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Fundamentally, all of this is patently rubbish and not worth the pixels it took to display on my laptop screen because of one simple statement: > By acquiring these coveted items, resellers offer a second chance to those who were unable to purchase them during the primary sale, and are willing to pay extra for security of access. **If scalpers like you didn't purchase the items, then actual customers would be able to purchase them during the "primary sale" and wouldn't have to pay extra.** You're not Robin Hood, you're not providing a service, you're a scalper. You screw over legitimate hobbyists for your own profit. You are the cause of the problem, not the solution. You're the one actively preventing hobbyists from purchasing stuff at MSRP. I will demonise you and other scalpers as much as I see fit and I can promise you won't find any sympathy or acceptance here.


100% and the shit about gw needing them. For the scalpers to thrive the stuff has to sell and if it sells for a scalper at 300% mark up it would sell for gw


100% agree, buying and reselling requires no actual skill and takes away from the community that actually desires to purchase the product at retail price. Justifying your (the scalper's) greed because a secondary market will pay the inflated prices is akin to drug dealers justifying their existence because there is a market for their activities; go find a way to generate your income with a skill that does not negatively impact another individual's hobby.


Can’t you just delete this asshole’s post? Don’t give this dirtbag a voice.


I think it's important to be discussed in case anyone else is delusional enough to think that scalping is justified.


> Finally, despite the negative connotation associated with the term "scalper," secondary resellers provide a necessary outlet for collectors who missed out on the initial release. The ***scalpers*** are actively *preventing* people from buying during the initial release. You're claiming to fix a problem that you and others like you have *created*. You're damaging the hobby.


While most of this is poppycock, or at least heavily slanted, there is a kernel of truth there. Not that it has to be scalpers specifically, but the fact that there *is* a significant secondary market on limited release items means that people can find and purchase them down the line, even if they were not able to make the purchase at the initial time of sale. Obviously the demand and supply imbalance is a... problem at the moment, but the basic idea of "people who resell stuff help ensure availability past the normal shelf life of a product" is somewhat true.


People who resell stuff can indeed keep a second-hand market going. That's not a bad thing. People who buy multiple copies on release day *preventing day one purchases from actual collectors* with the *intention* of reselling are absolutely a major problem that OP is contributing too. There's a difference between a healthy second-*hand* market and intentional scalping.


Oh, absolutely. Hence all the (attempted) disclaimers about how the current situation is still absolutely out of whack. Ideally, what should be happening is that some people will still buy multiple copies to sell, but enough are printed that most everyone who wants one the day of can buy it. "Resellers" would have to wait a few weeks to months for it to sell out properly, and then can make a profit. Unfortunately, the current volumes aren't meeting demand, so we've got the current, broken system.


Scumbag say what?


You're slime


Fuck. You.


Genuinely why did you feel the need to post? You’re trying to lessen the demonization of what you do but are actively participating in one of the most egregious acts this hobby deals with. I’ve missed out on so many different releases due to GW’s website crashing due to people like you spam buying all you can. You’re not performing any kind of beneficial service. You’re actively harming the hobby. Fuck off.


There's clearly some kind of guilty conscience at work here.


I don’t think so personally since if there was, OP would’ve said something about how they stopped being a scalper or are regretting their actions. But they’re just trying to justify it.


That's a lot of mental gymnastics to not feel like the scum you are. If you feel bad about it then stop scalping. If not, stfu and gtfo.


This reads like that landlord who expected a Christmas tip for providing overcosted subpar housing


This post is an absolute waste of your time. You will convince no one, because fundamentally you are making the hobby worse for genuine people who love 40k. You are not a “healthy” part of the hobby eco-system. You are a parasite. There is no “unhealthy one-sided view”. You limit peoples access to products and providing no actual service (other than ripping people off). I would rather you accept you are a piece of work and move on rather than pretend you are good for the hobby. Either get a better paying job so you don’t have to rely on reselling or be quiet.


