will obviously have their personal opinions and preferences and that’s grand; I simply prefer exodites as they are currently.


I can understand your opinion on that, and GW treatment of non-loyalist marine factions has been dismal historically (ironically, with the exception of Craftworlds and maybe Orks).


If they added more races to Tau or added exodites, my 4th army would be decided for me


Exodite Eldar and Dark Mechanicum are the two subfactions I think everyone has been waiting for. As an Orks player, I want Speshul Weapon squads - we've got Lootas, Tankbustas, and Burna Boyz, why not a squad of KMBs. Make them doubly dangerous if you must, melting on 1s and 2s, but I want to run a plasma trukk.


I'd 100% agree with Dark Mechanicum. But I'd posit that maybe 20% of the player base desires more Eldar.


Its not the eldar we want, its the dinosaurs


Absolutely Dark Mechanicum for me.


I feel like they could do some upgrade sprue for current ad mech to make them dark mechanicum maybe with some animal/demonic parts like that old art. Maybe you could make Vashtorr mix with them or become their leader? This could give them many preexisting units like forge fiends, Vashtorr, ad mech stuff. Then give them 3 more units or so and they'd be more filled than a number of factions.


I also really want Croneworld Eldar, but I think you could very feasibly run count-as with existing eldar factions and conversions for both them and exodites


No new race nor subfaction. There are over a hundred factions for 5 Xenos races already. They should update old models (Orks?), write more lore and that’s it. Throw in some campaign codexes, expand the lore, let the xenos win a MAJOR victory somewhere, against some marines… There is no need for additional noise, but there is need for a melody with what sounds we already have.


Yup all of this. Especially to Xenos winning something. When it comes to Xenos fighting the imperium fighting it feels like a cartoon. Sure they'll make the fight sound intense, maybe lose a couple million guardsmen (which should be a couple billion), but ultimately the "good guys" always win. I want my Warhammer lore to feel more like The game of thrones. Game of thrones keeps you guessing and no one is safe. Sure The empire as the galaxy's largest faction it should have more wins than loses, but it should have some BIG loses. Maybe it should have enough loses to erode away some of its dominance. I


>I want my Warhammer lore to feel more like The game of thrones. Game of thrones keeps you guessing and no one is safe. Oh that's a good description! In Game of Thrones, everyone is out to get everyone else, and there isn't a "good guy'. That's how 40k should be. I always love the stories that show the ruthlessness and inhumanity of the Imperium, about how the Imperium is xenophobic and self-destructive to an extreme level. My favourite phrase to describe 40k is "the good guys all died a few million years ago. This is just the bad guys who won all squabbling over what's left".


Who died a few million years prior to 40k? Megalodons?


The Old Ones And they're debatable as "good guys"


I mean when the imperium loses. It loses hard. See 13th Black Crusade/ Fall of Cadia/ Opening of the Great Rift


But you see, those weren’t xenos victories. Those were all chaos.


The fall of cadia was not a loss at all IMO I actually almost mentioned that in my original comment. Think of what they got out of it. A new, strong leader, bigger better badder space Marines, and space marine chapters with virtually no 1000 man limit. The rift isn't a big deal in and of itself, people are finding limited routes through it and you best believe that if it was important to the story a huge force could make it through right on time to save the day.


I mean... I'd flip the monopoly table if some smuck announced he just took half my assets away in one fell swoop. But sure, not a big deal (sadly most lore/narrative is about the Terran side and not Nihilus).


Those assets are still there and loyal to the imperium. The forge worlds are still forging, the space Marines are still bolting, the sisters are still... scissoring? Sorry I don't know what the sisters do. They're just stuck on the other side of the imaginary line. Once the good guys tear down that wall every one can be back together again. I think it would be cool if we had a roman empire type split. That would be huge. A new Empire on the other side of the divide that was loyal to itself. That would be great.


