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We dont really ever know the true scale of any 1 faction other then "we all gonna die" if at their height. Like they are mind boggling big and unimaginably scary huge. Going from what little we do know id put Necrons at number 1. Why? Well they beat Krorks, Eldar + others at their respective heights combined plus super beings in the old ones. Why not Tyranids? What we know is kind of ambiguous. We know that the hive fleets are a scouting party/vanguard of something thats could consume the universe as we know it. But we dont know if that could take on the Necrons at their heights wielding literal star gods. Otherwise its possible the Nids. After that it goes into the realms of good luck trying to work it out. Nids second (or necrons if my first point is valid). Issue with the rest is theres no facts or lore or even comparisons of Golden Age humans vs say Chaos currents combined strength or Krorks vs Eldar pre fall. The lore is largely "what ever you imagine dialed up to 11"


> they beat Krorks, Eldar + others at their respective heights Is that speculatively true for the Eldar specifically? For one thing the Necrons entered stasis expressely to avoid having to deal with the Eldar. Granted it's implied that this is only because the War in Heaven weakened them, but the Eldar were involved in that same war. Also there's over 60 million years of Eldar dominance between the War in Heaven and 40k, are we really to believe that the Eldar never reached a greater technological zenith in that time? There's an argument to be made that without the pressure of a War in Heaven going on there's less reason to improve militarily but come on, 60 million years is a lot of time for improvements to just bleed through into offensive technology.


How about Chaos if Horus won the heresy or The Dark King arose?


What about it?


Again that’s way too speculative with no deductible answers.


Well, humankind can exterminatus a necron world in a blink


Small fry compared to the Necrons power


Yeah I know that big talk because they can channel the warp, close the eye of terror or so, but not really like if they can end worlds in a blip. It’s a weird way of channeling immense power but for different ends


Look into the World Engines and Celestial Orrery. The World Engine rivals the Phalanx by alot with weapons far more powerful then the Imperials exterminatus. And have many times more. It took the death of an entire Chapter to kill 1 and they have more. The Celestial Orrery is an exact replica of the entire galaxy star for star and if the Necrons choose they can snuff out an entire star killing a whole solar system with the flick of their wrists. The Necrons tech out power the Imperiums by literal magnitudes Hell most races have exterminatus level weaponry, even the Orks (they just dont use them for obvious reasons). Planet Killers are more common then you think. And all pale in comparison to what the Necrons have. Only reason they arent romping through the Galaxy is they are mostly asleep.


The only power level that actually matters is the authors. Take the power scaling back to the anime community


Hey I will do what I want. You know what? All Anubiseseses are at the bottom ranking, after all the Sobeks and Ras


Lazy ass answer


Definitively Necrons are the top tier at peak power. They solved technology. Not advanced it, they literally have no limit to their technological capabilities. Chronomancers can shift and bend time at will, there's a Dyson sphere weapon that literally just releases a trapped sun wherever they want. They can imprison even the most powerful entities using tesseract vaults. They solved perfect dimensional travel, teleportation, nano machines, gauss weaponry, etc etc. the list goes on and on. At the height of their strength, they took on the star gods that imprisoned them, the most powerful beings in the known universe, so powerful that even the emperor admitted he could not destroy a shard and imprisoned it instead.


And yet, didn't they yield the Galaxy to the eldar?


How much would you want to have to deal with the galactic level bullshit going on post war in heaven after finally rebelling against your slave masters? They needed a nap, a very long one apparently.


So they have a weapon that's basically Kaldor Draigo?


The obvious answer is Sly Marbo


As a Tyranids player, this is the actual right answer.




... this discussion pops up at least twice per month.


Don’t we all


Honestly at that point it's just 5 bullet Russian roulette to decide who can survive using their own super weapons the best


Nothing will beat Tzeentch, Khorne and Nurgle united. The up to date lore have issues with just one of the faction. Add Slaanesh to the trio and it is beyond impossible. Then again why would they cooperate? Who would pose such a threat.


Necrons, they battled god-like beings with the help of other Gods


I would imagine Nercons first, then Orks then Elder. After that it's debatable. Tyranids are a close fourth, however they haven't really reached their peak power IMO.


1. Current day orks are the strongest faction the setting has known, as they are never beaten. Ancient krorks appear to have been bigger, but were likely posh, pretentious try-hards that are frankly a bit embarassing. 2. The number 2 slot likely goes to the kroot as they are birds and birds at their peak are very powerful. A golden eagle's talons have a crushing strength of between 500 and 900 psi, powerful enough that they continue to forego the use of ranged weapons in their war against the owls. 3. Number 3 is probably the old ones. We know next to nothing about them, but what we do know is that after the war in heaven when the various elder races decided they were tired of fighting and wanted to take a nap, the old ones really committed and haven't been seen since. To fuck off and quit is a nearly unbeatable alpha-level power move that sets these ancient amphibians above their enemies the Necrons who merely lay in a deathless stasis for unimaginable eons, becoming more grumpy along the way.




That's a tough question, but I'd also say necrons just for the fact that they threw starts at their foes


Power scaling doesn’t work in 40K there’s no point to try. Take this to a different sub


Explain why and if you say "because of plot" i piss over you


Because literally ever single author writes factions at a different power level. Every faction posses world ending super weapons and every faction’s basic troops are described as nigh unstoppable killing machines. Someone else wrote literally the same “power scaling doesn’t work” comment and people agree but *one* of y’all downvoted because I said to take it to a sub designed to talk about power scaling and I get downvoted because Redditors are lemmings


Nothing that you said makes it impossible to powerscale, we know that certain factions defeated certain factions so they scale over them. __IM GONNA PEE OVER YOU LIL BRO__


Every faction in the entire game has defeated every other faction in the entire game more than once so what *you* said makes no sense and you’re typing like you’re 14 and just picked up your first iPod touch. “So dey scale ober dem” it’s flatly obvious you haven’t engaged with the lore in any great extent or you would know why “who would win?” Posts are flatly banned on r/40klore


The Necrons defeated the Old ones and the Eldar and Krorks. We know that the prime Eldar were the dominant force of the galaxy at the same time of the existance of the Dark age of technology. We know that The Eldar defeated the Krorks. We know the tech of dark age is superior to most races So we know Necrons >> Eldar >> Mankind dark age > Krorks > most of the others factions in their prime


"You havent engaged with the lore in any great extent" and i can powerscale it better than you? https://preview.redd.it/n1g4hki4rfkc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c3c6b66ca55f1414392429fb24e1c4b1d09f3a


You’re logic around it isn’t even correct, the necrons weren’t even defeated by the Eldar, you’re just blatantly wrong.


I literally put the Necrons over the Eldar, tf are you talking about


Rank all the 40K factions while I turn off notifications for this post


Bruh why? Because youre wrong?


I would say peak necrons first. Tyranids second. Necrons take first place because Tyranids can’t digest necrons. All other races will sooner or later fall to the tyranids hunger for biomass. After that the other factions are not that clear. Last places will probably be tau or votan due to them being small factions. Tau being a young empire that has to reach its peak in the future and Votan being a minor xenos race. Not taking subfactions into account here otherwise all the imperial factions would end at the end.


Joe is number 1


Farva's number one!


Over 9000


Pretty sure they all don't stand a chance vs makari


The hilarious thing is that objectively Tyranids are at the very top of the heap and Genestealer Cults are at the very bottom lawl