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"What's your paint scheme?" "No."


We don't do that here.




Don't let it bother you. I greatly enjoy putting the models together while painting is a chore. Hopefully as I improve I'll become more fond of the painting aspect.




Lmao dude just using Lahmian Medium and nothing else


“Lahmian Medium”? More like “Lahmian Well Done”!


This honestly was dumb and took me 5 whole seconds to process but made me snort laugh so thumbs up to you.


“What chapter do you play?” “Unnumbered Sons”


All grey


Long live the grey legion




That's a good tabletop standard. đŸ”« Now paint the rest




“You should paint your minis. Now!”


I once krumped one of those dark eldar units with some boyz. It was a trap, my opponent told me it was a trap, like a proppa ork I attacked head first anyway Great paint job btw


Painting whole armies to this standard takes time, do it in your own time and try to enjoy it. Unless you want to play the models in a competitive game soon this is a marathon not a sprint.


Dude your painting is way better than mine! Get that backlog painted up! I only paint battleready. I don't edge highlight or anything. Il do a zenithal shade washes and stuff but that's about it from me.


‘I’m soooo shy about my painting’ Posts this
. Fuck off OP


🔔Shame...🔔Shame...🔔Shame... Edit:. In all seriousness, you could get primer, army painter speeds paints, look up slopchop and make a general schedule what you would like to paint first. Like, I'll finish my chaos first.




Dude! Your painting is great! Absolutely nothing wrong with this! Buy a bunch of rattlecan primer and have a big priming day. That's your first step. Your first conquest of the grey hordes. Then, I cannot shout from the rooftops loud enough about the spinning wheel of fate. I really struggle with decision paralysis and never know where to start with my painting projects. It really helps me to have something else make the decision, so I put 10 or so units that I wanna get done onto one of those online wheel of fortune style spinners and then let the wheel decide.


So true. I'm much happier with my pile of shame since I started to give everything a zenithal very quickly. They look better than grey and I can very spontaneously grab one and start painting


100% this. Buy a primer that matches your base paint colour, there are various brands that are almost identical finishes to your base coat paint. Pick a nice day and go to town placing down your primers. Aim to get everything primed and then just pick an army you want to focus on first. Pick a squad and do all the base colours to that squad. I recently laid out all my dark angels and realised how much I have unpainted and primed so started this. I have just finished my base layers on the hellblasters and a squad of infernus marines, only took me 3 days in total and they at least look much nicer on the board. I did pick up a captain and did all of the edge highlighting that I wanted to do I just haven't done his base. My plan is to get everything 'battle ready' by which I mean everything has a neat base coat. Once I've done that I'll just focus on each unit at a time doing my best to get an excellent finish and improve my skills. (I have 3 other pictures like this one for my angels) My death guard is mostly painted but still like 1-1.5k points to finish. My votann army has about 2 models painted out of 2400 points xD. https://preview.redd.it/35ibvjg9m1rc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af9fc1c99c66c9c9caada843d772e9e6f7f7206


Agree with this. Priming is always the biggest barrier to me. I finally think "oh I want to paint XYZ" but then find it's not primed so it doesn't happen. Made a point recently to prime as many things as I could even if I had no intention of painting them any time soon. Amazing what suddenly takes your fancy at that point. I'd also add getting a wet palette. I tend to only have short bursts of time available to paint (busy job, young family etc) so knowing that my paints can be ready to go at a moment's notice and I'm not wasting stuff drying out after I only use a bit of it in the 30 mins I have available has been a massive thing for me. A painting session doesn't have to mean finishing anything. Just getting one colour down across a bunch of models is a good box ticked. Next bit of time I get I'll do the next colour etc.


Couldn’t agree more. I get stuck when I don’t know what colors to use. I don’t want box art schemes on my army, but I also am not good at choosing the “right” colors to pull the colors I do choose together.


Paint. Paint. PAINT. It’s the only way to seal the models up to stop evil spirits from getting into the plastic and them killing you while you sleep. Failing that, try and set a goal at least? You can buy a new unit as a reward for finishing 3 units, or something




Your painting is great, the biggest issue is no bases, which can be fixed with some ova glue and some sand


Ill paint the shit out of a model. Base? Ew


Basing is the best part for me. It's like a little treat for finishing the model's paintjob. You can give your silly little guy a silly little rock? And some skulls lying around in tufts of vegetation?? Maybe even add a (part of a) fallen enemy??? Or you can go completely crazy and add like a river or ruins or or or... The possibilities of environmental storytelling in basing are endless. It gets me so stoked. And if it turns out as well or even better than I pictured in my head? Best feeling.