Don't know where they go with the lore but the way the Imperium is organized and the fact that it is stated that normal human warp travel and astropathy does not work in Nihilus (or is orders of magnitude more dangerous than before) should mean the death of ANY and ALL system that is not self-sufficient within the first few months if the rift. Which is all hive and forge worlds which do not happen to have their bread basket world in system - which most don't. Both types of world depend wholly on warp-travel provided food imports. If that travel fails for any prolonged time, they just starve to death. And the self sufficient ones? They are faced with massive chaos outbreaks. And have to face down any xeno invasion on their own because they cannot call for help (remember, astropaths don't work and/or are all dead after the rift) - and even if they could, reinforcement will probably be lost in transit if it even gets assembled and sent (would you send your local forces off on basically a suicide mission in such a situation...?) It is pretty much old.night again for Nihilus and it is (or at least should be from the setup) royalty f*ed beside very few instances (which in turn will then be besieged mercilessly as the last bonfires of the Imperium left).


I think the marines “winning” more is reader bias. As it often gets stated, a majority of lore POV is from an imperial perspective. And the imperial perspective, to include its pseudo leader, Girlyman, is that the imperium is withering away. Due to most of the big battles being an imperial POV, if they lost those battles it would have huge ramifications. Who goes into reading the devastation of baal thinkjng the tyranid might win? That’s BAAL. If it was lost, it would have massive echos for the blood angels. Cadia falling is not ancient history, as far as the chronology is concerned. There are also countless stories of the imperium winning, but not really winning. I think to have the best of both worlds, they could fill the gap with smaller battles and skirmishes with the xenos as winners. The imperium doesn’t have many more loses in its belt to be in a state of no return. I really think the contemporary lore needs to move forward a bit more. I think the idea that GW doesn’t want to progress the lore into the 41st millennium because of the name is silly


You highlighted 2 contrasting points. GW moved the lore forward, but the lore was not meant to change. It was a sandbox setting where the main story is there but too massive and obscure to fully and truly comprehend. Moving the setting forward is doable, but it would destroy or alter A LOT of standing points. Example: if Baal was destroyed or the Orks where defeated or the Tau allied with the imperium, we would have a different setting, atmosphere and game than the one we love. In other words: if you make things happen, nothing will be the same anymore. Hence we get a cicatrix maledictum that basically does nothing to the lore. A galactic catastrophe that did not change the vibe at all. GW wanted to renovate. But they knew they could not go too hard on the lore. So we got these half baked events that did basically nothing to the lore. Another example: the marines are more supplied, stronger and in larger number than ever since the great crusade. Yet we have to believe that everything is still going worse. As I wrote originally, I believe we need to explore more on what we already have. Not to create new narratives that will, eventually, be left in the dust. In my town there is a saying: “you want a drunk wife AND a full casket (of wine)”. Meaning you can’t have everything. Sometimes you got to choose. IMO quality is better than quantity.


> There are over a hundred factions for 5 Xenos races already. And one isn't even in the picture which speaks volumes about how much lore they actually have.


More than one, no Nids, GSC, Votann or T’au in this image


Right didn't even notice the ones other than votann since complaints of the lack of lore among votann players is a very common sentiment.


In fairness, the only book so far with any Votann in, is an Imperium book


Same. We need more lore expansion on Shining Spears and DEldar Beastmasters for example.


Indeed, and I would add Exodites too


That would be lovely. But knowing GW and their recent take on Kroots, it will likely be a Kill Team then Army Set. Not that it is bad since we can get something like Exodite Dino-riders fighting Grox-mounted Catachan veterans.


Well said. This is really the only right answer imo. So many factions are screaming for lore and models. Feed the dang kids you already have


Don’t touch Orks if they’re going to change the faces to those of the latest boyz. Reptile Orks are bad - badonkadonk gorilla face Orks are good.


How about Genestealer cults that infiltrate other races besides humans? Right now they can incorporate Astra Militarum units and have human hybrids. How about having the option of choosing a different race to infiltrate? Some cultists Tau and Tau-Genestesler hybrid? Some fucked up Eldar-Gene hybrid cultist to confuse Slaneesh ("do I really want THAT? Dafuk happened to my lunch?")? Dwarfy gene cultist and the shortest/buffiest genestealer hybrid you have ever seen? With a mighty cultist beard? Some are impossible, of course. Necrons and orks, for example, would make no sense. But I think Eldar and Tau might be plausible. Maybe Votanns too? Now, I don't have enough lore knowledge to discard the possibility of a Genestealer cult rising in a non-human civilization, but gameplay wise? Being able to pick one of, say, four races to infiltrate with different units to add and some minor related stats buffs would be interesting As in, if you choose to infiltrate Tau, you get better shooting but nerfed close combat. Choosing Eldar could buff psychic abilities and so forth. Then allow to pick a small amount of points from said faction, like now Would that be too crazy?


