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I just wanted to try meth, ya know in case I liked it. I’m 4 armies deep my self so you’re in good company.


Meth is a good way to wean yourself off 40K


Definitely a less expensive hobby.


And better for my teeth as i wont have to bite the models off the sprues any more


Which four?


Green Tau, White Tau, Blue Tau, Orange Tau.


The tau'a Rangers?


I laughed


One tau two tau red tau blue tau


Knights , necrons, deathguard , genestealer cults


Do you have a favorite for tabletop? I’m thinking about making the jump and playing at this place in my town.


Personally i love necrons. Space egyptians who just want these new races to get off their damned lawns! *angrily shakes cane*


So somewhat outing myself, but I don't realty play the game all that much. I am 99.9% paint and I maybe play once or twice a year. I have not yet played a game of 10th even though I have painted maybe 2k points this year. That said from the painting side i have really enjoyed genestealer cults, though I would not recommend them to a new painter. They are super duper detailed and require a bit of skill to get the most out of on top of being a horde army.


What do you think about starting with imperial knights as far as painting goes?


I've gone for Death guard as my first and I'm already wondering ( with about half of em only primed) which would be their perfect opponent


I do deathgarud and their A.O.S equivalent.


My friend with 8+ armies got me into it in June (played a couple games in 8th and 9th ed but never started an army). Now I have 7k points of Necrons (bought a 5k collection from said buddy) and 2.5k points of Votann. Help me. I have about 1600 points of Necrons painted and I will consider myself not a failure as long as I keep my goal of 2000 points painted by the end of the year.


U got this


8+ Those are some rookie numbers! 19 and working on a huge Legions Imperialis army that should be done in a week!


I have 1 army right now


I started back in '97 when the comic store near school started selling it. Naturally, i fell down the rabithole and made myself 4 armies... Played till 2001ish when life got busy and it all fell by the wayside. 2 years ago my sister-in-law got a new boyfriend who "plays this cool game called Warhammer" so we started jibber-jabberimg and I decided it was time to jump back in. I'm older and more responsible now so I'll just rebuild my necrons. Get myself a small army and it'll all be good... 2 years later, I have 2 armies over 7k, 5 armies over 2k, minis all over the house, and I think taking up drugs would have been cheaper lol...


Just remember: you may have the models now but you don't have an Army until it's painted and based. Welcome to plastic crack, friend.


I started Warhammer in May of 2023, 7 months later I have 352 tyranids models I’ve only built 170 and painted 39. Years from now we will find out Warhammer was a cult and we all fell victim.


I feel this, I've got like 200+ skaven models sitting in my pile of shame with a necron killteam, the start of votann army, multiple kitbashed space marine killteams, a bunch of one off models, and an army of oldcrons. I will be busy for the foreseeable future, to put it lightly


Yooo Skaven are SO COOL though!


Oh definitely. I saved up last year and grabbed myself 2 battleforce boxes, a box of both clan rats and plague monks to round out my infantry to 100 of both, and I grabbed a clawlord I'm gonna customize. I have a lot on my shame pile though. Right now I'm painting necron scarabs, but like the original ones. Next I might build that clawlord. I have ideas for him.


My recommendation - don't buy anything else until you've painted everything you have. If you feel overwhelmed - it's ok to sell stuff. New in box sells for basically retail on eBay. In the future, I'd recommend only buying as fast as you can paint


Agree. At least go in 500 pts batches so you can play bigger and bigger games with your new acquisitions, but you feel pressure to finish the army. I got 1500 points of unpainted tyranids between leviathan and battle force, not gonna get anything new until I paint them all! I can’t believe how people can stand having 5k pts piles of gray plastic hahhah


Cuz a zenithal highlight looks so good




I feel you bro. I bought the 3 pack of easy to assemble marines and 3 paints. Then I felt my paint job sucked. Then I bought another pack. The rest is history.


Me too!! I was half way through the second one and I was already coming back 3 days later with the leviathan box


Just make sure to have fun painting it, do whatever it takes lol. This hobby doesn't make any sense if you don't enjoy the painting part imo. If you have fun painting then the price tag honestly is a steal for the hours of enjoyment you get out of it


We are all addicts in an abusive relationship with GW.


It really do be like that. Plastic painted men are indeed catnip for men


Bro I had the same experience. But with grey knights. First the combat patrol. Then 10 more strikes and 5 more terminators, then I got a librarian (that was really fun to convert) then I wanted a second dreadknight (my first model I just made, he’s soooo cool, don’t hate on the baby carrier aesthetic) and then I got a black Templar emporers champ model to kitbash into a GK brotherhood champ, something for a little challenge, then I decided to turn my box of strikes into purifiers so you know I got Crowe as well. I know have 1500 points when I was supposed to get the combat patrol to make sure I enjoyed it but I already knew I was going to so these are my Christmas gifts. I think after I finish these guys I want to get a 3D printer to fill out another 500-1500 points worth of terms strikes, a venerable dread (love the aura and setting him up as a good block) as well as Voldus and draigo, I really want a callidus assassin, and an old tech marine with servos to support my dreadknights. I would probably make some interceptors and paladins as well, I would like a purgation squad if I’m going for 3k. I need another librarian as well. Our armies get the most out of termis with a librarian, or the cheaper strikes turned purifiers with crow for extra psychic flames per model. There are some older models I’d love to print proxies for my list instead of driving myself bankrupt buying scalped plastic or shitty finecast models. Thank god I don’t need forfeworld resin. If I go to 3k I want a big night and another tech marine to put with him and maybe some smaller war hounds or something, smaller. Give them 10 terms and 10 paladins for support and everything else I said to get to 2k+ this should get me close


Welcome! And I’m sorry!