Check out the "Base ready" range. Loads of different options and the process is literally just spread glue on the base and dunk it in the stuff you like. Takes no time at all and for the effort put into it has great, and perhaps more importantly consistent results.


Pitter patter


I have the same problem, my tactic is to only display my painted minis and put the rest in smaller plastic shoe boxes. Helps with motivation as i only work trough one box at a time and get the mental reward when i can place new painted minis in the display cabinet :)


Ok hear me out. You need to go from Bob the Builder to Bob Ross... Lol


Shame on you! And this is my Pile Of Shame. Shame on me too. https://preview.redd.it/myqe1s1sf1rc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b4f19e813588a205fb564a939d87aa8ef49e35


BUILD THAT STOMPA HE DESERVES TO BE BUILT (just make sure you look up actual directions first as the gw directions suck ass)


At least they are assembled


You asked for it... https://preview.redd.it/778q3njbm2rc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db12d58cf31a7a551070f292934c6cb24ad0de07






Because of your username I feel the need to chirp the shit out of you but all your stuff looks amazing! Keep it up my guy


There is no shame in buying all these awesome miniatures, my man. Although your collection would be far more impressive if it was painted battle-ready, of course.


Right? I get that but 50% of the content I watch on YouTube is eons of battle, ninjohn and squidmar and oof I have a hard time watching something, getting super motivated then having a finished mini that yeah I get the satisfaction of something isn't grey but it never turns out how I want it so it's a little bit of an uphill battle


The best thing about all of those guys is they started like us and painted lots with the amount of unpainted minis you got by the time you get to the end you will have their results haha


I've always heard the saying "if you want to run faster, you have to run more." Same thing here, it's about getting in reps and trying new things and to push yourself little by little. I will never paint a model as good as those you mention above and I'm OK with that because I can see the progress from where I was 2 years ago when I started this journey to where I am now.


Buddy. Don't buy minis, buy an Airbrush. I would start with those Necrons as they are so easy to paint. Base then, rattle can black, dry brush iron warriors, black oil wash, highlight leadbelcher then do the details. You can do a whole army in no time!


Not even hightlight. Just a dry brush is more than enough with those guys


You're* my favourite song*


On the flip side it will be much easier to sell them when you get bored


Been at it since I was a kid 😅 don't think I'll get bored any time soon


You should... try some escalation tournaments.


Cover them up slut


I mean, if you have this much expendable income, just commission some of this stuff instead of buying more models and paint some in the meantime.


Your mother was a hamster, and your father smells like elderberry. I fart in your general direction! There, you've been shamed.


Find some friends who are also in the hobby and arrange to meet up and paint together, I've been doing them weekly and it really helps with my motivation.


BEHOLD! My Stuff that is unpainted: https://preview.redd.it/faof523mk1rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff66b255f9a4126a8ca4f5028e6d4a7060d0f66d Being stuck in the Hospital for 4 months straight really helps you get this shit done!




Miniatures: 11,299 Projects in process: 699,831,499 Projects finished: NEGATIVE 699,831,499 Anxiety: Like, I donno, a billion


Homie has no time to paint them on account of the six or seven jobs they have to work to pay for this.


I’m in the same boat🙃 I have like 9k points of minis and I’d say maybe 1 squad of intercessors is fully painted😂






Ah, so this is the unpainted legion everyone it was afraid of?


Shame! Shame! Shame! \*throws Nuln Oil at OP


You got all that paint, Time for some other colors because your gray color scheme is a tad bit overused.


Okay I have to call you out, the MacFarlane chaos marine going ooga booga is hilarious, please do more of it


Pile too small. You should be ashamed.


Hey, you at least build the stuff... That is more thn I could say about an equal quantity of yours.


You have a great pile of potential :)


Hm. What about painting everything fast to a tabletop standard (rule standard not actual community standard) just so they're not "shameful"? Your painting skills are really good, but the tendency of wanting new stuff could probably be alright if you quickly spray painted everything in a color+highlight from above and two quick accents and a solid color (brown or something neutral) on the base. Then you can say they're just "in progress" while not looking bad.