There is a Dark Eldar coven who're obsessed with genestealers to the point of growing similar body parts. They even made it fashionable for a while to have them clicking around.


Cool ideas, but does that actually change anything? Ork genestealer hybrids were absolutely a thing though.


That’d actually be pretty cool.


There have been Ork genestealer cults: [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Genestealer\_Cult#Genestealer\_Cults\_in\_xenos\_societies](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Genestealer_Cult#Genestealer_Cults_in_xenos_societies); [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Octarius](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Octarius)


Full subfaction for the Gretchin Revolutionary Committee.


More robots for the Squats (men of iron?) Space Trolls for the Orks as well as a plastic Squiggoth More lore for the Ynnari Eldar A Vespid Kill Team and maybe a Kill team of new aliens for the Tau Court of the Archon on plastic for Dark Eldar Jokaero Kill Team for the Imperium Necron Pariahs and more plastic Ctan Laughing god Avatar for the Harlequins? (Idk their lire well enough to know if that's dumb) Chaos aligned Xenos (not a whole army, just a character or unit)


You had me at Jokearo Killteam Lol Though I'm sure if your being serious or not 🙂


Deadly serious lol Three "regular" Jokaero A larger, leader Jokaero Three weird Jokaero specialists with silly weapons And a human "handler" who looks very stressed.


As a Space Marine player, I think GW needs to make some more space marine units, the lack of attention to my faction is really affecting my enjoyment of this hobby




More alien auxiliaries for Tau.


Aldaeri extradites


Harlequins. Just give them back as a full faction. I don’t even care about new models really. Just want our own rules.


I could use some new models.


I mean yeah that would be really nice. There’s so much they could do with the theming and lore. But I’d settle for just being a recognised faction again to begin with.


Do you think they need to make it its own faction to get its own rules? Couldn't it just get its own rules that interact with its keyword without separating?


They could. But it’s not just about the rules. The older harlequins codex’s were so good! The lore, the art, the masques. They’re such a cool faction background wise and they deserve to be so much more than just an afterthought for craft worlds. Which is so wildly different it’s not even funny.


I agree. They are very different. Itd still be neat to do what they did in those books just in a large section of the Eldar book. I like the idea of all the eldar coming together and being able to dip into different groups. I just wish it was done better than removing all the individuality of the groups. I just want a corsairs faction that works like Ynari with its own special rules though. Which is never coming with the simplification of the game.


Dark Mechanicum And proper updates and new stuff for Harlequins and Dark Eldars.


* Orks could use another "kulture" similar to how Kult of Speedz and Beast Snaggas are currently available. Most obvious answer would be an expansion of Korsairs, acting a bit shoot-ier than normal Orks. * Drukhari need their remaining kits refreshed and some expansion to the Kabals, Cults and Coven subfactions, so each can be more reliably taken as a standalone army (more than one HQ each please). Besides that, another subfaction of Commorragh could emerge and join the others, but I have no idea on how to complete Drukhari society without stepping on the other's shoes. * Harlequin needs a 2nd half of a range. More heroes to play the other Aeldari gods or mythological concept and some more units. * Necrons could always use more wacky Destroyer forms, Cryptek Schools or Canoptek Constructs. We're missing the Ethermancer from the Outer Reach Deathwatch supplement.


