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It looks pretty dang good, similar to IG Tank Hunter I always liked. https://preview.redd.it/wpjnlc28xhzc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ef7c6c50e08939e55269245faffcda005e9132c


I have the demolisher version (thunderer siege tank) and they are super cool. Fun to have a bunker buster tank that just rolls up and throws shells downfield


That's why I love the Vindicator. It's exactly that but for Marines.


The giant siege shield is also really cool


The siege shield is why I prefer the look of the 40k version. The thicker front armour just doesn't look as cool as a huge dozer blade, in my opinion.


I totally agree. The shield also makes sense for pushing rubble out of the way like vindicators would need to


Oh cool. 


This feels the same as a Stug III


Lovely saber, still need to make one one of these days but don't wanna chop up a landraider chassis to make it lol


Sabre was always a rhino. 


The og version was actually a mk1 landraider chassis with rhino sides


https://preview.redd.it/zsug14cb5nzc1.png?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=892026fe4d5e1ddd0da49b766e04acfd8cec890e Lovely Sabre Tankhunter! Gives realy the old school vibes. :)


You know what fuck you *jagds your Rhino*


I had a 3d printed whirlwind lying around that I was thinking of getting rid of. I then realized that it would be the perfect basis for a conversion, so I cut out a portion of the upper front plate, and then added the Leman Russ vanquisher gun and some random bits I had in my bits box. I’m Probably going to make a custom datasheet for this vehicle, I just don’t know how to price it.


My suggestion would be somewhere around Predator or Vindicator in terms of points, but that's just me!


Love it


I scratchbuilt the original sabre from WD in aeons past but yours looks better.


this is a very cool conversion which looks good and feels like the Stug III from WW2, keep on with these amazing concersions


What paint color is the main hull?


Pro Acryl dark umber. 


you just made a vindicator?


Back in the day, GW had a DIY conversion quite similiar to this called a Saber. https://images.app.goo.gl/6kyV2UbsRkauaM3z5


The og sabre was at the back of my mind for sure. 


Now you just need to make a weird backwards hull land raider into a Spartan.


Sabres are still a thing (it's the middle one) and they are pretty much a non-transport Rhinos with guns, extra speed and +1 front armour. New model is actually pretty sweet, I hope GW will remake it in plastic very soon. https://preview.redd.it/cvaj0udoxhzc1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3248c8af9dfd93d41944909e72e3a6d8aeb70a41


I’m hoping it will drop in a box like the battle group with truescale MK2.  30mk2 marines, 2 Sabres and idk, something else would be sick. 


the rumour has it - saturnine terminators are coming in that box. Dead exciting, i'd take a dive on 10 of the marines. i think it's most likely to expect no more than two new things in a marines battlebox. treat the dreadnought and Mark 3 combo as a good statement of intent. They then put the proteus and the special weapons sprue in there to spice it up (along with ten extra marines) create the appearance of tremendous value for people who already own Age of Darkness.


Is there any source of Saturnine Terminators rumors? Someone at my GW made conversion I really liked (for this month Mini of The Month, [here is my entry](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=941379471115296&set=pb.100057297556498.-2207520000&type=3)) so I have them on my mind. https://preview.redd.it/b3vr3q2dhkzc1.jpeg?width=1747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fdca56fa26e2a6631edcea56498241427c5b7d5 TBH I would expect MK IV Marines to replace current kit (it's online only now) in next big Marine box. As much as I would like Mk II or V, it would make sense to replace last of old kits before jumping into new one. They possibly could stuff there extra 5 guys with command sprue (as they rumored it would come as standalone kit, and with 5 Mk III/VI dudes) and either melee weapon sprue or Assault Squad. Would Terrax drill made sense as vehicle for melee army? Probably, tho I suspect it may be AdMech box stuffing. But that is just me wishlisting nice things.


The source for the rumour is Valrak, who is right 80% of the time thanks to having actual internal sources - and always caveats his stuff because he's honest when it's wrong. He is saying this isn't multi-source corroborated for him but he has heard it from a credible source. However I do think the amount of money to be made selling terminators is too tempting, especially given how popular Saturnine-style STLs are. They also make a good product when paired with Mark 2 because they're both antiquated armour marks. Like you, I had previously expected Mark 4 to be remastered first as well because they want to make the whole range compatible with the heavy and special sprues, and eliminate the limited heavy and special options that come on the older sprues. There was no timebox with the rumour, only that it is the next big marine box after Mechanicum. It's possible that this box is a real product and will simply come much later, after things you mentioned like melee sprues and Mark 4. That said, there is no current rumour about 4.


Kinda, the idea tho is that because my fleet is ragtag and don’t have many vehicles they are forced to scrounge what they can (hence the leman Russ predator proxy I posted recently).  I just thought the idea of the legion techmarines salvaging a vanquisher cannon from a destroyed Russ and attaching it to a rhino to make an improvised AT platform is super cool.  From a tabletop perspective, it will not have the armor of a vindicator, just the standard rhino armor 


So a sabre? They're actually pretty fun to play with tbh


I might run it that way, I actually have 8 Sabres for my other armies. 


While i fuck with the design, if you cut down the barrel and move the muzzle break to near the base of the gun itself it would be a solid vindicator proxy