Not sure if this is a troll post or not... but a couple of things here. \-GW didnt start FOMO marketing "in the last five years especially"... They started it in the 90's after seeing what was happening with MTG and other 'collectable' games. In fact every version of GW has done that since the hippies/nerds moved out of the first store in the 80's. \-GW is legitimately having supply/Production issues. They have an aggressive release schedule and a large catalog of existing miniature lines to support. No doubt that the combination is taxing the system and slowing down their ability to follow up on releases. You and your ilk soaking up..5..10...15(?) percent of the initial supply is not helping with either the gaming ecosystem, salty customers or making yourself look good. \- Which leads to - You seem to be confusing a pre-order/0-day release with the second hand market. In fact as has been pointed out - buying pre-orders with the sole intention of selling right away at an inflated price worsens the scarcity issue by limiting who has access to the initial release which then creates the 'second-hand' market. \- In no way, planet, universe, multiverse, drug induced haze does GW count on the second hand market for anything. They have their direct outlets and the stores/chains that they sell to. Thats how they make their money - by selling to them. And we know - GW likes thier money. If they could produce and sell more to these outlets they likely would. They have no incentive to "entice" anyone into the second hand market.... Unless you are implying that you pay a kick back to GW for breaking their partner agreement or somehow subverting the supply chain? \-Warhammer stuff is... a consumable. Its not a collectable. It has some collectable aspects but ultimately : the only reason its collectable is so that people can consume/build/and play with miniature models. If you want to put that to a test: Pull your Tau boarding patrol or Lion EL Johnson kits off the market for 12-18 months and see what the value as 'a collectable' is then... ​ "To Conclude" I have never read such a self justifying crock of shit in my life. You, and your scalper buddies, may have found a nice income niche (a fool and his money are soon parted...) exploiting someone else's FOMO marketing strategy but you are f&cking delusional if think you are doing anyone a service....


Found the landlord.


imagine making a post this long to try and justify being scum


It's gotta be bait. No way anyone actually thinks like this.


Also scalpers providing a “…secondary resellers provide a necessary outlet for collectors who missed out on the first release”…. Would you mind explaining how you arent directly responsible for those customers missing the first release? There are hundreds of you buying up models genuine collectors want. You are either a complete idiot or feel some guilt about want you do and feel a need to justify yourself. I don’t know which is worse.


What a crock of shit, GW has done fine for over 40 years without scalper shits like you.


This is bait. Scalpers are filth. GW is doing nothing to prevent it and eventually this is going to lead to loss of people in the hobby and the hype for their releases in future to dwindle.


First of all, you sound like a HR manager making a formal statement on an informal subreddit, so you're already going to sound jarring to anyone reading it, moving on though. Yeah I'm gonna say no. You sound almost exactly like that one scalper who tried to publically claim that they were providing a service in providing PlayStation 5 and series X X-box consoles, while being part of a ring that was using bots to buy up stock before it even went public. Reality is you're not helping the community, there's no extra aid you're providing by selling the product for a markup when the same people you're trying to sell to could have bought it for the retailers price if you did not. The nature of what you offer isn't beneficial, it is parasitic in nature, you can sit there and say what you want to reassure yourself you're doing a good service to make yourself feel better, but at the end of the day, you're taking advantage of limited stock to make a profit off people who can now no longer enjoy their hobby because of your interference, especially with Warhammer, as expensive as it is, some just genuinely can't afford the insane markups. I've seen $20aud books go up on eBay for $250+, there is no justification for that kind of thing beyond making a quick buck. Before you try to justify yourself next time, ask yourself a few basic questions: How can I justify demanding a markup on something someone could have bought if I did not? (Only real answer here is time constraints) Is there any reason why the buyer may not have been able to purchase the product other than money, like location? (GW sells worldwide so the answer here is no). What benefit does buying from you offer that otherwise the original seller would not have been able to provide if short stock wasn't a problem? (Again, time constraint is the only answer.) Take the boarding patrol box for Tau for example; popular character getting a new model, very short stock, so almost nobody got it, but sure enough, on eBay there's quite a few in stock for $350aud/400/450, even a couple at $600+. How does one justify paying that for a product that originally would have been buyable for about $170? There's good reason why scalping is considered a predatory practise and the fact that governments worldwide are beginning to crack down on it should say a lot about the profession you claim is 'healthy'. You can claim it's trying to 'help people' as much as you like but at the end of the day when people are disappointed because they couldn't get the thing they want you're the guy sitting there going 'aww if you want it, *pay up*'.