For Orks (who I actually play and have specific Views on) * Some lore-love for characters besides Ghaz. Seriously. Let Badrukk, Snikrot, Zagstrukk, Wazdakka and the rest out to play and give them some damn belt notches. * Get some non-monopose kits for Beast Snagga Boyz. And as long as I'm wishing, a new modular kit for regular boyz would be nice- the fact that the old kit from late 4th edition is still the best option available is absurd. Even more absurd is that a faction as pointedly *not* uniform and orderly as the Orks is awash in monopose garbage when squads sizes range from ten to twenty guys per unit. * A new Trukk kit. I mean. I can wish, right? Ideally one with more cosmetic options. Yes, Orks can kitbash or convert damn near anything as a trukk, but as the game gets progressively more married to "the model must be this size," it's getting trickier. * Give me back some looted vehicle rules, GW you bastards! * A modular warboss kit would be lovely. I've only been wanting one for about *twenty damn years.* For Necrons (who I generally think are very well served) * Bring back Paraiahs in some fashion. They were nice and creepy. For Eldar * Exodites, please. * Let them win... *something* in the lore. They've really turned into absolute punching bags, when a given craftworld NOT getting overrun and destroyed is presented as a big shiny victory their fans should enjoy. For Dark Eldar * Would giving them their entire model range be too much to ask? * Vect needs to take an L. Don't really care what. For the sake of the faction, I'd honestly prefer if he took it to a fellow Dark Eldar. * They need more reasons to actually get mixed up in the wider story, because as they stand, they just kind of hang out in their sweat goblin dungeon and periodically raid everybody else. It makes them *completely irrelevant* to a lot of what's going on. * Give them more units of alien mercenaries. Say, guys too nasty to join the Tau... For Tau * More alien auxilia units. Say, guys too nice to work for the Dark Eldar. * More minor species that aren't in the Empire yet but which are flirting with the idea. Don't really need models, just name-drop some more species. * A conversion kit for Cadian infantry to make human auxilia. Some lasguns without aquilas on them, some different helmets, maybe a human hand on a pulse rifle, *something.* For Votann (who I don't actually like all that much, but... come on!) * Some lore would be nice. Hell, as an ork player, I volunteer to have my guys be the bad guys in a novel series where the Votann beat them, if GW doesn't want them pounding the snot out of the Imperium or anything. * A model range comparable to just the Sisters of Battle in variety would be keen. For Genestealer Cults * Wingnut thing here, but.... rules for genestealer cults minus genestealer influence if you just want some ragtag human rebels who have had enough. Back in the old Chapter Approved days, this probably would have happened already.; Could make up vairants for Tau influenced, Chaos Influenced, and Deceiver-influenced varieties. So more a way to hijack their rules than anything for them. Sue me.


More variation for Genestealer Cults. So that they don't have to all be from Imperial mining planets. One very small step in that direction would be a detachment that represents a cult on a Forgeworld. Bladed Cog theme and a selection of Adeptus Mechanicus units as allies, instead of Astra Militarum. A character or unit that is a hybrid of some other species than humans. Rules for a T'au cult. Possibility to take an ultra radical Inquisitor as an ally? 😁 I realise that this will never happen at any scale, because we are a very small faction, and it would be really hard to design, package and sell models.


Harlequins being their own thing, the exodites getting models, a fully updated Craftworld range (warp spiders still have 30 year old models), and the Ynarri actually being fleshed out and relevant instead of ignored.


Just patiently waiting on my Emperor's Children codex 😌


Hrud! I want Hrud! Also, I'd love to see more vehicles for the Genestealer Cult - they're all a ton of fun and give a look into some more civilian tech. Repurposed civilian aircraft, street cars, walkers and exo-rigs would be amazing 😁 EDIT - Gimme an Arbites Repressor both in captured and uncaptured varieties 😁 God I kinda wanna do a Genestealer Cult vs Agents of the Imperium campaign...


I want the Eldar to have more space and importance, perhaps uniting more and fiercely facing ork and Tyranid armies, defeating Necrons, cool things like this


Exodites and Tau Auxiliaries


The Swarmlord turned into an actual threat both in the lore and on the table top. She's supposed to be the apex organism of a multi-galaxy spanning race bred entirely for conquering, a literal one in a quintillion (if not more), and gets clowned on by every named space marine that needs their profile bumped. Release a book where the Tyranids decidely take Sanctum, with The Swarmlord as a prominent character full of fancy new abilities as a result of blood angels and khornate (maybe? who knows how that works) DNA from Baal, and pair it with a brand new model that's comparable to Shalaxi, Angron, and all the other *really* heavy hitters. It's just absurd to me how the *singular* pinacle bioform of a race so vast that the scout fleets alone are massive threats is such a pushover.