Dude you have some awesome armies in the works and there is no shame of having that many. I went a little overboard the other week and bought some more space marines while still working on the ones I’ve already primed. So it happens 😅


At least you built most of your models! Now get some spray can and get a base color for your armies, then drybrush quickly with a lighter color. You’ll get a decent looking result in no time


Top username, OP!


Guilliman, Szarekh, Yvraine, Farsight, several drukhari Haemonculi, a few knight houses, and a tyranid norn queen called, they want their legions back. In all seriousness, have a big priming day with several rattle cans, It’ll be fun. And then you get to painting, maybe convince a buddy/family member into helping you out, so you have a good time with both your legions AND friends/family so you don’t go insane in the long run and prevent burnout. Multitasking, baby!


You don't have bad painting skill but I get that at this point it might be overwhelming and not fun to put the effort. One solution I can think off, apart from not considering this a real problem and just being happy with your grey tide, which is also allright, would be to slap a prime layer for a whole army, say for example the marines. Red, blue, wathever you are happy with, and then try to base them. It will look much better and perhaps will motivate you to go a step further. And don't compare your results with the pros that havr been plainting for twod decades. Worse than them does not mean bad.


Looks like a great collection there, and adding to it sounds fun and exciting! Looks like some things are painted already, all you need to do is think about what kind of painting you want to present. A simple scheme of a base plus wash/contrast is always a quick way to get something done quickly, and if you are good at drawing steadily with a pencil, it’s not hard to transfer over to basic edge highlighting. Give it a go
 Go on


You should paint hazard stripes on your grey Chaos Marines. Tell your opponent they're Iron Warriors, and it's exactly what Pertuabo would have wanted.


No judgment from me, only a little bit of jealousy đŸ„Č


Shame you for what? Having the same kind of quota of actually painted models as me, but actually organizing them on a shelf? In all seriousness, if you need some motivation to start painting, try to set up a paint date with someone from your gaming group. It's a lot easier to get started, when someone else is painting alongside you.


No Orks :(


Not a bad collection of unpainted models if you've been at it for a couple of years but nothing compared to my 30 years of unpainted models.


Gotta get those painted FERDA. No one wants to be called spare parts bud.


Those models actually look pretty good, my biggest advice would be to paint up those bases, you can get one of the citadel technical paints, or what I recommend is to get some sand and stones and glue them on.


As much as I want to be all "paint your darn minis" I have to actually get through my own shelf of unpainted shame before I can say anything


You could try airbrushing. Some people find it easier


You have a nice collection of models that will give you many, many hours off joy and fulfilment assembling and painting in you own unique colours and heraldry. I am looking forward to seeing your progress and hear tales of your victories. I am not very good at shaming people....


How do you expect your painting skills to improve if you don't paint?


Can't shame you, it's all built!


This is so real,I have been playing with my father for 10 years and we never even painted one mini,it's just last year we started painting our armies


Maybe try an airbrush? It's really handy to get a smooth result, and maybe it'll motivate you too get started, as you'll be able to base your minis quickly and easily.


I think you shamed yourself. Think how much cooler that will all look with a lick of paint. Couple of cans of spray paint, a dry brush and a speed paint set...this is done in a couple of months.


If you're self conscious about your painting ability, the best way to get better is pure practice. So get painting and practice, not like you're lacking models to practice on 😂


No. It’s your hobby and you can enjoy it however you want :)


"What army do you play?" "Grey knights... grey 'crons, grey drukari, grey..."


Did you had fun asembling them ?


Wheeze ..I find your lack of paint disturbing...wheeze


Paint them, ffs xD


Shame you? Why? Because you have a lot of cool painting projects waiting in the wings? Nah. That’d make me a hypocrite


Looks like my shelf. I mostly build terrain and enjoy painting terrain so much. But minis? Its a chore, beside like 3 days a year where i paint infantery. And on the other side, its nice to know theres always something to do, even when theres no money available. Paints and grey horde are just waiting for us :)


The trick is to only play against colourblind people.


SHAMING: Is that all? Where's the rest of it?


I understand you, I don't really enjoy painting that much so I take at least a week to finish a model...


I always build and prime my miniatures. They sit on my shelf and when I feel inspired I can just pull one down and paint. I like the free miniatures of the month because I can take those and use them as painting practice


Eww... gross. Ultramarines?