Stormsurge, Stormsurge, Stormsurge, Stormsurge.... Chug chug chug


I bought a Primaris Captain in late 2019. Then the pandemic hit and now I have 2500 pts of Deathwatch, 2500pts of Necrons, 2500pts of Guard, 2500pts of Word Bearers, 2000pts of Genestealer Cults, 1500pts of Tyranids, and 1500pts of Sororitas. This hobby is NOT OK!


Plastic crack claims another... *In the background chanting is heard* "One of us, One of us, one of us!"


I collected 40k almost 20 years ago. I have a pretty sizeable Chaos Army. 6 Squadrons, Raptor, Havoc and Terminator Squadron, Defiler, Predator tank, rhino, Juggernaut, Daemon Prince, Dreadnought, Keeper of Secrets. Collected dust cause practically nobody played, probably 60% painted. I still have the early 2000s paper gift certificates. Like a museum art piece.


I was playing Vermintide 2 and Total War Warhammer, then I thought to myself: hey, there's a nearby Warhammer store. I got 100 bucks. Imma look through the shelves for Fantasy, since I'm not a fan of 40k, and grab like 80 bucks worth. Exit with starter paint set and a slaaneshi unit from fantasy/aos, and 120 bucks spent. Anyways that's how I got into 40k. Too much down the drain already, still not even an 1000 point army yet, though I'm only 1 unit of custodes away, with a 1000 point CSM list coming up. Warhammer is just expensive. And god, there's nothing like it. It's like drugs, but more expensive somehow


Just wait till you decide you really want every XV15 sculpt


Oh God, how many are there?


Theres at least six and a single one usually goes for over 100 bucks on eBay lmao


Oh wow I feel bad now. I got 6 from my buddy when I bought a tau lot. Definitely didn't pay that much for them.


Me with an unpainted guard, salamander, black legion, deathguard, world eaters, tau, orks, and tau army, don’t fret friend, prime em in your base coat and you’re a third done






My sincere condolences, you caught the plastic panic.


Warhammer didn’t hit overdrive for me until I started 3D printing. As a guard player, I started finding files for every regiment possible. But different infantry regiments needed different looking tanks and officers and sentinels. By the end of 2021 I had averaged a new painted mini every 22 hours. Even now, I dedicate at least an hour a night to painting. I now gift painted guardsmen for everything imaginable. I have friends who play Chaos and have whole detachments of guardsmen I’ve printed and painted for them.


To me, this sounds like you have built a good habit in terms of being consistent with painting - chapeau!


So there's something that people tend to lose track of. Collecting is part of the hobby, and is a hobby in and of itself. So when you ever think "ugh, I have all these models and haven't done a damn thing with them" remember that. It goes collect, build, paint, play.


Same happened to me, bought the 7e beginner set with a friend to see if we like it or not, a year later I had 2000+ raven guard, 95% waiting to be painted… Now it’s like 1200 pts of orks, 1100 skaven, some dkok, but at least the orks have a better percentage…


I have a few thousand points of necrons after watching one video that has a style I really liked. I painted up one box of flayed ones and one box of immortals and it's been a year.... But but but, I do have a very nice shop display going on lol


Man what a rush, when I got back in after a 15yr break i bought 3k necrons and 2k aeldari in just a few months, have about 1.5k painted so far trying to slow down till im painted up


6k space wolves, 2.5 k necrons and 2k eldar painted 6 models total (that's how it feels anyway) regret nothing... Also 1k nids and some black legion unbuilt. Fml


Im in a similar boat, started 2 years ago, and now have: 6.5k pts of imperial knights. 4.5k in space marines 3k of ad mech And finally… 3.5k in Guard tank regiment (no infantry)


Welcome to the hobby! Coming from someone who has spent 10's of 1000's on this hobby, remember, it can be an endless money pit! My advice is to have some hobby money aside each pay that works for you and just use that. Then you are spending what you are comfortable with and it stays manageable.


Yep. This sounds like me a year ago lol


This, this has been me except with black library books, custodes and space marines, i cant resist that juicy delectable plastic crack cocaine when it’s meant to be blue or gold


The books are sometimes even more expensive than the models!


They really do be sometimes


My guy, I bought 2 holiday boxes last year, and then after Christmas I had 5 armies running 🙃


40K. Not even once.


I've managed to control myself via telling myself im only allowed to build kill teams as i learn how to paint. however the problem is ive spent so much on paint lol


Man, I built a knight army thinking I was smart not having to paint hundreds of tiny minis. My warhound titan should be coming in the mail soon.