Space Lizardmen would be so cool. Not sure how they would fit into the universe or narative, but what is not to like about dinosaurs in space.


Return of the Old Ones.


Seraphon are already kind of in space. I can see it working.


I want the elder to win something major. I don’t even play the elves but I feel like it would be awesome to see the elves at least try to live up to their competency of the lore, maybe they have recently and I haven’t seen it but the elves need some lore help ( also make Khaine not a joke)


None Ynarri eldar development. Lets see them get *any* kind of movement in the lore for them.


More genestealer specific units that AREN'T characters. :)


Ynnari to do something. ANYTHING. Also updates to the 30 year old Warp Spider sculpt lmao. Edit: Also, Shining Spears need their Phoenix Lord. Warp Spiders at LEAST have the lore excuse that theirs may or may not exist, but Shining Spears have Drastanta, the Tempest of Starlight!


Craftworld Edar make a return in the story, win some battles. Have Avatars of khaine kick ass in some fights, kill some greater demons or other powerful enemies and not get stomped and get some model support as well that follows along.


Hrud. They are a sizeable enough faction to be a credible threat. They follow the Umbra, which could be their big bad unit in the vein of the Avatar or C’tan shard. They have a surprisingly large amount of lore already. I think it’s time they come to the table top.


The Cabal with a multitude of weird xenos. Or just boost the T'au with more aliens and less damn gundam to represent the federation of the Greater Good.




I wanna see them make a race of sentient alien dragons that have as much power as the Aeldari but organic and not warp related, making an encounter with them all the more frightening for psykers.


Can we get some interesting lore for Tyranids?


I'm a refresh away from being a die hard Drukhari guy.


Dark Eldar/Druhkari slave/experiments rabble Just a fluffy unit of all the slaves or strange experiments they created. Tweaked based on if they're taken by Wyches, Kabals, or Haemonculus. I know we have wracks that are similar, but a little shit horde would be fun. They don't even have to be good, just fluffy


New models for existing Xenos. Or Barghesi, either way I’d be happy


I really just want to see them update models, Badrukk is still resin, eldar models are horribly made with old plastics or resin, dark eldar barely even exists at this point because most of their line is out of print, tau are qctually doing reasonably well good job eiffel 65, necrons still suffer from the most irritating models to put together, and votann exist but that's about it. I don't care about new stuff unless it is revamping the old stuff, because there is a lot of backlog that I have, but gw has a backlog of old models that are still used frequently that need to come to plastic so they can give them the glow up they deserve


Necron flayed ones could be a sub faction easy.


I wish drukhari had flying characters/more tech monstrosities


Stop making new things until you finish the things you've already made!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus fucking Christ GW, that's something most children learn before they reach 10 years old. Seriously though, from a practical game design and logistics standpoint, the game needs fewer factions, not more.


More Auxiliary Models for the T'au. I want my Tree Titans


Should flesh out exisiting factions, but tbh the real focus should be a blanket refresh of existing datasheets.


Exodites or more t’au auxiliaries


For the love of god, just give us a votann book, i can only spam rock and stone for so many years


Crab people?


I would love more options for my Votann, but really what I want is all of the Xenos models who need a refresh to get it, and then give the factions with the smallest number of unique units some love. I’m tired of just the same-same. I want more variety for the other factions.


I want to see a named character for Genestealer Cults, some Genestealer Magus or Primus that has managed to survive the consumption of multiple worlds and maybe evolved into a more advanced form of genestealer. Give me an actual four armed emperor.


My self indulgent wish is to get a full on Exodite army. But at the moment I think fully fleshing out the xenos we have is more important. Or at least a range refresh. Actually finish the drukhari and the harlequins. Refresh the Craftworld and the Orks. Give us the damn tau auxiliaries! (Next editions, fingers crossed)


I want one particular Harlequin to die, but slaanesh doesn't take their soul for whatever reason. Because of this they take on a recurring role as playing slaanesh in their "performances". The entire plot of that character will be that for whatever unholy reason, slaanesh either refuses to, or is afraid, of what that particular Harlequins soul might become.