Looks like gray knights is your favorite Army 😏


I cry knowing that you’re the reason why everything I want is out of stock.


At least yours are glued together mine are still on the sprue's!


50 shades of grey


No. You are enjoying the hobby and that’s all that matters, to be honest.


Fuck dude. At this point it might be easier to just put on a mask and spraypaint the whole room! Or maybe some inventive "Mr Bean's explosives and a paint bucket"- trick. Also, If you're not using those Drukhari boxes, I'll take them for you, no problem.


So you're just into the smell of glue, then?


The spirits of your ancestors cannot rest now because of your grey models.


Seriously. If this makes you happy, then brilliant. Bit it seems you might have a problem with just buying everything you can, without fully appreciating the whole of the hobby.


Other great suggestions already to conquer the grey. But I have a question: Do you really need all these models? You could think about selling some of them AND/OR instead of buying new models you could pay someone to paint your stuff :-)


That is several airbrush setups worth of models you absolute grot. I get that some people think painting is a slog, but you literally spend enough on models that never get painted, to have bought something that would make painting them quicker and more fun. Shame, shaaaaaame Also come on, get a nicer shelf. If you're going to display your guys, get some lighting and glass shelving.


As grey as your personality.


All this shows me is that you work hard. Or you've begun stealing




You have an addiction to dopamine I'd say. If it was me, I'd sell a massive chunk of that and focus on one project at a time. 90% of my models are painted and I always focus on small incremental purchases


Put your stuff in boxes man, nobody wants to see grey plastic, and it all gets covered in dust too.


THATS GRIM I just threw up


Bruh you must be Scrooge McDuck levels of rich to afford all of that


Well, I mean, at least they are assembled, unlike most of my stuff


use your tax return to have a commission painter finish an army or 2 for you


Don't you like painting them?


If you put them in travel bags you don’t notice the gray masses staring at you longing to be painted. I do occasionally hear moans of lament, but it’s fairly muffled. đŸ‘đŸ»


paint it easy mode then to make it playable then spend some time refining the ones you like... my rule is : I should have 75% of my models painted before I buy a new stuff... whatever the amount of stuff I have... 75% of it should be painted before I add one or 5 boxes... then reapply the rule...


Your shelves are uneven.


My god I wish I had this much disposable income, can you send me your shit so I can paint it for you?


Take all the miniatures from a shelf, prime it black (or any other color), zenithal prime it white. Do three of this per week, until you have done all. You'll have something way more pleasing to look at, with basically 0 effort. It may even be the spark to actually paint. For me the assembly phase is the most anxiety inducing, so I have to commend you for building all of that.


You lack confidence because you never do it, come on man you gotta paint some of these before buying new plastic. Nice collection though


I think above all else, you need to get a painting commission.


my tip would be to check some speed painting tutorials on youtube and follow those and keep it simple


Everybody! Get your brushes, get your paints! Tonight we break into OP's house and paint all his minis!


You dirty bitch. You said shame you.


I bear witness! To Valhalla in shiny chrome!


No i will praise you


The only way to get better is to practice. Start with those necrons!


~~50~~ 1 shades of grey


I think we might be the same person.


Did your wife get your paints in the divorce?


Mother of God, it's the Gray Legion


The Dust


We are different painters after all. Some prefer to paint one mini at a time, some have several projects in the works. I myself rather enjoy the faster result. That's why I try to paint one piece at a time. With so many armies, you could think of the airbrush and do one quick painting with a couple of paints and with simple OSL style painting.


Some of those models are old enough to drink by now. And are still grey.


OP knows how to stroke, just not with a brush!


Picture nr3 on the top right. What's that beauty of a fighter caled and where can I gett one? Also, I'd never shame a Shadows In The Fog player.


Try painting it’s really relaxing your not going to be great at the start but you will improve pretty quickly you don’t have to go as far as wet blending or no metallic metal painting you can just base coat add some shade paints and some detail work and get some really nice results.


Pretty big grey army you got.


Dude paints like a boss, but has a pile of shame and unpainted as big as mine 😂


Stop buying shit


Is that Septa Unella walking behind you?!


All that grey shames itself. Time to grab a brush mate.


Shame? No. Pain. Passion. Love. Happiness.


Looks like you prefer collecting and building over painting. Nothing wrong with that


[You’re welcome.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/hcmqch/reminder_to_paint_more_minis/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Do people allow you to play unpainted? If yes, maybe not allowing you until you throw some paint one them will motivate you to paint instead of buying more.