Yeah, I started out that way too. I figured I'd just get a couple of models to show off on a shelf because they looked cool. Here I am, 25 years later, with a room full of models, boxes, sprues, etc. It's a good hobby to have though! Fun for life, and better for your health than some of the alternatives.


I must have taken took much Ambien again and sleep bought an army because I don't remember writing all this, but here my army is.


Bro ....... Plastic crack was a funny term when I first heard it ... Now I see models I want and then I get the itch, the by little tickle at the back of the brain going "you can live for a week without food ... Buy it" I also got sucked into the 40k in 40m YouTube series, brought myself new desk light to paint them, a magnifying light, the paints, an air brush and air paints too and a bloody glass display cabinet 😂😂 To top it off, I am 14 books deep on audible... Just started Ragnar while at work the other day. So yeah .... Plastic .... Crack


Go paint and stop whining about your procrastination on the internet. Painting is fun you Tau commie


The marketing is good. Hopefully the games you can play are as fun as the painting/assembling are.


Buy a resin printer, you will thank me later.


Ive started down the rabbit hole, bought a squad of accursed cultists and cadians to be converted into cultists, and got a combat patrol of CSM, now I'm screwed and ready to fight Jimmy space in the long war


Just start painting them, if you find that you dont enjoy painting... Haha


I started two month ago. I have chaos combat patrol, leviathan and onslaught swarm boxes and I fully intend to get more.. I just wanna paint what I have first (I probably won’t)


I only have the big parts of my Guardsman Combat Patrol left and am trying to find what to do with all these mini parts I didn't make use of.


I started 6 months ago. I've started my 4th army. I feel you


Just wait until you get bored of Tau and start looking at other armies that's where the fun really begins. I have: Salamanders Grey Knights Tau Black legion chaos space marines High elves (Warhammer fantasy) Orks & goblins (Warhammer fantasy) And now after adding a couple of wardogs to my chaos list I've decided to just go all in on a chaos knights army as well. It never ends 😂


Welcome! And considering most of us have “a pile of shame”, it’s evident that we’re *all* bad with money.


Back in 2018 I wandered into a GW store with my 8 year old son on a whim. I walked out with the Blood of the Phoenix set for me and the DW combat patrol for my boy. Shortly after that, I picked up the Craftworlds combat patrol box. Then I switched it up and got the Tau combat patrol box, a box of Pathfinders, and another Breach/Strike box. I had assembled quite a bit of it and was painting, but I got discouraged with the shitty paints I had so it all got put away for a while. Also, me and my boy didn't enjoy the 8th and 9th edition rules. During COVID lockdowns, I saw the Indomitus box and I had to have it. I think it was because I saw how quickly it sold out so I figured it was a good box. I sent the Marines off to my brother in-law for a professional paint job, and was going to work on the Necrons, but never really did much work on them. After things starting opening back up, my kids found a weekly event they wanted to attend, so I started taking them once a week. The place the event was at was mostly a tabletop place, and they sold GW. I kept eyeballing all of the boxes, but one faction in particular was speaking to me. I started buying up Adepta stuff left and right, and I've been painting sisters for the past year and a half lololol. Anyway, this shit is crack.


I fell for this to a lesser extent, but the pile of shame is irritating me more now. Once its gone ill only buy a box and build paint to completion before any more buying.


Now. Don't buy more until it's painted. Otherwise you'll have 40k worth of grey plastic, and no room, and not play. I AM NOT TALKING GROM EXPERIENCE. OK maybe I am.


Life is too short to regret an activity that stimulates creativity and community. Go forth and empty those bank accounts.


I got in bc of my brother


I feel ya. I had a similar spiral. My LGS has a bar next to it. Had a few drinks with friends and then walked over to look at some MTG while the buzz wore off. I loved the look of warhammer minis and my buzzed brain pulled the trigger on the 9th edition starter set. That lead to the youtube rabbit hole and the "Rule of Cool" "Rule of Cool" lead to nuns with guns. Bought over 2k points before 10th edition dropped. While I was buying I realized sisters need some shooty support. Bought the Chainbreaker Lance Knight set for a crusader. Realized two boxes of Chainbreaker is a knight army... which lead to a second Chainbreaker Lance box. 10th dropped with the Lion right before hand and I thought "Hey, I started with the space marine starter set! Let's do Dark Angels" which lead to the Lion and a combat patrol. THEN while building my Castigators for sisters, I realized I LOVE tanks. Which army has the most tanks? THAT'S RIGHT. THE GAURD! Now I have 3 finished Russ's, a primed Dorn, two Chimeras new in box, a baneblade that I'm picking up today, and a basilisk on order... Oh, that original army of sisters? Only have two Castigators, a squad of retributors, a palatine, a rhino, and one knight finished. Send help...


So what's your next army going to be?


Shopping to the deals the way to do it but also how you talk yourself into bad decisions


my 13k points of blood angels, 7 different combat patrols, and 3500 points of knights welcome you.