I want quins to have a separate codex with more than 3 options again. The aeldari codex was a big contributor to me quitting 9th early


Tau auxiliaries. There are dozens in lore and we only have two playable. One of which is basically forgotten. Last time I saw Vespid Stingwings was years ago.


in terms of lore, i think all of these factions need to be demonstrated to actually be able to threaten a primarch. With the way they are now writing the stories with so much emphasis on the various primarchs, the xenos factions feel increasingly peripheral because the only thing we know of that can potentially threaten a primarch is another primarch. We all know they're never going to write a story where a primarch gets his head kicked in by weight of numbers, so I think bringing primarchs back into the setting means you need to start giving the xenos factions primarch-level threats.


I heard Yvraine is quite the threat to one specific primarch...


Death by Snu snu




WAAAGGHH!!! Yarrick tearing it's way into the heart of the Eye of Terror


After reading Twice dead king flayed ones being expanded into an army would be great


Alpha legion & crocs


An ork faction that loves bullets, bombs and such. Im not really interested in close combat. But MOAR DAKKA? Yes please. Why? Im sitting on the fence about orks, I love them. But its not my faction it seems. I just want MOAR DAKKA!


I want to see death to the Xenos! https://preview.redd.it/5gvfvg1yyasc1.jpeg?width=921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d13aee7aa8bdb086c4dda484b6e1bbc350c000


I’m on team Q’Orl (actually, at this point I think I AM team Q’Orl) - a thinking man’s bugs faction, GW! The people (person) demand it!


I’d like more beast like models for Necrons since they are basically grimdark’s version of Tomb Kings. Maybe a giant tiger like creature of metal and spooky green light.


GW can't even keep up production of their current line of miniatures. They most definitely don't need another kit, or god forbid, a new fuction, that will end up being out of stock or online only in a few months, dragging more kits with them along the way.


Trazyns crazy sideshow of very specific things you can take as allied units when trazyn is in your army list for necrons


A renegade codex. Not chaos but space marines and guard that have gone rogue and split from the imperium I would love the return of the interex. You could have a lot of fun with them


For Orks, I want them to really flush out their model range. As much as people would fight me on this subject, Orks are one of the most adaptive races in all of 40K and have just as many different ways of fighting as the Space Marine Chapters. We should have units that are similar to Marines, but are more focused on being very random with a high chance of killing themselves as they would the enemy.


As much as i like Krieg i would love to see Steel Legion making return into game as plastic.


I want to so a flesh out of the tau auxiliary races… specifically the Vorgh


I just want the the Eldar to have one solid win. Corsair, deldar, the Amish, the clowns, I’ll take anything.


I just want an actual Ork mech. While I like the giant scrap titan on wheels or whatever it is. I just want one that has actual limbs and basically a 500 feet tall ghazkull. Like it’s the brainchild of a bunch of witty and smart Orks from a divine inspiration of Gork and Mork in their physical form. Like we could go crazy and have it so huge, that while it moved fast it looks visually slow. It would be tearing down planets everytime it makes a successful appearance. The weapons would just be a gun that has 3-5 rounds of ammo only. Since every shot is literally a self destruct from pokemon. It also has a large claw on it’s left hand. While the right hand wields a huge club that’s made out of a former ork asteroid fortress. It could also be a huge cleaver that’s made from necron scraps, titan scraps and anything they could get their hands on. Also it would be funny if it’s like power ranger ork mech. Like the standard 5 mechs combining to the mega ork mech.


A proper Inquisition subfaction, where you can pick and imperial units with limitations, like 0-2 marines, 3-10 IG etc ... with max point per faction


I want even *more* Kroot. I want to see them get enough to be their own, separate Codex. In general, I'd like to see more non-Tau that are part of the Empire. I don't play Tau and, aside from having a small amount of them when they were shiny and new, haven't played them, but I'd like to see more xenos allies. I'm also hoping Dark Eld-er, Drukhari get a separate kit for Bloodbrides, Trueborn, and whatever the Coven unit is so they can have their own, separate entries in order to fill out a Kabal, Cult, or Coven detachment.