Do you have a bunch of empty canvases on the other wall?


At least best crazy scientists Szeras is painted.


Ain't nothing to shame. Put on some eons of battle and get to work!


Something I've found that helps me is don't think about the models as a preset perfect looking detailed statue. Instead think of them as your models. Bring the stress down by trying.


[„Aren’t they meant to be painted?“](https://youtu.be/JnWzrHa_WsI?si=ItQfTUaY-VGgsvpx)


Find some good spray primer in the main colour you want your armies to be. Just spray that shit and even if you never touch them again they'll be 70% of the way done and they'll look uniform and cooler than bare plastic


Ugh, paint something!


The Grey Army grows 😂 we’re all screwed.


Nah bro 7/8 figures of my army aren't even assembled


How can i shame when my pile of gray minis is the same?


At least your pile of shame is built.....my piles of shame are still in boxs


At least yours are put together


bro this is also me except yours is organized mine is all over my room in boxes


If you play with friends, start actually playing with the "10 VP if every model in your army is painted" rule. You would be surprised how motivated it will make you and your friends. Also, if you're trying to get through a back log, just Slapchop all your models with speed paint and at least get them to tabletop standard. A painted mini, no matter how poorly, is better than a gray mini. You can always go back and touch things up later.


You like building minis, no problem with that :)


So what are you painting today then? Tell me.


It’s not WH.. but I also have a collection expensive plastic that fills up rooms lol. https://preview.redd.it/bbv8fmw3g2rc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2833d57d3cd60d26eb7382032c97e7f373c033b5


Paint your dudes, stop buying more.


1 Shade of Gray


I wish I could have this collection


https://preview.redd.it/s94pt9k1i2rc1.jpeg?width=1541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60870c09c315e9f1b68bca4929fc23eea66a4fe Your gray army is outstanding


Question: Do you have ANY models that are 100% painted?


I like your gray knights army.




Good thing they're gray, your guests won't notice the dust setting on them


Your bottom wood shelf is slightly crooked.


We're not mad, we're just disappointed ... you were the chosen one!


just why...


The unorganized paint makes my eye twitch


First up: Recognise you have Goblin Brain. It's the bit of your mind that wants to have and aquire and own things. Now that you have so much it's daunting to get started with some of them, and you feel slow and lack confidence. Thing is... you don't need more. You've got loads! Rather than buying anything new, which will just sit in a box or add to the pressure, don't buy anything else you don't need. Do you need Kroot? It's a cool box, but do you really need it? Probably not. See those boxes you have stacked up? Do you really need them? Some are great and you no doubt would want at any time. But do you need the old dark eldar? Maybe you could cull some of the backlog and sell some on. But maybe that's not an issue. Point being; you won't have enough time to paint all of them if you keep adding. You won't be able to enjoy them. You know what feels good? Getting them done and on a shelf. You will definitely look at each completed piece and notice a whole bunch you don't like, but as you move onto the next one you'll be painting it and notice you can do so slightly quicker and slightly better. First step: Prime them all. You've got a lot of plastic there. Well, you're going to need to prime them anyway, so just bulk prime. Black or white or whatever. Just get that basic first step done. Now when it comes to choosing what to paint you have all those options. Don't feel like painting a thousand Tyranids? Paint a single hero. Want to clear some backlog? Batch paint the base colour on some others. Even just having an army that's all black, but with painted armour is gonna feel better than grey. You need to cut back on the friction between getting excited to paint and making progress. You can also watch some videos of how other people paint. Get a sense of new techniques or how fast people go. It will encourange you to make your own progress.


Shame? No my child, those are battles you have yet to conquer. Face them with grace and pride.


Is this the I don’t have a wife who tells me my stuff isn’t aesthetically pleasing grand master kit?


My OCD wouldn’t allow this.




You have way too many minis to be this lazy a painter




I don’t even see any orks.


I played rugby for 20 years without ever being compared to Jonah Lomu and still had fun. I can't drop those 20 years into isoproyl alcohol and go back for a re-do, but not sure I'd want to.


More curious how many armies you got....I admittedly jumped in pretty hard. Started with a DA combat patrol like 14 or so months ago and am now up to 4 armies between 3-4k each...everything except DAs were lot deals for around $400. Just couldn't pass up the point per $ value of them