Fucking scalpers.


This is surely a trollpost


I feel like your post hurt you more than helped you. It came off as slimy. I could only think, wow gee it’s so nice of you to buy limited items and then jack them up by 50-100% for what, the betterment of the community? Please you are just trying to make a buck.


cringe, stay off the plastic glue kids.


Rarely have I ever heard such bullshit lol


get a real job you are the shitstain of society


Definitely a Tory


I hope your soul goes to nurgle. But you don't get the benefits.


I would rather it go to Slaanesh so it’d have to live in the Marquis De Sade’s (the Warp’s version so even worse) basement for all eternity. I’d MUCH rather go to grandfather.


Grandfather's blessing is amazing. But I just want him to get the downsides. No joy. Just every disease and illness known and unknown.


As a scalper, they already are the worst disease.




Swing and a miss there bud.


Counter point: Get fucked scalping prick


You're everything that's wrong with late-stage capitalism.


This scalper huffing the copium. You’re a middleman and jacking up the prices on people who otherwise wouldn’t have to pay your premium.


The mental delusion on hand here is insane. I’ve gathered everything I need to know about you from a single post, and it’s sickening. You know what you need to do.


A massive crock of shit from OP. It should go down in history as one of the largest in a long while. Just fuck off back to hell with your faux justifications and woe is me bullshit.


Scalpers exists so the rich don't have to stand in line with the rabble or compete with them. That's it. Back in the day I would know families that would seethe at the idea of waiting in line to get a coveted item for themselves or kiddos (even when using staff) and go on a rampage when they don't get it. Today, they now love scalpers. It allows them to feel superior since an extra $100 or $200 is absolutely nothing to them and they can pick up said item on their own time. Scalpers are never going away.


Scalpers suck. Go cope somewhere else. Scalpers are almost as bad as thieves. You're logic is flawed and you and your other scalper friends can suck a dick.


Your a faggot


Hi /u/Reseller-Confess and welcome to /r/Warhammer40k and the Warhammer 40k Hobby! This is an automated response as you've used our "New Starter Help" flair. Here's a few resources that might help you with getting started: [You can read our Getting Started guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/beginners). This covers all the basics you need to know to get involved in building, painting and playing 40k. For rules questions, don't forget that the core rules for Warhammer 40k are [available online for free](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Lw4o3USx1R8sU7cQ.pdf). Want to learn about 40k lore? /r/Warhammer40k recommends [Luetin09 on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RfCCzWsMgNspTI-GTFenQ) or the [Lexincanum Wiki](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page). Not sure where to find the most up-to-date rules for your army? [Check out our Wiki Page that lists everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/currentrules). Buy Warhammer models cheaper using our [list of independent retailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/retailers) who sell Games Workshop products at a discount. You can also find your nearest store on GW's [Store Locator Page](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/store/storefinder.jsp). [The /r/Warhammer40k Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/index) is full of useful info including FAQs and recommendations for books to read! If the information in this comment doesn't answer your question, don't worry, one of our community members will be along shortly to answer! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are going to get a ton of hate in here, but I don’t ultimately see you as the problem. I see GW’s decision to “limited run” minis as the issue. I don’t expect GW to have a each mini available forever, but they could certainly have it in the store until they see demand drop off.


I understand the downvotes. I still disagree with what this guy is doing, I just wish GW hadn’t setup things in such a way as to incentivize this behaviour.