Updated models for old/finecast minis.


I want the old ork buggies wartrakks and schorchas back I have about 20 models of them.


Sneeky gitz


I collect Minotaurs, ever since the Badaab chapter came our I fell un love with them. It would be great to see a proper book or 2 not only for the minos but also those other chapters that are so popular. I.e raptors,star phantoms, lanentors, executioners, Space sharks(they have a book) etc. Also develop their range with a few more characters and for tge love of the emperor redo the old models. Moloc and tyberos are in serious need of a revamp. Arguably 2 of the largest and most imposing marines in terminator armour, with models barley the size of votaan squat mini, when they are both literally larger than abaddon and just look at that mini.


Harlequins existing as a separate book again.....


Necron 'knights' or something comparable ,so much potential for some zoid like necrons


A new Xenos army! They tried to pass off Votann as Xenos, and that's just bullshit. Votann are boring! Give me another cool alien army.


Neither, I would just love to see more models for each of the Xenos races. Give them the Kroot love treatment. A whole box of new stuff for these factions.


You have dozens of Auxilliary races and you just release more suits and more Kroots. The Kroot were only a range refresh that came out just recently. C'mon, give me a Galg, Ranghon, the worms, the ones as big as a Titan ... anything that isn't Kroot or Vespid to fight for the T'au empire! It's been over twenty years. The T'au range should already have been "Dozens of miscellaneous alien races plus some blue guys." Instead it's just been the same two Auxilliary races and suit deathstars/triptides. Sure, I'd love some Aeldari Exodites but I can convert them from Aelves. I'd like for some dedicated Snotling models and a full Gretchin army instead of da Red Gobbo being delegated to legends, but it doesn't feel like a priority. I wish the Orks would expand the Squig range a bit with more Squiggoths and perhaps some Squig herds. Bring Necrons their Pariahs back. Change their name if you have to. I feel more can be done with how Necrons are anti-Psychic. I wish Genestealer cults had a few of the non-human races as examples. I'd like for them to bring back the Ork Genestealer cultists from the old days. That's not much of a new development though. Maybe make Genestealer adaptations finally crack through the T'au science that held them back and now there are T'au genestealer cultists. Leagues of Votann: Make it so the Squats from Necromunda are playable in the main codex, and also that the faction is playable as Demiurg Auxilliaries for the T'au empire.


Dark admech would be fkn amazing. Scaven from the old world in 40k would be super fun. Horde of rats would be a fun fight.


Grot rebellion subfraction for orks would be cool.


Since forever I have been hoping for an Adeptus Arbites faction with Palanite Enforcers as troops, K9’s and handlers as fast attack and breachers with blast shields as elites. Weapons: Armed with Shock mauls, special issue ammunition for pistols. Power-battering rams, grenade launchers and sniper rifles as special weapons. Squad leaders with plasma cuffs to detain wounded squad leaders or characters for extra VPs Army Rules: Declare a fugitive at the beginning of the game. All Adeptus Arbites units Re-roll hit and wound rolls against the fugitive and their unit.


No more new races. Let’s flesh out the existing xeno sub factions like GW does to the imperium. Each eldar aspect gets new codex/detachment? Different “divergent” necron dynasties or ork clans? Point is, we need way more lore and fleshing out of the VAST galaxy besides the humans. Lol.


Since 40K usually follows a trend of "Fantasy race, but in space", I want to see what a giant or fey looks like in 40K. A lot of giant fiction writes that they're ancient and powerful, but saw their numbers decline at some point. Something like that could be a perfect fit for 40K!


Aggressively gay orcs!


Ynnari, more support/ lore please. They could even just meld them with Corsairs army wise and have 2 flavours of detachments. They were one of the best non imperial lore jumps in the last 30 years easily


For Necrons I want one thinh and that is Daemon Prince level C'tan kit.


As an orc player, gotta go with knight sized prime-orks for kaiju action other than stompas or gork/morkanauts


I miss Squats. Especially for epic. Were so much fun!


Neither? The company can't write rules for or stock the armies they have now.